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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reflection – Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay – Section 6 - Sept. 23

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an argumentative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which argumentative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #4. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. I think that an argumentative essay is a writing that intrigues the readers to think and decide one's opinion regarding a topic. It should have a clear statement that shows what one's opinion is. I chose "Fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. Too many times the mother is favored because of the "nurturing" stereotype" because it seems interesting and I can write a good essay by using my opinions and ideas supported by evidences.

    1. Your topic of choice is an interesting. I can see that you will put down your opinions firmly, which will enhance what your position is. I agree that an argumentative is about someone's opinion and it mostly depends on how well written and supportive it is to be a strong essay.

    2. You are right. An argumentative essay comes from one opinion. Depending on what side you are on. That is an interesting choice of topic.

    3. An opinion; however, may lead to a bias. This may lead to omitting information that may bring down your argument in a debate against a contrasting statement when brought to light. Be opinionated, but do not be biased.

    4. I agree, an argumentative essay is made for the readers to think and decide on one's perspective.

    5. Your topic sounds really interesting. I agree because there must be equality in a decision making. Present well established supporting details on your paragraphs to convince the reader.

    6. I like your topic. I agree that you can write a good essay especially if you strongly agree with your topic.

    7. Oh wow! I like your choice of topic. I think it would really persuade readers and change their perspective on the issue.

  2. Argumentative essays are excellent when you want to be persuaded to buy an item. For example, if you feel like you need to be convinced in order to purchase an item. How or why you should buy it. The pros and cons. Theyre usually also used to prove a point.

    1. Your definition is really impressive. I never think this way. What did you choose as your topic?

    2. I'd select drug testing or limit on welfare applicants. I'd choose this because many people are using tax payers' money to support their families when clearly, they don't need it. They rely on it too long and find that they could just depend on the government for the rest of their lives and it's not fair to the people out there struggling.

    3. I agree, persuasive essays are very similar to advertising. I think your topic is very interesting, but don't forget to research on your topic so you have great evidence to support your argument.

    4. Persuasive essays would be a good way to advertise. Convincing is a major part of persuading, so it would give the advertisement a high chance of selling a certain product.

    5. Argumentative essays can help in advertising or not. It can convince you to buy things or give you reasons not to buy at all.

  3. I think argumentative essays are a great way to write because I've noticed a lot of people like a little heat or drama, it makes the essay much more interesting. It's a way to grab a readers attention because they're going to want know what the argument is about, that they are going to continue to read until they find out.

    1. That is true, many people like heated and dramatic stories. If i were to read an argumentative essay I would read it till the end to find out the outcome. Drama sure does catch many peoples attention.

    2. I also agree that drama attracts many attention. It is way more interesting than boring, straightforward information. I would definitely read a strong argumentative essay. It is a strong essay if I am persuaded to join the writer's position or point of view.

    3. Drama can actually be interesting, that is why nowadays, teenagers are involved with a lot of drama. I agree that it could catch the reader's attention because they would want to find out what the fuss is all about and figure out what is happening.

    4. I agree with your idea that it is an interesting writing so that it can grab author's attention.

    5. I agree that it will attract the reader's attention. I think it's a great type of essay because it gives you both sides of things,though you are emphasizing how great one is. It is based on evidence, so it isn't just your opinion.

    6. I agree. Lots of people are fast thinkers when it comes to drama. It is a fun type of essay because you'll find out if they are on your side of the argument or disagree.

    7. yes, that's true I think that an essay needs to be really interesting to read to grab the readers attention and would not get bored. A little bit or heat and drama in a story would really caught someone's attention

  4. An argumentative essay is similar to an expository essay, but it demands more research. It reminds me of a debate, when someone has to take a position and do his or her best to have a strong argument for it. I had to write essays like this back in high schools. The usual topics were about supporting abortion or not, and also about stem search research. It can be difficult to write this type of essay if the writer cannot find hard evidence to support his or her stance. I would write about why we should outlaw using phones while driving, or using death row inmates as subjects for medical research instead of animals. Today in class, we continued our discussion about the stage three of the writing process, which was editing. I also asked a few more people to peer review my descriptive essay to have a better essay for the upcoming test.

    1. Yes, writing argumentative essays are somewhat like debates. It involves different point of views that are supported by evidence. Your two potential topics are great topics to write about. It will be easy for you to back up your point of view with evidence.

    2. I agree. it usually has information that supports the topic or the two arguments which allows you to see both sides.

    3. Topics like abortion and other illegal activities that society would go against are strong arguments because there are many reasons to support why people are for and against them.

    4. I agree. Writing an argumentative essay can be really hard if you don't put your mind and time to it. Being focus and having the right sources is the key,

    5. Yes, it is difficult to write an essay with a topic that does not have many supporting evidence. I agree that it is much like a debate because you need a lot of evidence to convince a person about your topic.

    6. I think what your definition is true. I also agree that it is difficult to write because of using evidence.

    7. Your definition is true. Writing an argumentative essay takes alot of time due to we need to gather facts to support our topic sentence. I think a good way of writing an argumentative essay is by presenting some studies made by experts or including statistics on your introduction.

    8. It really is like a debate. An argumentative essay is not strong without a back up or evidence. I agree with you.

    9. Yes I do agree with you. An argumentative essay should really provide a strong evidence due to the act of researching. Hope you make your decision on your topic. They are both very strong topics, as well. Good Luck on the test. I know you will do great!

  5. A persuasive essay is an essay used to convince a reader about a particular idea, usually one that you in particular, believe in. The persuasive essay could be based on anything about which the author has an opinion on. An argumentative essay utilizes logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. The argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts. Whether the author is arguing against the death penalty for school or arguing for a raise from their boss, the persuasive essay is a skill that everyone should know. The topic I would choose to write would be the testing on death row inmates rather than animals. I think this topic would be really interesting for me to write about.

    1. I think you chose a great topic. The testing on death row inmates over animals would be really interesting to write about. You can write about the pro's and con's and if the testing on death row inmates is ethical. You will surely have a fun time writing about this topic.

  6. An argumentative essay is very similar to an persuasive essay, as both essays try to persuade a reader to agree with the topic you present to them, but make sure to have the evidence to support the topic. With the given list of topics i would prefer to write an argumentative essay on why "We should use death row inmates as subjects for medical testing rather than animals".

    1. The topic you choose would bring up a huge argument. That would be an interesting essay to read if you were to follow through. You are right that both essay persuades a reader.

    2. That topic you chose interested me as well. I'm not sure if I will pursue that topic, based on the fact that I am unsure about my position. It seems you took a stance already and I wish you the best to persuade your readers

    3. Good explanation of an argumentative essay. I believe the topic you chose is very interesting. You would have to do a lot of research for your argument, but this would be a topic I'd like to read about.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Pursuing this topic will be a tough one, good luck wading through the animal rights groups and human rights groups and all the controversy that surrounds testing on both animals and humans. If I chose this topic it would be hard for me to pick one side over the other, because of its controversial nature.

    6. Your topic would be hard. You will need a lot of evidence to collect just to support your topic. It would be really interesting to read your essay.

  7. To me, a persuasive essay is an essay that involves the practice of expounding on a particular topic by which the writer showcases his/her point of view or standpoint. In persuasive essays, writers are expected to provide research through textual material and/or observable research. Providing strong evidence to support a writer's point of view or standpoint is imperative in gaining the audiences approval or persuading the audience to believe in the writer's point of view. Keep in mind that the writer would also have to show other point of views for the readers to ponder on. It is the task of the writer to produce persuading evidence to gain the support of the readers. The topic I chose to write about is having drivers over the age of 70 pass a yearly eye sight and physical test before being able to renew their driver's license. I chose this topic because I believe after extensive research, I would be able to provide strong and persuading evidence in order to persuade the readers in supporting my standpoint.

    1. I agree. Providing factual evidence will make your argument much stronger. It is great that you have strong and persuading evidence to support your topic.

    2. that's true. the information given really needs to support the topic, otherwise, there wouldn't be a point to the argument.

    3. Your topic would have so much great supporting ideas for sure. I think you'd be able to present your essay really well. Goodluck!

    4. Empirical evidence such as testimonies and facts are excellent support for an argumentative essay, and gives an advantage over an argument backed by theory and projected outcomes.

    5. As an evidence, I think one's experience also can be a good choice. For this kind of essay, i think, providing strong fact is really important.

  8. In order to complete an argumentative essay a person would have to do extensive research. The writer would have to possess many factual evidence to win the argument. The reader would have to be able to agree with the writer rather than the other opponent. I would choose to argue about making the classroom size in Minnesota up to 20 students in grades k-5. I had many experience with elementary kids; therefore, I possess face to face evidence.

    1. This type of essay does require extensive research and personal experiences. If the writer does not know how to defend his or her position, the essay would not be very interesting to read and it would sound ridiculous. Do you think your topic shouldn't be about Minnesota, but about Guam and the Mariana Islands? I'm just curious, since we reside here at the Pacific Ocean, and not on North American land. There would be more personal feelings and experiences if it was the case.

    2. I think Dr. Rivera got it from a specific website which examples apparently don't apply to where we live. So maybe we should ask her if we should just ignore Minnesota and replace it with Guam/Marianas Islands.

    3. You are right about having factual evidence to support the argument. I mean, the author would not have any support for their opinion and would not be able to persuade the reader to believe the same thing. The author should be strong and straightforward in defense of their argument.

    4. It is also a good point that an author should be ready to attack arguments that contradict their own, in addition to having a good defense. Not only would this discredit the contradicting argument, it would defend your argument as well.

  9. Persuasive essay is what I believe the most difficult essay that we're going to make. Researching and having a limited list of topics to write about is my least favorite. And that's basically what persuasive essay is about. The criterion is to write an essay in a clear, concise and well-researched manner. I am not shock that this will be included in our test #4 because it IS hard to write an argumentative essay.

    1. 'The classroom size of grades K through 5 statewide should be set at a maximum of 20
      students' is the topic that I choose.

    2. This essay may be a bit difficult because of the many evidence you would have to provide to support your argument. Once you've done your research on your topic, things would be a lot easier than you expected. This essay is similar to advertisements and debates so maybe that will help you when writing your essay. I really like the topic you chose, it seems very interesting.

    3. I would say it is kind of difficult too. Because doing research for many facts about the specific opinion you are trying to argue about is pretty difficult. Having to write about facts would include citing them too. The process of citations is complex, especially considering the fact that you have to include all citations for all the facts that support the argument.

    4. You may not have to research these things for yourself if others have already done it for you, especially so for topics that have debated many times. Simply citing their research and findings save you a lot of effort than going out an recruiting elementary school teachers who will limit their class sizes in a grand experiment.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I agree, I think that the persuasive essay will be the most challenging for most of us. I don't really enjoy researching too.

    7. Argumentative essays may seem difficult to others because of the research one has to do in order to support his/her argument. However, if you choose a topic you are passionate about, it will be easier to write your essay. Choose a topic you have some knowledge in and would enjoy writing about.

    8. In order to write a good argumentative essay, you should be familliar with the topic you would like to talk about. That way it will be more helpful for you to list why you are against or why you agree to that specific topic. Your essay will be base on your opinion so you have to make sure that your reasons must be related to your thesis.

    9. I also believe that this type of essay must be in a well-researched manner. Without the research or evidence, the essay would be hard to believe. I like your topic especially because the less kids in a classroom, the more attention is given from the teacher.

  10. An argumentative essay, is an essay in which the writer states many facts and tries to convince the reader about a specific topic. This essay allows the writer to explore and investigate a certain topic. To have a good persuasive essay you must have a clear thesis statement, excellent transitions, evidence to support each body paragraph, and a conclusion that summarizes the important points of the topic. The topic I chose to write about would be, fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. This topic instantly caught my attention because I have heard many stories of unfit mothers who take custody of the child/children due to stereotyping, I believe this will be an interesting topic to research and write about.

    1. You chose a great topic. You could find plenty of evidence to support your standpoint. This is the perfect topic to use empirical research in your essay. Surveys, questionnaires, etc. could be utilized in proving your point.

    2. you have an interesting topic, there would be really a lot of evidence that you would find for that topic

  11. Your topic is really interersting. People tend to stereotype custody issues, that it should be always the mom who gets the child. I'd love to read that, goodluck!

  12. An argumentative essay is an essay that should evoke investigation and evaluation in the readers, it is not empirical but open to discussion and therefore allows some degree of opinion to shape the writing.

  13. The topic I would choose is "Drivers nationwide should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving." This topic hits home to some of us because we know someone who has gotten into an accident through texting and driving, or endangers the safety of others in the vehicle by texting and driving, which is an unsettling experience once you realize the high risk you are in.

    1. I agree, using cell phones while driving brings a greater risks to causing accidents and having fatalities.

    2. That's true. There is no specification to whoever does texting or calling while driving. This is really dangerous especially when there are little kids in the car. We should be aware of our sorroundings in order to prevent accidents on the roads.

    3. I agree. I guess that is why most of us are writing against texting/talking and driving.

  14. To me an argumentative essay essay is a kind of writing that argues about something, supports it, and tries to convince someone of the argument. The writer investigates a topic by gathering, creating, and assessing the evidence. The writer then establishes their perspective on the subject in a brief approach. Argumentative essays are very long, comprehensive research. Argumentative essays must show a clear statement and follow persuasive reasoning. The topic I choose would have to be either outlawing genetically modified food or the one about banning cloning. I would choose these topics because they seem interesting and I want to write about either one of them. In class today, we went over editing.

    1. Your deifinition is well said. Writing argumentative essay is very intersting because you are able to read different opinions on a certain topic. You need to spend time in researching for evidences to support your main idea.

    2. I agree that an this type of essay is gathering information supporting your argument. It is really trying to get your reader to see eye to eye with you.

  15. In my opinion an argumentative essay is a writing where you have to agree or disagree about something. You will have to convince the readers to why you agree or disagree, there should be supporting details and clear evidence. A lot of research is required and I think this would be the hardest essay to write. If I were to choose a topic I would pick "Drivers in MN [or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving (talking and/or texting)." In class today we did editing and it was helpful .

  16. A persuasive essay is used to convince a reader to present the PROS and CONS in an argumentative issue. The author needs to have a strong supporting details to persuade the reader why he or she agrees or disagrees about a certain topic. If I were to choose a topic, I would choose "Drivers should not use cellphones while driving because it is one of the main reasons why people get into an accident.

    1. Wow. I usually write my response before reading anyone else's own so that my definition of what a type of essay is is actually my own definition, and after reading yours, I totally agree on the count of how both are definitions are so similar.

    2. I like your definition of an argumentative, I agree on how the author really needs to have a strong supporting detail just to persuade the reader about the topic.

  17. A persuasive essay is an essay where you state your opinion about something you feel strongly about and you give reason as to why you feel that way, trying to persuade your reader into agreeing with your opinion. It is an essay that states the pros and cons about your opinion.
    I would write about how drivers should not be able to use cell phones while driving because cars can be as deadly as guns when rules aren't followed.

    1. Yes I strongly agree with what you have said and for your concluding statement. Most people have died of the use of cellphones while driving. It is best to state the pros and cons of this issue and give updated statistics to help persuade readers to fully believe that cars can be more deadly than guns. I look forward to peer review your paper.

  18. An argumentative essay is an essay that attracts an audience's attention and convince them to agree with your topic. To do so the writer must collect proof to support the topic. To me this type of essay is like a compare and contrast type of writing. The writer will have to address a subject and persuade the readers to follow. Extensive research may be needed but if the writer has actual experience with a specific topic it would be a more convincing. I would write about how drivers in Minnesota who are over 70 years old must pass an annual test for eyesight and physical ability before they can renew their driver's license because I think it is hazardous if they don't.

    1. Yes I do believe that experience will also help persuade the reader to fully believe in the facts you are pointing out within your essay. I support your topic and yes, I do agree that it is hazardous for them to drive in public with bad eyesight and poor physical ability. Since I am a Criminal Justice major I look forward in peer reviewing your first draft on this topic, so look for me in class and bring your paper over.
