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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reflection - Narrative Essay – Section 8 - Sept. 11

Visit URL:  In your own words, discuss what a narrative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which narrative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #2. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A narrative essay is when someone tells a story. narrative essay often lets the speaker or writer express themselves about an experience or encounter. The narrative topic i would choose would be A frightening experience because all my life i have been lying to all my family members and writing it on paper would probably save someone with the same experience, letting them know that they too are not alone.

    1. Good to know I am not the only who used to their parents!

    2. Gret topic choice, very relatable!

    3. Nice Topic! Narratives do let the writer express his or her story, nice point.

    4. Good topic choice, but i do not think everyone will be able to read your essay. Anyway good luck with your work.

    5. Nice topic and I know everyone can relate to it!

    6. Interesting topic! I'm sure a lot of us will relate to it.

    7. Funny and interesting, relatable because nobody is perfect.

    8. What a very interesting topic Lexine! One phrase that really caught my interest in your post was when you said, "all my life I have been lying to all my family members and writing it on paper would probably save someone with the same experience, letting them know that they too are not alone". I believe that your essay will be vary applicable and helpful to those who have trouble telling their parents the truth.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A narrative essay refers to a story whethers its past or present. Narrative essay is usually autobiographical or a way to express yourself. In today's class activities on topic sentences were kind of confusing in the beginning, but as we kept on doing the activities it became easier. The topic i picked is a vacation trip from my childhood because its was an exciting experience that i could not forget.

    1. what was the exciting experience?

    2. Narrative essays bring out great stories :)

    3. True that is what narrative is about, telling the story. Good Topic!

    4. Vacation trip is a good choice. It is easy to write about if you are doing a narrative essay.

    5. Nice, we are doing the same choice. I know you will have fun writing it.

    6. Vacations, whether spent with family and/or friends, are always memorable! The unpredictability of both the events and people are what really maximize the fun in your experience. I believe your topic of choice will be relatable among many of us.

    7. Vacation is a great choice. have a feeling it wll be a great story.

  4. A narrative essay is an organized essay with a clean point of view, usually a story.
    For my topic story i chose to write about an incident. When i was in 4th grade i was a rebellious brat and liked to things my way. One day i was tired of teachers telling me what to do so i retaliated by pulling the fire alarm in the middle of spring play. It wasn't my smartest idea, but i made a crazy memory i can enjoy.

    1. Good story, James! I'm sure we've all done something rebellious in our younger years.

    2. Yo bro thats cool, we all did something crazy that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Nice choice!

    3. Funny and crazy story! I bet we could all relate to something like that.

    4. Nice topic James! I'm sure that your essay will be filled with much excitement! I look forward to reading it in the future, regardless if we already have partners for our peer reviews

    5. Great/ funny topic! I'm sure some of us have done things similar to what you had done before.

  5. A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story. It is about a personal experience. The writer tries to portray their experience with the reader. The narrative topic I would choose is "Your first visit to the country (or big city). I chose that topic because last summer, I went on a road trip in the United States.

    1. Good topic! Lucky you man for going on that road trip.Great point you make on writing the narrative.

    2. Last summer, you should be able to write well about it because it happen not long ago. Good luck with your essay.

    3. Bro your topic sounds fun. I hope you enjoy writing it!

    4. Good topic! Everybody loves a road trip!

    5. Writing about a road trip sounds fun. Nice choice!

    6. Awesome choice of topic Kris! Although I don't believe many of us have had the luxury to travel on the main land, I'm sure we will be able to relate to several of your experiences.

    7. that's a good one Kris, a narrative essay is totally like that bro. its like your telling the story but in writing, great choice of topic. That was probably fun experiencing it, so it would be more fun writing it.

  6. A narrative essay is an essay telling a story and of course with you telling it. It could be about you, someone, something, and more. But you are the one telling it, because you are the narrator to the story. The topic I would pick is a memorable journey.

    1. Writing a narrative essay about journey is a good choice. Good luck with your essay.

    2. Awesome choice! There are so many things you could write about a memorable journey.

    3. The best part about writing about a memorable journey are the emotions that come along, especially as you envision the events in your head. Nice topic!

    4. that's a nice one Lusech, narrative essay is exactly like that. Nice choice of topic, its simple and easy to write a good narrative essay about that topic...

  7. A narrative essay refers to a story either from the past or present time.Narrative essays are mostly stories about yourself.The narrative topic i choose is all about me. I choose this topic because i can relate myself on this story a lot.However all the topics were all great i might eventually change it.

  8. A narrative essay is way to tell an essay in the first person's view point, allowing that person to express his or her idea. The essay could be about the person's own experience or book report.
    For the essay, I choose to write about a disastrous date. For me, it is difficult to forget bad things that occur to me.

    1. Good topic for your narrative essay because when you expect things to go as plan, somewhere along the like will have a disastrous moment

  9. A narrative essay is like you are telling a story but not exactly. It allows the student to express themselves. It must concise of 6 parts and make sure it has a purpose. My topic would be a vacation trip from your childhood because I went to a lot of places when I was a child.

    1. thats exactly it bro.. that's what narrative essay is all about. great topic for a narrative essay John, that's the same as mine bro, its easy to remember and lot more simple to write.

  10. A narrative essay is an essay that tells a story. It's usually about what the writer has experienced. The topic I chose is "home town". I went to high school here on Guam but I was raised in Rota. I chose this topic because I know my home town by heart and I've had many memories made there.

    1. Good topic Sabina! Being raised from somewhere else and leaving to another country is hard especially that it's something new that you have to get used to

  11. Narration is writing that tells a story about what happened to you or to others. It states the events, the people who are involved, and what is happening. Narrative essay can be used in class, and in your personal life.

  12. Narrative essays serve as a way for you to tell a story through your writing. It allows you to recall moments of your life that posed as a heavy influence in your future and behavior. My topic of choice for this essay will revolve around the breaking of a friendship. I feel it's best to talk about topics that involve deep contemplation so that the emotions or forms of expression will be all the more vivid.

    1. nice one Sheena that's what narrative essay is all about. And an excellent choice of topic that you chose, it takes a lot of courage to write a topic like that. hope to hear more about it.

  13. The aim of a narrative essay is to describe a course of events from a subjective vantage point and may be written in first person present or first person past tense. In other words narrative essay is when you write or narrate a story or event from the past or the present. If I would write a narrative essay I would choose a topic about a vacation trip from my childhood, because its simple,easy and it narrates a story on my childhood.

  14. A Narrative essay tells a story and most narrative essays are written from past experiences, with this essay, the writer can open up and try and connect with the reader. I believe narrative essays are written to either entertain or inform the readers.

  15. My topic of choice would be "An embarrassing experience" because who hasn't had one of those? and maybe one of my readers would probably have had the same experience as I did.
