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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Common Mistakes and Tricky Choices - Nov. 25

Visit this URL: to review some common mistakes in standard English. Sometimes we misuse words or phrases, but with more review and practice, we can learn to correct this. Did you find this resource to be useful? Why or why not? In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: comparison and contrast, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. I found this resource to be vary useful. It addressed several misconceptions between words and phrases that many (including myself) tend to miss. The resource can be useful, especially when writing. Today's class activities were interesting. The essay brain stretchers helped us to think creatively, despite the fact that they felt a bit elementary.

    1. I agree with you, Eduardo. The resource is useful and I may be using it in the future when I do my writing assignments.The essay brain stretchers are so hard for me. I think I just need a lot more time on them. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. The fact this resource provides so much on the differences in word usage and phrases makes this resource very helpful. I have definitely made these mistakes and I will look back to this to help me with my future writing when I am unsure of something or just need the extra help. I haven't looked through the whole thing because it's much too long, but I understand what the resource provides. Today's activities furthered my understanding on comparison and contrast by going through the two essays. Doing another brain stretcher was really fun because we get to be creative when writing about the picture that was provided to us.

    1. I agree with you. I did not look at all of them either, but just knowing their is so much information provided makes it very helpful and something to look back on.

    2. I agree with Jhenirose. I also thought that the brain stretchers were pretty fun too.

  3. This was a very useful resource. It helped me understand words that I usually think mean the same thing. I would definitely use this resource in my future essays and writing. Today's class activities were interesting. The essay brain stretchers really helped not only me, but everyone in class to think outside the box. It's amazing how one picture can be a number of stories.

    1. I agree with Jerlyn. The activities today did help our class think out of the box. I like hearing people's different stories from the pictures they chose.

  4. I believe that this resource is useful. These are many of the mistakes that I have made when writing. I would use this resource if I am unsure about any of the words I am using. Today's activities on comparison and contrast was sort of like a recap of our last meeting in class. The essay brain stretchers are fun. Everyone was so fast to finish their short stories. I guess I just need to practice more.

  5. This recourse is very useful. I make a lot of mistakes when I write. If I am unsure that my words don't fit the sentence well, then I would use this as my backup. What we learned today is comparison and contrast I was not able to make it to our last meeting, I just found out today that our topic is about contrast and comparison. We had fun writing short stories just by looking at the pictures given to us.

    1. I agree. The site would make a great back up when writing papers or essays, especially when we are reviewing our work.

  6. I consider this source very helpful. It is a great guide to use when doing writing assignments. Just by glancing through the list of common mistakes, I already know I still do some of them when writing. The brain stretcher we did in class was fun. It gives us a chance to practice writing on the spot and coming up with ideas to write about. It is also interesting to hear people's different stories and ideas.

    1. I agree, Cyann. The source will help with our writings in the future. I definitely make a lot of the mistakes as well which we can hopefully avoid by using this resource. Happy Thanksgiving!

    2. I agree with Cyann. It would be a great guide when writing future assignments.

    3. I agree with Cyann. The brain stretchers give us the opportunity to practice writing on the spot.

  7. Yes, I find it resourceful. The first thing I clicked on the website is the a/n category and it was mind blowing. I never really thought about using an in front of words that begin with the letter "h" but sounds like a vowel same with the a in front of words that begin with the letter "h" but sounds like a consonant. I really did enjoy the brain stretcher, it brought a smile on my face. I guess you can say I love to free write. I wish we could have done that activity sooner in the beginning of the semester.

    1. I agree with Aaron. The brain stretchers are good activities to throw in the lesson every now and then.

  8. This link is a great reference for writing. I bookmarked it in case I'm not sure of how something should be written. Today's activities were interesting. The brain stretcher was good. They were all very positive pictures and I thought it would be funny to write a depressing paragraph about it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree that this is a great resource for our writing and that it is a good idea to bookmark it. The essay brain stretchers are definitely something that is fun to do and something to look forward to in class. Happy Thanksgiving by the way!

    3. I agree with you Andrew. The link is a good reference and bookmarking the site is a smart idea. I think I should do that as well.

  9. The resource was very helpful. I find myself making these mistakes whenever I write a paper. The activities in class were amusing, it allowed me to use my creativity. I enjoyed it, I wish we could've done this earlier in the semester, I'm sure it would've enhanced my writing skills.

  10. These resources are very useful. I've saved the link in case I need guidance on writing. Today's activities were interesting. These brain stretchers are becoming an everyday thing which is fun to do.

    1. I agree, Christine. The resource is useful. I think I should save the link as well for use in the future. Also Happy Thanksgiving!

    2. Saving the link would be a good idea. I should do that too. It is definitely useful.

  11. The resource was so useful. I made many mistaken when I write a paper. I finally found out where I always had many mistakes. The activity in class was interesting. It pushed our mind to think harder and harder.

  12. I found that this resource was somewhat helpful to me. Like everyone, I too have made a lot of mistakes whether it be with words, punctuations, or anything dealing with writing. I believe after reading this source, it has helped me to strengthen my writing skill a bit by showing me the mistakes not to make while writing. The activity we did in class today was somewhat okay. I felt that I was involved with it a little bit more, and I feel those essay brain stretchers are an okay exercise.

    1. This guide will definitely help me strengthen my writing skills. Like Cam and everyone else, I have made a lot of these common errors.

  13. I really found this resource to be somewhat useful for me. It had a lot of examples of some of the common errors found in written work. I feel that I as a writer have made a lot of common mistakes as I was writing. It is maybe because I was not aware of the mistakes that I was making. I now know after reading this source and I will use this as reference in hopes that it will strengthen my abilities as a writer. The day's activities were pretty much the same as all the other activities we have done on previous days. The only thing really different is the essay brain stretchers, which I do not mind really. They are a good idea to get our minds to actively read.

  14. I did find the source helpful and very useful. I have misused some words and with the resource, I can now correct mistakes. Today's activity was really fun, I personally enjoyed the essay brain stretcher.

  15. I found the resource where helpful for me. I tend to make a lot of grammatical errors when I write stories, blogs, essays, etc. I think that this will help me a lot when doing those things now. The activity that we did was really interesting, something that I have never done before and I enjoyed it.

  16. This resource is good for me because I have a habit of making those common mistakes and it hasn't stopped yet. I know that this will help me get rid of the bad habit and will help me become a better writer. The activity was fun! It was nice to hear everyone's own creativity out loud like that.

    1. I agree that the brain stretcher is a fun and interesting activity. It is also cool to hear everyone's way of thinking and creativity.

  17. This resource is very helpful. I make a lot of these mistakes and get confused using certain words. This definitely helped explain differences in terms and phrases. The activity with the brain stretchers are good. I enjoy doing them and it is a good way to spark creativity.
