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Monday, September 16, 2013

Reflection – Expository (Informative) Essay – Section 8 - Sept. 16

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an expository essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which expository topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #3. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. Expository essays are essays that are based on facts, not opinions. Your main objective is to inform the reader on any topic of your choice, giving them a better understanding at the end of your essay. When writing expository essays, it is crucial to pay close attention to detail. The most difficult task about writing expository essays is how easy it would be to digress from your topic so it's important that you stay organized. You write your heart out, depending on the amount of information you've gathered and stick to it, meaning you're able to back up the words in your essay to prevent plagiarism or providing false information.

    My choice of topic for this expository essay will deal with why you would admire a particular person. Although I feel as if this essay will seem a bit difficult as it's easier to write based on opinions rather than facts, I look forward to the challenge. I believe that writing about why you would admire a particular person can help keep you intact with your goals and hopefully bring you one step closer in the end.

    Today's activities were very helpful as we focused on outlining. With a proper outline, you are able to properly construct your essay in a faster way. This helps when creating your essay and can enable to you add more structure to it.

    1. Hi Sheena, you seemed to know this type of essay so well. As expected from the smartest person in our class. Anyway, like i always say, good luck with your essay.

    2. Hey Sheena, that is a great way to describe an expository essay. I agree with you on the expository essay. Anyway, nice choice of topic, hope to see you in class.

    3. Mel, I really appreciate your words of kindness. Thank you. I only wish you the best of luck as well in your essay. (:

    4. Egan, thank you as well for your words of kindness. Best of luck in your essay and I look forward to seeing you in class as well! (:

    5. Wow what a very description about expository! Youre such a talented writer. Nice choice of topic and see you in class.

    6. Thank you John. (:
      I look forward to seeing you in class as well.

    7. Awesome choice of topic! When you write about why you admire a particular person, it would kind of show what type of person you are. For example, If I was to write that I admire my mom for all the things she's done for me, it kind of tells that Im a family person and so on. If this was really your topic I wouldn't mind reading your essay =D

    8. Very good explanation on expository essays, Sheena!

    9. I have to say, great way to explain expository essay!

    10. great explanation on expository essay. love the topic you chose to write about. wish to peer review your paper.

  2. Expository essays are essays that inform reader about information based on fact. In this type of essay, you will make sure that your supports will be reliable on your thesis.
    For the topic, i would choose to write about "If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?". This topic seemed to be i only one i can relate to.

    Today's activities was about outlining. Outlining help prepare the essay faster and easier. It is also easier to organize the details of the essay.

    1. Nice choice of topic Mel! We may not always have a lot of topics to choose from, so it's always best to pick the one you're able to relate to the most. That way, it's easier to create your essay.

    2. nice one Mel,an expository essay is exactly like that bro. and nice topic for your expository essay that is simple and easy to explain or describe. hope to hear more from you.

    3. Nice one mel! Me and you have the same topic. Im so excited to read yours and we should peer review each others own.

    4. I'm guessing your choice of animal would be a panda, right Mel? I love pandas man! Good choice.

    5. Fantastic! Animals are a great topic.

    6. True animals is a great topic.

    7. good one! i wonder what animal you will be using in your expository

  3. Expository essay is a type of writing, the purpose of which is to inform, explain, describe, or define the writers or in other words author's subject to the reader. Expository text is meant to deposit information and is most frequently used type of writing by students in colleges and universities. Is I were to write an expository essay in the near future, my choice of topic would be "Explain why some teens commit suicide". The reason why I chose this for my topic is that it is an important issue that we are facing in the world today, and that it has a devastating affect to the people and the government.

    1. Very nice explanation of the essay. Your topic is really nice and I hope I get to read it.

    2. Good choice of topic Egan. Especially with Guam being a place with a high suicide rate among teens. Definitely one of the essays I'd look forward to reading!

    3. Very good choice of topic, Egan.

    4. Good topic! I'm sure you'll essay will be real interesting.

    5. Awesome topic! Cant wait to hear about your essay!

    6. Great explanation and good topic.

    7. good topic choice Egan. Your essay will be interesting to read.

  4. I agree with your topic of choice Egan. A lot of our youth have been taking their lives for numerous reasons. It's so tragic. I look forward to reading your essay. I too, wonder as to why teenagers would commit these acts. Good luck on your research.

  5. An expository essay is where a student finds an idea andy back up their evidence in their topic. It's an essay about facts and must have support so it can be true. It's an essay that most people use to state their facts and is a college level essay. You should never steal people's work but cite it.
    The topic I would choose would be "what animal wouls you be and why?" I choose that topic because it just sounds so much fun!

    1. I agree with you John! It's always great to write about extraordinary topics, and I can't imagine a topic any more peculiar than being an animal! I'm sure the fun you had in writing your essay will definitely show through your writing! I look forward to reading it! I'm sure you'll keep it G-Rated this time. (;

    2. Good job on explaining what an expository essay is, John!

    3. Yes! Animals are fun! Awesome topic!

  6. An expository/informative is the most challenging essay out of all essays, in my opinion, because it's an essay where you'd have to do research on. It's an essay where your trying to prove a point and you have to back it up with supporting facts.

    My choice of topic would be "why teens smoke cigarettes", because I (a non smoker) just don't see what's the big deal with smoking and why people or teens do it. I mean I have tried it back it high school but didn't see what the "cool factor" was in smoking

    1. great topic choice. students these days are either pressured or stressed.

  7. An expository essay is an essay where you write to expose something. This essay can be difficult, because you will have to do some researching depending on your topic, and at the same time it can be interesting to learn things in process of doing so. With that this kind of essay needs evidences. This type of essay is best written in a five paragraph format. For me, my topic would be what kind of animal I would be and why. Oh yeah, I am sorry this is my late blog post guys.

  8. An expository essay is an essay where you are given a certain topic, and you have to talk about the topic. Expository essays are usually about explaining certain behaviors, why is something like this or that, you basically have to explain or describe "why". You must reflect about the prompt, and list your ideas.

    The activities that we did on Monday were quite fun. We learned about outlining, also the many various types of outlines.

    An expository essay topic that I would choose is explaining how music affects my life. I chose that topic because I listen to music everyday, and I really love it.

    1. Good explanation on what is an expository essay and great topic!

    2. Kris good job explaining. and good luck on ur essay topic

  9. An expository essay is an essay where you really explain about the certain topic. You'll need information to support your topic. The structure for an expository essay is just like a typical essay; it has an introduction, bodies, and a conclusion. The topic I chose it is "explain how moving from place to place affects teens". I chose this topic because I've experienced it personally.

  10. An Expository essay is a genre essay that requires student to investigate ideas, evaluate evidence, expound on the ideas, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear understandable matte. It also, can be accomplished by comparison and contrast, definition, example, and the analysis of cause and effect. I would also choose to be an animals. It seem I have a lot of animals I would want to be.

    Today's class session was great. It gave me time to do more on my peer review and also time to dicuss the topic for the class.

  11. An expository essay is a type of essay that allows students be certain about the topic. Such as be able to break it down. To know how to investigate ideas, evaluate evidence, expound on ideas and set a argument about that idea in a clear matter. I choose to write about the cause and effect of second hand smoking. Because I have seen what it has done to the people around me. The lesson in class was awesome. It would be a great practice in writing for my essay.

  12. An expository essay is an essay that allows the students to investigate an ideas, evaluate evidence, expound the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.The topic i chose to write about would have to be about why parents are strict because there is culture and limits.
