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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reflection - Descriptive Narration - Section 8 - Oct. 14

Discuss your thoughts on today's descriptive narration activities (re: Student Paragraphs and Essay - Yearning for Love by Chantra Shastri, Writing Process Worksheet - The Drag by Mike Kavanagh, etc.)


  1. Today's lesson was definitely interesting and useful lesson. The two stories we read were very descriptive. Both authors made their examples feel like I'm in the story. Between the two stories I choose 'The Drag'. The story was so true about drag racing. I am one of those people who goes to legal drag races and races. The feel of going fast is just hard to describe for me, but the author hit the right spots.

    1. Nice one.I agree the descriptive essay "the Drag" was really great rather than the other one. hope you enjoyed it also the same way I did.

    2. I like your point of view, also from experience man.

    3. it's good you find the lesson interesting and useful.The Drag was a good story it had all sensors included and was very descriptive.

    4. The best way to choose a story is by choosing one with the most relevance to your life and your experience. Great choice man.

  2. Todays lesson was alright. The two story were descriptive very well. I really don't like drama movies and reading about the Yearning for by Chantra Shastri was blah no offense though=]. The story "The Drag" was very interesting because i really like cars . The story was very well descriptive because i pictured the image of a car rocketing down the track at 230 m.p.h. popped in my head as soon as i was done reading it.

    1. hey bro. Your right about the descriptive essays. I also agree with you bro, the descriptive essay Drag was alright then the other one. It kind a cought my attention rather than the other one.

    2. Good input on the lesson, bro!

    3. I am not surprised by your comment Marvin; I always saw you as the type of guy who lives life on the fast lane, you know, without a care for the regular world. You have always been into the crazy stuff but that's cool too because you're still a great person! So, keep it up! :D

    4. Nice one pare. Cars are always one of guys toys.

  3. today's lessons were great. Although I didn't go to class but I browsed through the pages on the book and the stories about the Yearning for by Chantra Shastri and the Drag. Both the stories were descriptive but I liked the Drag rather then the Yearning for by Chantra Shastri. Because it was enjoyable and it took my attention and for the other story I kind a lost track. But I wish I was there on today's lesson.

    1. That's good that you caught up on your reading. :)

    2. It's good to know that although you weren't in class you took time off to go through the book in order to catch up.

    3. Splendid job Egan! We missed you in class that day but it was great that you came today! Great job on taking the initiative to stay on top of your work. We'll be sure to work together, all of us, to pass the next exam!

    4. Its great that you caught up to the book while you weren't in class.

  4. The lessons today somehow taught me a new lesson and was a new experience to me. I enjoy reading the two descriptive essays. The two authors were really good on explaining on their essays. The drag was a great essay and it makes the readers experience what they felt. Usually or most of the time narrative essays are first person point of view. The activities were great and I hope we will do it next time again.

    1. That's good that you're understanding the lesson, man.

    2. very well said.good to know you understand the activity because it will be used on the test

    3. I hope that as time passes, it'll be easier for you to write essays John. I'm sure that by the time our next exam comes, you'll be sure to write a great essay! I'm glad to see you're catching on to the lessons. :D

    4. Great points toward the lesson.

  5. Monday's lesson were really informative. I enjoyed reading the two passages "Yearning for love" and "The Drag". I learned the difference between an objective description, and subjective description. I also felt what the writer was trying to portray in their essays.

    1. Great insight Kris! It helps knowing the difference between subjective and objective reasoning. I'm sure that implementing this into your narrative essay will be a no brainer!

  6. Monday's Lesson gave me an idea of what the author is talking about in the essays provided "Yearning For Love" and "The Drag." It made me see what the author is sensing. I learned the difference between subjective and objective to descriptive narration. Both the essays were interesting to read. in example to the essay Yearning For Love, was about a girl and her mothers feelings to an arrange marriage and tradition. The essay made me realize that although traditions are hard to understand we must follow what our heart says and keep some of the tradition alive.

    1. Nice one Lexine! It's great to know that you've captured the essence of today's activities. I applaud you for finding new meaning to the importance of following your heart and staying true to yourself and your roots. (:

  7. Today's activities helped bring focus to the importance of detail and most importantly, to the use of feelings or imagery. I saw "Yearning for Love" as a power-check on myself and the values I still continue to uphold today that are of my parents' and my view. It helps to know the consequence of failing to uphold to those values. The last thing I would ever want is to feel lost or confused.

    I only hope that I will be able to implement the use of subjective and objective reasoning once it comes to my narration. I was completely satisfied with today's readings. (:

  8. this is my late post. The activities we did were very helpful. It taught us a bit about what a descriptive narrative is. the yearning for love and the Drag were two stories that we did on today. they were very great stories, they gave us a narrative with great description into it. that is what it is all about.
