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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reflection - Descriptive Narration - Section 6 - Oct. 14

Discuss your thoughts on today's descriptive narration activities (re: Student Paragraphs and Essay - Yearning for Love by Chantra Shastri, Writing Process Worksheet - The Drag by Mike Kavanagh, etc.)


  1. After reading "Yearning For Love" by Chantra Shastri, I felt sorry for her. Sure, she respects her parents, but the fact that her tradition limits her freedom to love a person she will be with for the rest of her life, is not fair. Everyone should have a choice when it comes to marriage. This proves that there is still inequality today, and some tradition prevents changes, unless an individual chooses to go against it. I think I should make use of the writing process worksheet. I wish I can write as well as Mike K. He writes "The Drag" so well. He makes me visualize drag racing clearly. I want to be able to write well and interesting. I will keep practicing.

    1. I don't understand how some parents could do that to their own children. Tradition and customs are very important but we are already in the modern world. We have all the freedom to do what we want and love who we want. If they want arranged marriage, they should just probably go back to Renaissance or something.

    2. I agree that tradition limits certain freedoms, especially living in a generation where we want to do things our way and that makes us happy.

    3. I felt sorry for Shastri as well because her parents are not willing to make her decide who she wants to marry. I also agree with what you said about Mike K. He does make you visualize drag racing and makes you feel as if you are the one racing. I'm sure you'll be able to write as well as him!

    4. I totally agree. The story was devastating because she can't disobey her parents and go against their beliefs and traditions. We're lucky that we have the freedom to do what we want.

    5. Some parents are really traditional and its sometimes not good. They tend to forget what will make their children happy. Her story ia really sad , she would be stuck with someone whom she doesnt love and will have to force herself to learn how to love that man whom her parents wants for her.

    6. I agree, it's very unfair for her because of her tradition. "The Drag" was very interesting and I too could visualize the drag race clearly.

  2. It's was a discussion today. Having to follow such family traditions wen if you don't want to. It sucks when you have to do what your parents say even if it doesn't benefit you! The drag story was a thrill. Going 230 mph is crayyy. He makes it seem as if you're in the vehicle. Using the senses also really helped the story sound realistic

    1. I know! Imagine 70-80 on the back road is already thrilling how much more if it is 230! He has a cool job.

    2. It's hard because sometimes we don't want to do what our parents want, but then again we also don't want to disappoint them. I think the "The Drag", was very interesting too.

    3. Family traditions are both good and bad. If it is outdated, like arranged marriages, then for sure it causes conflict with the old and new generations. We live in a modern society, and we learn that for the most part, a person marries the person he or she can love for the rest of their lives. Hopefully, Chantra's parents will accept the fact that she can decide for her own on who she would like to marry.

    4. Going against parents is difficult especially if they might decide on disowning you. The Drag was a whole different story though. I really liked it because I was able to feel what the this person was feeling.

  3. Today's lesson was definitely interesting and useful. The two stories presented were great examples of descriptive narration. The authors used lots of descriptive words and phrases in order to put the readers in their shoes. They were able to accomplish this by using the human senses to make the stories come to life. By describing the event using human senses, I was able to picture what the author might have intended for the readers, like myself, to imagine. The authors approach for the two stories were definitely effective. They were successful in expressing how they felt during that moment in time. I commend the authors for writing such appealing stories.

    1. I think their use of the five senses helps us to imagine and feel how they felt.

    2. I agree, the authors did a very good job in making us picture the two stories by their use of the five senses.

  4. Today's lesson was helpful. The short stories we read were really good. The author did a good job, because I felt as if i were there with them. In "The Drag, " by Mike Kavanagh, I felt as if i was him. As if i went through the same experience. His story is very descriptive.

    1. Having that feeling, as if you were in the scene is what descriptive narrative is all about. Choosing the right words and phrases will help you in making a better descriptive narrative.

    2. I agree, the lessons were helpful and yes Mike Kavanagh's story is a great example of descriptive narration.

    3. The author did a very good job at describing his experience. I actually could picture myself in "The Drag" too.

    4. I enjoyed reading both stories. Both writers know how to describe what is going on around them and how they feel in the inside. While one story made me feel sorry and angry, he other story made me feel excited like I actually rode a race car.

    5. That story basically put us in his shoes. It was really interesting to know how he felt when he climbed into the vehicle.

  5. I did not make it in to class today but I did read "The Drag". The writer was really descriptive on everything that led up to the point of the actual take off, it was if i was actually there at those exact moments.

    1. You missed some fun things at class today. The class shared different opinions and shared their comfort food and rituals. Everybody participated.

    2. You missed the last class. Everyone had the chance to share their rituals and comfort food. It was fun becuase we were able to find out what each one of us liked.

    3. Oh ya, we did that ^ and it was interesting. My comfort food is orange chicken. And I would have said sleeping but she asked for just one. The Drag was fun to read because we get an insight of the writer's view.

  6. The paragraphs that we read in class today were really good examples of descriptive narration. Some students in the class were able to share their opinions about the paragraphs. I think my favorite was the 'The Drag' because there was so much intensity to the paragraph. The author used really strong words to illustrate an image inside our minds. Also, I did not know what the dominant impression was, but thanks to my classmates and Dr. Rivera who helped me out. I really enjoyed the class today.

    1. I enjoyed when we shared our thoughts and our comfort food or rituals. It gave us a sense of what our classmates like. Mike did use some pretty strong words and descriptions.

    2. I agree that the stories were good examples of descriptive narration and your idea about the lesson.

    3. "The Drag" is definitely a great story. It is filled with descriptive words in order to make the story come to life. I am glad you enjoyed the story as much as I did.

    4. I pretty much enjoyed class too . It was fun reading those descriptive narration. I learn how to be more vividly when writing an essay . It was a good story to read and a good example too

    5. "The Drag" was a good story but I liked Shastri's own better because it taught me a moral value or lesson. I was able to relate more on Shastri's essay.

  7. In "Yearning for Love", Chantra Shastri made me feel as if I were in her situation. I felt sad reading about how strict and stubborn her parents are about their tradition. I understand her parents tried to keep their tradition, but it wouldn't be right if her parents forced her to marry someone she doesn't love. As for "The Drag", Mike Kavanagh made me feel as if I were the one racing. I felt the excitement when he mentioned how fast the car was going. Overall, today's lesson and class was great!

    1. I agree that it is not right to force your child to do something they do not want to do. Also, " The Drag " was a bit of thrill because of how he described his experience.

    2. I agree with both your idea and mary's idea. I am glad that everyone enjoyed the class!

    3. I definitely agree with you how unfair it would be if Shastri's parents forced her to marry the man of their choice instead of allowing her to be happy with a man she loves.

    4. The two stories were written so well that it felt like we were in those situations as well. I enjoyed "The Drag" the most because I am fascinated with fast cars. The other story was great as well. It reminded me that cultures all over the world still practiced arranged marriages.

    5. it wouldnt be right thats correct, forcing someone to marry a person whom they have no feelings with isnt going to result in a good way. The drag race, I agree with you. The mike describe his story very well that it made me feel like I was part of the story.

    6. Marrying someone that you don't love would be very difficult and result in regret, but being forced to do so is just crazy. My parents are strict, but luckily they wouldn't do such a thing to me. Shastri should do what makes her happy.

  8. Our discussion today was pretty interesting. We read about how Shastri did not want to have an arranged marriage and how her family feels strongly about their traditions. We got a sense of how her mother felt through the essay because it is so descriptive. In the story "The Drag", Mike gave a very descriptive paragraph of his drag experience, or his need for speed. This story was really interesting because as a driver, I feel the rush when I drive fast.

    1. I agree with your idea. It was really interesting lesson.

    2. I sympathized to Shastri's emotions. I wish she had the chance to do what she wanted.

    3. I can say the same. It is pretty interesting to learn all the different types of writings, especially the descriptive narration. It really creates a visual in your head as you read.

  9. We read a story about a girl named Shastri. It is about a girl who cannot decide how her life should be. Everything must be decided by the parents. We also read about "the drag" today. This is also discriptive. These two short stories are descriptive. I pretty much enjoyed the story and the lesson we had today

    1. Yes, the stories were descriptive. I am glad that you enjoyed.

    2. I enjoyed the stories as well. They were very narrated and described thoroughly.

    3. I also enjoyed the lesson. I enjoyed reading the stories that brought emotion and thought into my mind. It is good to know that the lessons are interesting enough for us to enjoy them.

    4. I am glad you enjoyed the two stories. The two stories are great examples of descriptive narration. The authors did an excellent job describing the situation and event.

    5. I enjoyed the stories too. They both are a great example of descriptive narration.

  10. Today was interesting class. We read the two stories that are examples of descriptive narration. There were lots of descriptive words and phrases for readers to have vivid images. The author succeed to make vivid images by describing the event using emotions. Because of that, I was able to picture what the author wants to illustrate. In class, we read an interesting story. It was about a girl named Shastri. I liked the story very much because of the reason above.

    1. Yes the author did succeed in giving the readers vividly images because of the way he wrote down the stories. It was good and I could picture the story really well

    2. I liked the story about Shastri as well because she made me feel as if I were in her situation. The story about drag racing was interesting as well.

  11. The story about Shastri was very saddening due to the fact that she doesn't have the freedom to express her point of view.

    1. The story of Shastri's yearning for love was saddening. It is sad to know that she did not have a choice in who she would marry. It is is very interesting how many cultures have such traditions.

    2. I agree with you. Shastri's story was definitely a sad one. She did not have the freedom to marry the man of her choice and if she did, she would have serious consequences. I would hate to not have a decision especially when it came to love.

  12. Today's class was very interesting because I have seen one essay consisting of descriptive and narrative. The words used were in detail and I was able to identify easily what the story was about.

  13. In the story "Yearning for love", the descriptive narration really told the story of how Shastri felt about love, marriage, and the tradition of her culture. The choice of words she used really made me feel as if I was there. As for "The Drag", I felt as if I was experiencing everything the author experienced. The words he used really painted a picture in my head of how it would be in a drag race. Descriptive narration really opens up imagination.

  14. The stories we read in class was interesting. The yearning for love, its sad how some parents force their children to marry someone that they do not have feelings for. The marriage would fail because they wont be happy. On the other hand the story the drag was very descriptive, I could imagine myself watching him in that game. It was very detailed, the sound , smell, feeling and how it looked like. It made me want to drag race. Descriptive narration really gives you vivid and detailed stories that makes the reader intrested with the story.

    1. I agree that an arranged marriage would most likely fail, but if the two people have no choice, then they would be force to learn to love each other. There may be times were it won't happen at all. I'm glad I have a choice, because if my parents forced something like that on me, my parents and I would have constant arguments. I want to be able to make readers enjoy my writing, like what the writer of the drag racing did.

  15. The story "Yearning For Love", was sad and I felt sorry for her. It's very hard for her to express her freedoms because of her tradition. I think that people should have a choice when it comes to marriage because it's a commitment. In the story "The Drag", the author is describing his experience in a drag race. I was able to picture in my head, how it would feel to be in a drag race. Descriptive narration really gives you good insights and makes the stories very interesting for the reader.

    1. I can relate to Yearning for Love because sometimes tradition is hard to keep in touch with, especially if you're far form your place of origin. It may be different for you as a person, but the situation is a lot more sensitive for the parents.

    2. I feel sorry for her too. Her parents won't deal with the commitment, the writer will. I understand that it is difficult to break tradition though, so I feel bad for the mother as well. The author who wrote about drag racing really knows how to write a descriptive and narrative work.

  16. The stories we read are great examples to refer to if we need an idea for descriptive narration. The characters in the narration thoroughly describe their experience allowing the reader to put themselves in their position. For example, "The Drag" allowed me to feel what it's like to be at the drags as well as how "Yearning for Love" made me relate to how hard it is to go against what your parents want.

  17. We read a couple of stories in class that were examples of descriptive narration. "The Drag" was very descriptive and applied to all the senses. "Yearning for Love" seemed like a movie I watched that I can not recall. It is really sad that she must follow the orders of her parents to remain accepted as their daughter. If I was a mother, I would want nothing but happiness for my children. I would advice her to do what makes her happy and that her parents should learn to accept.
