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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reflection - Narrative Essay – Section 5 - Sept. 11

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what a narrative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which narrative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #2. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A narrative essay is an essay can be a story. It can be a experimental, personal or anecdotal. When writing narrative essays, the writer can be creative. A narrative essay includes all parts of a story, such as, the introduction, the plot, characters, setting, the climax and lastly, the conclusion. A narrative topic I would select would probably be my first visit to a country because I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful country of South America. Till this day, it still amazes me that I visited such a place. Today's overall activities were very helpful. It aided me more in writing a well organized essay, and how to make sure I don't go off topic.

    1. Being creative is a good way of keeping the reader interested in the work. No one wants to read a boring narrative essay. Good job.

    2. I agree, a naritave essay should be exciting causing the reader want more.

    3. It's true that a narrative essay has the basis of a story, but we need to remember that we have to be careful on the approach of the story. I love the idea of visiting a foreign country and it's an interesting topic, but if you approach it in a boring way that interesting topic loses substance.

    4. I agree with Jerlyn. Her summary of what a narrative essay is simple, yet straight to the point. Her idea of visiting a foreign country is a good idea, and I look forward to seeing a great narrative story of your adventures in South America.

    5. Jeryln's description of a narrative essays has all the key point needed o writing one. Her topic choice is excellent because i'm already excited to read about her adventure.

    6. I agree that the writer can be creative while writing narrative. The writer is constantly keeping the readers attetntion.

  2. A narrative essay is just an essay that tells a story. Taking the narrative approach can give an author a little more elbow room to write about themselves.The author is able to share past experiences or memories from a first person point of view, usually in a way that will give the reader a better insight of the story or learn a lesson.

    1. I love the idea of a narrative essay giving the opportunity for writers to talk about their experiences. The narrative essay told through their eyes showcases more emotion behind it making it an interesting and enticing essay. The emotion not only making the essay interesting it strengthens the overall message within the story.

    2. I like the idea of sharing past experiences or memories.

    3. I agree. It does give the writer the elbow room to be creative and write about themselves.

  3. A narrative essay, in short, is a personal essay or work that tells a story. It can be anecdotal, experiential, or personal and usually conveys a more artistic and creative side to a writer. A narrative essay should contain certain elements, such as an introduction, climax, conclusion, plot, character and setting. The essay must serve a purpose, written clearly with the use of concise language, and well organized. Some things to consider when writing a narrative essay include the use of the first person and when to write a story, especially if it is a book report. Of the topics, I would choose to write about would be a moment of success. Graduating from high school was already a milestone that I am proud I accomplished, but I took that milestone one step further and graduated Top Five while being the President of the Class of 2013 for three years. Many said that it could not be done, but I gladly proved them wrong. Today's activities also were very helpful. They definitely aided me in my ability to write a more effective topic sentence.

    1. I agree with Eduardo. It's actually more of a personal essay or work that tells a story. The essay should always have a purpose, or main idea. I am proud of your accomplishments, Eduardo! Keep up the great work.

    2. Having a purpose to your essay is an important thing to remember when doing a narrative essay. Also knowing your point of view and when not to tell a story are great tips to keep in mind. Great explanation.

    3. Like Andrew a great explanation of a narrative essay of having key figures of a story, but still containing the creative side towards it. I believe graduating is a great narrative topic because it portrays the emotion of a senior leaving high school and entering the real world.

    4. Eduardo's explanation is flawless. Keeping a close attention on when to use first peson is very important. His topic choice is great where many emotions are involved.

  4. A narrative essay is a essay that tells a story that is usually about the author. It tells the reader almost anything about the author. The essay can be written about their life, experiences, how they think, what they like, and almost anything. Narrative essays to me are essays that I really enjoy reading because writers have the chance to be as personal as they want to be. To me, that is really cool.

    1. And by the way if I were to choose a narrative topic, it would be an occasion when you experienced rejection. I have many rejections in my life, so it would be easy for me to just choose one that was the most memorable. Sad, I know it is.

    2. I agree with you Mike. These type of essays can almost be written about anything making the possibility of different topics endless.

    3. I agree with you. I think narrative essays are the essays that I would enjoy the most as well.

    4. I agree with you Mike. Narrative essay is usually a story about the author. It could be about their experiences in life.

    5. I agree, in most narrative essays the writer tells things from his/her point of view. They may get personal in their writings. People enjoy writing about personal experiences. I sure do.

    6. I agree that narrative essays are quite interesting because of how personal it can get.

  5. A narrative essay is an essay that tells a short story. You can also write this essay in either first person or third person. Narrative essays can be experimental, personal or anecdotal. The writer can be creative on the topic they choose. A topic I would choose would be an event that marked marked a turning point of my life. A few events happened several months ago really made step back & think "Wow, I can't believe that happened" & that particular moment made me cherish people more than I originally do. Today's activities were helpful. They helped me make a strong & effective topic sentence.

  6. A narrative essay is an essay where the writer tells a story. The story can be personal, experimental, or anecdotal. The essay should include the different parts of a story which are its introduction, plot, character, setting, climax, and conclusion. This is the type of essay that could keep readers interested in reading because the writer has a chance to be creative. The topic I would choose for my narrative essay would be an embarrassing moment. Most of the time embarrassing moments is not that easy to share, but I was able to make people smile during that moment. Making someone smile made it more memorable, but it was still embarrassing. The activities we went through today taught me how to write a controlling idea into an effective topic sentence. It will help in future essays.

    1. I agree that a narrative essay could set a point or purpose across and also be creative to entice readers. It is like combining both a descriptive and narrative essay together. I also commend you for smiling your way through an embarrassing situation.

    2. Great topic choice! It's good that you're writing about something memorable. It is usually easier to write about something you've experienced and remember.

  7. Everyone starts out with a narrative essay, but I'm going to start out... well the way I did. Regardless, the writer does tell the story. These essays are normally expressed with the writers creativity and depending on their creativity will decide whether the narrative essay is great, or "Forever alone." When the writer writes a narrative essay, they are normally trying to make a point. My topic would be,"An experience that showed appearances can be deceiving." I would choose that because I would like to tell this embarrassing experience. It is indeed weird to be wanting to show such things, but I am daring enough to tell it. Today's activities helped me remember the significance of topic sentences.

    1. I agree. When the writer has a strong sense of creativity in their writing it would make their essay one to enjoy. If not, the essay will be, stated by Kevin, "forever alone". That is a really interesting way of putting it.

  8. I believe a narrative essay is an essay where the the writer tells a story, which can be told in the point of view of the writer. Like any other essay, a narrative essay should include an introduction, plot, setting, and conclusion. I think narrative essays can catch the attention of readers because it is told in the point of view of the writer. The topic I would choose would have to be a moment of success. I chose this topic because I would like to share the success I had. Today's activities taught me how to make my paragraphs stronger.

    1. I agree. I also think that narrative essays catches the attention of readers because it is told in a point of view. That would make it more interesting to read.

    2. I agree too! I think it would catch the readers attention. Specially if the writer is creative with the story that he/she is writing about.

  9. An essay that is narrative is where one tells a tale or what most people call it, story. 'Tis a story that could entice one into deepening the understanding of what the author has to tell. One topic chosen by me was an event that marked a turning point in my life. I have chosen this topic because I have had one of these moments and it changed my whole life. It is not a great feeling, but it made the me that I am today, me. The exercises we accomplished today were very effective in broadening my knowledge of the English language.

    1. I agree. That was a simple way to explain what a narrative is. Which it is basically a story.

  10. A narrative essay is an essay where the writer tells a story. The writer may provide details of the event or situation that is happening. The writer is telling the story from his or her point of view. They may write about the emotions they feel or even observations. The topic I would write about is an embarrassing moment. I have lots of those. And instead of being ashamed of them, might as well write about them.

    1. I agree. When a writer writes from his or her point of view adding emotion and observations could make the essay interesting to the reader.

    2. I admire your positive attitude towards your topic choice. Writing about embarrassing moments to laugh off would be fun!

    3. Your definition of a narrative essay is pretty short and simple. I like how you described it in that way though.

    4. I agree that writing about an embarrassing moment is something memorable enough to write a narrative essay on.

  11. A narrative essay is an essay told as a story from a point of view that the author chooses. The author can also use narrative essays as an informative narrative that can provide information about something the author has read or experienced. It is important to have a clear point of view, as well as having a point to the story being told. The narrative topic I would choose is An Embarrassing Experience. When I was about 7 years old, I got on stage at a church in San Diego with some kid dance group and instead of getting off stage I ended up trying to copy their moves. At the time I didn't realize how ridicules I must have looked, but it makes for funny story. Todays lesson was a good and important one. Finding the subject and having an effective treatment will give the author a good sense of where the essay should go.

    1. It is very important to have a clear point of view. In that way, the story is easier to tell. It's easier to tell a story when everything is clear. Great Job!

    2. I agree with Andrew's summary of what a narrative essay is. It is especially important that the author has a point or purpose to the story being told. Excellent topic choice too.

    3. I concur with his definition of what a narrative essay is. It is important to have a point to the story, and I feel you made some good points.

    4. I chose the same topic for a narrative. I think that talking about embarrasing moments we once had is a good thing. You remember everything that happened in that moment. So there is a lot to write about.

    5. I agree. Having a clear point of view is crucial to writing an effective essay. It is easier to understand a story when it is clear and concise. Great topic choice!

  12. A narrative essay tells a story, but also makes a point. It including all elements of a story such as introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion. Narrative essay is usually told from writers viewpoint. The topic i would choose is a moment of success. My narrative essay would be about graduating from high school or winning my first championship. I found today lesson everything helpful. Its one of the main things i struggle in writing. I have to remember to to state my controlling idea and support it. I have to organize and keep my essay on topics as well as, having a effective topic sentence and thesis.

    1. A narrative essay does make a point! It makes a point in a story. Since its usually told from the writers point of view, it uses the first person technique. Making sure you control the idea and support those ideas are very important in writing an essay, so that you do not go off topic and confuse the reader.

    2. Reminding ourselves about the controlling idea and supporting it is a good practice to stay on point. Having an essay that wanders will have readers confused and disinterested. Good point Kara.

    3. I agree. The lessons we discussed in class are going to be very useful in the future.

    4. I agree. You also have a good point about reminding oneself the controlling idea.

  13. A narrative essay is one that tells a story. The writer can give as many details as they can to describe the situation or event that is taking place. The writer tells the story from their point of view. They can jot down what emotions they feel at the moment and give specifics. The topic I would write about would most likely be about my first day of my first job. It would be a great 'narrative' to tell.

    1. I agree with you, Cameron. Your definition of a narrative essay is simple to understand.

    2. I agree with your definition of a narrative essay. Also that is a good topic to write about. Having a job is a big stage in your life. It is definitely an experience to remember.

    3. Emotions play a big role in narrative essays, and giving specifics definitely gives life to this piece of work. Your topic of choice would be a great story to tell because "firsts" are always something great to "narrate".

  14. Narrative essay is telling a story in the writer’s point of view. These types of essays are often anecdotal, experiential, and personal. When telling a story it is crucial to have an introduction, plot, character, setting, climax, and conclusion. Having all these elements in the essay will allow the reader to understand what exactly the story is about.

    For my narrative essay topic it would have to be about, my last day on my job. I would talk about the wonderful people I worked with and the amazing experience I had at my former job. It was truly one of the best places I have worked.

    Today’s activity really helped me understand what the subject is and what the focus will be when creating my thesis for my essay.

    1. I agree. The activities did help make creating a thesis statement much easier to do.

    2. Also influencing the readers to understand is actually the emotion behind the writer's writing because it can be personal story and contains a plot enabling for change and understanding.
      Today's activity was actually a huge help for many of us because it is a challenge to gather your thoughts to make a thesis. The practices will benefit us in the end of the semester.

  15. A narrative essays allows students to be creative in their writing in such a way of telling a story. A narrative essay acting as a story must contain key figures such as a plot, characters, and most importantly a theme/main idea of the event. Still acting as an essay writers must have organization and specific language. I would choose my first day of college to write about because one is that my classmates and I can all relate and two it wasn't so long ago to remember. Other than that, I believe the first day of college is an obvious plot, but the emotion behind it will entice readers.

    1. I agree with Aaron. A narrative essay should set the author's point or purpose and also be creative. Excellent summary of what a narrative essay is too.

    2. This is a simple way to summarize/explain narrative essay. I also agree that the author should be creative in their way of writing a story.

    3. Aaron's description of a narrative essay is straight on. His topic choice will keep our fellow classmates interested in his essay for all of us to experience it even with the different perspectives.

    4. I feel Aaron's description of what a narrative essay is pretty exact in my opinion. His topic sort of surprised me though.

  16. A narrative essay is basically an essay that tells a story. A story that can be personal or an experience. A story needs an introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and an ending. The topic I would choose is a memorable journey. I would choose that topic because I believe my memorable journey would be something I won't forget. We learned how to write topic sentences/thesis. I realized that I hate trying to figure out what to write, but it was quite helpful.

    1. I agree. The writer can write a story about their experiences and express their emotions in a creative way. I think it would really catch the readers attention if the writer is creative with the story. Memorable journey is a good topic to write about.

    2. I agree with your definition. We almost all have the same definition, just worded in a different way. A memorable journey would be a great topic to write about in this case.

  17. Narrative essay is juts telling a story. Stories with a clear purpose that can keep the reader interested. Narrative essay is use to express thoughts, ideas, and events in a creative manner. The topic I chose to write about is a memorable.

  18. A narrative essay is a form of essay where a story is told. If written in a story, the essay should include an introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion. It can be written in first person where the author tells about an experience allowing creative expression. Narrative essays should have a purpose and a clear point of view to prevent readers from getting confused and uninterested. The narrative essay topic I would choose would be to be careful what we wish for. I have been the only child for 17 years and I've always wanted siblings. That really back-fired on me because now I have 3 little sisters with barely enough time on my hands to concentrate on school.

  19. Narrative Essays essentially tell a story. Usually, it is told in first person point of view (aka the author's pov). Just like stories, narrative essays have a set plot line consisting of an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement. There is also a setting and a good number of characters that make up this "story". Just like a descriptive essay, it uses sensory details, vivid descriptions (diction), and a purpose. I would write my narrative essay on an event that marked a turning point in my life because the experience is something I can "narrate" in detail. The overall class activities were helpful as usual.

  20. A narrative essay tells a story, whether it is anecdotal, experiential, or personal. Because it is written from the writer's point of view it gives him or her the opportunity to be creative. A narrative contains an introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion. It is somewhat similar to a descriptive essay because it also utilizes sensory details and vivid language to keep readers interested. Like any other essay, organization is always important! The topic I originally chose was the first day at a new school or college. I thought it would be a good topic to write about because everyone can relate to it. Today's lesson was really helpful. It is always important to have an effective thesis or topic sentence and details to support it. It is also important to keep essays organized and on topic.
