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Monday, September 16, 2013

Reflection – Expository (Informative) Essay – Section 5 - Sept. 16

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an expository essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which expository topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #3. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. An expository essay gives a writer to take a position on any idea. Writers take on a role of finding various information to support their position of an idea. Like a descriptive and narrative essay clear language must be present as well as an intro,body, and conclusion; good flow. Within the expository essay, it should include the information the writer gathered to be evidence to aid your position; being argumentative.
    I would write about the major stressors in teens' lives. Again, we can all relate towards this topic and share common stressors through personal experience. Other than evidence being present, I believe emotion can express my position about stressors.

    1. I agree. Writers take a role of finding various information to support their position of an idea. It must always be clear, with all parts of an essay. Gathering all the evidence and supporting it will help in writing an expository essay.

    2. I agree. Clear language must always be present and the information that the writer gathered would really help in writing a good essay.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I agree. An expository essay does present the position of the writer on a idea, and the essay should have evidences and information to support their position.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I agree with Aaron's description of what an expository essay is. I also think that many of us can relate to your topic of choice. Many factors influence the amount of stress we experience. It will be interesting to see the information you obtained regarding the topic and use of them towards your narrative essay.

  2. An expository essay is an essay that allows you to think and analyze. It allows you to take control and write in a matter of expanding your mind about certain topics. It includes evidential support of what you write about. An expository topic I would select would be the major stressors in teens' lives. Many teens get stressed, and a lot of people would be able to relate.

    1. I agree. It really allows you to think and analyze.Expository essay should always include evidence that will support your topic.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Expanding your thoughts are definitely helpful in writing essays. Good tip.

    4. This is true of an expository essay having the ability to take control of a topic. It giving time for the writer to gain information in order to sway the readers in the writer's favor.

    5. I agree that it allows you to think and analyze. Also, I do like your topic. We all stress out and it be good to research on major stressors.

  3. An expository essay is an essay where the writer presents opinions, points of view, ideas, concepts,and arguments in a particular topic. It is usually a formal piece of writing with an introduction, a discussion, and a conclusion. As for the topic I would like to write about, "Explain why some teens commit suicide". I chose this topic, because I think it is an important problem or issue that has a bad effect on many people.

    1. I'm not sure if you're referring to the thesis as the writers' opinion but just in case you weren't, an expository essay intends to present discussions based on facts instead of the writer's opinions. While the thesis statement conveys your opinion about a topic, it must then be supported by facts. :)

  4. In short, an expository essay is a type of essay that involves investigating, evaluating, and expounding on an idea. Expository essays usually involve argumentation in a controlled and concise manner through the use of comparison, definition or analysis. This type of essay involves similar concepts to previous types discussed. An introduction, body (usually three supporting paragraphs), and a conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis are crucial to the success of an expository essay. This type of essay is educational, and is strengthened on the basis of facts, evidence, and a "dash" of creativity.
    Of the topics listed, I would choose the major stressors in teens' lives. Majority of us can say that we have experienced or are experiencing stress. Many of our stressors come from everyday scenarios that are unique to each teen. Some scenarios could even be common. Through an expository essay, I can further elaborate through facts and evidence.
    Overall, today's activities were interesting. I learned more information regarding the stage three process. I also remembered CLUESS and COPS whenever I am writing, revising and editing. I also enjoyed Monday's activities as well.

    1. I agree with your definition of what an expository essay is. I also learned more of those acronyms, I never knew about them until that class.

    2. I agree with your definition of this essay. I like how you said it is educational because I think that most expository essays should be educational.

    3. I agree. It usually involved argumentation in a controlled manner. It almost makes you a detective, and lets you think and analyze about what you're writing about.

    4. Great explanation of expository essays. Adding some creativeness adds to the reading experience.

    5. My favorite sentence in this reply is this, "This type of essay is educational, and is strengthened on the basis of facts, evidence, and a "dash" of creativity." It already summarized your whole idea. The dash of creativity, I would say is highly encouraged because you're still trying to interest the readers and if the writer doesn't present themselves in such a way they cannot take your side or continue to read your essay.

  5. An expository essay, also known as an informative essay, requires the writer to provide information on a particular idea. The writer would investigate, evaluate, and expound on the idea chosen. It should have a introduction, body, and conclusion with clear transitions. The essay can also be presented as an argument, so it would have to be clear and concise for the readers to understand the argument. One common way of writing an expository essay is with a five-paragraph essay. It gives the writers room to put information that supports their idea. For my expository essay I would write about how music affects my life. Music is something I had my whole life and I can not see myself living without it. It would be a topic I would enjoy writing about. The lessons we learned throughout the week would really help to writing the expository essay. The activities we did on Monday about outlining ideas helped me understand the different types of outlines that can be used to start off an essay. The lesson we learned today helped me understand the proper way to revise and edit an essay.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your definition of the expository essay is straight to the point. The activities on Monday were about outlining? I completely forgot. It definitely will help with my essays in the future.

    3. Your choice of music affecting your life is a great one. Like mine, I believe this topic will give a better relationship with writer and reader because of common interests of music. I can say we, as a class, all agree music is something we all enjoy. It will actually make readers read your expository essay.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. An Expository Essay is an essay in which the writer must state an idea and back it up by researching on the idea. It must be presented clearly with the thesis present in the first paragraph. It should transition smoothly beginning to end with good evidence to support the thesis and should not stray away from the topic the writer is trying to make. Of the examples I would probably choose "If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why" because it looks the least serious of the examples given and would be more entertaining to me to write about. Today's lesson was a good one again. Being more creative with writing will give the reader a vivid understanding of what he/she is reading keeping them interested to the end. This is a good idea to remember when rereading my essays so that I may go back and improve my writing skills.

    1. I agree with Andrew's definition of what an expository essay is. I think that the essay should flow as well as have good support.

    2. I agree with Andrew. The essay should have good transitions so the reader will understand the topic being supported. I also like the topic you picked. It sounds like a interesting one.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I also agree with Andrew's definition of what an expository essay is. These essays should be entertaining; however, to a certain extent.

    5. I agree with Andrew that a well written expository essay is on that has a good thesis, gives good evidence, and not strays away from the topic.

  9. An Expository essay, also known as Informative essay, is an essay that informs and explains the writer’s main idea in a clear and concise manner. This type of essay should have facts rather than opinions. The topic I would choose for my expository essay would be ‘Why teens wear makeup’. I would explain to my readers about how self-concise teens can be about their appearance, especially their facial appearance. And I would also talk about how society is a big part of why teens wear makeup to make them look a certain way. The activities on Monday helped me learn to organize and support my ideas by listing, clustering and outlining.

    1. I agree. This kind of essay is used to inform the reader of the writer's main idea, and it should be clear so the reader will understand it.

    2. I agree with Megan's definition of what an expository essay is. I also found her choice of topic interesting, for I agree with the point that society expects a lot out of teens today, especially the way they look. Teens feel the pressure to conform to society's view.

    3. I agree with your definition. It definitely should have facts rather than your opinion or someone else's opinion.

    4. That's right. An informative essay should be based on facts and not opinion.

    5. An expository being an informative essay is solely based on facts. I love the idea of being concise and well thought out because it's true your mind is focused on one subject only and the writer should commit all his/her efforts in the essay.

    6. I agree with Megan that expository essays should be mainly facts and not opinions.

  10. An expository essay is an essay is similar to a research paper. You would have to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This all can be accomplished by compare and contrast, definition, example, etc. This is a good essay for me because I tend to make many mistakes when writing essays. Learning stage three helped me sharpen my grammar and writing.

    1. Your understanding of this type of essay is pretty much spot on. I also tend to make a lot of mistakes when writing. I am glad I am not the only one.

    2. I never thought of an expository essay as a research paper. That is such a good way of putting it in my opinion. My essay is a mistake. So I'm glad we're learning these stages.

    3. Your definition is straight to the point and understandable.

  11. An expository essay is an essay that gives information to explain about a certain topic. Information would of course come from a credible source. And when writing an expository essay, opinions should be avoided. This type of essay has the same format of other essays. In the first paragraph, the thesis statement should be written. The supporting ideas and information are in the body. And the conclusion is the last paragraph. The topic I would choose is how music affects your life. I like this topic because music is my passion. And I would definitely enjoy researching and finding information about it. Todays overall actvities were very helpful. I will definitely use the skills to improve my grammar.

    1. I agree with Andrea. i like how she breaks down the essay and explains it.

    2. I concur with your understanding of what this type of essay is all about. Your topic is a very good one.

    3. Definitely. This type of essay should have a credible source to back the information.

    4. I agree that the sources must be from a credible source. If expository essays are written with unreliable sources, then the information given can be incorrect. I also like the topic of choice because music is something I am passionate about.

  12. An expository essay is one that requires the writer to investigate an idea, give some evidence and gather information to set forth an argument concerning that idea. The structure of the essay is just like the other types. It should have a clear thesis statement and its conclusion should not just repeat the thesis. You can use comparing and contrasting in this type of essay. The topic I would choose to write about would be what are some of the stressors of a teen's life. I feel that it is a great topic to right on because the reasons vary tremendously, there are a lot of things I could expound on, and I also know from personal experience, however you should steer clear from using opinions in this type of essay. Today's activities I thought were pretty much the same as always. We had a bit more class participation and the usual laughter. I just feel we should just continue what we are doing in class, but have some real thought out activities added into the mix and not just activities in the text where we have to write all the time.

    1. I agree with Cameron's definition of what an expository essay is. Opinions should be omitted from this type of essay and factual information must be used for support. I also agree that our in class activities do tend to repeat, and some spontaneity or activities can be involved to keep us actively engaged throughout class sessions.

    2. I agree with Cameron. It allows the writer to investigate an idea, and provide evidence to support the information. I also agree that we should include activities that we can do together as a class.

    3. I agree that opinions should be eliminated from this type of essay. I also agree that we need more excitement in class in order for everyone to participate.

  13. An expository essay gives the reader information about a specific topic. There are several steps in writing an expository essay and it involves investigating an idea, evaluating the evidence, elaborating the idea, and setting forth an argument which must be understandable and straight to the point. The thesis statement must also be clear and concise, preceding the supporting details. Transitions are very important in an expository essay because it is what keeps the essay together. Lastly, it must be creative in order for the readers to evaluate the essay. I would write an essay on explaining why parents are strict because I can fully relate to this topic. Today's activities were somewhat rushed, so the information did not really stick considering it was new information. Other than that, I can relearn on my own.

    1. I agree with your definition of what this type of essay is. I also agree with your reaction to the day's activities. I feel I need to relearn some of these things too.

  14. An expository essay is an essay that is used to explain a certain topic with evidence. Also to explain an idea. That is pretty much what an expository essay is to me. The topic I would choose for my expository essay would be how music affects your life. Since I pretty much listen to music all the time I would choose topic. The activities today seemed like there was much more involvement or participation. We just continued working on stage three of the writing process.

    1. I agree with John. An expository essay is mainly about explaining an idea. Also, the activities we went through did have more involvement which made them enjoyable.

    2. i agree with john, an expository essay explains a topic and or idea.

    3. I agree with John. Mainly an expository essay is any essay explaining a topic using facts. Thats as simple as it can get.

  15. An expository essay is an essay that requires writers to gather information about a certain topic or idea providing explanations of any topic through the use of factual data and objective information and utilize it to further expand on its' meaning.There are several steps in writing an expository essay which involves investigating the specific topic, evaluating the evidence, elaborating on the idea, and making an argument that is comprehensible and to the point.

  16. An expository essay requires investigation of an idea and evaluating evidence in order to create clear arguments. They are usually facts rather than opinions. This essay uses the five- paragraph method where it consists of a clear defined thesis and clear transitions through each paragraph. One idea wit evidential support should be used for each paragraph for a better understanding of what the essay talks about. Not only should the conclusion restate the thesis, but also look back at the evidence used giving a final expression to readers not leaving them with doubt. My topic choice would be why teens wear make-up. Many of my friends and along from what I have already observed from social networks, teen girls can get extremely insecure of themselves. They tend to compare themselves to others and feel the need to look better.

    1. I like Jhenirose's definition of an expository essay in terms of evaluating evidence to create clear arguments. Why teens wear make up would be a relatable topic in today's society; good choice ! :)

  17. An expository essay is similar to a scientific project. You compare cause and effect, you compare and contrast. You also investigate, evaluate, expound the idea and you come to an conclusion where you can clearly describe your cause and effect. The five-paragraph method just keeps everything clear and concise throughout the entire essay which just makes it much more easier to understand and explain. Almost as if every paragraph has it's own point as well as it's own topic sentence relating to the main topic sentence. I chose 'why parents are strict.'

  18. An expository essay is where you gather enough evidence to make a strong & clear argument for the idea that is given. You find the pros & cons of the topic you are given & with that you'll find a conclusion. The topic I would choose is why students listen to a particular type of music or the impact of different music in todays society.

  19. An expository essay is an essay where you gather information to make a strong and very clear argument for a given idea. You investigate, evaluate, and find a conclusion to clearly describe the cause and effect. This type of essay is good for me so that I can find mistakes before I write my essay. Stage three helped me with my grammar and writing.

  20. An expository or informative essay explores an idea and formulates an argument in a clear and concise way. Examples of expository essays are comparison and contrast, definition, example, and cause and effect. It is more of a formal way of writing because it uses facts rather than opinions. It is usually used in exams. Expository essays follow the bar method or the five paragraph essay format. It contains the introduction, three supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction contains background information, the thesis, and the roadmap. The three body paragraphs further expand on the roadmap. It should provide evidential support to the thesis, whether it is factual logical, statistical, or anecdotal. The conclusion reiterates the thesis in light of the evidence the writer has presented. It is essential to synthesize rather than summarize. It should show how everything ties in together. The conclusion should leave a final impression on the reader. It should also leave the reader with something to think about. For my essay I am debating between explaining why a driver's license is an important event or major stressors. Today's overall activities were helpful as usual.
