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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Writing Activities - Oct. 28

Discuss your thoughts on today's writing activities (i.e. process analysis, Test #2 results, Test #3 writing process review, etc.)


  1. Today's activities were both informative and surprising. With the idea of process analysis, I guess you can say everyone in class knows how to change their oil now. We see the importance on how this activity/ability is because without it things and activities would be a mess or in chaos. The results and Test #3 were both surprises, I am extremely happy that I improved on my Test 2, but what Test 3 is asking for made it a challenge to receive a good grade the second time. It won't change my ways of putting extra time for studying; I just have to prepare. With preparation of the test in class we started doing stage one of our writing process and by the time I get home today I should have completed the other two stages.

    1. I agree that the activities were informative and how it is important because things would be messy. Congratulations on getting a better grade on test 2!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with Aaron. Now we all know how to change oil. Haha. Likewise, good to know you improved also on Test #2.

    4. I agree with Aaron. If we did not have process analysis, we would be doing things completely wrong and out of order.

  2. Today's activities were both interesting and very informative. I especially joyed the activity about changing oil. As for Test #2 results, I am happy with the results I received. I guess the study guides and studying really helped out this time. I am also quite nervous for test #3 and will perfect my essay. I will spend my weekend studying and finalizing my expository essay for test #3.

    1. I agree that the activities were interesting that day. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that is nervous for test #3. Good luck to you on test #3!

    2. I agree that the activity was pretty informative. I am also nervous for the test, but I guess I just need to really study my essay. Good luck on test #3 Eduardo!

  3. Today's activities were quite interesting. Going over the activities like the oil changing was a fun one. I had no idea on how to change oil at all. It was a challenge putting the steps in order. As for my test results, I am satisfied with my grade. I am a little disappointed that it went down a bit from test one. Hopefully, I do well on test 3. I am a bit nervous when it comes to writing my essay. I will be sure to prepare for it on Monday.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The activities were interesting. We now all know how to change oil, but I already forgot the process. I'm also afraid to take test #3. I have no confidence on doing well for this test. Good luck on the test Monday!

    3. I agree with Andrea. I have the same feeling when it comes to writing essays. I wish you luck on the next test!

  4. The writing activities we did today were interesting. The oil change exercise shows how process analysis can help us, if the steps are in sequence to do things we haven't before. My test #2 results were better than the first. It could have been better though. I focused more on my essay and not as much the chapter lessons. Although I did better I know there is still room for improvement. Hopefully I can improve my essay for test #3 and get a better grade than the last two test.

    1. The activities were definitely interesting. I agree how process analysis can help us with many other things as well. My results for my test were disappointing, but hopefully I can do a better job on test #3. Good luck on test #3!

    2. I felt that the oil changing exercise was out of the ordinary. I'm glad you did better on Test #2.

  5. The activities we did today were about process analysis. We had to put the steps on how to change oil in order. I realized that I have no clue on how to change oil. I am disappointed with my test #2 results. It was a better score than my test #1 results, but I know that I could have done much better. I'm very nervous to take test #3. I'm not confident with writing my essay at all, but I will try my best.

    1. I agree with you John. You are not the only one clueless about how to change oil. Anyway, good luck on the test tomorrow John!

  6. Today's activities were very informative. Because of the process analysis assignment, most of us now know how to change our oil. I am content with what I got for test #2 considering the fact that I did not have much time to study. The writing process for test #3 is going well so far. I just hope I gather as much information as I can to help me in my essay.

    1. I wish you luck on Test #3. hopefully we all score better this time, without the Writer's Guidelines.

  7. The activity we had on process analysis was helpful and interesting. I had no clue on how to change the oil of a car, so I got most of the process wrong. The only one I got right was the last step, which was recycling the oil. The process was very informative. For my Test #2 results I am glad that I received a good grade, now I just need to try and do the same for the next few tests. For test #3 I am kind of nervous for it because writing essays is not one of my strong points. For the test I really need to work on my essay as much as possible, and remember what I wrote. Hopefully I get a good grade like before. I guess I just need to do my best.

    1. The same happened with me Cyann. Good job, and I hope you do receive a good grade on tomorrow's test.

  8. The activity we did on process analysis was not all that interesting. I mean it was helpful because I had no idea how to do it at the start, but all in all it was nothing special. The steps to change oil I found rather difficult. I've never changed oil like that before, but I guess it is what the book says. My Test #2 results were the only highlight of the day. It was my highest grade that I have got on a test before and I really want to keep it that way for the tests to come. I hope I do well on the test next week.

  9. The activity on process analysis did not appeal to me because I think we could have done a better, more fun exercise. The topic on process analysis was something I already learned. Today's activities were just a refresher for me, as usual. For test two, I was glad with the results because of the the drastic improvement as compared to test one. Hopefully I'll do just as great on test three. I realized that if I continuously review my essay, then I can write it better on test day.

    1. I agree with you. It did not appeal to me as well.

  10. The activities we did were quite fun. I enjoyed trying to figure out the steps for changing oil because most of us never changed oil before. I was pleased with the results for my Test #2 because i did so much better than my Test #1.For test #3, i would just keep going over my essay.

  11. I wasn't able to make it to class today, but I went over the book and I think that the activity on the book for process and analysis was really helpful. I was happy with the results of my test #2 rather than test #1. For test #3 really focus on my essay and keep reviewing it.
