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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reflection - Narrative Essay – Section 6 - Sept. 11

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what a narrative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which narrative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #2. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A Narrative Essay in my own opinion is a an essay that basically tells a story. It tells either a fictional or non-fictional story which entertains the readers in such ways. A Narrative Essay is used to express thoughts, ideas, and events in a creative and an emotional manner. If the essay is written to tell a story it must include introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax and the conclusion. Always have a specific purpose and write about the main point of the story you are revealing to your readers. Remember to write with a clear point of view and always be organized with your sentences and your essay structure.

    I chose to write about a Memorable Journey that I had back in high school. Having to meet new friends and experiencing new things that time was something new to me. Now when I look back I can write it down as a story and just laugh at myself.

    1. Writing about a memorable journey is an excellent topic, because it is something you have experienced that has impacted your life. When writing about this topic, you will be able to specifically write about what you felt, thought, etc. at the time. It will surely be an effectively essay if written properly. I strongly encourage you to use this topic.

    2. I agree. Just like descriptive essay, you need to be organized and critical when choosing words to use. Just because you're telling a story, you don't have to just literally 'tell a story'. Of course there should be clarity and purpose.

    3. Making sure to be specific and organized is important. I agree that it is like telling a story as well. Just the thought that someone has a memorable journey makes me want to read something like that already.

    4. It is great that you chose to write about a topic you are comfortable to narrate about. If a writer was not confident in what he or she wants to describe about, the essay may not sound as realistic or even enjoyable.

    5. I agree. Its simply like telling a story. Also, telling a story about a journey would bring up so many ideas. It helps, because you went through it and coluld explain everything in detail.

    6. Your description of what a narrative essay is very brief. Talking about your memories back in high school is a great topic because there are many good and bad experiences during that point of your life. You get to meet and socialize with different people.

  2. A narrative essay can be from a person's point of view, by experience, or simply just a story. These essays have a characters. They also have morals to teach the readers a lesson.

    1. I agree, narrative essays contain characters and also can teach readers a valuable lesson.

    2. I also agree that narratives do teach the readers a lesson. It could also show how the narrator felt when writing their certain experience, which is interesting to read.

    3. I can't disagree. As Ozwald mentioned, narrative essays contain many helpful life lessons.

    4. I agree. Having a reader read a narrative story, he or she should end up with a thoughtful lesson.

  3. In my own opinion, I believe that a narrative essay is just telling a story. Stories are meant to have a purpose, otherwise, it would not be so interesting. It is a story that consists of an introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion.
    I would choose to write about a dangerous experience. When you encounter dangerous situations, you seem to learn a lot of what to do and what not to do, especially when it comes to life and death situations. Writing about that will most definitely give me a purpose to my writing.

    1. I agree with you. Stories with a clear purpose can keep the readers interested. When readers can follow the story, it will be much more enjoyable for them thus keeping them interested in reading more about it. It is important to not bore the readers.

    2. I'd love to read stories like that! I had a little obsession before on what to do on dangerous situations, and it really got me. Good luck!

    3. From what we read and what we learned before, everyone's probably gonna agree that a writing a narrative essay is like story telling. At least that is how i see it. Your topic seems really interesting! I wish i could talk about my dangerous experiences but its embarrassing at the same time.

    4. I agree with your topic, you learn great deal of information from experiencing dangerous situations.

    5. Having an intro, plot, characters, settings, climax, and conclusion are very important when writing a narrative essay. Your topic will definitely not bore the reader because it seems very exciting!

  4. To me, a narrative essay is an essay focused on personal experiences. It normally consists of creative and well thought out words to ensure that a writer can thoroughly express themselves. It is essential when writing a narrative essay that writers organize the sequence of occurrences and use specific details in order to make it simpler for readers to catch on and follow. If I were to write a narrative essay, I would choose an event that marked a turning point in my life. This topic stuck out to me, because I felt it would be a topic I could really get into and clearly express my thoughts and opinions.

    1. Indeed, narrative essay is a good way to showcase your capacity in writing effectively. Having a topic that you know so well and comes from the heart is an advantage.

    2. A narrative essay does seem easy when we realize that we can write about our very own experiences. Imagine narrating a story with no connection, feeling, or even an idea about some random topic. Specifications make the whole essay sound a lot better, especially when these details are true.

    3. Organization is always one thing to think about. Always have to make sure the essay makes sense and isn't out of place. You must have a reason to choosing that topic and I hope your experience pointed you to a better path in life.

    4. It truly is important to be able to express yourself when writing a narrative essay. It would really help the read feel the way you were feeling in that certain situation.

    5. I agree. A narrative essay should have an order. It should also have a purpose. It should teach the reader a lesson.

    6. Putting the events in order is very important in writing a narrative essay so the reader can fully understand the story. Hopefully having that experience gave you a lesson which you can apply in the future.

  5. Just like descriptive essay, narrative essay gives you the freedom to write what you want. The derivation of the narrative is narrate which also means to give a spoken or written account. For short, tell a story. And of course when telling a story, you should have your basic parts such as introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion. But everything differs depending on your narrative essay. And just like any other stories, it should makes sense/purpose and organized. I'd probably choose to write my first day at a new school.

    1. Yes, a narrative essay should have a purpose and be organized. It is key in writing a well written essay. On another note, writing about your first day at a new school is a great choice. You will have plenty of things to talk about including the environment, the people, etc.

    2. I like how you describe what a narrative essay is. What you said gives a clear outline of what a narrative should look like when a writer creates it. It is like a journal or diary in a way, but in a more organized fashion.

    3. First day of school would be a good topic to write about. You experience a new school and get to meet new people.

    4. I agree that it gives you a freedom to write what you want but with the addition of a purpose and written in a more organized fashion.

    5. I really agree with your first sentence. This writing offers authors to write what they want. In this regard, I think I get a new idea regarding the definition of narrative essay.

    6. I agree to your point of view. The parts should all be in your narrative essay. There must be a solution in the end or if there are any lesson learned base from what your topic is about.

  6. A narrative essay would be just like telling a story. It is a way of expressing yourself. A writer would tell of an experience freely. Like a descriptive essays, there will or should be details that would trigger the reader's senses. If a person was to writer a story it will need to have general parts of a story. Just like writing anything else, your work must have a main point or topic and come from a specific point of view. I would write about a frightening experience.

    1. I believe that narrative essays should be detailed also. A good narrative essay must let his reader feel that he is in the same picture/situation.

    2. A narrative essay can surely be a way of expressing yourself. The writer will have the freedom to write creatively to try and captivate the readers. I agree with the fact that a main topic and a specific standpoint is important when writing your essay.

    3. I agree with what you said about writing a narrative essay still means having a topic sentence. The details that a writer puts down needs to be well written in order for the readers to have a good comprehension towards the written work. Narrative essays do seem similar to a descriptive essay.

    4. Narrative essays is a way of the author to express themselves freely. It can show what kind of personality they have, what they feel or felt or what they thought at the time. I really enjoy reading narratives because it can create a mini movie inside one's head.

    5. I think narrative should be telling a story but I cast doubt on your idea that it would be JUST like that. I can't come up with any examples that rebut your opinion but I am sure there will be other forms.

  7. To write a narrative essay means to write in full detail about an event that means something personally or not to the writer. Most people prefer to write real accounts of significant events in their life. I think that a narrative essay is subjective. I would write about my first day at my job, because this event happened pretty recent to me. Today, I chose to attend class, because as I said before, I prefer learning in a classroom instead through online websites. I enjoyed practicing stage 2 of the writing process. I feel more confident in creating topic sentences for essays now. I will continue to practice the rest of the exercises on the pages we reviewed on today.

    1. I agree with your meaning of a narrative essay. People tend to write about significant events of their lives because it's something they can remember well and might have affected them in a certain way.

    2. I am one of those people who like to write about real accounts. It may get too personal but as long as we know our boundaries it should be fine. But we all know that the excitement occurs when we don't hold back on what we write.

    3. I believe that giving full detail of our stories make it more interesting. I bet if we held back on the most embarrassing things that happened, our stories would become too stale and the reader will become less interested. It may even be the purpose of our stories, so feel free to write even the most embarrassing moments and just know your limits.

  8. A narrative essay to me is like a description of a story from a first person point of view. The topic I would choose would be a memorable journey around California with my family. It was the summer of 2012 and I had made a lot of good memories there.

    1. I agree that these types of essays are more of a first persons point of view, because it is pretty difficult to try and teach a lesson when you have not even learned that yourself.

    2. I would say that topic would be a good story to tell. Family time is always the best. You're very lucky to have had that experience in California.

    3. I think this is accurate and brief definition of narrative essay. I agree with your opinion.

    4. I agree. I would probably choose a time I spent with my family. It brings up a whole bunch of ideas.

    5. Your topic will really catch the reader's attention especially if he / she has not been in California.

  9. A narrative essay is an essay telling a story with the use of sequence of events. The setting, climax, characters, plot, introduction and conclusion have to be named. Narrative essay is the same as descriptive essay, you need to be detailed with the story so that the reader will understand you clearly. Since you are the writer in the story it wouldn't be wrong to use "I" but don't over used it. if I were to write a narrative essay I would choose a memorable wedding or funeral.

    1. When writing a narrative, it is imperative to be detailed with the story. If there aren't any details to explain what happened or to portray the story completely, the reader wouldn't fully understand where the author is coming from. Without details the story would be vague and become boring to the reader.

  10. A narrative essay is an essay which tells a story. It means that every author who is writing a narrative essay is most likely to share their experience or memories from their own life, or sometimes retell a story from the third person point of view. In its completion, a narrative essay is a story-telling article with has its plot, culmination, and ending.
    In comparison to a descriptive essay, which is more of a “how to do” or “how does it look like” essay, a narrative essay also answers the question “how”, but it looks more like a complete story, not just a description of a particular experience.
    The topic I would choose to write about would be a memorable journey.

  11. I think that a narrative essay is a writing which I tell a story, meaning that I am the one who describe the story. This writing can be from experience, memory or story of other people. This essay should be vivid and descriptive so that the readers can enjoy and get interested.
    The topic I chose is 13.

  12. Writing a narrative essay is similar to telling a story. The begging must be relevant to the rest of the story, so the reader could follow along. The ending of a narrative story should end with a lesson. I would choose to do a narrative essay about a memorable vacation trip I took when I was a child.

  13. Narrative essay is basically telling a story. If I were to select a topic, I would write about my pregnancy last year because it really taught me important lessons in life.

  14. A narrative essay is you or someone else telling a story. When writing a story you have to make sure to stay on topic because once you curve and talk about something else one way or another your reader will get confused. The topic I would choose to write about is memorable journey.

  15. its basically telling a story. i agree with all my classmates on the "staying on topic " part because if you go off topic, the audience will lose interest in listening . its very important to stay on topic. the narrative topic i would choose would probably be all about me because i know myself better than anyone.
