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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Reflection and Run-On Sentences - Nov. 18

Visit this URL: Why should we avoid run-on sentences?  In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities (re:  classification continued, Doctors Have Their Symptoms, Too).


  1. We should avoid run-on sentences because there is a difference between the run-on when we speak and when we write. When we speak, we make the necessary pauses and rests, but when we write, no one can here us; therefore it is sometimes necessary to add commas, period, or even start a new sentence when we write. It is sometimes okay to break up long and complex sentences into shorter ones so that readers can understand them. Furthermore, today's activities were pretty much just a recap of last week's lesson. I was actually really glad to hear the proposition that Dr. Rivera gave to us regarding Test #4 being optional as a take home test.

    1. Yeah I agree the proposition was an excellent idea because it is a research based assignment and it'll be difficult to write it in only a certain amount of time.

  2. We should avoid run-on sentences so that people understand our writing. The link says that we often talk with run-on sentences, but it wouldn't sense if we wrote like that. If we wrote the way we talk, our writings would be too complex to comprehend. So, it is necessary to use punctuation while writing. Today's activities were okay. Reading about how serious students take grades was a shocker. Never thought anyone would jump to their death because of a final grade.

    1. I agree with you, Andrea. If I were to write how we speak then my writing would look messy. It would probably make no sense at all. The thing about how serious students took their grades was definitely something that surprised me.

  3. Run-on sentences are when two main clauses run together without proper punctuation. Although we often speak in run-on sentences. We make the right pauses and change our tone so that we could be understood when we talk to people. On paper, it would look like the longest sentence ever which could be made into shorter sentences. I think the sentence before this is a run-on sentence... The activity today helped me remember what we learned last week on classification. The stories that we read were okay. The one that surprised me was about how the serious the students took their grades. If that was me I would just be sad.

    1. I agree with John. The activities we did were just an overview of classification, but it was still quite interesting. The reading about college students and their grades surprised me as well.

  4. We should avoid run-on sentences so we can sound grammatically correct. It also provides the right way for a person to understand what you're writing. Today's activity was understandable knowing your topic and the sections they fall under. The Doctor's Have Their Symptoms Too was an interesting read because it's true and is a great example of classification. I'm just happy we were able to start on our argumentative essay because I feel this will be the most challenging, but I am ready for it.

    1. I agree with Aaron. The discussion on Doctors Have their Symptoms Too was interesting because they were true classifications of the different doctors.

  5. Avoiding run-on sentences when writing will help readers understand what we are trying to say. When run-on sentences are spoken, it is easier to understand from the changes in tone of voice and pauses. Written words are not spoken so it is more difficult to understand in writing. Today's activities furthered my knowledge in classification. Just like most others in class, it was shocking to read how students in higher colleges go to extremes about grades. The best part about today is being able to take home test #4 :D I'll most likely be able to have a better product of an essay from not having the pressures of taking the test in a class.

    1. I agree with you, Jhenirose that avoiding run-on sentences will help readers understand your writing. It was definitely shocking to learn about how other students took their grades.

    2. I hate it though how grades are important in our lives as students, but in the end of the day they're just numbers. Am I right?

  6. Writing and talking are ways our brains communicate. The only difference, is that writing is put through ink and paper, and talking is verbally expressed. When we talk, we go on and on, without the use of punctuation marks of course. However, when we write, we have to use punctuation marks. We use them to help guide our readers grasp what we are trying to say. That is why run-on sentences should be avoided. A good example would be, me. As i'm trying to explain why run-on sentences should be avoided, you guys are probably getting lost. Anyways, today's reading was shocking. I can't believe people would actually jump to their death over grades.

    1. This is true Imee on how the punctuations are there in order for readers to grasp the idea on a paper and pen. Great use of "compare and contrast" between talking and writing, it's a good example to use to explain the idea of run on sentences.

    2. I agree with you Imee. There is a distinct difference between talking and writing. Punctuations help us, as well as our readers understand what we say.

  7. Avoiding run-on sentences will help the readers better understand what they are trying state. Run-on sentences can often confuse a reader and may interpret the message wrong. Run-on sentences are easier to understand when it is spoken, but it is hard to understand when it is written on paper. Today's activities on classification were very interesting. It is easier to understand the differences between things when they are classified into groups.

    1. I agree with Jeryln. When run-on sentences are present in writing, the reader can misinterpret the idea or message. That is why some of my papers, mostly the drafts, are hard to understand because they have run-on sentences.

    2. I agree with Jerlyn. Avoiding run-on sentences help readers uderstand what the writer is trying to say. Run-on sentences can be understood verbally and not in writing.

  8. A writer should avoid run-on sentences because it will make it easier for the reader to understand. Using run-on sentences when we are speaking with a person is different from writing run-on sentences on a paper. When we speak we can go as long as we like and the person listening will still understand us. When it comes to writing, proper punctuation marks must be placed to separate main clauses in our writing. When I write a paper I would sometimes put run-on sentences, especially when I am rushing. This is still something I need a little practice on. You guys might even find some run-on sentences in this blog post I just wrote. For today's activities, I thought they were interesting. I confess, I do have some of those pressures listed in that one reading we did, but I would not kill myself over them. It does get stressful and frustrating when it comes to education, but I can not dwell on every bad grade I receive. I just have to do better next time around.

    1. I agree with you, Cyann. We can speak on forever and the person listening will understand us. It definitely is stressful when you know you might do bad in a certain class. All we have to do is stay positive!

  9. Eliminating run-on sentences from your writing will make your thoughts easier to follow and understand. I agree with everyone so far about how people make the appropriate pauses and exclamations when talking. Writing is difficult when the writer tries to make a point, so the logical thing would be to insert the necessary punctuations. If the reader takes away what the writer intended, then I believe the writer has done a good job.

  10. I feel that a writer should avoid run on sentences because it will make your writing a lot more easier to understand. If you continually use run on sentences, your audience will simply keep reading without the necessary pauses for the work to make any sense. It is a extremely important to have some pauses and ending marks for sentences and I think writers should always try and make that clear. As for today's activities, it was all the same to me. I am not saying that I hate it, but it is not like we do much in this class other than our readings for that day and some exercises/activities. I do not think it is necessarily a bad thing, I just feel we should incorporate other things as well.

  11. We should avoid run on sentences because it will help us become a better writer. If you compare essay that have run on sentences with essays that don't; I think that the one without would be easier to read and understand. So it be best that if you are a run on sentence writer, you get rid of the habit by practicing or asking for help.

    1. I agree Katherine. It is good to ask for help when it comes to writing. It helps improve our skills when someone is their to show us what is wrong and assist us.

  12. I am guilty for being one of those people who used run on sentences but I was told that it would effect my writing a lot of I kept using it. From personal experience, using run on sentences made it hard for the people, who did read my writings, to understand it. When I stopped using run on sentences, I felt like I progressed more in my writing and it helped me feel like a better writer.

    1. I agree, Mike. I believe that I used run on sentences for all the things I wrote in the past. It did feel like my paper was understandable when I stopped using run on sentences.

  13. I am definitely one of those people that do run-on sentences. I've already gotten in trouble for it in one of my essays. I try not too. I keep practicing to rid this from my writing. People get confused when you use run-on sentences cause it's more than one idea. I've worked on my writing a lot since the first essay. Haven't seen it as much of a problem, proof that I'm improving :)

    1. I am one of those people too Jericha. I have the same problem but I am working on it little by little. I guess I have to practice a bit more.

  14. Avoiding run on sentences leads to becoming a better writer and speaker. Run ons lead to confusion and miscommunication between the reader and the writer. Although it may seem easier for others, run on sentences does not help when it comes to written works for school, newspapers, and whatnot. Hearing from the activities done in class, I'm quite positive it was like any of our other classes.

  15. I admit that I'm one of those people that do run on sentences. I try not to, but it comes naturally to me sometimes. I'll keep practicing and get rid of this error from my writing.

  16. We should avoid run on sentences because it can confuse the reader on what the statement is. It's sounds horrible also. The lesson in class was good too. We discussed more on classification which I think helps with the outline process. That could really come in handy for the stage two process. As far as the changes for test #4, I believe this is gonna benefit everyone. Hopefully it does for me.

  17. We should avoid run-on sentence, because it often confuse your readers and it usually don't make sense. Run-on sentence are easier to understand when it is spoken, but hard to understand when it's written. Today's activity was helpful, it served as a refresher for topic sentence.
