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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Test #2 - Oct. 21

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #2. Were you prepared for it? If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation? If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. Test #2 was a fair test and I took it the same way as Test#1 with sufficient time of studying and preparations to help me achieve a good grade. Again, the review was a great help and thanks to Eduardo for making me a copy of the information for me to study made life so much easier. The only strategy I used is actually memorizing and understanding the ideas in the writer's guidelines. I think this time I really focused on my essay because last test I didn't focus too much on it. Overall I'm satisfied with my answers and hoping I receive a better grade that Test#1.

    1. I agree that test #2 was a fair test, It felt that it was much harder than test #1 though. I think I should have studied my essay.

    2. I am always here to help a friend or classmate in need! I also used the strategy of memorizing as well as understanding the Writer's Guidelines. Hopefully we get better grades this time around, especially on the essay portion.

    3. Memorizing and understanding the content is always a good way of studying. That is what I did. Hopefully I got a good grade on this exam.

    4. I always use the Writer's Guidelines in helping me study for the exam. It makes studying so much easier.

    5. I also put more time into my essay this time around. I know I did better on the essay part but not sure about the writers guidelines questions.

  2. Test #2 felt like it was a harder test than test #1. I don't really know why, but it just was. I did the same thing I did on test #1 with test #2. I copied the writer's guidelines on paper and kept reading it until I was completely satisfied. I don't think I did well on my essay since I didn't really study for it. I hope I didn't do too bad on test #2.

  3. Today's test was pretty okay. I'm glad that the we reviewed last meeting. It did help me take the test. I do feel like I need to study more. I didn't have a sufficient amount to study. Next time I will put more time into studying to make sure I get a good grade.

    1. I am also glad that we reviewed last meeting. If we didn't I probably would have failed this test. Maybe I should put more time into studying next time.

    2. I don't think I did well on my essay either, and I also did not have enough time to study.

    3. The review helped me too but I should have put more time into studying the writers guidelines as well.

  4. Test #2 felt a bit more difficult than test #1. Despite this, I felt prepared to take test #2, having studied the whole weekend and creating a study guide with the Writer's Guidelines at the end of the chapters. I do hope that I do much better on the essay portion of this test, as I was disappointed with the results I received on the last test. I guess my study techniques for Dr. Rivera's tests are working, I just need to hope for the best and not psych myself out with these tests.

    1. Yeah, test #2 felt more difficult than test #1. Maybe I should study more or make a study guide like you.

    2. Yes! I hope I did good on the essay portion as well because that one really brought my grade down. Same here, using the entire weekend to study for the test.

    3. I feel the same with Ed and John. Test two was a bit more challenging than test one. There was definitely a lot more to remember. And more content from the book.

    4. Agreed. Test number two was a bit more difficult than test number one, but I hope I still received a fair grade for the test.

  5. I think that Test #2 was more difficult than test #1, just like Eduardo had said. I felt like I was prepared enough, but I guess I wasn't. I should probably not overlook the small details next time. The only thing that I do not like about these tests are the essay portions. I feel that during the essay portions, I am pressured and I cannot write them as well. I know that I don't do well on the essay portions on the test than I actually do in the essay writing assignments. Then of course, I feel like it might not even matter as much because the test has a very critical grading system.

    1. Yeah I think the essay portion is the hardest part because when writing an essay, we can't just think of it on the spot we have to take our time in order to achieve a good essay. It's true though that we feel the pressure when it comes to that portion of the test.

    2. I agree with Jerlyn that the essay portion was the most difficult. Although I used my All About Me essay, I still feel like my essay needed a little more work.

    3. I don't feel that it was a harder test. I think I just didn't study all aspects of it. I do feel like trying to remember an essay and rewriting is kind of dumb though.

  6. I would say test #2 was okay. I felt like I was more prepared for this test than the first one. The review we had in class and the writer's guidelines in the book really helped me with my studying, especially for the descriptive narration practice. If we did not have a review, I think I would have panicked for the descriptive narration practice. I feel a bit more confident about this test.

    1. I don't think test 2 was okay. It was much more difficult. If I remember correctly there were not any descriptive narration questions on the test. I think. Now, I think we studied that for no reason. I don't know anymore.

    2. I agree if it wasn't for the review, I think most of us would have been lost on the test. I also agree that I have some confidence on my answers during the test. I just hope I receive a better grade than Test#1.

  7. For test #2 I felt more prepared, but still feel I could have prepared better. I did study my essay a lot more than the first test. The review we did last week and the studying I did on Sunday did help but I couldn't remember the answers to a few of the questions. I know I did better on this test but I know I can still do better than what I have been doing. I guess I just need to study more than I have been.

    1. I agree with Andrew. I have those feelings as well. I felt prepared, but at the back of my mind I believe I could do better than before.

  8. Test #2 felt equally the same with Test #1. Having a review helped a lot, but I have these brain dead moments where i've completely forgotten things i've just gone through leaving me unable to answer some questions. Also I probably focused too much on studying on a particular part making me forget other important information I needed on the test. Looking through my study guide after the test made me have that " I knew that! Why did I not know it while taking the test?!" moment.

    1. I have those moments as well while taking test, and not just our English test. I would study the material over and over again, but once I get the test I blank out. I guess I just need to calm down and not overload myself with information all at once.

    2. I agree with you about the "I knew that! Why didn't I not know it while taking the test?!" moment. I have that feeling most of the time whenever I'm taking tests then get paranoid & slightly have a mental breakdown. That's just me though.

    3. I agree with Jhenirose. Those brain dead moments are the worst, especially when you know the material well. I especially felt this when I focused my attention on other items an ended up blanking out for a moment on other items of the test.

    4. I get that too. So much of the stuff we are learning is dry and can easily be forgotten.

  9. I felt more prepared for this test as compared to the first one. I used the notes I had for our review and reread both chapters, focusing on the topics I was unsure of. At the same time, I was unprepared for it because time essays are something I am not fond of doing. I think if I took more time to prepare for the essay portion, then I would most likely score better on it.

  10. I feel like my weakness for test's is sickness. I was more prepared for this test compared to the first test but the weather just didn't help me get better at all. My head aches were too much for me and now it's affecting me test's.

  11. Test #2 I found a bit more easy because, I requested off of work to make time to study. I too used the Writer's Guidlines as a study guide and I found it helpful to do a few of the excercise to help further my understanding. Overall, I feel I did much better this time around and I will continue to try and do my best for the up coming tests.

    1. I think I can relate to your situation. I had work on Saturday then I had to go to church, which I usually don't do because I go on Sunday with the family. I took my whole Sunday just to study the test material. Like you, I hope to better in the other tests as well.

    2. I agree with Megan. I felt more comfortable with test #2 because I already knew how the format of the test was like. I also like how you went over the exercises as well. I should do that while I study too.

    3. I agree with Megan. Test #2 was a bit more easy. The Writer's Guidelines and reviews that Dr. Rivera gives u really helps with taking the tests. I also hope to do better on future tests too.

  12. Test #2 was quite simple for me. I felt it to be better than the last one and I felt I did better as well. I was more prepared for taking this test and the difference was that I actually got the chance to go through the content thoroughly and review them until I got them down. I will be sure that next time, I do the exact same thing for the next test and I will try to stay calm.

  13. Test #2 was quite the same as test #1; I think I did well on this test. I made a study guide just what I did for test #1 & reviewed all the writers guidelines as well as my study guide & my essay. I have a feeling that for the next two tests I really have to study & memorize my essay.

    1. I agree with you Christine. I believe I need to study hard for our next test as well. I still need to start on writing the next two essays for our tests. It takes me awhile to memorize my essays.

    2. I still need to write my last two essays & those essays are more time consuming then the descriptive & narrative combined.

    3. I agree with Christine that making a study guide is very helpful. I made a study guide for myself too. It makes it much easier to remember things.

  14. Test #2 was okay. I can that I felt more prepared this time than the last one and I had more time to study for this test. The strategies that i used as part of my preparation was go over the writer's guidelines at the end of the chapter and I also made my self a study guide. Writer's guidelines helped me a lot on this test. I hope I did good on test#2.

  15. I was so much more prepared for Test #2 than Test #1. I felt like i could do better though. I studied the material that we discussed the class before. I also studied the reader's guidelines. I felt like i should have been more focused on my essay though.
