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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Writing Activities - Oct. 28

Discuss your thoughts on today's writing activities (i.e. process analysis, Test #2 results, Test #3 writing process review, etc.)


  1. Today's activity was pretty helpful for me to prepare upcoming test. In my opinion, directive process analysis is really useful when I write about things that have orders. To be honest, I was not really prepared to take the test#2, and compared to test#1, I got lower mark, so it made feel that I should study hard.

    1. That's great that you're using your lower grade to motivate you. Just study hard and focus on preparing yourself. I'm sure that you'll get a better grade on the next test.

    2. I know! We do tests almost every other week but no worries, there are more opportunity like the extra credit, my reading lab, participation and even your attendance. I am sure it will pull your grades up. Cheer up!

    3. The activities gave me a better idea of how process analysis works. I wish you better luck on the next exam. I'm glad that you want to work hard and not give up. With this determination I'm sure you'll do better.

    4. The activities we did in class gave me a good understanding on the topic. Well, good luck on test #3 i think this time we would all pass since we'll be focusing on the essay writing and the steps. Study Hard and Good Luck!

  2. I need better preparation for tests! The activities helpful, especially when we went over how to change the oil in your car.

    1. I am glad you found the activities helpful. I thought the activities helped to better understand process analysis. It was a fun and interesting task to order the steps of changing the oil of a car.

    2. Just study harder. I know you'll do better on test#3. Practice makes progress. We need to put our time and effort to get the grade we desire.

    3. Don't worry man, I'm sure you'll do great on the next test. Sounds like you had fun at class doing the activities.

    4. I had fun with the activity as well. The process analysis always comes in handy when we need to explain something in steps, just like what we did on the oil change. Before I had no idea what to do but it is clear to me now.

    5. It was a good example to explain the process.

    6. I have the same problem, honestly. I need better ways to prepare for tests also. Although, coming to class actually helps more because you actually hear what's going on and you just recall the discussion during the test.

    7. me too! I have to study really hard for upcoming tests!!

    8. The activities were interesting and I agree that there were helpful and fun. I hope we all do better in the upcoming exam. It makes me nervous that it is mostly an essay.

    9. Yeah I found the activity helpful, too. Study hard and good luck on your test #3. Keep in mind that we're focusing on the essay writing and the three different steps.Good Luck

  3. The activities for today's class were truly helpful in defining process analysis if one was not too familiar with it. Filling in the blanks on the outlines and correctly ordering the steps in changing the oil of a car were good practice on how to follow a step by step procedure in order to accomplish the task whether it be in writing or just about anything else. I also received my Test #2 results and I did better than the last test. Studying a bit more for Test #2 truly helped big time.

    1. That's true. I didn't do good on the oil change. You got most of the answers correctly. :) Keep up the good work! Hopefully we get an "A" on our test#3.

    2. It's good that you did better on this test. I'm sure it's also because you're already familiar with how the test was going to be like. You probably didn't freak out as much as the first one

    3. I agree, I think it is good for you that you got good mark on the test!! I also think the activities were helpful and will be useful for tests!

    4. Studying really does help. In high school, teachers would push us to study but now, we are on our own, taking responsibility so it is much harder.

    5. I agree that really putting the time and energy to study the exam gave me a better chance at receiving a higher grade than last time. The first exercise was too challenging, and if that was part of our exam, I'm sure I would fail that.

  4. The activity we did today about process analysis was helpful. It would surly help me in Test #3. I did way better in Test #2 than test #1. It wasn't an A to be honest, but it was a passing grade. Studying did help me tremendously! Good luck on Test #3 guys!

    1. That's still good! Atleast you're progressing! Goodluck! We just need to focus on our expository essay this time. Conducting a research will aid us in composing our essay.

    2. Keep studying and you'll get that A. I think you'll do even better on test #3.

    3. I am happy that you are improving. It's actually a relief that we only have to worry about our essay. We can concentrate more on the essay because sometimes we might get mistakes on the other but high score on the essay vice versa. Good luck!

    4. It is a very good sign that your are showing improvement. keep it up, and you will receive the grades you really want.

    5. Goodluck too with test #3 . i also did better with the test #2 and i will study hard too this time just so i could get high grade again because ei don't want to fail.

    6. I'm glad you had a better grade and I hope your grade keeps improving. Keep studying and I'm sure you'll do even better!

  5. I really enjoyed the activity that dealt with process analysis and I found it very helpful. I am thankful my results for test #2 was better than test #1. I'm glad we're spending more time working on our essay for test #3 and I'm hoping everyone will do better!

    1. I enjoyed the activities for today's class as well. I thought it was a great idea to omit the short questions for future tests and just focus on the essay. We will definitely have much more time.

    2. I'm so happy for you Melanie! Keep it up! Most of us did a great job on test#2.

    3. I hope so too. We should ALL get out of that class (not that I do not like it) We got this!

    4. Besides it being a good example for the process, it gave some the basic knowledge of how to change oil.

    5. I agree that todays lesson was very helpful. I am also glad that we are having time for our essays, not only will it help us to remember it but to help us continuing on with practicing our writing skills. By the way good job with picking up your grade, I'm sure you'll continue to do good!

    6. I agree that what we learned today was helpful and useful.

    7. I am also glad that we are spending time on writing our expository essay. The essay part is where I struggle a lot and it really helps.

    8. oh yes, I did enjoy the exercises we went through. Good for you, it's better to see improvement in your test progress. There's always room for improvement! I hope we all pass test #3. Study Hard and Good Luck

  6. I was absent today so I did not get to see my grade. I hope everyone did great though.

    1. Awwww. You missed our class. I bet you did better on test#2. Our results were higher this time. Our test#3 will be the expository essay. We have a lot of time to make an effective essay.

    2. I didn't go to class today too, but I met with Dr. Rivera to see my results on test #2 before I left the campus. The reason why I didn't go class was because I was very feeling sick. I'm sure that you did good on test #2.

    3. I did too. I'm sure we both did much better on Test #2 than the first. Just look over the book and get some studying going. Catching up takes a lot of work :(

    4. Test #3 will only be consisted of our expository essay. Instead of having the Writer's Guidelines for the first part, it will be step one (listing or clustering) and step two (outlining) of the writing process. So you won't have to worry about studying the Writer's Guidelines. I hope the info helps!

    5. i wasn't in class too on Monday ! i went to the moodle and i learned that they did practice for the test on Monday!

  7. The process analysis helped us determine the sequence of something we intend to do. I'm very contented with my test#2 result. My score was higher compared to Test#1. I'm glad that we will have more time to practice and make a factual essay on the next exam. Hopefully we all do good.

    1. hopefully we all do get high grades than last time. im glad too that we have time to practice and have the advantage to know what to write right away on the test .

    2. I'm glad you did better on your last test and I'm sure you'll do better on the next one. Keep up the good work Ivym!

  8. Unfortunately, I didn't go to class today because I was feeling very sick. I also didn't want to get anyone sick. I met Dr. Rivera at her office to discuss not going to class and to see my results for test #2. My results on test #2 was better than test #1. I read book on today's lesson and did the activity which deals with process analysis at home. I don't know what you guys discussed on the test #3 writing process review, but all I know is that test #3 is just our expository essay.

    1. I hope you are okay. It is good to know though that you are following the lesson even you are at home. Good luck on the test!

    2. I hope you get better!! Oh I am glad that you did good job on your test!!

    3. Get better soon Oz! Other than that, it's good that you did better on Test #2. I'm glad to hear that you did a good job.

  9. Today's activities were very helpful for us. Even though we did not know much about changing the oil and stuff, we just laughed about it and enjoyed the activities. I am not really satisfied on my test. I think I was stressing so much on my essay. I got perfect score on essay but I had mistakes on the other part.

    1. I could not agree more! It's good that we have fun with learning. I enjoyed it as well. For your preparation for tests, just work hard and study and I am sure it will be worth it in the end!

    2. I agree that our discussions are really enjoyable and it's good you got a perfect score on your essay. You should not have much of a problem for the next two tests then.

    3. I enjoyed the activities as well. I'm sure you'll do great on the next test!

  10. Process analysis is basically telling someone something step by step. The exercises we did were pretty fun and at the same tine, we learned to change oil in our cars. My test #2 result weren't as good as my first one but it was the grade I deserve. I don't like the changes in the next two tests. I think the questions helped those who were not so good in writing essays.

  11. Today's activities was very helpful in showing how steps would be important to carry out a certain task or process. We also learned that process analysis tells a person how to do or prepare something step-by-step or informs the reader about how something came about. I enjoyed the participation in class today. It was fun and interesting. My test results were good, but not as good as I wanted. Other than that, today was a productive day.

  12. Today we were given more tools to help aid us in the essay writing process. Just like any other activities we are instructed to do in class, it helps us to better understand the subject or matter at hand.

    1. I agree that all the activities we do in class, helps us to understand the lesson being taught.

  13. Practicing the exercises on process of analysis was interesting in today's class. I honestly had a hard time with the first exercise on oil changing a car. I don't know how to change the oil and having the directions jumbled up made this exercise a challenge. I understand that the process of analysis makes a writer get his or her ideas organize and in proper order. I'm happy with my grade for exam #2. I wish my grade for the first test was an A too. I'm going to work hard for the next exam.

    1. I would definitely agree with you. I had a hard time with the first exercise as well. It's good that you received an A for Test #2! Hard work does pay off in the end.

  14. I think i did much better on test #2 considering i felt that i was more prepared. i attended class on review day and it helped me when i studied. There was nothing on the test that we didn't go over in class.

    1. That's good to hear! I am glad that you did much better on Test #2. It really helps to study!

    2. Coming to class to review for tests can be really helpful for everyone. It is good that you did better in the second test.

    3. Yes that's true. We all went over the pointers on the test. It's better now for test #3 we will be just focusing on the essay writing. My problem on the previous tests was the time limit. I need more time in writing I guess. Well, good luck on test #3!

    4. Yes, I agree that nothing on the test that we did not go over. We always review everything and atleast practice it. it really helps us with the test that we have.

  15. I didn't went class on Monday because I wasn't feeling good. however I went to the moodle day and I found out that you guys did the stages and practiced it for the test on Monday. I really think it was helpful for us to practice or to have advantage what to write down for the test on Monday !
