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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Test #4 - Dec. 4

Discuss your thoughts regarding preparing and completing Test #4.


  1. Although we had the option to take home test #4 and had more time to prepare for it, I definitely didn't take advantage of that. As usual, I ended up doing my essay at the last minute so i'm not sure if my essay even passes as an argumentative paper. I really need to work on my time management.

    1. I need to work on my time management as well.

    2. I also need to work on my time management. I did not take advantage of the take home option and ended up writing my essay in class.

  2. Just like Jhenirose, having had the take home test, i still wasn't able to do it in advance like most of the class. (hopefully). However, i was interested in my topic, and i'm glad i was able to learn something new.

    1. I agree that I learned something new while writing the essay at home.

  3. The take home was a better choice for me because I had the time to prepare for it. I really liked my topic because it was in my interest. I would rather take home the test than do the test at school where I'd be aware of how much time I'd have left to finish.

    1. I agree. Doing the take home test gave us more time to work on it. I get nervous when I am being timed during a test, especially when it comes to writing essays.

    2. I agree, the take home was a better choice.

    3. I agree that taking it home gives more time to work on it. Writing essays in class can get pretty stressful.

  4. I agree with Katherine about taking the test home is much easier than doing it at school. I, for one, get distracted by my surroundings and I preferred it if I was in my home. Going up to share my thoughts on my paper was a bit nerve wrecking even though it was only for a few sentences. I hope we get to take home another test in the future.

    1. I agree with Mike. I like doing assignments at home because of the surroundings. I also was a bit nervous about presenting my paper as well.

  5. Test #4 was definitely easier, since we had the option to take it home. To prepare for it, I did background research prior to constructing my essay. I found my topic choice to be interesting, so writing was not difficult. Overall, I thought my essay was well constructed. I hope to get a good grade on this test.

    1. I agree. It was a lot easier since we had the option to take it home. We didn't feel so pressured.

  6. My thoughts of today's test is nerve wrecking because one thing it's an argumentative essay so a lot of time had to be put into it and second it's the grading. I always do my best on the essay but hardly seem to get the grade I desire. I did accomplish putting all the information I need to support my argument, but I just hope my writing and grammar is correct in order to score high on this test. Thank to Dr.Rivera for making it a take home allowing me to be careful and prepared to do my very best on the test. Good luck to everyone!!! A couple more meetings then we are done with this semester.

    1. I agree with Aaron. It's always best to expect the unexpected when turning in tests, especially take home tests.

    2. I agree. It was a bit difficult because it was an argumentative essay. I hope I did good as well.

  7. I would say test #4 was okay. I am glad it was a take home test so I had more time to complete it, but I still feel like I could have done better. I still need practice when it comes to writing argumentative essays. Overall, I am just glad I was able to get it done.

    1. I agree with Cyann. I am confident in my essay, but like all, I believe there is room for improvement.

    2. I agree. There was more time to complete the test, but there is always room for improvement. Reading it over or having it peer reviewed by someone could be of great help.

    3. Considering that I was not prepared, I'm glad that I was able to get it done. I definitely feel like I also could have done better though.

  8. Test #4 was definitely easy because I has the option to take it home so that I am not pressured and I have more time to work on it. I definitely took advantage of that opportunity and started on my research and essay as soon as we got the option to take it home.

    1. The in class test brings the idea of pressure. I love how you point that out because I agree that pressure is the reason why we get so scared and due poorly on a test.

    2. I agree. I sometimes freak out during a test when I am pressured to much, then I end up doing simple things wrong.

    3. I agree with Jerlyn. I definitely spent my weekend researching on my topic for the essay as well.

  9. I like test # 4 because we take it home. I have time to work on it. I definitely take advantage of the opportunity. I like take home test because I have much time to work on it.

    1. I agree. Take home test are really helpful because we are given more time to complete them.

  10. Test #4 was sort of easy. I was supposed to do it in class, but then I thought that it would be so much easier if I did it at home. It took awhile to prepare for this test because I didn't really like any of the topics, but I chose the one that seemed easy to write about. I hope that I did well on this essay because I felt it wasn't an argumentative essay. It felt more like an expository essay.

    1. I agree! I was supposed to write mine in class too, but opted for the take home option. It seems a bit more relaxing that way

  11. Test #4 was the easiest test for me so far. The fact that we could choose to take it home really helped me. I just did some research on my topic to help me prepare. Completing it wasn't so hard because we had so much time to do it.

    1. I agree we had time and it was A LOT of time to prepare for the test.

    2. I agree, Test #4 was the easiest test so far.

    3. I agree. There was a lot of time to prepare for the test, especially if you went with the take home option.

  12. Test#4 is kind of easy, and since it was a take home test, it made it even more easier for me. I prepared well for this test more than the others. Even though I did it in class, it was still pretty easy.

  13. For test #4 I felt I did good. The extra time helped and I think the new ways for taking the test benefited everyone. I took the in class test and felt somewhat prepared.

  14. Test #4 was easy, especially because it was a take home test. Sadly, I forgot about the test and did not take advantage of the take home option. I took the test in class and was unprepared.

  15. I was prepared for test #4. Taking the test home really helped me. Truth be told, I'm not used to writing an argumentative essay. However, like what Cyann said, I felt like I still could've made my essay better. Now I just hope that I can get a passing grade with that essay.

    1. I agree. There is always room for improvement.

  16. I was prepared to take Test #4. Taking home the test helped me out a great deal, as I was focused a lot more when I was at home then I am most of the time taking tests in class. My argumentative essay was not my strongest essay, but I feel it was good enough.

    1. I agree that my argumentative essay was not my strongest, but the effort is what counts.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I feel that Test #4 was somewhat easier than the other 3 and maybe it was because all we had to do was write our essay. I was very prepared to take this test and I was glad that we had the opportunity to take it home. Taking it home, I felt made me more comfortable writing my essay as opposed to writing one in class and worrying about the time constraint. I do however feel that I could have done a lot better on it. There is always room for improvement. I feel I should have had more reasons to reinforce my argument. Knowing this I will strive to do better next test.

  19. I was prepared for this test. It was better than test #3 because it was take home and I took advantage of that. I had more time to prepare and do my essay.
