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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reflection – Narrative Essay Practice – Section 5 - Sept. 30

Review and respond to one of the following narrative essay exercises - and will assist you with Test #1.  It will be to your benefit to review both.

Further reflect on today's overall activities.


  1. Narrative Essay Practice #1
    The controlling idea of the passage "Cops Can Be Human" is that Officer Jenkins is different from other cops because he is humane and treats the women in prison as ladies. It can also be seen in the following excerpt from the passage. After spending six months in a county jail where no cop ever said anything nice to me, I was not expecting to meet any here in the state prison that I would call "human." The paragraph also contains multiple examples that support the controlling idea like calling the women by their given name rather than a nickname or greeting the women good night before they went to sleep during lockdown. These examples are also organized using exemplification, for the speaker is stating several instances in which Officer Jenkins displayed kindness to the women. It is also true that the examples from the paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. The speaker also tells the paragraph from the first person (narrative) point of view.

  2. Narrative Essay Practice #2
    The unit that is being divided would be the last sentence of the first paragraph being, "As a hero she was courageous, persistent, and willing to sacrifice herself." We see the writer will divide their writing on how he/she expresses the attributes and abilities of Susan B. Anthony as a hero. The principle of this essay would be Susan B. Anthony expressing the idea of equality in America from her fight against alcohol to the women suffrage act; portrayal of a hero of equal rights. There are five parts to this unit of having an introduction, body, and a closing paragraph. The introduction has a strong thesis of Susan B. Anthony's heroic traits she owns. The body having the supported details by the many activities she participated and fought for. Lastly the conclusion of her life's fight for equality. The point of view is expressed in a third person point of view by the writer expressing Susan B. Anthony's career.

  3. Narrative Essay Practice #1
    The paragraph's controlling idea is that the writer never expected to meet a "cop" in prison that she would call "human" until she met Officer Jenkins. She lists multiple examples of Officer Jenkins treating the prisoners humanely such as referring to them by their first names even when they have done something wrong, singing goodnight instead of yelling at them for lights out, and rather than making a lot of noise when doing checks, he would move quietly to not disturb their sleep. By the organized examples, we can see this is exemplification. The examples given in this paragraph are able to give a vivid image, with specific detail, and represent the writers focus very well. We can tell this is written in the first person by the use of "I" and "us".

  4. Narrative Essay Practice #1
    I believe the controlling idea would be that the person would never meet a cop that they would call a "human" until they met the person or should I say cop. She lists multiple examples of why Officer Jenkins is considered a human to her than other cops she has met. Such as calling the her and the inmates by their first names. The inmates are usually using their last names or nicknames to be their names in jail. The type of order would have to be exemplification because she basically explains why Officer Jenkins is a "human". I believe it is true that the examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. The point of view in this paragraph is first person because she is involved in the story and she is also a character in the story.

  5. Narrative Essay Practice #2
    The specific unit being divided in "Susan B. Anthony: Hero in Bloomers" is the final sentence of the introduction paragraph which is "As a hero she was courageous, persistent, and willing to sacrifice self." The writer explains the traits that make Susan B. Anthony a hero throughout the essay. The principle function of the essay is Susan B. Anthony's views on equality and what actions she took to try and make it happen. In this narrative essay it is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, the next three parts are the supports which make up the body, and the last part is the conclusion. The point of view used in the essay's body and conclusion was third person.

  6. Narrative essay practice #1. Cops Can Be Human
    The controlling idea in "Cops Can Be Humans" is that not all correctional officers (cops) treat inmates poorly. Officer Jenkins treated these inmates with respect. Multiple examples were given in the passage such as Officer Jenkins acknowledging these women by their given names wether they did good or wrong. Instead of yelling and making noises to signal that lights were to be turned off and rooms needed to be checked, he simply sings a song and makes his way through. These examples are organized by exemplification listing the actions of officer Jenkins being humane. The paragraph being vivid, specific, and representative is true with it having a first-person point of view.

  7. Narrative essay practice #1. Cops Can Be Human
    The controlling idea of this paragraph is that not all cops treat inmates disrespectfully. There were many examples of Officer Jenkins treating inmates justly. Such examples include Jenkins calling inmates by their names, treating ladies with with respect, and being quiet and respectful before the inmates went to sleep. These examples are organized through exemplification. The examples were a list of the good doings of Officer Jenkins. The paragraph is true to be vivid, specific and representative. The paragraph is told through an inmate in first person.

  8. Narrative essay practice #1 Cops can be human
    The controlling idea of this paragraph is that not all cops are bad. An example would be Officer Jenkins himself. He should respect to the women, he called them by their first name and he sang them a song that he made himself just before they were about to sleep. These examples were organized by exemplification and were true to be vivid, specific, and representative. This paragraph also showed a first-person point of view.

  9. Narrative Essay Practice #1: Cops Can Be Human
    The controlling idea of the paragraph is that not all cops treat the inmates badly. The writer mentions correctional officer Jenkins in her paragraph that he treats the inmates as they are human. In the paragraph there are multiple examples of officer Jenkins kindness to the women in prison. One would be that officer Jenkins refers to the women by their given names, and another example is that he is not rude to ladies when it is time for “lights out”, instead he would sing a song to remind each girl in the prison row. The examples are organized with exemplification. She has a detailed description of her experience, thus making her point of view in this paragraph, first person.

  10. Narrative Essay Practice #1: Cops Can Be Human
    The controlling idea of this paragraph is that not all cops are bad and treat inmates poorly. There are multiple examples in this paragraph explaining why Officer Jenkins isn't like other cops. One example would be that Officer Jenkins refers to the inmates by their given names, and another example would be how he isn't rude to them when it is time for bed. The type of examples ordered would be exemplification. I believe that it is true that the examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific and representative. This essay is a first person, (narrative) point of view.

  11. Narrative Essay Practice #1: Cops Can Be Human
    The controlling idea of this paragraph is that "Cops Can Be Human". There are multiple examples that support the controlling idea such as Jenkins calling the inmates by their first names, and he had a little song telling the inmates goodnight and telling them it's time to kill the lights. The writer used exemplification which the author states instances in which the office actually display kindness. I believe that is it true that the examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. This is a first person point of view.

  12. Narrative Essay Practice # 2:
    1. The unit being divided is Susan B Anthony
    2. Her heroic traits is the principle of function
    3. The unit is divided into three parts: the intro, the body and the conclusion.
    4. The sequence of the unit is in time order
    5. The essay is told in third person point of view

    I am still waiting for the class to be more interesting. It was repetitive, as usual.

    1. Narrative Essay Practice # 1
      1. The controlling idea of this paragraph is that not all cops are bad.
      2. There are multiple examples such as Jenkins calling the inmates by their first name and telling them it's time to kill the lights.
      3. It uses Time Order
      4. I think that it is true.
      5. This is in the first person point of view.

      As for the last class, nothing really changes from day to day. I come in and know what we are going to do, which is read, do activities, and then wait for class to be over. I mean that's how I view it.

  13. Narrative Essay Practice 1:
    1. Controlling idea for this paragraph is that not all cops are bad.
    2. There are multiple examples.
    3. Exemplification
    4. True for all three.
    5. The point of view for this paragraph is first person.

    For the last classes activities we're okay. We reviewed material that was going to be in test. Now I can make a study guide from that & start going through it.

  14. Narrative Essay Practice 1:
    1. The controlling idea for this paragraph would be not all cops are bad.
    2. Multiple examples
    3. Exemplification and Space and time
    4. True for all three.
    5. Point of view: First person

    Today's class was good.
