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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Test #4 - Dec. 4

Discuss your thoughts regarding preparing and completing Test #4.


  1. I was prepared for the test. I did my research and wrote an essay. My topic was about should school adopt school uniform policy. As far as I prepared about the topic, I think school uniform policy is a beneficial policy that brings many positive outcomes. In class, we shared one's own idea and that was really interesting to know.

    1. Always good to do research before writing an essay.

    2. I agree, I think it's interesting to hear about one's own idea.

    3. I came from a school were uniforms were sold, but it was not so mandatory to where them every day. I ended up never using the uniform t-shirts that I had. A school with uniform policies sounds organized and would look united, especially since schools on Guam are huge compared to home.

    4. I wrote about the same topic and we pretty much had the same idea. I think taking the test home really helped us prepare for it.

    5. I am glad the essay wasn't so hard for you. I bet you did fine since you were prepared. Good job!

    6. It's good to know that you were well prepared for the test. Yes, research is very important. It was really nice sharing our topic and what we learned in our research. I had a great time listening to what people learned from their research. Everyone did great!

    7. I did the same topic as you did! It took a while for me to choose a position but I'm on the same side as you. Good job on researching.

  2. I was prepared for test#4. I spent my time in doing research to further strengthen my essay. Like the past tests we've had, I used clustering and outlining for Stage 1 and Stage 2. I have learned a lot from my research. It was difficult at first because I had to gather facts to fully expressed my thoughts about my topic.

    1. I agree, it can be difficult at first. I think it's worth it because you also learn a lot about your topic from researching.

    2. I agree, it is really good for us to be prepared.

    3. I learned a lot from the research as well. Because you were prepared, I am sure you'll get a good grade!

    4. I also agree with you. After doing extensive research on a topic, you find out several new things about your topic.

    5. I agree that it is difficult doing research because it is basically the things supporting your side , so it has to be strong and reliable.

    6. Thanks for mentioning the three stages. I kind of forgot about that. The stages really helped me write my essay, too. Yes research really makes your topic worth it. We also learn a lot from what we find and it makes us excited to share them to others.

    7. I agree that this essay was a bit more difficult that the others.

    8. Unlike the other essays, we need a lot of evidence and facts to back up what we are trying to argue for. It did take a while to do, but at the end, if you did a good amount of research, your essay should be strong.

    9. You guys are all right. I was really stressful at first. Hopefully, we all did a good job on our test.

    10. That's true though. The outlining and listing does help a lot when you're finalizing your paper.

  3. I prepare my self for the test #4 just as I did for test #3. I prepared an outline and and ran through it a few time before actually taking the exam.

    1. That's good that you prepared yourself. I'm sure you'll get a good grade for test #4.

    2. That is good for you that you were prepared for the test.

    3. It's good that you were prepared for the test. I wonder if it was difficult to take the test in class.

    4. A well constructed outline could certainly be key to writing an excellent essay.

    5. Having an outline does help. I am sure you did well. Good job!

    6. That's a good strategy. Keep it up!

  4. I would say that I was prepared for test #4. I did a lot of research on my essay and the challenging part for me was making my argumentative essay. I was able to relate to my topic which was about counseling before divorce. I know how it feels to be the child of divorce parents and I really believe that some marriages can be saved. I enjoyed class today , it's very interesting to hear about one's perspective on a topic.

    1. It seems that everyone was prepared for the test. Hope you get good grade on the test.

    2. That is a really interesting topic. It also worked to your advantage because you have the personal experience since you are a child of divorced parents.

    3. Listening to your topic and thesis, also I believe that a lot of marriages can be saved.

    4. Thanks for sharing your experience with me in class today. I should have interviewed you for my topic, too. Well, yeah I learned a lot from the same topic we have but I am not married yet plus, my parents are not divorced so I really researched to make sure I persuaded my audience to believe that counseling is important before divorce.

    5. Im sure you did great on the test.

    6. I agree with you. I also can relate to this topic.

  5. Since test #4 was a take home test, I felt more prepared. I had a lot of time to do research and revise my essay. Writing an argumentative essay was quite challenging compared to the other three essays we have previously written. I believe it was the research that made it challenging. Today's class was great! I enjoyed hearing what other people researched.

    1. I agree, writing an argumentative essay was quite challenging compared to previous essays we have written.

    2. This take home test did help us prepare for the final draft even more. It was a challenge, but it was fun. I enjoyed hearing what everyone learned by doing their research.

    3. I agree that taking the test home gave us a lot of time for us to prepare. Plus, an essay like this, needing factual support isn't something that can just be done without research and under pressure.

    4. Yes, it was a challenge for me as well. I believe this type of essay is my weakness. I bet you did fine. Good job!

    5. I'm so glad this exam was a take-home test. I would've had a difficult time trying to remember all the facts and statistics if it was mandatory to take during class. To those who took the test during class today, good job. Good job to everyone else as well!

    6. Luckily our test was take home. We had enough time to do our research. Good job! :D

  6. To prepare for test 4, I researched about my topic and took my time writing what I have learned. I found my topic to be very interesting. It was a controversial one though. Writing about testing drugs on death row inmates was a challenge because I tried to be unbiased and kept religion out of the picture. I hope we all did good. Everyone seemed to learn a lot from their research.

    1. The topic you have chosen is definitely a controversial one. Each side could argue many different points to defend their beliefs.

    2. Oh wow! What an interesting topic. Yeah I heard you sharing in class and I was really paying attention to what you shared. Especially the Hitler sharing you told us. Controversial issues produce excellent argumentative essay. I hope you learned a lot, though. That's a very good topic too.

    3. Honestly, your topic is a challenging one. I admire the fact that you were able to take a position and defend it well. I would be so unsure about mine if I did that topic. Great job!

  7. For Test #4, I felt I was well prepared for it but I could have done an even better job if I chose a much more interesting topic. To prepare for the test, I did all three stages of writing in order to ensure the organization of my essay. Moreover, I found this paper to be very enjoyable. It was an exciting task researching about my topic.

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed writing your essay. I am sure it is a great paper.

  8. For test #4, My way of preparing was not only doing research online but with friends and family to share experiences. My essay was about "Why fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. I found majority of my answers through friends. Some grew up with only moms and some grew up with only fathers. When I heard my friend talking about her life growing up with her mother it was something I expected to hear, but hearing how my other friend was brought up with only a father was much more interesting. She told me about how her father will actually spend time with her and he would "rough house" her. That means to show her how to actually regulate her emotions without making them get out of control. In doing this research it has made me see a little of both side with parents and how they work. It was a very interesting site and hear of how they are.

    1. I can relate to your topic. I moved every year between my mom and dad. It was hard. I know had them both in my life, but i could only have one at a time. I bet your essay is great. I didn't see you in class tho. Haha. Good job!

  9. You'd think that just because our generation can just type in anything, we can easily find a lot of infomation on any topic. Yes, we can, but it was very difficult finding reliable sources. I had a bit of a struggle on my essay. I am glad I was able to finish it.

    1. I could agree. It could be a bit difficult to find reliable resources for true research. But other than that, I am glad that you were able to finish it.

  10. I am glad we were able to take home test four. It was a bit challenging trying to find a reliable resources. Other than that, I believe I was prepared. Thankfully, I was able to finish it on time. Hope all you guys did well.

    1. Yes that was a good option this time around.

    2. I agree, it was good for us to take the test to home.

    3. I am glad we were able too! It helped us prepare more. It's good that you were able to finish it on time.

    4. I'm glad it was a take home test too! And yes it was challenging to find reliable resource. I hope everyone did great!

  11. My topic was about Divorce. I argued that Guam needs to enact a law that requires everyone to go through counseling before being granted a divorce. For me, this was a really hard topic. I am not really familiar with it plus coming form an island, divorce is not really practiced in Palau because we believe in our cultural values of marriage. However, I researched on this topic for week and it took me 2 days to write my paper. I even went to the writing gym for help and they helped me really well. I did all three stages of the writing process and cited my references. I learned a lot from this topic and it helped me expand my knowledge in what divorce is and how it should be prevented. I hope my paper was well written and persuasive in a way. I just hope I would pass.

  12. I was prepared for test #4. I know I could've done a bit better but I tried my best. My topic was very interesting. Researching about how death row inmates should be test subjects rather than animals was crazy. Just the thought that you're going to be tested on to find cures and other things is a very scary feeling . I had fun with this essay.

    1. Just as long as you tried your best, you should be fine. Your topic is a very interesting and deep topic. I am glad you had fun with the essay!

    2. Goodluck Justin! Hopefully you did good! As long as you've researched about your topic, you'll be alright.

  13. I had a difficult time choosing a topic for this exam. In the end, I decided to work on the school uniform policy, because I felt more certain about researching about it. I think I did okay for this exam. It was hard to choose a position because both sides of the argument were strong. I'm glad it was a take-home test, because I needed a lot of information to support my position.

    1. It was so difficult in choosing a topic. I'm glad you were able to select the most familiar one. I'll miss you guys! This sem is almost done.

    2. I agree. I had to change my topic twice because the research was difficult. Your topic was interesting and I think you did good on your exam! I hope everyone did good as well.

  14. Well, considering the fact that we had the opportunity to choose whether to take it in class or do it at home made it much easier for me to prepare. Deciding on which topic I wanted took a while because I was so indecisive at first, but I finally made the decision to go with the usage of cell phones should not be permitted while driving. I can say this test was the easiest because I was able to do it with no pressure and in my comfort zone. I tend to blank out or lose my train of thought when I am under pressure, so I am glad that we had the chance to choose a take home test. Overall, I hope everybody did well!

  15. The test number 4 was pretty good. it was easy and I love the part how we shared what we we wrote down and what we have learned. I really prepared for it and I hope that I did a great job.
