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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Common Mistakes and Tricky Choices - Nov. 25

Visit this URL: to review some common mistakes in standard English. Sometimes we misuse words or phrases, but with more review and practice, we can learn to correct this. Did you find this resource to be useful? Why or why not? In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: comparison and contrast, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. I did find this resource to be very useful. Today's activities were great. When I got my brain stretcher, it was kind of difficult to write. But with a little creativity I was able to write about it.

    1. Creativity is always the key to a better paper. Yes, this link is very helpful and it also makes us realize that we sometimes make mistakes but we don't really pay attention to them. Nowadays, our computers and phones correct our spelling and usage of such words so we are not always aware of the common mistakes we make.

    2. Getting random pictures for the brain stretcher can be both difficult and fun. We are able to expand our thoughts and creativity within a short period of time. I'm interested to hear everyone's ideas for each picture.

    3. That's good. The brain stretcher is a good activity to impove and show our creativity in writing by describing or letting out our ideas out of a simple picture. Everyone must have enjoyed it.

    4. Creativity definitely goes a long way in writing. When a writer makes an effort to make a creative paper, it will surely show in the writing. It is almost certain that the readers will find the material much more interesting over a paper that had little to almost no creativity involved.

    5. Creativity is one of the most important things when writing.

    6. I agree with your whole idea.

    7. Thinking creatively does help when it comes to writing.

    8. It was kinda hard too thinking how to start the short paragraph we needed to do .

    9. I agree. It was kind of hard but my partner helped me out.

  2. This is really helpful. I usually mix up with a lot and allot, already and all ready, assume and presume and many more. This helps me to avoid misspelled words and mispronounced words, as well. Class was really fun today. The last activity we did was really challenging but fun at the same time. Camille and I wrote a wonderful paragraph and it kind of shows me that when we work under pressure we somehow bring the best out of our work. I had a fun day in class! I wish you a all a HAPPY EARLY THANKSGIVING and may God be with us all.

    1. We all have been in similar situations in which we misused a few words. This resource lets us realize that these mistakes are very common. It clarifies and lets us understand the differences of each word or phrase. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well!

    2. You're right. A lot of us sometimes get confuse in choosing the words we put onto our sentences. We just need to be careful and dictionary is an important tool to use if we're unsure of something. The paragraph you guys wrote was nice. So creative! Keep it up guys!

    3. It is nice to know you enjoyed today's activities and that you found it to be very useful. I am certain this resource will come in handy when you have trouble selecting the proper word to use in a sentence.

    4. You too! Have a nice thanksgiving. I definitely agree with your idea. I like it.

    5. I enjoyed working with you Reah! I was so worried thatvwe wouldnt be able to come up with somethibg but we did! Happy thanksgiving too!

    6. I get confused as well. Looking up the words I get confused with really helps. Happy Thanksgiving :)

    7. The resource is a vey good aid when writing, and may you also have a wonderful thanksgiving.

  3. The resource provided was definitely useful, because it included a list of words and phrases that were commonly misused in writing. People could refer to this resource if they have trouble determining which proper word to use in a sentence. On another note, today's activities were really fascinating. I personally enjoyed the essay brain stretcher activity because it was fun to see what others decided to do with the topic that was randomly provided to them.

    1. I agree that the resource was very useful. I think we will often come to this website whenever we feel unsure about our writing. I really like the brain stretchers too. I love how we can freely write what we want for a random picture given to us.

    2. The resource was definitely helpful and useful. Those are to common words we mostly use incorrectly. I enjoyed the brain stretcherr the most. Everyone was able to write a lot of things about the picture they randomly had.

    3. I agree that the source was useful.

    4. I agree that the brain stretcher was a really fun activity. The word essay kind of freaked me out a little, but it was not that bad.

    5. I agree, the brain stretcher was a very fun activity.

  4. I now know where to turn to if I feel unsure about my writing when I misuse words or not. I definitely will look to this for assurance. I enjoyed reading today's essays. I have a Vietnamese friend, and from what she tells me, females are second-class especially when there is a brother amongst the children. I really like doing the brain stretcher activity. I am able to write as freely as possible.

    1. Yup! This is another source that we could look forward to when we are unsure of certain words. You're writing from the brain stretcher was very creative and it was long. That's good because you were able to write a lot with just little amount of time.

    2. Yes, this is absolutely a credible and useful resource when trying to figure out which proper word to use in a sentence. On another note, I am glad you enjoyed today's activities. The activities were definitely interesting.

    3. I think I would also look through the source to double check on my writing. Free writing was practically the easiest type of way to brainstorm, especially since we did not have a lot of time to write it.

    4. I also now know where to turn to when I need help on which word to use. I would just open this document and it would really help me make my essay clearer.

    5. That's true. Sometimes i have to look back to make sure i didnt misuse my words.

  5. I have misused some words in writing my essay or sentences. This is very helpful because it helps the reader identify the denotation of the word. i enjoyed today's activities especially the brain stretcher. A lot of my classmates wrote very interesting paragraphs and poems about the picture they've got. The differences between a Vietnamese living in Vietnam and a Vietnamese living in America were good topics to talk about. I have seen how the society or the environment affect the personalities of a person.

    1. It is great you found the resource to be very useful. It is important to use the proper word when writing sentences.

    2. I agree that we all wrote interesting paragraphs and poems. I think this class really helped with that a lot.

    3. I also enjoyed the brain stretcher because you were my partner. It was really funny thinking ideas about our topic and we even incorporated instagram !

    4. I agree. Everyone presented nice essays. Yours was funny and ver creative!

    5. Everyone had interesting ideas with their pictures. I was one of the last to leave the room so I heard everyone's creative and quick ideas. I hope that more people will be able to hear everyone's writings.

    6. Listening to all the ideas our classmates had in their mind was really a fun thing to do. We get to practice and become creative by doing the brain stretcher activity.

  6. The information is very useful.I am personally guilty of misusing words. The activity today was a good practice for us all.

    1. I am also guilty of misusing words either.

    2. I feel the same way, sometimes I end up misusing words too.

    3. I feel guilty too for using the wrong words because now I realize it didn't make sense.

    4. I think we can all admit to being guilty of misusing words, but we get better at writing as we learn more.

    5. I am one of those who have misused some of the words on the list. At least we know what to use now.

  7. The source was very helpful. I know now I need some improvement in my writing. Todays lesson was fun and at the same time educational. I had a fun time with the brainstorm stretcher.

    1. I think we a lot of us may need a little improvement here and there, but remember that practice makes perfect. I'm glad you enjoyed the activities we did, because I did as well!

    2. Yes, we all need some improvement with our writings. I had fun doing the brain stretcher as well.

    3. I agree. I think practice always helps. No one's perfect and there's always room for improvement.

  8. I found the resource to be very helpful and useful. I have misused some words and with the resource as a guide, I can now correct myself. I really enjoyed today's activities, but I especially enjoyed the brain stretcher. Today was a fun class!

    1. We could write the words somewhere like in our notebook so we can peek to it when we are unsure of some words.

    2. I can agree with you.. I think we all can. We've all misused some words, but that's why when we proofread, revise, and edit, we correct ourselves. There is always room for improvement and practice makes perfect!

  9. The resource is very useful because as you can see, there are a lot of common mistakes that we use and we may sometimes forget. It contains so much information that we don't need to go to some other link for information. Plus, since this information was given to us by you, we know that it is a very reliable one. I thought the brain stretcher was a great activity. It really got us to think about what we wanted to write about. When I was writing about Little Ozwald, it was amazing how with just one picture, I was able to imagine that in my head.

    1. You're a good writer Mary Grace!

    2. I agree and thankfully we have peer review so that other people can help us identify our mistakes. I'm glad you liked the brain stretcher. Your story was great!

    3. It really is useful. The brain stretcher was really interesting, That story about little Oz was cute!

  10. I personally think the resource was really useful as many students pointed out. Most of all, I really liked the activities that we did in class today. They were useful.

    1. Yes, the resource can really help improve our writing. I'm glad you enjoyed the activities!

    2. It is a very good tool to always have when writing.

  11. The resource given is really useful. I enjoyed the activity we did today. It was hard in the beginning thinking of what to write, but after listing a few features that were on the picture it became much easier for me. I think what I wrote turned out to be very cute and good.

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed the activity! I enjoyed your little story or poem. I can agree that it was cute and good!

    2. I agree, your poem was great and it was really cute! Good job!

    3. I liked your poem. You did good!

  12. I find this resource very helpful and useful. I know that I have misused some words and this resource will definitely help improve my writing. I like today's class activities because they were fun. I enjoyed working with Mary Grace on our brain stretcher.

  13. This resource is really good and helpful. I admit that I misused the words a lot and use it in a wrong context. Reading this list made me realize the mistake I have made and make me improve my writing skills. The class lesson was really good, I liked the part when we did the brain stretcher. It was really fun and I enjoyed listening to people's own. It was a great class.

  14. The resource was very useful for us. I do not have a perfect grammar but I cpuld say that I have a keen sight when it comes to simple usage of they/their/they're or then/than. I wish I could show this to everybody for them to understand because it is really helpful. On the other hand, I really enjoy activiies especially the essay brain stretcher. It was really fu to make an essay with a partner.

    1. I agree because some people need that kind of help and the smallest things like this resource would help them out a bit.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I found the resource very helpful. I've realized that we all tend to get confused & misuse the wrong words in place of what we are actually trying to say. In order to avoid this, one would have to know the difference and meanings of similar words or words phrases. On the other hand, class was very fun and productive. I enjoyed the activities and readings.

  17. I think Monday's exercise was helpful. To me, having a visual is an easier way to compose an essay. The resource is useful. It's common that people misuse words and i'm guilty for that as well.

  18. This resource is very helpful. I know that I am not so bad when it comes to grammar, but having all of this in mind would be helpful in the future. It is common. I know that I have had a few mistakes in the past. I find the brain stretchers fun to do.
