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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reflection – Narrative Essay Practice – Section 8 - Sept. 30

Review and respond to one of the following narrative essay exercises - and will assist you with Test #1.  It will be to your benefit to review both.

Further reflect on today's overall activities.


  1. The controlling idea of this paragraph is that the writer was not expecting to meet a cop that she could distinguish as "human".

    There are multiple examples in this paragraph that explain why Officer Jenkins is seen as human. First, he would call the writer by her given name instead of using a nickname. Second, when Officer Jenkins patrols the hallways to inform the inmates that it is lights out, he does not yell. Officer Jenkins has his own way of saying good night with a little song. Lastly, usually the cops would double check when the inmates are asleep while making noise with their flash lights, but Officer Jenkins patrols quietly.

    The type of order that organizes the examples is exemplification.

    It is true that the examples are vivid, specific, and representative.

    The point of view in this paragraph is first person view.

    1. Great answers Kris!

      It's great to see that you really understood the reading. It seemed as if you had no difficulty in answering the questions. (:

  2. The controlling idea of this paragraph is Officer Jenkins is " human ".

    The paragraph gives multiple examples of how Officer Jenkins displays human-like behavior in comparison to the other cops.

    She writes the examples in a chronological way, where it starts with her moving in and how the day ends.

    It is true that the examples are vivid, specific and representative.

    She is writing the paragraph in a first person point of view.
    You can tell by the first couple sentences where she uses the words " I " and " me ".

    1. I enjoyed reading your answers Joseph. Stupendous job on handling this assignment!

      P.S. Please tell Tori that I said 'Hello'. :D

  3. Controlling Idea is that of meeting a Cop that is "Human" in prison.

    The Paragraph shows multiple example of the cop is humane to them.

    To me she writes it in chronological order.

    It is true.

    She is writing in her point of view or we would call it first persons view.

  4. Cops Can Be Human

    1. What is the controlling idea of this paragraph?
    - After spending six months in a county jail where no cop ever said anything nice to me, I was not expecting to meet any here in the state prison that I would call "human."

    2. In this paragraph, is there a single example or multiple examples?
    - There are multiple examples stated in the paragraph.

    3. What type of order organizes the examples?
    - Generalization and then examples. Also, sequential order.

    4. The examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative. True or false?
    - I would say this is true.

    5. What is the point of view in this paragraph?
    - The point of view in this paragraph is the first person point of view, where that person would be the narrator. She explains what happens using keywords such as 'he' or 'we', indicating that she is the one telling the story.

  5. Susan B. Anthony: Hero in Bloomers

    1. What is the specific unit being divided?
    - The specific unit being divided are her numerous achievements and accolades while she was still alive.

    2. In this analysis, what is the principle of function?
    - I see justice as the principle of function as that what was Susan B. Anthony constantly fought for, along with equality for everyone.

    3. Into how many parts is the unit divided?
    - The unit is divided into 4 parts.

    4. What sequence organizes the parts of the unit?
    - Sequential order is used to organize the parts of the unit.

    5. What is the point of view in the essay's body and conclusion?
    - The point of view in the essay's body and conclusion and conclusion is told in third person point of view.

  6. Cops Can Be Human

    1.When the author spent 6 months in jail, she was not expecting any cop to treat her like "human".

    2. In this essay practice, there are multiple examples.

    3. Generalization and exemplification.

    4. True

    5. First person's point of view

  7. Cops Can Be Human!!!

    1. The controlling idea of this paragraph is the title itself. "Cops Can Be Human.

    2. There are multiple examples shown in the essay practice paragraph.

    (1) First of all, he called me by my given name when I moved in,
    something that I hardly ever heard; even the other inmates use last names or nicknames most of the
    time. He was doing it for all the women, even if he was calling them down for doing something wrong.
    (2) Later after we'd gone to our rooms and he'd locked us in, he came around again for lights out. Instead of
    yelling at us to turn our lights out, he had a little song that went "Goodnight, Marge. Goodnight, Linda.
    Goodnight, Beverly. It's time to kill the lights." He would go on and on down the hall, working in lots of
    names. (3) Then that night when he was checking the rooms, he didn't make a big deal of it. The cops are
    supposed to check twice each night after we go to bed and "see flesh," and some of them make a lot of
    noise with their flashlights. But Officer Jenkins just moved along, quietly checking us, so we usually didn't
    know he'd been there

    3.The type order is chronological.

    4. Yes it true

    5. It is a first person view and officer Jenkins was well respected. Most cops are not like Office Jenkins, but he was enough to make me feel better
    about human beings in general. He got us to cooperate by being good instead of bad. "

    1. You had very great answers Marvin. I liked how they were all in complete sentences and in some answers, where you stated examples.

  8. The controlling idea is that she was not expecting to meet anyone in prison who she can call "human".

    There are multiple examples in this paragraph.

    The examples are written in chronological order of how officer Jenkins starts and ends the day.

    I would say this passage is quite accurate so it's true.

    The passage is written in first person point of view. She uses the words "I".

    1. Great answers John! We missed you in class today. If possible, please send me your email so I can help prepare you for our exam Monday. (

  9. For type of order is in time order
    And the point of view is that officer Jenkins is the person he can look up to as human.

    And the the vivid, specific, and representatives are true.

    The point of view is a first person.

  10. Cops can be Human!!

    1. What is the controlling idea of this Paragraph?
    *. The controlling idea of the paragraph starts with "After spending six months in a county jail were no cops ever said anything nice to me, I was not expecting to meet any here in the state prison that I would call "human".

    2. In this paragraph, is there a single example or multiple?
    *. The paragraph uses multiple examples.

    3. What type of order organizes the example?
    *. I would say that it is chronological order.

    The examples in this paragraph are vivid, specific, and representative.
    *. True

    5. What is the point of view in this paragraph?
    *. The point of view in this paragraph is first person view.

    1. Great answers Egan! We missed you in class today. If possible, please send me your email so I can help prepare you for our exam Monday. (
