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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Post your final goodbye entry.  It has been a pleasure having all of you as students.  I will certainly miss all of you, but I am confident that you will use the writing skills/strategies that you've gained to continue to write effective essays.  Good luck!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera


  1. We may have come to the end of this semester together, but our journey must continue. I am so glad to have met such wonderful peers and a great professor as well. Although I have not personally talked to each and every one of you, I am still thankful for having the opportunity to meeting you guys. I will definitely miss all of you! I wish you the best of luck and never give up!

    1. Good luck to you and have a great Christmas break!

    2. I hope you do well in the future.

    3. I will miss you too, Isa. Good luck with your future classes.

    4. Goodluck Isa! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! We'll definitely see each other next semester.

    5. Hopefully, I will see you around next semester. Take care!

    6. I will miss the class too! Goodluck to you too. See you around!

    7. Goodbye and goodluck ! You have done so well in this class.

  2. I had a great time in this class. I have definitely learned a whole lot. I will continue to do my best. I am glad I was able to make new friends. Good luck everyone!

    1. It was great meeting you in this class! Have a great Christmas break and stay in touch!

    2. This class was definitely a lot of fun. It is great you learned a lot in this course. You can apply what you learned in future classes.

    3. It was nice meeting you! Keep up the good work!

    4. I learned a lot too. I hope the best for you. Goodluck!

    5. I learned a lot as well. Good luck to you, little friend. Happy holidays!

  3. Bye Everyone! We may not have talked much, but i wish you all good luck on your future endeavors and see you all around! Don't give up!

  4. "Goodbye for now until we meet again, It's been great to learn and meet each other, but now it's time to say goodbye" (out of the box song, mixed up lyrics). It was a great semester with you guys. You all have a wonderful personality, although I didn't really get to speak with all of you. For that ones I have gotten to know, I thank you the most, for helping me get through this semester and a big Thank you to Dr. Rivera for giving us the best semester! It was interesting and fun, I will definitely miss all of you. I will continue to do my best and I hope all of you would do the same, keep your head up and Aim High! Remember, "The Sky is the Limit". I wish you all the best of luck!

    1. Hey! I remember that show! Good luck to you as well!

    2. I'll miss you too girl! OMG! You're so fun to be with! See you around!

    3. I am so thankful to have Dr. Rivera too as a professor. She helped us every step of the way and really treated us as freshmen students. She did not really give us so much hard time and I thank her for that!

    4. I read your message remembering how you sang it in class. Goodbye to you and good luck !

    5. Good luck! I am glad you passed.

  5. See you guys around next semester.

    1. Good luck on the final exam and enjoy the rest of your college life!

    2. Enjoy your next semester as well. Good luck!

  6. Today is the last day of this class. Just like what everyone else is thinking, we do not know each other completely well, but it was still nice to have each of you in the class. I think the most we ever really talked to each other is on this blog assignment. To the new friends I did make, thank you for making class fun. As for Dr. Rivera, thank you for being a patient and kind teacher. I wish everyone the best of luck and to do well in future classes.

    1. I wish that you do well in the future.

    2. It was nice getting to know you. I am sure you will do great things in the future.

    3. I'll miss you Kreeshia! We should all get together one day! (Like us girls) Thank you for being a nice friend to me! I enjoyed your company. Hopefully. we have the same classes next semester.

    4. Take care Kreeshia! See you around next year.

    5. Bye Kreeshia ! I know I'll see you around, because it's a small island. Plus, I'll see you around GPO.

    6. It was nice meeting you Kreeshia! Thanks for sharing your book :)
      Good luck!

  7. I think everyone from the class is really nice, including Dr. Rivera. I liked the class and learned a lot. Thank you guys!! Wish you the best.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the course. I wish you the best too.

    2. Goodluck Hanmin! It was nice meeting you!

    3. Wish you all the best too! See you around.

    4. You always smile! That's really nice. Good luck and see you around.

  8. I had a wonderful time with my fellow classmates. This was a very helpful class. Wonderful people and VERY helpful professor. I hope the best for you all. Have a very Merry Christmas & a safe New Years. Don't be stranger y'all!! Peace!!! Dr. Rivera, thank you for teaching this course very well. You taught me a lot!

  9. It was definitely one fun and interesting semester with each and everyone of you. Thank you for the friendships and memories. You all have a special place in my heart. Dr. Rivera, a simple thank you would not suffice for how much effort you put in for making this semester enjoyable. Thank you for the advice and guidance. You will definitely be missed.

  10. As I said in class, it's not goodbye, it's see you next year! Have a safe and blessed Holidays and may God continue to bless each and everyone of us. I extend my deepest appreciation to Dr. Rivera and all the students in this class. It was nice meeting all of you. I have learned a lot in this class and you all motivated me to do my best and pass this class. Dr. Rivera, thank you for your understanding and consideration. I enjoyed your class and the way you taught the course. I believe that I will succeed in my future writing assignments and I am determined to master in my writing skills. Once again, I thank you all so much and I wish each and every one a safe and happy holidays!

  11. I am glad to have known such wonderful people. Although I didn't get to know some of you personally, you were great company! I felt comfortable with you all and I hope to see you in some of my classes. I wish you the best and I will definitely miss you all! And thank you Dr. Rivera for all that you have done for us! :)

    1. I'm glad that we became friends and got to know each other. Goodluck Mel! See you around next semester! You should take me around the island so I won't get lost. :P

    2. I am glad we are friends. Happy holidays and good luck in your classes. I will definitely be seeing you around!

    3. I am glad we are friends as well. Good luck!

  12. I'm glad that I was part of EN100-06. Even though I didn't get to know everyone, you guys are all wonderful. Thank you for those people whom I became friends with. I really had fun in our class. Dr. Rivera thank you for the understanding and all the lessons you've taught us. Hope to see you guys around! Goodluck! :D

    1. The first day you came into class, I shared you my book. Haha. We became friends since then. Good luck on your classes and happy holidays!

  13. I have to admit that on the first day of class, I felt that I was not going to enjoy the rest of the semester. I thought that I was not going to make friends. I had a bad score on the first test which had affected my mentality in the beginning. All of that changed as the semester progressed. I started getting better test grades and I got to know some of you. I am very glad that I took this course because I have met wonderful people. I hope for the best for everyone! Thank you Dr. Rivera for everything! As others have said, this is not a goodbye. I will see you all some time in the future.

    1. Dude ! Your my parie in this class . Good luck in the future and see you around. I didn't think that you and I would just talk to each other and be friends. Peace.

  14. I was shy earlier to say this but I will really miss all of you. I will miss that class because it was filled with stories and laughter! I will never forget I learned from all of you guys. All I could say is goodluck and I hope to see you around next semester.

  15. This semester is very awesome, I want to wish my classmates good luck in the next semester and I would also like to thank Dr. Rivera for being an awesome teacher/professor.

  16. Goodbye classmates ! I'll see you around. UOG is not that big. I made my speech in class very clear. It was nice agreeing with you guys even if I never actually talked to you guys. Good job and good luck to you guys. Also, good bye and thank you Dr. Rivera. You have been nothing but nice to us. I think you're the only professor that allowed us to have a little party at the end of semester. Thank you for your knowledge and feedback you have me for this course. Peace !

  17. I really enjoyed this class . i met new friends and its hard to say goodbye to the. ill miss them and we also talked that we should still hang out. i learned a lot of things and i think everyone is awesome. it was a great class i hope that everyone will have a happy Christmas and New year.

  18. So this it. The time to say our good byes has arrived. I will admit, I did not expect to grow close to any of you. I did not mean exactly what I said in class. I did not judge any of you so badly, but I did think I would not be a part of a whole. I am happy to have met all of you.
    Now I know for sure that this is not a goodbye for most of us because we are mostly freshmen. So.... See ya'ok later!

    A huge thank you to Dr. Rivera for her kindness towards us. She has definitely helped us and made our lives easier in many ways.

    Happy holidays!
