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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Post your final goodbye entry.  It has been a pleasure having all of you as students.  I will certainly miss all of you, but I am confident that you will use the writing skills/strategies that you've gained to continue to write effective essays.  Good luck!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera


  1. I see that no one has posted their final goodbye entry yet. It was wonderful working with you all in class, even though I was only there every Monday! Aaron and Eduardo, thank you both for always keeping me updated when I didn't attend Wednesday classes and made use of my moodle sessions. Dr. Rivera, I learned a lot in your class and I will be sure to use the knowledge I gained in the future. Good luck to everyone! Goodbye.

  2. This semester has been an interesting one in EN100. The class definitely bridged my transition from high school to college. I definitely left this class feeling more confident in my writing and prepared for what EN110 has in store. I wish the best of luck to my fellow classmates, and thank you Dr. Rivera for teaching the course! See you all later!

  3. I don't know why, but I certainly enjoyed going to this class. It has helped me with writing better essays. I enjoyed having you all as my classmates and I hope the best for you guys. I hope I get to see you all around as well. Shoot! Estumbee!

    1. I enjoyed going to class as well. At first I did not know anyone but I am glad I was able to make some friends! Oh, and Merry Christmas!

  4. Good luck to everyone. I had a good time in class and I think the only downside to this semester was learning how good my classmates are at singing on the last day. Thanks to everyone and goodbye.

    1. Yeah I agree! I wish we knew about people's talents sooner! It was really good singing. Merry Christmas!

  5. This semester went by fast. Like what Ed said, this class has most definitely bridged my transition from high school to college. It was great seeing & knowing all of you, nice seeing you again to some. I hope I see you all around in & off campus. See you guys later! :D

    1. I agree, the semester did go by fast! The class will help us with other English classes as well! Merry Christmas!

  6. I am not good at saying good bye, but rather a see ya later because for most of us this is our first semester, so we'll see each other again in another English class or a GE class. Just want to say it was a great honor working with all of you, hoping the best!!!

  7. I just want to say good luck to everyone! I enjoyed having all of you in class. You guys made the class an interesting one. I also want to thank Dr. Rivera because I learned a lot in this class and I know it will help me in future English courses. I would not consider this a "goodbye" but more of a "so long". I hope I get the chance to see each of you around campus! Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

  8. It was a pleasure to be able to learn with you all. Best of luck with the rest of your College years. Like I said in class, MAKE GOOD CHOICES! Thank you Dr. Rivera for you have taught me a lot this semester. I surely feel prepared for my upcoming English classes. See you around campus everyone!

    1. Best of luck to you as well Jenirose, and thank you for the great advice! Merry Christmas.

  9. I would like to say goodbye and good luck to all of you in whatever you may do. It was great seeing you guys in class everyday. I'm sure you I'll see you guys around campus because UOG is too small, so no need to say goodbye. It's been a pleasure.

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  11. I hope you guys enjoyed me and Kristin's rendition of the song from "Out of the Box." We felt it only fitting to sing that song today on this occasion. I wish the best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors. I am not going to say goodbye because I know I will see you around school. Take care all of you.

  12. It's been great guys! Sorry I didn't get to know everyone. I wish you all the best of luck. Happy holidays and take care! See you guys around!

  13. Good luck everyone! It was an awesome semester and it was nice meeting you all. I hope you have a wonderful Happy Holiday. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

  14. I just want to say good luck to everyone. It was nice meeting you all. See you guys around. Happy Holidays.

  15. It has definitely been a pleasure having you all in this class. I think it was a great semester and it was fun. I hope you all have Happy Holiday season. Good luck to you all next semester and see you around campus. :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I had a blast sharing this semester with all of you. It was interesting and fun to share all our brain stretchers with each other. I'll always remember the papers we would correct and how hilarious and outrageous the answers would be. I'd like to say good luck in all your future endeavors, happy holidays, and I hope to see you all around school. :D
