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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Common Mistakes in Writing - Nov. 13

Visit this URL: to review some common mistakes of English grammar, mechanics, and punctuation.  Did you find this resource to be useful?  Why or why not?  In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities (re:  classification).


  1. This resource was helpful to me. I need to practice avoiding sexist wording and sometimes I combine singular and plural forms of words. I admit I get confuse sometimes with comma usage. But practice makes perfect, especially when one is aware of mistakes.I attended today's class at school. Classification is easy to understand, but the exercises took a while to complete. I received my exam paper. I did alright. I can't wait for the extra credit days coming up.

    1. Yes, i agree. Sexist wording always seems to effect my writing. The website helped me as well.

    2. yes practice makes perfect, ill practice even more writing so that I could get better. I can wait for the extra credit days too. ill see you there .

    3. You're right. The exercises on the book seemed confusing, but we got most of the answers correctly. See you on the EC days.

  2. Oh wow! I find this very helpful. I have realized that I make most mistakes in my writing by using the sexist wording and I sometimes do not use comma appropriately. I hope this would help most of us. I can see that this class has helped me improve in my writing.

    1. I have problems using sexist wording and using commas appropriately as well. Glad the website helped us both. Lets start improving our writing!

    2. I don't use commas properly too , reading this helped me realize my mistakes . im glad that this class had helped you improve.

    3. I agree, this class has also helped me improve in my writing.

    4. These mistakes are very common, so I agree with you on usage of sexist words. I'm glad we are all aware now.

    5. I agree that this class really helped.

    6. I am glad you see your improvements in writing.

  3. Very useful piece of information. I always seem to overlook the little things.

    1. I agree. It was very helpful. I am glad it helps us with the little mistakes we make.

    2. I agree, the resource is very useful information.

    3. I agree. I tend to overlook little things as well, but yes this was very helpful.

    4. I do that too. We just need to be more careful and makesure our spelling and grammar are correct when forming our sentences.

    5. I also agree the resource was helpful. It is imperative to know how to properly use words when writing.

  4. This source is useful because the english language has adapted improper ways to make a statement. The statement changes as soon as you put the punctuation in a different part of the sentence or putting unnecessary words. Some people enjoy making their sentences complicated, however, the more unnecessary words added to a sentence can change the meaning.

    1. I absolutely agree! It was very helpful reading about the common mistakes.

    2. I also agree with you. A well-constructed sentence does not necessarily mean it has to be lengthy. Successful sentences can be short and to the point.

  5. That was worth reading. I learned about my mistakes when I write. I do not use commas correctly. I know what and what not to do now.

    1. It was worth reading. Glad we were able to read it. It helped us both!

    2. I agree, I also learned about my mistakes when I write.

    3. Yes, it really was worth reading. I'm glad you now know your mistakes. I have a problem with commas too! Practice makes perfect though, so we'll get better at placing our commas where they're supposed to be. :)

    4. I agree that it was worth reading. Who knew our mistakes were very common, even to students in other places.

    5. I agree with you ! Sometimes, I use the comma too much.

  6. The source was very helpful. I would always get confused between effect and affect. The website clears it for me. I also learned how to use a hyphen properly. Classification has more than one subject, but they all fit into a common group.

    1. Yes, sometimes I mixed those two words too. That's what we learned in class today that it has more than one subject of class but its all in one group.

    2. I definitely agree with you. I get confused with effect and affect as well. This resource really brings a clearer understanding.

    3. That's true. There are certain words that sound alike but it is very important to distinguish their definitions.

  7. This resource was very helpful, because it became easier what words suit our sentence when forming a paragraph or essay. Classification was used to distinguish specific subjects which makes it clearer to the reader when reading a passage.

    1. The resource is very helpful and gives us a better understanding of how to form a sentence easier. It could really help improve our writing.

    2. We can all be better writers if we are aware of our mistakes and if we choose to learn from them. I'm glad we were given the opportunity to read this resource.

    3. Yes, the resource was definitely helpful. Using words in the right context is imperative in writing great papers.

  8. This resource was very helpful, because it became easier what words suit our sentence when forming a paragraph or essay. Classification was used to distinguish specific subjects which makes it clearer to the reader when reading a passage.

  9. I find this resource really helpful, I tend to get confused a lot of things. For instance , its and it's and having problem using comma properly. Reading this made me realize how to really use it and understand more. I went to class today, I thought it was a regular class but then it was an online class. It was pretty alright, we did activity which helped us more about classification. I got my test and I did great. I hope everyone did too.

    1. I feel the same way, I find the resource to helpful and it helps me understand how to write better.

    2. I totally agree. I tend to get confused about a lot of things too, but this resource brought a better understanding. On another note, I am glad that you did great on the test. I hope I did great. Keep up the good work!

    3. I get confused on a lot of things as well. I am glad the resource was very helpful for you and good job on doing great on your test! :)

    4. After reading all these common mistakes, I'm glad I'm not alone in making mistakes.

    5. Good job on getting a good grade on the test !

  10. I find this resource to be very useful, I could really use this resource to improve my writing. The resource shows us common mistakes in writing and gives us examples of how we can write the sentences better. I didn't go to class today, but I got to see my grade for the test. I was expecting a decent grade, but I was surprised to find out that I did really well on the test. I hope that everyone got a good grade on the test.

    1. It is very useful! I agree that the resource could help improve our writing. On the other hand, great job on receiving a good grade on the test! Keep up the good work!

    2. Congrats! The resource helps us write a better and fully detailed essay. We just need to be careful in choosing words we'll use for our sentence.

    3. Good job on getting a good grade on the test !

  11. English is the most complex language, so writing it is very much complicated. The resource that showed common mistakes of English grammar, mechanics, and punctuation really helped me distinguish what was right and wrong when writing a specific sentence of an idea. I found that some mistakes listed were some that I have made many times in my writing. It is really helpful because I have a clearer understanding of how and what to put when I write. I did not attend class, but I read the chapter about classification. I did not see my grade for Test # 3 as well and I hope I did a good job. I hope everyone did great as well.

    1. I agree. English is very complicated and there many things that we need to consider especially in writing an essay. The classification activity made it easier for us to understand and evaluate the examples given. I did a good job on our test#3 as well. Hopefully, you get a high score! Goodluck

  12. The resource provided helpful information about the common mistakes of English grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. I am guilty of making those mistakes, but the resource helped me to identify what is right and wrong. I am really glad to have read about the common mistakes because now I am able to correct myself and help my peers as well. The class was fun and I learned how to properly classify certain things, such as the activity about overlapping.

  13. I think this can be really useful. I would always struggle on when to use commas and which certain words to use. It especially helped me with knowing the difference between affect and effect. The discussion about classification was interesting.

  14. The resource focused on common mistakes in writing definitely comes in handy when writing papers. It provided clear and direct examples of how to properly use words when writing. On another note, I opted to do the online forum for the activity. The topic was on classification, which I thought was very simple.
