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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Writing the Controlling Idea/Organizing and Developing Support - Dec. 2

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Now that you are well familiar with a controlling idea/organizing and developing support, discuss a topic sentence that would be good to explore for the Holidays.

Example: Yesterday, I had an unusual Christmas experience at the Field House.

Please note that the above topic sentence enables the audience to inquire what kind of experience you've had and why it was unusual.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities.  (re: patterns of argument, logical fallacies, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. The holidays will only be memorable and significant depending on what activities fulfill one person's expectations.
    The topic sentence will allow audiences to contemplate on what and how their experiences will determine a successful holiday season.

    Today's activities were interesting. Logical fallacies confused me for a bit, however I eventually understood it's meaning. The other topics, plus the brain stretcher were fun yet again!

    Happy Birthday, Dr. Rivera! Again. :D I hope you had an amazing day!
    God bless you all!

    1. The holidays are a joyous times of the year but of all the four seasons, Christmas is the busiest season of all and expectations are pretty high this time of year.

      Seriously todays topic was interesting and it was a bit fun.

    2. I agree with you bro. holidays are not worth remembering if you don't have someone to spend it with. Damn I wish I went to class today bro didn't know it was that interesting.

    3. Way to start a topic sentence Kris! I admit, I had a pretty hard time composing my topic sentence after having have seen yours. Argh, thaaaaaaanks. :P

      But really though, nice topic sentence man. It seems very, like you. (:

      Ahaha, don't sweat it with the logical fallacies man for even I was baffled every now and then. I'm glad you were able to enjoy todays activities.

  2. Th Holidays this year will surely be better than last years.
    The topic sentence will let the reader now on how it will be better than last years holiday or how more special it will be.

    Today's activities were great as always, the brain stretcher is pretty fun and cool. It was another great day in class.

    1. I agree with you bro. holidays are not worth remembering if you don't have someone to spend it with. Damn I wish I went to class today bro didn't know it was that interesting.

    2. Great topic sentence bro! It is easy to relate to as I am sure we all have in our mind, a way in which to better enhance our holidays and holiday experience.

      I definitely agree; today was great. :D

  3. The holidays are the best time of the year because those are the time were everybody enjoys with their love ones, families, and friends. But its really up to you to decide what to do on any holidays to make it joyful and worth remembering. But the best and most famous of all the holidays is Christmas because that is the time Jesus was born into the world and its also the time for holiday cheer and present from the Santa Claus. But the real reason is the love from your family and the time you spent together on the last month of the year.

    1. Well said brother. Christmas is always well spent while in the company of family. (:

  4. Holiday's brings family and friends closer to each other. The topic sentence states that families and friends tend to be closer in the holidays.
    Happy Birthday Dr. Rivera!!! Hope you are enjoying your special day :)

    1. Nice once John! I definitely agree with your topic sentence as it is truly a joyous moment spending the holidays with your family. :D

  5. Every holiday is like a regular day to me. There is nothing special for me, I do my daily routine and I enjoy entertain myself.

    Today's activity was great. We did some activity from the book and at the end we did another brain stretcher.

    1. I hope that regardless of how and who you spend your time with during the holidays, that you are able to at least enjoy the moment Mel. Never forget to cherish all those around you who are significant in your life.

      Live wisely, live happily my friend. (:

  6. 1. The holidays go beyond that of just spending time with your family and should focus on the importance of giving back to others.

    2. The holidays should be spent spreading holiday cheer to others by giving away more than just presents.

    3. The holidays go beyond that of just receiving and giving presents and should focus on the spreading of love and holiday cheer.

    As you can see, I enjoyed this assignment so much that it proved difficult to just stick to one topic sentence as a focus on the holidays. However, the statements above all deal with the multiple ways to achieve happiness from this holiday season, with the main way being through giving back to others instead of always being on the receiving end.

    Today's activities involved the use of logical fallacies and how they should often be avoided when it comes to communicating. Allow me to present an example:

    "I knew that class today was going to be fun because it was Dr. Rivera's birthday."

    Although this statement may contain a false conclusion, there was no denying that today was a great day! Happy birthday again Dr. Rivera! I am glad we were able to partake in this joyous celebration of your birth! :D

  7. The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. Most family spend the holidays with family and friends. My family and I are spend the holidays with a whole lot of food and especially lechon ( roasted pig). There is no other way to spend christmas with friends and family.

    The class activity was great. It helped me learn on how quotes are.
