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Friday, November 1, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Test #3 - Nov. 4

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #3. Were you prepared for it? If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation? If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. Test #3 was a good test. I was prepared for it, my strategies were to review the stages of the writing process, and to really understand my essay. I feel as if you really know something by heart, there's nothing that could prevent you from reaching your goal. :) I know we all did splendid!

    1. Great insight Kris! I could sense all the positive vibes from your post. I agree; there are no limits when it comes to the human heart. I am glad to hear that you were prepared for the test and am sure you were able to pass with flying colors! :D

    2. Nice call bro. I totally agree with you, I also think that everyone did great on the test #3 we all knew what to do one the test. The test was different this time, it was really good, hope we all did great.

    3. Good job Kris! It is good to hear you were prepared for the test.

    4. Good thing you were prepared for this test. Hopefully you did well at the test.

    5. great job man. keep it up. i know you did well on the test.

  2. Test #3 was okay for me. i was prepared for it, but somehow i had problems coming up with ideas. My essay i chose was teen suicide. I had done some research on it and i used some facts on my essay. After taking the exam, i felt confident that i would have a passing grade.

    1. That is great to hear that you are at least confident that you passed "tandeezy3". I am sure that with better preparation, you will be able to construct essays with ease in no time! (:

    2. that's great, nice work. Guarantee you'll pass the test. I also think that the test #3 was also really different from the previous test and I mean great.

    3. Good choice of topic! It is good to hear that you were confident of the test taking.

    4. I'm glad you felt confident as opposed to worried, bro.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So... how did you prepare for the test? I guess you do not need to study, you already know what to write and what to do. I wish I was that good at english.

    2. Like all of you, I too went through the whole planning of the three stages in the writing process. I struggle in constructing essays as well Mel so please, do not hold me up so highly above the rest of you. I am always here to help and I look forward to learning, together. :D

  4. For test, I just kept reading my essay to prepare for test #3. I was not really sure if i did good. No one proof-read my essay to check if it needed to be corrected. Well at least I did my best.

    1. Mel, if you are unsure of your essay then I highly recommend you construct one days prior to the test so you can bring it ins for peer review. I am sure you did great. (:

    2. nice bro, that's ok, you'll do good, just check one of us and we'll proof- read your essay, at least you did it so you know what to write on your test #3.

    3. Good job, and I believe you did your best. I hope you score really high.

    4. As long as you know you did your very best. :)

    5. All it matters is that you did your best!

  5. Although my change of topic was very last minute, I am at least confident that I was able to successfully create an essay that I would be proud to look back on in the future.The day prior to the test, I made sure to have at least a list of my ideas for the first stage of the writing process. The rest of the stages were made on the spot but I am sure it was more than enough for me to construct my essay. I am definitely looking forward to the next test! (:

    1. Nice call sis. I totally agree with you, I also think that everyone did great on the test #3 we all knew what to do on the test. The test was different this time, it was really good, hope we all did great. can't wait

  6. On test #03 is a little different from the others that we had took on the previous class time, because it was only an expository essay form. I was prepare for that test because I had wrote my expository essay before so during that time of the test I just reread it and wrote it on the test form. I used the three stages, first I used the clustering form to state my ideas on my topic. Second, I used the outline format to state my thesis and it's support. Third I began writing my essay, following the outline I created.

    1. I agree that the test was different. It is good to hear that you did your essay before the test. Good job on the test bro!

    2. I also agree that the test was different. its great to hear that you did your essay before the test. i also do this to remember to put.

  7. Test 3 was a unique kind of test. I actually enjoyed that it has no part one and we all just needed to write the essay and the writing stages. I was quite prepared before the test and all I did was just read the book about the process and did a little research on my topic. I am quite sure I did pretty well and I hope the future tests will be fun too.

    1. For me, I miss part one. It seemed that i did really well on part 1 from the last test. Anyway, looked like you were prepared for this test. I am pretty sure you did well on the test.

    2. Nice to know you studied. I know you did well on the test.

  8. Test #3 was different form the rest if i should say so. it mostly focused on the three stages of writing. About our topic we picked of course. I don't know what my outcome will be in this test but i tried my best to study so all i can do is hope i did well.

    1. Well, you are right. This is different from before. It is mainly about the essay. You did your best, so let's you that you did well.

  9. Test #3 for me was the easiest out of all the exams because last two test had short answers and I hate short answers. I was well prepared and the strategies I did was to go over the three stages of writing. Rewriting my essay over and over again was the key strategy for me to study for this exam and i hope for the best result.

  10. Since I just got back from Palau, test #3 was hard for me because I could not concentrate on what I was suppose to write about. After coming back from Palau, I am still grieving the loss of my aunt. hopefully the next test i'll do better than test #3

    1. My condolences, Lexine. In life we all go through setbacks, but we will eventually get back up. Stay strong. :)
