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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Test #4 - Dec. 4

Discuss your thoughts regarding preparing and completing Test #4.


  1. The test#4 was a challenge. Especially that it was argumentative, but overall I completed it. The way i prepare for the test was that I did a lot of research. Online using only dot org or dot gov. I took several notes regarding my topic "Marijuana" the hard part in research was finding its soures(author,volume,name,page)

    1. That's great that you were able to properly prepare for the test Lexine! I'm very proud of you! I'll speak to you more in class so I can hear your view on Marijuana. :D

    2. Nice one sis. That is an interesting topic you chose, its good that you did well on it. Hope we all did our best on this essay, and hope that next time we will do a lot more greater then the previous tests.

    3. Good job on your preparation!

    4. Marijuana is a broad topic. There are many argument about that topic. Anyway good job on the test.

    5. omg Lexine of course you would pick this topic, nevertheless I applaud your study efforts.

  2. Test #4 this time around was in my case, a piece of cake! Originally, I had thought that our test would have been administered on Monday so I hauled grass in making sure it was complete, resulting in me having to pull an all-nighter. Luckily for me though, it was Wednesday so I have ample time to reread my essay and have it properly revised. :D

    As for today's discussions, I am definitely all for opting for the three choices Dr. Rivera jotted on the board as alternatives for our final exam. They sound very exciting! :D

    1. I agree with you sis. The test #4 was a great experience, and that we all did a great job on it. Hope the next time will do better.

    2. procrastination is never the answer, but good thing you did it. Good to know you did your paper and submitted.

    3. I'm glad to hear that although you thought the essay was due on Monday, you were prepared to turn it in. Also, it's good that it was fairly effortless for you Sheena!

    4. Good thing you were prepared, anyway I know that you did really well on the test.

    5. hooray for Sheena! I'm glad you were able to have the extra time to revise your essay.

  3. Test #4 was one of the easiest exam I took this semester. It was cool experience because it my first time taking an exam home. The topic I choose was dealing with uniform and i had all the time in the world to gather information. I had enough time to revise my paper a lot , so hopefully i get a good grade =].

    1. Ya bro I totally agree with you on it. The test #4 was challenging and that we learn somethings that we didn't know before by researching on our topic. Hope the next one will be greater.

    2. Whooo-hoo go Marvin!
      I'm glad that you for once, you were quite confident in your test! Takisng an at-home exam was definitely a great experience for me as well. Let this be a lesson to you, to all of you, that change is good every now and then. Don't live life as a daily routine.

    3. Good job bro! Sheena is right, life starts outside your comfort zone.

    4. Take home test gives you time to work really well on your test. Hope we take another test like this.

  4. This argumentative essay was a challenge but it was fun researching information about my topic. I can say that I was not really prepared but hopefully everything went well but the next essay I will kill it. My preparations went well.

    1. Ya bro I totally agree with you on it. The test #4 was challenging and that we learn somethings that we didn't know before by researching on our topic. Hope the next one will be greater.

    2. It is great to hear that you are at least willing to step up your game John. I remember that you didn't even have a thesis statement prepared for class today as your turn came up to speak on your experience with the take home exam.

      Best of luck to you next time bro. I know you can do it!

    3. indeed it was a challenge. It is good that you learned something while researching.

  5. Test #4 was different then the rest, it was a little bit challenging because it required a lot of work. Argumentative essay requires a lot of work like research, surfing the web for supporting details for you thesis statement. My argumentative essay was about "texting while driving is a huge problem nation wide". At first I started researching supports for my essay so when I went to class I felt more confident on taking the test because I now know what to write on my essay, and the thing I liked about it is that I had to learn somethings that I didn't know before I had to make a research. So far I have enjoyed the class activities and my classmates.

    1. I am very happy to hear that you have been enjoying your time spent in class Egan. I only hope that you continue to work hard when it comes to your education. Never give up! I'm telling you, you will soon be able to reap all the benefits of working hard. Thank you for also contributing to our class discussions. :D

    2. Great topic:D texting while driving is a huge problem in society. good job and keep u the work.

    3. I agree with Lexine, great topic. Your strategy for writing an argumentative essay is commendable.

  6. My preparation for Test # 4 was just researching on my topic matter. I also put myself in the situation and how I would capitalize on it. While completing my test, I gathered the necessary information and resources.

    1. Since it is an argumentative essay, it really needed to do some research. Anyway hope we did good on the test.

  7. For test #4, since I really know what my topic, I knew what to write and what to do. I did a bit of research to more more about my topic. I also need to check the structure of my essay since it was an argumentative essay. I choose to write it in point by point structure.

    1. Good for you. I'm glad you had the advantage of knowing your topic.

  8. Test #4 was a challenge due to other factors that I have already discussed with you Dr. Rivera, but I feel pretty confident in what I handed in. I was able to relate to the topic I picked and I hope I did well.
