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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Writing Activities - Oct. 28

Discuss your thoughts on today's writing activities (i.e. process analysis, Test #2 results, Test #3 writing process review, etc.)


  1. I need better preparation for tests! The activities helpful, especially when we went over how to change the oil in your car.

    1. I'm sure you'll do much better on Test #3! Keep your head up!

    2. Good luck, hope you ace test #3

    3. You will do better on test #3! Good luck.

    4. Welcome to section 8 blog. Feel free to post in our blog anytime. Also good with with the next test.

    5. The main key in improving is by practicing, practicing, practicing. Don't worry Justin, I am sure you will soon get the hang of it. (:

  2. Today's writing activities were interesting. The process analysis was a nice topic. My results for Test #2 were good, however I could still make my grade even better. I am excited for Test # 3 knowing that it will consist of only an essay portion. Overall today's class session was great. :)

    1. I agree today's class was great. I know you will do better on the upcoming test!

    2. Good thing about test three, it will be just the essay. However, I will miss the other part of the test.

    3. I admire your burning passion to participate in class Kris! Keep up the great work! :D

    4. Damn man I couldn't make it to class but the activities sounds nice bro, I also agree with you on improving the grades bro, we have to study, and do our best on the test and the result would be great.

  3. In today's class session, the writing activity was very interesting. We did an exercise on how to change oil on the car. My results for the recent test was great! For the next, I will be ready to improve my previous test. Overall todays class session was great.

    1. Hope you pass your next test.

    2. It's good to hear that your results were great. Good Job!

    3. Today's activity was great. Hope you will improve your score next test.

    4. Congratulations man! I am glad to hear that you were able to improve your scores from the last test. When the time comes, I hope you will be able to share your 'secret' with the class. Keep it up. :D

  4. I got to say that I was not prepared for test#2, but I'm guessing I will do better in test number 3

    1. Don't worry bro you will do better on the next test. You just gotta believe on yourself!

    2. J-Dwain, stay confident of your abilities and I am sure you will be bound to do well, if not better. There are many ways to improve and that doesn't necessarily mean that you would have to do it all alone; we are with you and we too, struggle. Never be afraid to ask for help. I am sure that there are many of us who would be willing to help you, I being one of them. (:

    3. Ya bro don't worry, you can make it on the next time. Now you know that what did you do wrong, and improve on it bro, and the next time you will most likely make it.

  5. I was proud that I got a higher grade in test #2 but I know I can still get a better grade on the upcoming tests. Today's activities were great and we learn a little about mechanics. I am excited that the third test will only be an essay!

    1. Everyone seemed to be excited about test #3. For me, the essay part is difficult. Oh well, good luck.

    2. I admire your enthusiasm John, keep it up! I am assuming that you fair better on the essay portion than you do on the question and answer portion of the test. Either way, I hope you only continue to do well in our upcoming tests. (:

    3. Nice one bro, that's a good thing you studied, that's the result's of studying hard. I agree with you bro, you must try and do even better than the last. I got to get my results on the test #2 on the next class time.

  6. Today, we discuss about process analysis. We also did a class activity concerning about changing oil in a car. It turns our I do not know how to change oil. Then we work on our essay for test #3.

    1. The class activities are really good so that you don't get tired or bored, and the next class time you will want to go to class.

  7. I thought that today's activities were extremely beneficial in a sense where we were able to retrieve vital and knowledgeable information that would sure to be of some use to all of us in the future. In regards to today's activity with changing the oil of a car, I thought that this activity was a great way for us to really think about process analysis, along with its importance.

    As far as we go with today's activities overall, I would like to say that I approve of Dr. Rivera's modifications to Test #3. I believe that by focusing on constructing essays, especially ones based on the three steps in the writing process, we will be able to make better use of our writing skills that may prove to be useful in our future. Although it may consist of a tedious process, I do believe that a time will come where we will all be able to construct and create proper and powerful essays in no time.

    We can do it you guys! :D

  8. today's sounded really nice guys. By reading your paragraphs I could tell that class was good. I couldn't make it to class, but I did the moodle class. If you need to explain how to do something or how something was or is done, you will engage in process analysis. That's when you'll break down your topic into stages, explaining each so that your reader can duplicate or understand the process. But next time I will try and make it to class.

  9. The activity on Monday was good. i enjoyed it even if I was late to class. I am happy that I passed test#2. It was somewhat complicated but I studied hard enough to get the grade I wanted. The next test will breaking your topics into stages. Hopefully I make it back to Guam Monday morning so I can attend class.
