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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reflection – Narrative Essay Practice – Section 6 - Sept. 30

Review and respond to one of the following narrative essay exercises - and will assist you with Test #1.  It will be to your benefit to review both.

Further reflect on today's overall activities.


  1. Narrative Essay Practice #1:

    The controlling idea of the essay is that cops can be human just like officer Jenkins who showed kindness and humanity in many ways. There were multiple examples that were given in the essay about officers Jenkins. Like (1) calling prisoners in first names. (2) When checking rooms at night, instead of yelling, he would sing their names saying goodnight. (3) And he doesn't make noise when checking for the second time. He always emphasize that other cops don't do that. He organized the essay using exemplification. The examples that are given are vivid, specific, and representative. You would really think that officer Jenkins is different from most cops by the information that he gave. The point of view used was first person.

    1. I agree with everything, but I think the writer is a woman.

    2. For the most part, you answered the questions well. However, you may want to look over question three.

  2. What is the controlling idea of the paragraph?
    The controlling idea would be that officer Jenkins possessed human characteristics showing that not all cops are cruel. He was nice and treated inmates like himself excluding the fact that he locks them up when time comes.

    In this paragraph, it there a single example or multiple examples?
    There are multiple examples that support the controlling idea.

    What type of order organizes the examples?
    Because examples are being provided, I would say that there would be exemplification. The author is also in detail about the setting. It is happening over the time she got there until she goes to bed.

    The examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. True or false?
    I think it is true.

    What is the point of view in this paragraph?
    It is in a first person point of view.

    1. I agree, officer Jenkins is nice and he showed the writer that not all cops are the same.

    2. It seems that mostly everyone chose to answer the first narrative practice. In class, the answer for question three is time order though. Other than that great job. Hope you do well on the exam on Monday. Aren't you glad you came to class today? At least we have a better idea on what to study.

    3. the 4th question is really true , the paragraph was vivid and specific.

    4. Officer Jenkins is really the type of cop that everyone must idolize. Despite of his position, he still respects the inmates.

  3. 1. The controlling idea is that cops can be "human'.
    2. a.Officer Jenkins called the prisoners by first names.
    b. He sang using their names while saying goodnight.
    c. He didn't make any noise and just moved along while checking the inmates.
    3. He used exemplifications
    4. True
    5. First person point of view

    1. Good job answering the questions about the passage. However, I advise you to look over question three again. You may catch your error after looking at a second time.

    2. Add "it" to previous comment

    3. the third question's answer is time order :) just try and re read and check how the author did the examples.

    4. Straight up answers haha. We all seem to have the same answers about the first narrative essay practice one, but we do have to look over question 3.

    5. Oh yeah. We discussed that the answer for number 3 is time order. My bad. We all pretty much had the same answers for that specific question.

  4. The controlling idea of the paragraph is that cops can be human. The writer speaks highly of officer Jenkins because he is humane and does not treat the inmates like animals. The paragraph has multiple examples such as calling inmates by their first name, singing their names which signified lights out, and even though they made noises after lights out, he'd move along quietly. The type of organization the writer uses is exemplification because the paragraph displays several examples, which are vivid, specific, and representative. The point of view in this paragraph is first person.

    1. Great job answering the questions about the passage. You may want to look over question three though. Yes, the passage did provide many examples but that is not what the question is asking for.

    2. I agree with you and like how you answered the questions. What john said, number three has to be looked over because i made the same mistake as well. In class we were corrected. It's actually time order.

  5. The controlling idea of this paragraph was that the writer didn't think she'll ever meet a cop that would say nice things to her and show his human side until she met a correctional officer named Jenkins. There are multiple examples that support the controlling idea such as Jenkins calling the inmates by the name they were given when they moved in. Instead of yelling at them to turn the lights out, he had a little song telling the inmates goodnight and telling them it's time to kill the lights. He even checks up on them more than once without disturbing them. The examples are organized by the order of exemplification, the writer expresses how kind, humane, and different Jenkins is from the other cops. The examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. I can imagine myself being treated like right if I was in jail and he was the officer there. I can tell by the way the writer writes about Jenkins, that he is an officer who treats inmates right and gets them to cooperate without being bad to them. This is a first person point of view (narrative).

    1. Your answers help me a lot to think in other ways. Your answer is really good.

    2. I did the second narrative essay, but I worked on the first as well. Your answers are similar to mine. Today is Wednesday, October 02, and I attended class. We practiced on writing different introductory paragraphs. It was difficult at first, but overall, it was helpful. Good job at reading!

    3. Your response helped me. The way you worded it makes it clear. Good answer.

  6. Narrative Essay Practice #2

    The specific unit being divided is Susan B. Anthony's heroic qualities. This can be found in the last sentence of the first paragraph. It says that Susan was "...courageous, persistent, and willing to sacrifice herself." The principle of function in this analysis is the idea that Susan fought for for many people's rights against all odds, and in the end, she is seen as a hero. The unit is divided into three parts with each a paragraph. The first part was about why she was courageous. The second part was about her persistence. the third part is about how she willingly sacrificed herself to prove that everyone deserves equal rights. The sequence that organizes the unit is a five paragraph essay. It begins with an introduction paragraph of the writer and her connection to Susan B. Anthony. The writer is proud to have her name similar to this hero. The next three paragraphs are the supporting paragraphs of how Susan is a hero. The last paragraph is the Concluding one, ending on a note that women should all know and thank Ms. Anthony for all her sacrifices and hard work. The point of view in the essay's body and conclusion is a third person point of view, because the paragraphs contains the word she, which refers to Susan B. Anthony.

    1. After doing the first practice, I decided to do the second one. I agree with your answers.

    2. Your answer is mostly same as my answer, meaning that I agree with your ideas.

    3. Your answers are really specific and good, even if I didn't do this paragraph I read it and I agree with your answers too.

    4. You are one of the few who worked on the second essay. I agree with Juleen. Your answers are specific.

    5. The second essay seemed hard but you were able to answer them correctly.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Narrative Essay Practice #1

    The controlling idea of the passage is that cops can be human. Officer Jenkins is one of the cops considered human because he is different from other cops. He is humane and treats the women in prison equally and as individuals. The paragraph contains multiple examples that support the controlling idea like how Officer Jenkins would call the women by their given name or sang a little song telling them good night before they went to sleep. Other examples also explained how Officer Jenkins was unlike other cops. These examples are organized using exemplification, the author is stating several instances in which Officer Jenkins displayed kindness to the women and how he is considered human. I believe that the examples from the paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. The examples really provide support for the main idea. The point of view in this paragraph is first person because the author is telling her story herself.

    1. Great job answering the questions about the passage. However, you may want to look over question three. Exemplification is not the answer to the question.

  9. Narrative Essay Practice #1

    The controlling idea of the passage is that cops can be human. There are multiple examples such as, Officer Jenkins is one of the few cops for prison that was actually nice enough to call the inmates by their first name. He treats the woman equally by doing so and singing a little song containing their names that let them know it's lights out and goodnight. This is organized by using exemplification which the author states instances in which the officer actually displayed kindness. These examples from the paragraph just discussed are vivid, specific, and representative. The examples used really provide great support towards the main idea. The point of view in the paragraph is first person because the author is telling her own story.

    1. I agree with your answer. I think most of us answered very well.

    2. I agree with your answers, except for number three. I answered with exemplification as well, but the actual answer is chronological order.

  10. Narrative Essay Practice #1
    Cops from the jail are mean is the controlling idea. There are multiple examples that support the idea. I think order of Time is used to organize the examples. I believe that the examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific and representative. The writer uses very descriptive language. Finally, first point of view is used to tell the story.

    Narrative Essay Practice #2
    The specific unit being divided is Susan B. Anthony: Hero in Bloomers. The principle of function is that Susan is a hero and this story is divided into 3 parts.
    The writer uses historical sequence to organize the parts of the unit and story uses
    first point of view.

    1. That's good that you did all of the practices, it will benefit you on the upcoming test.

    2. I like how you did both. The more practice you get, the better the results.

  11. 1.Controlling idea is wether there are any good cops in jail.
    2. There are multiple examples referring to the actions of officer Jenkins.
    3. Exemplification is used
    5. Story is written in first person

    1. I just read that i got number three wrong. At least now we could both correct our selves. Its was time order. Good job tho.

  12. 1. What is the controlling idea of this paragraph?
    The controlling idea is the point that cops are humans. Just like Mr. Jekin, he showed kindness and respect.

    2. In this paragraph, is there a single example or multiple examples?
    There were multiple examples in this paragraph. For example, Mr. Jekin called them by their first names and checked on them during bed time.
    3. What type of order organizes the examples?
    I believe the writer used compare and contrast. He compares Mr. Jekin to the other cops.
    4. The examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. True or false?
    The examples in the paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative.
    5. What is the point of view in this paragraph?
    first person

    1. To me, your answer seems just about right. I attended class today, and for question three, the answer was time order. Good job though. We also did a quick review for what the exam may consist of on Monday.

    2. I think most of us got the wrong answer in question number three. We still did a good job though. Atleast now, we can better determine what type of organization is being used for the upcoming essays.

  13. 1. The controlling idea is that most cops are mean or inhumane, but not officer Jenkins.
    2. There were multiple examples of officer Jenkins being a nice cop.
    3. Time order organizes the examples because of the usage of words like first, later, and then,
    4. It is true because it is specific enough to visualize what is going on and it represents officer Jenkins and how he is not like other cops.
    5. It is a first persons point of view because the writer uses I.

    1. Your answer are good :) you explained each answer.

    2. Great answers and they are very simple too. Your number three made me rethink my answer.

    3. Your answers were all correct. Good job! Goodluck on the test on Monday!

    4. You did a great good answering all the questions!

  14. Narrative Exercise # 2

    1. What is the specific unit being divided?
    The specific unit being divided in this essay is describing Susan B. Anthony and heroism and moving on to talk about the history of women’s right in voting. The second to the last paragraph is where we can see that the unit is being divided.

    2. In this analysis, what is the principle of function?
    The principle of function in this essay gives us points that leads to the topic discussed which is the heroism and courage of a brave American woman, Susan B. Anthony.

    3. Into how many parts is the unit divided?
    The unit is divided into two parts.

    4. What sequence organize the parts of unit?
    The sequence used to organize the parts of unit is narration.

    5. What is the point of view in the essay’s body and conclusion?
    The essay’s body and conclusion uses the third person point of view.

    Narrative Exercise #1

    1. What is the controlling idea of this paragraph?
    After spending six months in a county jail where no cop ever said anything nice to me (subject) I was not expecting to meet any here in the state prison that I would call "human."(focus)

    2. In this paragraph is there a single example or multiple examples?
    Multiple examples are being used in this paragraph.

    3. What type of order organizes the examples?
    The examples are in an exemplification sequence.

    4. The examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. True or false?
    Not true. The examples are too vague so I kind of got lost in the middle of the paragraph. I guess they are not written thoroughly for readers to understand.

    5. What is the point of view of this paragraph?
    This paragraph is written in a first person point of view.

    1. Your answer is really specific I think. I hope it would've helped you for the test.

    2. Narrative Essay Practice #2

      The specific unit being divided is Susan B. Anthony's heroic qualities. This can be found in the last sentence of the first paragraph. It says that Susan was "...courageous, persistent, and willing to sacrifice herself." The principle of function in this analysis is the idea that Susan fought for for many people's rights against all odds, and in the end, she is seen as a hero. The unit is divided into three parts with each a paragraph. The first part was about why she was courageous. The second part was about her persistence. the third part is about how she willingly sacrificed herself to prove that everyone deserves equal rights. The sequence that organizes the unit is a five paragraph essay. It begins with an introduction paragraph of the writer and her connection to Susan B. Anthony. The writer is proud to have her name similar to this hero. The next three paragraphs are the supporting paragraphs of how Susan is a hero. The last paragraph is the Concluding one, ending on a note that women should all know and thank Ms. Anthony for all her sacrifices and hard work. The point of view in the essay's body and conclusion is a third person point of view, because the paragraphs contains the word she, which refers to Susan B. Anthony.

      Your answers are similar to mine, and great job on working on both. It will really help on the exam on Monday. I attended class today, and we practiced creating different introductory paragraphs. We all also di a quick review on what the exam is going to consist of.

    3. It's great that you worked on both practices. I'm sure it will truly help you for part of the exam. You have really good and simple answers.

  15. Narrative Essay Practice #1

    "Cops Can Be Human"

    1. "After spending six months in a county jail where no cop ever said anything nice to me, I was not expecting to meet any here in a state prison that I would call human."

    2. There are multiple examples in the paragraph.

    3. The examples are organized in chronological order.

    4. True

    5. The paragraph is written in the first person point of view.

    1. Thank you for suggesting that I look over number three. Now I understand why it's chronological order and not exemplification.

    2. I think for number 1, it is important to mention how nice officer Jenkins is because the paragraph pretty much talks about what he does to show he is a nice cop. Other than that, your answers are good.

  16. Narrative Essay Practice #1
    Cops Can Be Human

    1. After spending six months in a country jail where no cop ever said anything nice to me, I was not expecting to meet any here in the state prison that I would call “Human”
    2. There are multiple examples in this paragraph
    3. Time order
    4. It is true that this paragraph's examples are vivid, specific and representative about the jail and officer Jenkins.
    5. This paragraph is in a first person point of view

    1. I think for number 1, it is important to mention how nice officer Jenkins is because the paragraph pretty much talks about what he does to show he is a nice cop. Other than that, your answers are good.

    2. I believe mary is correct. Officer Jenkins is a nice cop. The main part of the paragraph is what good he did to the prisoners.
