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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Reflection and Run-On Sentences - Nov. 18

Visit this URL: Why should we avoid run-on sentences?  In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities (re:  classification continued, Doctors Have Their Symptoms, Too).


  1. Run-on sentences should be avoided because it leads to confusion. Long sentences without proper punctuation can make the sentences difficult to understand thus confusing the readers. Writers cannot effectively get their message across if he/she uses run-on sentences. On another note, today's activities were interesting. The story entitled "College Pressures" was relatable to everyone in class. That reading was definitely enjoyable.

    1. Yes, I agree with you John. Run-on sentences leads to confusion. Writers avoid this mistake because they don't want to get misunderstood by thier audience. Yeah, the activities we did in class were quite interesting. Especially the story "College Pressures". I can truly relate myself to the reading and I know everyone in class share the same pressures. However, college is really fun and the ups and downs we will face is a part of the whole experience. Good luck on your last essay!

    2. I feel the same way, the story entitled 'College Pressures" was a very good read.

    3. I strongly agree with you guys. The example was really good.

    4. I agree, I think we could all relate to College Pressures.

    5. I agree. The College Pressures were very familiar to us. In order to interpret your message or thesis on your essay, you have to be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuations. It's very important to always double check our essay to prevent making the common errors.

    6. Run-on sentences do lead to confusion .

  2. Having English as my second language, I find myself in this problem. I often write run-on sentences because I write it down in the way I say it in my own language. However, I took English classes ever since grade school so I am still working on my mistakes and corrections. I practice my writing skills in this class and in my other classes, as well. Run-on sentences confuses readers and fails to express a complete thought.

    1. That's good, keep practicing your on writing skills and in no time you'll be an expert at it.

    2. Oh, English is my second language too. I think I share your problem too.

    3. English is my second langauge, too. Practicing makes a big difference.

    4. I also had a difficulty in English. Adjusting was the hardest part of it because learning a new language and speak it is not as easy as it seems. Like what our classmates said, practice truly helps for our improvement.

    5. Don't worry ! English is a primary language for most of us and still we have these problems.

  3. Avoiding run-on sentences will allow us to send a message clearly and smoothly. We won't be stuffing readers minds with too much information in just one sentence. Today's class activity was helpful. The " Doctors Have Their Symtoms, too" was an interesting story because I agree. They classified doctors with symtoms that are in it for the money, for the science, or just simply to help someone.

    1. I absolutely agree that by avoiding run-on sentences, writers will be able to send a clear and concise message to its readers.

    2. I agree with your idea. It is really clear to understand.

    3. I agree. It's not a good idea to have too much information in one sentence because it can lead to confusion.

  4. Understanding everything about run-on sentences is important. Having proper punctuation goes a long way. This way, readers would not get confused and have to reread everything all over again.Sometimes when I write, I would not be sure where or when to add a comma, but it's good that I know a bit more about it. I was able to relate to today's activity. I am facing lots of pressure as a college student.

    1. Yes, proper punctuation does go a long way. When sentences are punctuated correctly, it adds to the reading in many ways. For instance, a reading becomes more enjoyable when a writer's message is effectively and clearly expressed.

    2. Run-on sentences can be a bother when a reader wants to try understanding the context of a paragraph filled with them. I have to reread those kind of sentences multiple times too.

    3. Yes, that's right. I agree with your idea and I have pressures too as we all might have.

    4. I agree. I am also confused sometimes on where to put the commas.

    5. That's true. It is very unhealthy if an essay has these kinds of sentences because the reader will not be able to fully understand what the author is talking about. Facing these different college pressures isn't easy. It takes time to get used to all these types of pressures.

    6. Im also glad that i have learned how to not use run-on senteces. I usually do that a lot in my essays. i also have college pressures, college can be really overwhelming.

    7. Punctuaion is definately important. Some sentences can be misread into a who difference idea if even just one puctuation is misused.

  5. Like most have already stated. Run on sentences create confusion for the reader.

  6. Run on sentences do lead to confusion. It also doesn't look good when the sentences are a bit long. Avoiding run on sentences does allow the message to flow smoothly. Today's activity was interesting. I always wanted to know why doctors wanted to become doctors. As Marygrace said, are they in it for the money, the science, or to simply help their patients?!

    1. Yes, avoiding run-on sentences allows writers to communicate their message clearly. I am glad you enjoyed the reading about doctors.

    2. I definitely agree with your explanation. Run-on sentences do not make a paper look nor sound good because they're so lengthy. Avoiding run-on sentences would provide clarity and a better understanding of the message the author is trying to convey.

    3. Run-on sentences really do confuse the readers. The readers will clearly identify the author's point of view by avoiding run-on sentences.

  7. Having too many run-on sentences can cause confusion, which is why we need to avoid it. Oftentimes, we speak in run-on sentences, but it is completely different when writing. I enjoyed reading "Community College Pressures" because all of us were able to relate to the story. I am glad that we took a few minutes to work on stage one of the writing process for our argumentative essay.

    1. Wouldn't it be funny and strange to hear someone talk using punctuations? For example, if I were to say "How are you question mark?" It would not make sense at all. That is how it is with writing. The rule is if we do not add the punctuations, then it will sound funny and strange.

    2. I am glad also that we are having a take home quiz!

    3. You're right! We should always avoid writing run-on sentences. I also agree that speaking and writing are two completely different things.

    4. It was a big relief when I found that our 4th essay is a take home exam. You are correct that run on sentences are okay when we are speaking, however, when it comes to writing its a whole different level.

  8. Run-on sentences simply makes the sentence confusing. It makes the reader confused and tend to reread the sentence. Always avoid run-on sentences. The "Community College Pressures," is a great reading. I share similar characteristics to Follete. Today was a great class day.

    1. I agree, everyone should always avoid run-on sentences.

    2. I do my best to avoid writing run-on sentences. That is why I always reread what I write down. We can all relate to the main pressures that accompany college life.

    3. Run-on sentences do make the readers confused. They cause the readers to re-read the sentence over and over until they understand what the writer is trying to point out. That is why it is best to look over what is written before finalizing it.

    4. When I peer review someone's paper and they have run-on sentences, I tend to reread it. And I agree that class was great.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Run on sentences cause confusion and changes the meaning of the whole paragraph.

    1. I agree, they could change the meaning of the whole paragraph.

    2. Run-on sentences can definitely confuse readers which would lead to misunderstanding of the material.

  11. Run-on sentences should be avoided. Run-on sentences can become very confusing for readers, they make it difficult for readers to understand the idea that's trying to be put forward. The "Doctors Have Their Own Symptoms, too" was an interesting story. The story gave us an insight on the motives of most doctors. The story "Community College Pressures" was a very good story because everyone could relate to the pressures of college.

    1. Run-on sentences bother me a lot. Those kind of sentences can ruin an essay right away. I agree that the essay about college pressure was an interesting one and that we can all relate to the writer.

    2. You're right. The author's idea must be filled with clarity so the audience will have a better understanding on what the author is trying to say or convey. The different motives of the doctors were very interesting.

    3. It does gets confusing when sentences are never ending. I also do think that the stories that we read in class was very interesting. For example the "College Pressure", everyone can really relate like what you said.

  12. Run-on sentences leaves a reader wondering when a period will appear. We are all used to seeing sentences that end with a punctuation, so we must remember to add that at the end when we write. It was interesting to read about the different kinds of doctors out there. I never really realized it until now. I enjoy reading these essays in the book. I need to start doing some research for my argumentative essay. I don't want to procrastinate.

    1. Without the correct punctuation, readers will be confused and will have to reread the sentence. It is important that we avoid run-on sentences. It's good that you enjoy reading the essays. Luckily we can do our test at home.

  13. Run on sentences are long sentences that are non stop. Its does not have any punctuation. Some readers might not understand what the writer is saying because there are no pause. This kind of writing has to be avoided because it will not make sense. The class activity was interesting, we talked about the college pressures and everyone in the class had pressures from being a college student. Doing so many essays can be a hassle and that's one of the college pressure.

    1. I agree that readers may not understand run-on sentences because they are not giving a clear message.

  14. As far as I concerned, it makes the reader get confused, so the writer should avoid it. I really like the example since it shares many problems that I have.

  15. It is not very wise to use run on sentences because first, it is wrong and inappropriate. Second, it is very confusing and painful to read. We sometimes tend to do run on sentences when we are in a hurry.

    1. I agree that reading a paper that consists run on sentences is very confusing and is hard to to understand.

  16. Using run on sentences would not make an essay, story, or paper sound any good. It would confuse the audience. When writing, run on sentences should be avoided. In class, we read and learned more about classification and worked on our argumentative essays. It was very productive and fun!

    1. I agree. Run-on sentences are confusing and should be avoided.

  17. Avoiding run-on sentences leads to a better understanding on the author's point of view. It is very important to be starightforward to present the general idea of an essay. Today's activities helped us to classify better and gave us some tips on how to properly write an argumentative essay.

    1. I agree that we all need to be straight forward with the writing that we are doing. The reader would definitely understand what we are writing about more and not get confused.
