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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Test #1 - Oct. 7

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #1.  Were you prepared for it?  If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation?  If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. My thoughts about taking Test #1 is the fact that it was fairly easy, but I was confused on some of the questions, which I had to reread the statement given. The descriptive essay is the only part that made me tear because I was talking about a sad moment in my life.
    Using listing and outlining as part of my study helped me prepare myself for the actual test. I had studied and reread chapters 1-4 to help me for the test.during class when the test paper reached my hands all of what I studied went blank in my head. Hopefully next time it does not happen.

    1. Don't worry same thing happen to me, i just didn't know anything as soon as i got that test all i studied had disappeared, we'll get it next time for sure.

    2. I'm sure we have all fallen to the effects of a 'brain fart.' Irregardless, I'm sure you did great Lexine! I hope that by choosing a sad moment as a topic, it helped make it easier to construct your essay. (:

    3. Yeah I was also confused on some questions but we all persevere and finish the test all together.

    4. We all experience having our memory go completely blank. I am sure you did good!

    5. Lexine thanks for the tips on how to study. I agree with kris we all experience our memory going completely blank. Especially me lol

  2. My view on Test #1 is that it was all right. I was prepared for the test, but I honestly was not 100% ready. The steps I will take in order to be 100% ready for the forthcoming test is that I will take good notes, read each chapter carefully, and maybe create an outline.

    I am thankful that our class put an effort to meeting amongst one another and have a study session. Although it was not successful, I hope next time it will come through. Thank you again, Sheena. I am positive we all did great on our test! :)

    1. Yes, that is good for you bro. I could not attend the last class study session but next time i will. That way i can study with you guys, i need all the help i can get man....

    2. nice one bro. hope you did good also. but next time we should study extra hard so that when its time to take the test #2 we would be 100% ready for the challenge.

    3. I apologize Kris; I chose to schedule our group study two days short of our test. In the future, should we continue to have this group study, I will be sure to schedule out group study either the week or two weeks before the test, to help ease the burden and frustration that comes with planning. However, seeing as how we have all had a taste of what is most likely to show up on the test, I do not feel like a group study will be necessary. The debate is still open to discussion but I would expect everyone to pitch in this time by complying to my messages. Let's be sure to keep improving from here on out you guys! :D

    4. nice one kris. I hope you did well on yours

  3. p.s. Dr. Rivera gave a great review for Test #1. She explained it very well.

  4. Hola! The test was awesome! I really liked how 50% of the test was questions, then the other 50% was writing. I think its more better like that because I don't really write well, but I am very good in question and answer type test.

    1. Great insight Christine! I'm glad to see the enthusiasm you have put into your response and I couldn't agree with you more. However, there's no need to fret over your inability to write well. There are numerous ways to improve in writing. Don't give up; we're always here. (:

    2. I like that set up as well! That stretegy helps us increase our ability to create essays.

  5. The test today was good i think i did well or just okay. I admit i didn't study as much as i should have, but i will surely study more for the next test. The writing was a okay although i had to change my topic from my original, but i hope i did well. I did review before class time but it just wasn't enough. Next time i will definitely review a lot more.

    1. Its o.k bro, next time you will probably do great. At least you learned from your mistake. I also didn't study as much as I should have. so next time we will surely do great by studying hard before the test #2. At least we gave it our best.

    2. Yeah I believe you will study more and get an 100 next time.

    3. Although it may be time consuming, putting time into studying will definitely be fruitful. Take studying one day at a time, studying certain sections of the chapter each and every day to ensure you've fully comprehended your reading. If anything, I will be sure to keep in mind of this problem Lusech. Thank you for your input and concern. (:

    4. It's okay! I'm sure we'll all be ready for our next test!

    5. Don't worry about it its just the first test. Theirs three more chances we have to bump it up.

  6. The test was ok... Like everyone else, I like how it was half questions and the other half an essay. Although we had a brief period before the test to study, I blanked out haha. I also lost track of time doing the essay, hoping what i wrote was efficient. Next test, I will surely hit it out of the park.

    1. Don't worry bro,you probably did o.k. just hope for the best result. and next time you'll do great. I also tried my best on the test. But I have to do even better on the next test.

    2. Don't worry bro next time you won't blank out and finish the test with flying colors.

    3. Great job Paul! Seeing as how I peer-reviewed your paper, I surely hope you were able to use all of what you've used in your essay because man was it awesome! We all blank out once, maybe thrice in our lives (however, I tend to blank out periodically) but that shouldn't be any reason to give up. It'll just take time for the information to stick, I'm sure. I wouldn't have been where I am now had I have never acknowledged my shortfalls. :D

  7. The test #1 was o.k. it wasn't that easy and it wasn't that hard. It was just the way I thought it would. I had some problem on some questions but once I used the recursive strategy it all became great. But the part that was a little challenging to me was the essay part, because I forgot my descriptive topic so I had to start again from the beginning with a different topic. I think everyone else did a great job on the first test. because they seemed very happy. hope the next test would be the same, but the next time we would study extra hard just in case there's a difference.

    1. Yeah I also agree with you to study hard for the next test so our results could be what we deserve.

    2. Egan, come our next group study, I will be sure to focus on constructing a proper essay, especially in a way where it would easier to structure an outline and remember it. Doing so really helps make it easier to write your essay. Don't be discouraged; we all have experienced our fair share of disappointments. Next time, I expect you to tackle out next test and smack it in the face saying, "I got this! Doing this test is easy!" :D

  8. The first test was alright! I just didn't like how half the test was short answer because I love multiple choice. The test was quite fun though and I am not sure of my results but I hope my score will be pretty decent. You can say I wasn't really prepared for the test but next time I will get a better grade. I just need some more time to study instead of slacking around. My time management skills needs to be reevaluated and make more time for reviewing.

    1. hey bro you finally done your blog. CONGRATS BRO. nice work on your test you probably studied big time.. better luck on the next test.. where you at?

    2. Way to tackle your problems head-on John! We have all succumbed to procrastination so this isn't anything to worry about. If anything, you should try to stay in touch with your classmates via email, Facebook, texting, etc to ensure that you get your days worth of knowledge on the days that you are unable to attend class. In addition, you should try coming to class more often as we have discussions that are not always posted on the Moodle page. Hope to see you more often man! :D

    3. That's good man! Don't worry, it's only our first test. :)

    4. Don't worry too much we have more chances to bump our grades.

  9. Although I didn't think that the test was too hard, even I struggled over several questions, mainly due to confusion. I felt that I encountered several repetitive questions, which posed as a problem for me, seeing as how I tend to write more than what is needed. However, I was pretty confident in my answers; I had no 'gut feeling' on any of the questions and ensured I answered each question to the best of my ability. I was definitely prepared for the test; I prepared a study guide that I felt encompassed all the needed information for us to study and I am glad to see that it was helpful. To have witnessed such wonderful expressions of excitement and determination, I felt very pleased with myself and with my classmates. I'm definitely glad that the idea came to mind to form a study group if not something similar to it. Great job everyone! :D

    1. I even struggled with some questions. Your not the only one. Some of them I felt blank even on my essay. Thanks for the guide line by the way, it really helped me out.

  10. The first test was alright, I surely did prepare for it but I was not ready for it. I studied when I had a break between my classes which heed me a lot, however I was still confused on which answer was which. All in all I think I did enough to pass the test. I also wrote my essay on separate paper before the test to ensure that I had memorized it word for word.

  11. The first test for the class was okay. I wasn't prepared and didn't study ;(. Shorts answers really surprised me because i thought it was multiple choice. Next exam i will surely come prepared by making my own notes and rereading the chapters.
