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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Reflection – Section 8 – Revising and Editing - Dec. 11

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Discuss the importance of revising and editing.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: handbook, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. Although i was late to class i enjoyed the brain stretcher activity because it opens the writers thoughts aboht a picture.
    Revising is to review a paper and make changes and edit is to fix it and rewrite the paper to be formal for a reader

    1. I also agree that making necessary changes to ensure a more formal paper is important.

    2. true! An essay that hasn't been revised and edited is not a formal paper.

    3. nice one sis.. I totally agree with you, revising and editing can really improve your skills on writing a formal essay by improving your skills on revising and editing.

    4. Revising and editing does help make the essay to be formal for reader.

    5. I agree with your statement in regards to the brain stretcher activity. It is a great way to explore one's creativity and use of speech. Great job Lexine! :D

      I am glad that you were able to fully understand today's reading. Keep up the great work!

  2. Revising and editing is crucial because you must make sure what you are writing is precisely correct/presentable.

    Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the in class activities today.

    1. don't worry about it bro. you gotta do, what you have to do.

    2. Am sorry for that bro.. But I agree with you editing and revising requires a lot of work and concentration for it to be perfectly correct.

    3. Do not worry about missing the today. You needed to do something urgent.

    4. Do not worry about missing today Kris. Although you were surely missed, there was not much that you missed out on. What matters is that you still took the initiative to complete your blog and your Moodle. If you are ever confused or are in need to have your questions answered, then never hesitate to hit up anyone in class. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem in helping you. :D

  3. Revising and editing helps make the essay clear. once revised, we can adjust the mistakes that are made so that we may have a formal essay.
    todays activities was good. it helps so that i can be prepared for the final.

    1. nice one bro.. I totally agree with you bro, revising and editing can really improve your skills on writing a formal essay by improving your skills on revising and editing.

    2. Today's activity is helpful for the final test. Our last test for this class. We need to make this count.

    3. Way to comprehend the reading man! I am glad to see that your optimism in taking the final exam. I am sure you'll do well. :D

    4. Yes, editing surely creates a more clear message for any reader.

    5. I agree with you bro without editing their is no formal essay.

  4. Revising and editing can be really helpful to you when you are writing a formal essay, because it can help you revise what you have wrote before and edit it to the highest possible you could so when you read it, its formal and not that confusing, Hoped class today was awesome..

    1. I agree, revising and editing is helpful when making an essay better.

    2. Egan, you were greatly missed today but not too worry, what matters is that you still pulled through with your work. Great job man! :D

    3. Great explanation man! Don't worry man, I was not in class either.

  5. Revising and editing is important to make a good essay. Revising is to re-read your essay to check for mistake such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Editing helps by making correction to produced an stronger essay.

    Today activity was fun. We did a refresher about part of the speech which really helps me remember how to use it properly.We also did a brain stretcher at the end of the class.

    1. Great input on the blog Mel. I am glad to see that you have a gained better understanding of English at the end of today. Keep up the great work and always strive to do your best. (:

  6. It is important to always revise and edit your paper since no one is perfect in writing. There is always grammatical errors.
    Today was a fun class. I enjoyed hearing about the upcoming party and all the food that people are going to bring

    1. I agree John; no one is perfect when it comes to writing and most especially in speaking English. The best way to do better is to just keep practicing. Slowly but surely, you will get there.

      I'm excited for the party as well! Today was very interesting and will remain to hold a special spot in my memories. (:

  7. The submission of a paper without being properly revised and edited is as idiotic as it is risky. You are basically leading yourself to your own demise. I call this action as a means of "academic suicide". Revising and editing your paper is THE most important step whenever composing an essay mainly because it is one way for your professor to see whether or not you have have fully comprehended all the knowledge he/she has bestowed upon you. Revising and editing your paper stands as the "make-it-or-break-it" point of your grade so it is best to ensure this action is never overlooked.

    As for today's activities, they were really interesting. I cannot remember the last time I have ever been so confused in class. After today's activities, I have realized that even though English is our spoken language, it never ceases to confuse me. However, I am grateful of the new knowledge I have received today.

    There was no greater way to end today than by taking pictures and parting with a smile upon our face. In this case, I am referring to the planning of our class fiesta and our newly founded "Sweater Crew". Great job today you guys! I had a blast! :D

    1. Exactly, revising is the most important step. I see it as your "full stretch" in your process of creating an essay.
      I am glad you had a great time in class! I am definitely looking forward to spending our last class meeting with you and the rest of our amazing classmates. :)

  8. Revising and editing is very important when it comes to writing essays. Revising the essay is a step to double check the errors. By doing this, we also use the step editing. When revising, i am constantly looking for any of my mistakes. When editing, i am changing the errors and improve the mistakes.

    In today's class, it was a very confusing refresher. i had some difficult time on choosing the right answers. However, i was able to understand the activities as we kept doing them.

  9. I agree with everyone, revision does make for a better paper. Countless errors have been corrected, revising my paper has proved helpful and beneficial. As for yesterdays activities, I realized how little of the english language I know. I'm so confused!

  10. Revising and Editing are very important when it comes to writing essays. Revising an essay can improve it by finding errors and some sentences that could be rephrased or further improve. Editing as well can small mistakes that are made within your essay that would have made it otherwise informal.

    In class today the activity it was a good refresher . I struggled throughout the activity, but thanks to sheena she helped me alot
