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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reflection – Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay – Section 5 - Sept. 23

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an argumentative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which argumentative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #4. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. An argumentative essay is similar to an expository essay, but different in many ways. An argumentative essay is more detailed than an expository and needs more support such as surveys, experiments, and observation. Similarities from an argumentative and other essays include concise information as well as an intro, body, and conclusion. The biggest different is actually having evidential support within your body; being more heavy on the writer. Lastly it not only asking for a thesis, but a clearer view of the writer's thought by, again, evidential support.
    "Home schooling provides an exceptional education under controlled circumstances.
    Nevertheless, I would advocate that every American child should receive at least two
    years of public schooling before graduating from high school." is actually a great topic to talk about because I am taking a position in home schooling in my ED110 class. I would really have to follow the guidelines of an argumentative essay in order to do my research of home schooling.
    Today's activities was quite interesting and I would love extra practice on editing. Learning from the worksheet, I found out that writers have to portray an image for readers so they can see clearly within the writing.

    1. I agree with Aaron. An argumentative essay needs more support such as surveys, experiment, and observation. Everything almost always requires evidential support. I also would love extra practice on editing.

    2. I agree with Aaron's definition. I also agree that an argumentative essay is demanding in terms of evidence. Factual based knowledge is what makes an argument strong. I also agree that your topic would require extensive research to support your end of the argument.

    3. I like the topic of choice. I think choosing a topic that you can relate to would help you write a powerful argumentative essay.

    4. I like your topic as well. I'm sure your background in homeschooling will benefit your paper.

  2. An argumentative essay, also known as a persuasive essay, is similar to an expository essay. The writer must take on a position on a topic and investigate,generate, and evaluate evidence on that topic. They both must have an intro, body, and conclusion with clear transitions and the essay can be written in a five-paragraph essay. The major difference between the two types of essays is that an argumentative essay must have extensive research on the topic to support the writer's position. The detailed research will help the reader understand the topic and the position the writer is taking. "Every state should enact a divorce counseling law that requires married couples to go through counseling before being granted a divorce." is a topic I would choose for an argumentative essay. I have family members that have went through a divorce before. I would agree with this because counseling could have been a way to prevent it from happening. The activity we did today about editing was really helpful. It taught me how to edit properly. It also showed me that I still have to work on my editing skills and more practice can help with that.

    1. The argumentative essay does require more extensive research. It is almost similar to an expository essay, but requires more evidence. Today's activities did show us that we should have editing exercises more often.

    2. I agree with Cyann's definition of what an argumentative essay is. Interesting topic choice as well. I do believe that marriage counseling could aid in preventing or furthering a divorce.

    3. I agree with Cyann's definition of what an argumentative essay. It is short and simple. I also like the topic that you would choose. People sometimes just need guidance and counseling before divorce may be good.

  3. An argumentative essay is an essay that deals with cotreversial issues. In the essay the writer would address the issue and use many supporting ideas to back up their arguement. It is like an expository essay because the writer must use facts. But it is different because the argumentative essay involves detailed research. The topic I would choose is Drivers in the state of Minnesota who are over 70 years old must pass an annual test for
    eyesight and physical ability before they can renew their driver's license. Having an elder who is not capable of driving on the road is dangerous. This would be a great way to ensure the safety of themselves and others. Today's activities were okay. I got a little fustrated with the editing of the one paragraph we did. I would definitely need more practice with it.

    1. An argumentative essay portrayed by Andrea is spot on of being like an expository, but having more detail and support within the essay. The topic of drivers over 70 would be an interesting topic to talk about. The logic behind your stand on it is pretty convincing. Yes, I agree we all need more practicing on editing.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you Andrea. An argumentative essay does deal with controversial issues and the writer would have to take a position on that issue. I also agree with your topic. People over 70 years old should take those annual test to be on the safe side.

    4. I agree with your definition of an argumentative essay. You have a grasp on what it actually is. The topic you chose was the topic I was about to choose, however, I took a different approach.

    5. I think that it is a smart idea to pick controversial topics. Only because it will provide the writer with a long list of pros and cons and will assist in deciding which side to defend.

  4. An argumentative essay, (not to be confused with an expository essay) is a style of writing in which the writer investigates and explores a topic. The writer collects, generates, and evaluates their evidence and findings. Based on these findings, the writer then decides what position he/she takes on the topic. Key points to remember when writing an argumentative essay include: a clear and distinct thesis statement in the first paragraph of the essay, clear transitions between the introduction, body and conclusion, evidential support, a complete argument, and a conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis statement.
    "We should not allow novels that include explicit or mature content in high school
    libraries (examples include The World According to Garp, Lady Chatterley's Lover, and
    Huckleberry Finn)." I chose this topic because I believe that censorship with particular media, such as books and literature have limited high school student exposure to different genres and works of literature. Throughout high school, I have read countless novels for my english honors classes that were on the list of banned books. Books like "The Catcher in the Rye" may contain obscene language and profanity, but author JD Salinger had purpose behind them. Libraries and schools should not ban such books based on content. These books teach lessons to students and most especially, the students in turn may relate to them. This argument may be vague, but with a bit more time and research, I believe that I can produce a strong argument against banning books with mature or explicit content from high school libraries.
    Overall, I enjoyed today's activities. Stage Three of the writing process is definitely the most difficult stage, but it does aid to the effective development of an essay. I also enjoyed the activity where we utilized the acronyms COPS and CGPS to revise and edit or sample passages.

    1. omg Ed Just so you know i didn't copy you. I swear i just posted late. Anyway i agree with your breakdown of what an argumentative essay is. I like how it's clear and to the point...also because i kind of said the same thing.

    2. I agree with Eduardo. The writer has to collect, generate and evaluate their evidence and findings, and then he/she decides what he should do with the topic. A clear thesis statement is always in the first paragraph of the essay, and the writer must always have clear transitions between each paragraph. I also agree that although stage three is the most difficult, it really helps in aiding to the effective development of an essay.

    3. You never seem to let this blog down Ed! I love how you're so precise with the topics that Dr. Rivera would have us write about. That being said, I agree with you 101%, with the key points that we should all keep in mind.

    4. Argumentative essays like Eduardo said is picking a side of an argument and having facts and evidence to support. The topic is a great argument to look into because the books you listed are called "CLASSICS" for a reason, the message behind these books teach students of life itself. Also the activity using COPS and CGPS are great ways to continually practice editing skills.

    5. I agree with Ed that an argumentative essay does investigate and explore a topic through evidence and extensive research. I like the topic you chose too. It is a controversial issue within school communities and it would be great to know what side to take up on.

  5. An argumentative essay is an essay where the writer must explore a certain topic, collect information attributing to it and then evaluate the pros and cons of the subject matter. Once the writer establishes which side to write about, the writer will then have to persuade the reader that their argument is the best one.
    All argumentative essays should have the following:
    -A clear thesis statement
    -Clear and logical transitions throughout the essay
    -paragraphs with evidential support
    -Evidential support(DUH) (factual,logical,..blahblahblah)
    -A conclusion that doesn't just repeat the thesis statement in a boring way
    I know for a fact that argumentative essays tend to be lengthy,especially for touchy subjects so for my topic i chose to discuss why i don't like working in a group. Today's activities have piqued my interests. It has led me to believe that I too would like extra practice on editing. THE END BYE MRS!

    1. I agree with you Sepe, argumentative essays do tend to be longer than five paragraphs only because of all the research you'd have to explain to persuade the audience.

    2. I agree with your definition Sepe. I like how you expounded on what is contained in an argumentative essay and I do agree that they can be a bit lengthy.

    3. I agree with Sepe's definition and the fact that argumentative essays can be lengthy. Working in a group is something that is relatable and researchable.

    4. I agree with you Sepe. That was such an easy to understand definition. I agree that I would need a lot of more time on editing.

  6. An argumentative essay is an essay that requires extensive research. It becomes a very detailed research, in which you have to support with evidence collected during research. The argumentative essay needs well-researched, detailed and current information to support its thesis statement. An argumentative essay topic I would choose would be: "We should not allow novels that include explicit or mature content in high school libraries." During my junior year of high school, I was assigned to read "The Color Purple," in my honors class. As much as it taught a lesson, it was far too extreme. I think many students could relate that reading an explicit book isn't too appealing.
    I enjoyed today's overall activities. Stage three is the most difficult stage in the writing process. I must admit, that the exercise was a little bit of a challenge, but it certainly did help me in realizing that I must provide imagery more often.

    1. I agree with Jerlyn about stage three being the most difficult stage in the writing process. I can honestly say that when we were doing exercise two "Pain Unforgettable" by James Hutchison, Jhenirose and I were struggling a bit with the sentences.

    2. I agree with Jerlyn's definition of what an argumentative essay is. I also noticed your topic choice and your view on it. I do believe that some of the books on the banned list are there for a reason, but I believe that high school students are at a point in their life where their maturity level would suffice knowledge and understanding of novels like "The Color Purple" or "To Kill a Mockingbird." They should be exposed to such genres of literature to also prepare themselves for future success in college courses such as Into to Literature.

    3. I totally forgot that we need all that research and support in an argument to support the main focus, which is your thesis. The idea that Jerlyn said of having current information strengthens your position in an argument because people are debating the same topic you are in and it's always to grab their ideas and research too.
      Also the practice of editing did teach us that we have to portray an image so the readers can visualize the writer's experience or thoughts.

    4. I agree with Jerlyn's definition of an argumentative essay. The essay must contain well-researched and current information to support the thesis statement so the reader will gain knowledge about it as they read.

  7. I understood only a handful of what we did today in class so please forgive my limited knowledge of argumentative essays. An argumentative essay is an essay that requires extensive research of literature or previously published material. It might also require one to collect data from surveys, observations, things like that. To me, this is one essay that I will have a little trouble writing. One because I am not that knowledgeable when it comes to starting the research and ending it. And two because I am not that great at observing when I have to observe. I do my best when I don't seem to try. And about stage three, it seems to be one of the most time consuming and hardest stages so far.

    1. I think we all feel that argumentative essay is going to be the hardest essay to work on because of it being time consuming by the vast research and knowledge we have to gain in order to support our position. Also reading other classmates' replies, it has to be well-thought out and detailed so this essay is going to be really lengthy by the evidential report as well as making it a good strong essay. Lastly editing is really going to take a lot of effort after making your first draft of an argumentative essay, but it will strengthen your position.

    2. Your definition of an argumentative essay is pretty spot on. I too would have a little trouble with writing one, but we got to do what we got to do.

    3. I agree with you Mike. An argumentative essay does seem a bit difficult to write compared to the previous essays we went over. I would say the extensive research we have to do is what makes the essay difficult.

    4. I agree that this could be one of the hardest essays to write, but then all the essays were hard for me to write. Researching on a topic I have no knowledge of could be fun. Right?

    5. I agree with Mike that writing this argumentative essay will be one of hardest ones to write. Like Aaron also said that it would be time consuming to write because of the amount of research put into the essay.

    6. I agree that this is going to be hardest essay to write, because of the extensive research we have put into the essay.

  8. An argumentative (persuasive) essay is almost just like a expository essay.The only difference is that an argumentative essay requires more pre-writing and research. It basically an essay about a specific topic. This essay requires well-researched, accurate, detailed, and current information to support your topic. The topic I would choose would be drivers in MN or nationwide should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving. Today's activities were about editing. This one seemed like a hassle to do because it takes so long to edit your first draft. I guess it will be worth it since you will have a better final draft after you edit your first draft. Also, I think that I need to work on my editing skills as well.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I absolutely agree with Cameron. We should do exercises to get the class more "active" considering our class is at 9:30.

    2. I agree with your definition John. I also agree with your topic and look forward to see how you decide on approaching the subject.

  10. An argumentative/persuasive essay is much more detailed rather than an expository essay. On this particular type of essay you'll need to widen research on your topic, to provide evidence to support your position on a the chosen topic. With all the evidence or research you have collected you then try to expose the pros and cons about the argument to grasp the audiences' attention, to have them "agree" with you. I couldn't decide which topic i would choose but its either between "Drivers in MN [or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving (talking and/or texting)." or "Fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. Too
    many times the mother is favored because of the "nurturing" stereotype."
    What we did today was just like every other day, every week.

    1. Excellent definition of what an argumentative essay is Imee. I also agree that you essay should some how persuade readers into agreeing to your view of an argument.

    2. I agree with what you said about this essay being more detailed than the expository essay. This essay seems it would require to do plenty of research on your topic.

    3. I agree stating pros and cons are good ways of keeping the readers interested.

  11. An argumentative essay is one where you do research on a certain topic and then elaborating on your position towards it. You would then either argue for or against the certain topic in effort to try and sway your audience to whatever side you are on. It is also called a persuasive essay and it is called that for a reason. This essay does require you spend time doing extensive research to make your argument towards the intended topic more credible. The topic I would choose to write about would have to be about how you can not get a divorce until you have went through marriage counseling. I feel that I would have a lot to say on the subject. Today's exercises seemed a bit mundane. I feel that it is getting very tedious going over things in the book and doing the writing assignments. I feel that we should do other activities just to get some excitement going in the class, to make my peers want to participate. That is just my opinion though

    1. Your topic of choice would is probably one of the best choices for an argumentative essay. I also agree with how you feel about the class exercises and overall ambiance .

    2. Your way of defining the argumentative essay was easy to understand. I don't even know how you did it. I agree how sometimes that activities we do is sort of repetitive with how we read and then do the writing exercises.

    3. This was a great explanation of argumentative essays. Swaying the audience by doing the research is the purpose for this type of essay. Well done.

  12. An argumentative essay, also known as a persuasive essay, gives information while presenting supporting and opposing ideas. Topics should not be broad, must HAVE a strong argument, and must be supported by evidence such as statistics and other valid citations. Argumentative essays require a large amount of time for research in order to have a persuasive essay.
    I would write my argumentative essay on why "The classroom size of grades K through 5 statewide should be set at a maximum of 20
    students." I find this topic appropriate and relatable to perform research on and provide evidence.
    Today's overall activities were predictable, nothing new. We read, we answer activities, we peer review, and so on and so forth. It would be nice to see a change in the way our class performs.

    1. I feel that you have a great understanding of all the types of essays we have covered so far. Your choice of topic on what you would write about somewhat surprises me. I agree with your reflection of the day's activities, they were predictable.

    2. I agree, having a strong argument as well as having the evidence to back it is very important.

  13. An argumentative essay is just like an expository essay, but argumentative essays require much more research. Research can be collected through interviews, surveys, observations, or experiments where the writer is able to learn more about the topic and understand it from different point of views. The essay should consists of a clear thesis with clear transitions through paragraphs also containing evidential support. Readers should not have doubt to the intent of the essay. "The classroom size of grades K through 5 statewide should be set at a maximum of 20 students." would be my topic choice because I am surrounded by a group of elementary school teachers through family and friends. I would be able to gather information on what they experience having more than 20 students in a classroom. Todays activities showed me that I really need more practice in my editing skills not only when it comes to others' essays, but my own as well. I seem to miss the simple errors and lack in improving sentences.

    1. Understanding both point of views of the topic will give the writer good insight to writing the essay. This is a good tip and a great explanation of Argumentative Essays.

  14. Argumentative Essays or Persuasive essays, are very similar to Expository Essays where the writer must take a position on an idea and give information to back up their side of the argument. The difference between the two are Argumentative Essays involve much more time on research and pre-writing. Researching involves interviews, surveys, observations, and experiments. The thesis should be clear and the paragraphs should have smooth transitions with good evidence to support the thesis.The topic I would argue is "We should initiate a national health insurance program in the United States and model the
    program on successful ones used in Europe [or Canada]." This is an interesting subject and I would like to further my knowledge on the issue. Today's lesson was interesting for editing papers. I think we all realized that we need help noticing the errors and judging how to make proper corrections.

    1. I agree with Andrew. The lesson we went over helped me with editing and also showed me that I can miss simple errors in an essay sometimes. It would help if we practiced editing more.

    2. Yes I agree that today's lesson was interesting and helpful for the most of us.

  15. An argumentative essay is a detailed essay that requires extensive research to prove ones point. When writing an argumentative essay the essay must have a clear thesis statement, evidential support, and a conclusion that reinstates the thesis statement or main idea. An argumentative essay that I would write about is the “Every state should enact a divorce counseling law that requires married couples to go through counseling before being granted a divorce.” I feel strongly about this topic and I feel should be a law. Today’s activity was challenging for me. I believe I need more practice when it comes to editing and revising.

    1. I agree that argumentative essays require an ample amount of time and research to prove a point in order to create a convincing essay.

    2. I agree that the editing activity was quite difficult for me too. I think it was the most difficult for most of us. It shows that sometimes mistakes need to be checked over again.

    3. I agree that argumentative essay requires extensive research to prove a point. Editing was quite challenging for me too.

  16. An argumentative essay is the same as an expository essay but this requires more research & details. This essay must have a clear thesis statement, a strong support as well as a conclusion that goes back to the thesis. A topic I would choose for this essay would be "Every state should enact a divorce counseling law that requires married couples to go through counseling before being granted a divorce." Today's activities shows that I need to practice editing & revising.

  17. An argumentative essay is similar to a persuasive essay, in which you set out to persuade the reader to agree with your position on a topic. You make a thesis statement and use facts, data, and other evidence to prove why your thesis is correct and logical. The topic I chose is drivers nationwide should not be permitted while driving. I think that this topic is important, because using cellphones while driving brings the a great risk to causing accidents. The activity we did in class was really helpful, but I need more practice with editing.

  18. Argumentative essays are quite similar to expository essays is a handful of ways. For example: they both require extensive research, looking back at previous published material, and other types of data like surveys, observations, etc. I think that I will either have a hard time writing this type of essay or have a very easy time with it. Researching for me is semi-easy but also semi-difficult. The activity we had was very helpful though.

  19. Unlike an expository essay, an argumentative essay involves lengthy, detailed research. By doing extensive research, the student learns about the topic and the different points of view. It helps with choosing a position and finding supporting evidence. Like any other essay, an argumentative essay requires a clear thesis and follow a sound reasoning. A common format for writing an argumentative essay is the BAR method or the five paragraph essay. It consists of an introductory paragraph, three supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introductory paragraph includes has the background information, the argument, and the road map. The three body paragraphs support what was introduced in the road map. The conclusion readdresses the thesis in light of the evidence rather than restating it. The topic I chose was "death row inmates as subjects for medical testing rather than animals".
    Today's activities were okay. Stage three is not as easy as the other stages but it is just as important. It was a good opportunity to utilize CLUESS, COPS, or CGPS.
