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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reflection - Section 5- Writing the Controlling Idea/Organizing and Developing Support - Dec. 2

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Now that you are well familiar with a controlling idea/organizing and developing support, discuss a topic sentence that would be good to explore for the Holidays.

Example: Yesterday, I had an unusual Christmas experience at the Field House.

Please note that the above topic sentence enables the audience to inquire what kind of experience you've had and why it was unusual.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: patterns of argument, logical fallacies, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. "My Christmas is a festive and memorable experience."
    It gives the audience a curiosity on why it is festive and memorable as well as giving a little inside of the writer's Christmas.

    Today's activities were fun, I think fallacies were the confusing part because they all related so it was kind of hard to distinguish them. Again the brain stretcher is always my favorite part. Now I know how to spell "FREEDOM." It always gives me something memorable about the class.

    1. I agree with you Aaron. The activities that day were fun. Apparently I was spelling "Freedom" wrong the whole time. :)

    2. Aaron, I agree with you. Activities were definitely fun and I hate fallacies. They're too confusing for me.

    3. I agree that fallacies are confusing and hard to distinguish.

  2. Topic Sentence: My holidays had unexpected surprises.
    I believe that this would make people wonder what the surprises were and if they were good or bad surprises.

    Today's activities were quite difficult. I still don't quite understand the logical fallacies part. As for the essay brain stretchers, it is always fun to listen to everyone's short story or talk about what they're card is about. I think that today was quite a good day.

    1. Yeah that day was a good day John, it's pretty strange how fast that class went by. Like what Eduardo says as the days pass in that class the more interesting it gets.

    2. I was having a hard time with the logical fallacies as well. I guess it is something we just need to practice more. I also thought it was a pretty good day as well.

    3. This topic sentence is a great hook, it will definitely make the reader wonder what kind of surprises you had

  3. A topic sentence that would be good to explore for the Holidays is " The Holiday season is a time of reminiscing and unconventional celebration in my family." This topic sentence has the audience curious about what and why the writer is reminiscing about and how does the writer celebrate the Holidays unconventionally.

    Today's activities were interesting. The fallacies gave me a glimpse of how Philosophy is like. I found them to be confusing at first, but eventually grew accustomed to them. The brain stretchers always gets my creativity flowing. Class seems to get more and more interesting as the days left in the semester wind down.

    1. That is true how fallacies were difficult to understand, but in the end we some what get it. I agree too the brain stretchers are always fun because we don't know what to expect and most of them are good stories.

    2. Yeah, the fallacies were hard for me to understand. I kind of get it, but then I kind of don't. Essay brain stretchers are always fun to listen to.

  4. Topic Sentence: The Holiday season is full of wondrous occasions.
    To me this topic sentence makes me look forward to all the wonderful things that the Holiday season has in store for me.

    I would talk about today's activities but I wasn't there. :( Sounds like I missed out though.

  5. "The holidays are always filled with joy and blessings." will have the audience question why the holidays are joyful and what blessings the writer is talking about.

    Today's activities with the fallacies had me confused like everyone else. They were all so similar I had to double guess on which one belonged to which. I still need to go over them to fully understand each one. If I were to take a test on the fallacies i'd probably fail if I didn't have examples in front of me because that's how confused I am. The brain stretchers are always a fun creative assignment especially being able to pair up with a group. The more we're able to put ideas into one picture.

    1. That's true how the brain stretchers allows you to use your imagination to run wild and see what it comes out to be. I love listening to those brain stretchers.

    2. That is a good idea to go over the logical fallacies again. I do not fully understand them as well. I also like your topic sentence Jhenirose. I hope everyone's holiday is filled with joy and blessing!

  6. A topic sentence I would use to explore for the Holidays is "During the Holiday season, I created joyous memories with my family and friends." The topic sentence would make readers wonder what the memories were and why they are considered joyous to the writer.

    The activities today were quite informative, especially the logical fallacies. I still have a hard time identifying each of them, but with a little practice I am sure I will get it sooner or later. The brain stretchers were fun as well. Hearing everyone's stories and ideas on the place they were given made me want to travel to those places.

    1. Cyann, I agree with you about the activities. The logical fallacies were hard to understand. The brain stretchers were fun as always. The stories just keep getting better from everyone.

  7. "The memories I've made during the holidays were unforgettable." would be my topic sentence I would use. It would make the reader want to know more as to why it was unforgettable.

    The activities we did were kinda confusing because they were so similar. I'd have to practice more on logical fallacies. The brain stretches were fun as always. Hearing everyone's stories were enjoyable.

    1. I agree with you Christine. The logical fallacies were quite similar, which made them a bit harder to understand.

    2. The fallacies were hard to understand. I didn't know how to identify what fallacy the sentences they gave us.

  8. "This holiday season is proving to be a strange one as opposed to others in the past." This topic sentence will entice the reader in my opinion to want to find out what makes this holiday season so strange.

    I feel that the activities were pretty much the same thing we do everyday. I do like the brain stretchers though.

  9. "This holiday season will not be the same this year." This makes the reader more curious as to what I, the writer, has to say about why it will not be the same.

    The activities we did in class are the same things we do every class. The activities were engaging though, and the essay brain stretcher is something I find quite interesting.

  10. Topic sentence would be: The best place to spend the coming holidays is in my hometown in Philippines. This will make the reader would want to find out about the place. Anyways I was on moodle today so I was not able to do the acitivities in class.
