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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Writing the Controlling Idea/Organizing and Developing Support - Dec. 2

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Now that you are well familiar with a controlling idea/organizing and developing support, discuss a topic sentence that would be good to explore for the Holidays.

Example: Yesterday, I had an unusual Christmas experience at the Field House.

Please note that the above topic sentence enables the audience to inquire what kind of experience you've had and why it was unusual.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: patterns of argument, logical fallacies, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


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    1. The first post I provided did not have a controlling idea that showed where I wanted to go with my potential paper.

  2. A good topic sentence for the Holidays could be:
    Christmas shopping is tied to numerous complications.

    The controlling idea is "numerous complications" which is followed by the topic. The topic sentence makes the readers ponder on what makes Christmas shopping complicating and frustrating for some people. The following paragraphs after the topic sentence will then consist of evidences that back up and pertain to the topic sentence provided.

    1. I think sometimes Christmas shopping can be a hassle.

    2. I agree, but its the only time I could be broke and happy about it.

    3. I agree, I also think sometimes Christmas shopping can be a hassle.

    4. yes Christmas is tied with complications because youll end up being broke and youll have hard time choosing what to buy. I agree with them that its also a hassle.

    5. Funny! I agree though, I like shopping for my friends and family because I dont really mind getting broke. It's the most wonderful time of the year, so why not share! :)

    6. I like you topic. Christmas is the time for gift giving so it's very difficult to pick on what things you'd like to give your loved ones.

  3. My topic sentence would be:
    What am I going to do for Christmas this year?

    I try to do something different each year for Christmas. I enjoyed today's class activities. I think time was used very wisely in understanding the patterns of argument and logical fallacies. Working on the essay brain stretcher with Justin was very fun as well. Overall, today was very productive.

    1. I really liked that poem (or was it really a poem) that you and Justin made. I like the idea that you combined your photos to make a good poem/essay.

    2. I like you're topic. It's nice that you always do something new every Christmas. Any plans for this year though?

  4. My topic would be something like: My past Christmas did not play out as planned.
    This way, the audience will assume and predict what has happened until they read on. The readers might think of all the things that could go wrong on Christmas day. Today we did the usual. We read and worked on our books as a class and did brain stretchers.

    1. You're topic is interesting. I wonder what the reasons are why your last Christmas did not work out as it's supposed to be. Doing the brain stretchers really help us to be more creative.

    2. That is a very good topic. Although I hope it works out for the best this year.

    3. I also agree that you have an interesting topic. I am sure it will be entertaining to read about your past Christmas experience.

    4. I agree that you have an interesting topic. I can say that it will amuse us.

    5. Now I am really curious what happened to you last christmas! That is a really good topic!

    6. I really hope your Christmas this year will be a better one. I wonder what happened last Christmas. You know how to get an audience's attention.

  5. My topic sentence would be: The best place to spend Christmas with my family is Pampanga (my hometown). I totally miss spending Holidays in the Philippines. Anyways, today's activities were very informative. The logical fallacies is what I liked the most because I discovered different sentences that do not have factual evidences. Kreeshia and I worked together for our brain stretcher. We expressed our ideas by making a diary. We had fun!

    1. No place better to spend the holidays.

    2. omg I wish too that I could spend Christmas in Philippines. I love Christmas in Philippines but not new years because a lot of people gets injured.

    3. I miss spending christmas in Philippines too! No place like home!

    4. You're all right. I miss having reunions with relatives especially when each of them cook their special recipes.

    5. I have family in the Philippines and it does sound nice to spend it there. Yes, today's lesson was very informative. Hope you do get to go to PI!

    6. Wow, you are so lucky to have the chance to spend the holidays at the Philippines with your family there. I have never spent Christmas outside of Guam, so I would like to read about your experiences.

  6. My topic sentence would be Hopefully Christmas this year goes as planned. Today's activities were very helpful. The logical fallacies were a bit tricky to understand at first.just needed a little practice. Oswald and I worked together on the brain stretcher. It was pretty interesting. We expressed it by making a wonderful poem :)

    1. I hope it does go as planned.

    2. I had fun working with you bro!

    3. You guys own poem was so funny! :) The logical fallacies confused me. Practice truly makes progress because we were able to anwer the items correctly.

  7. My topic sentence would be: I hope this christmas is as good as last year. I did not go to class today but I am pretty sure the activity was fun.

    1. The topic sentence you provided would definitely fascinate people. It will get the readers to wonder what made last year's Christmas so great.

    2. I think your topic sentence is a nice sentence.

    3. I like your topic, I hope so too that my Christmas this year would be just like last year .

    4. Your topic sentence would cause the audience to make guesses on how you spent your Christmas.

  8. My topic would be: I hope this Christmas will be better than last year's Christmas. The activity today was very informative and helpful. Logical fallacies contains different sentences that have no proof or evidence.

    1. It is a great sentence! I can't wait to see your essay.

    2. I hope this Christmas will turn out great for you.

  9. My topic sentence is : I hope I can give many christmas presents to my friends, family members and so on. I like the activity, it was fun.

    1. I like your topic sentence, that's very kind and generous of you to do.

    2. Same here I hope I can give presents to my friends and family. I hope i wouldn't be broke .

    3. I like your topic. I asked myself that last week, but I was able to accomplish it through the Black Friday weekend sales. It was exhausting and expensive, but I enjoyed wrapping every gift at the end. Hope you are able to enjoy your Christmas!

  10. My topic sentence would be: Why Christmas is my favorite holiday. I really enjoyed class today. We learned about logical fallacies, which in my opinion was quite funny. As always, I enjoy the brain stretcher activity. Overall, class was great!

    1. It is one of my favorites, too! Well, the spending time with family part. I enjoy the brain stretchers as well.

  11. My topic would be: Why I prefer to shop for Christmas gifts early and shop for myself later. I had fun in class today. Learning about the logical fallacies were funny, but it is something so common. We just have to be really careful and aware of these things. I worked on the brain stretcher with Ivym. We made ours into a journal or diary kind. Happy birthday again Dr. Rivera!

  12. my topic would be: Christmas season is the best holiday . I did not go class today because I thought it was moodle day, apparently not. I bet thought the activity was really fun

    1. I am sure people will be excited to read about your experience. Readers will be looking out for why Christmas is the best holiday for you.

    2. It was a Moodle session, so don't worry. Christmas would also be the most expensive holiday. Hope you can attend the next Moodle session.

  13. My topic would be: My first white christmas experience. I think people would be interested, especially those who have never tried or seen a white christmas. I really had fun at class because we did so many activities. Sharing thoughts in class is really fun when you kniw that they respect your answers and that we help each other out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That would definitely make an interesting story. Readers will be wondering what happened during your first White Christmas.

    3. I am one of those who are curious about how a white Christmas feels. I have lived on the islands my whole life.

    4. I'm all ears and eyes for that topic of yours. The title itself captured my attention. If you do decide to write about it, I'll be sure to read it.

  14. My topic sentence would be" What is Christmas ?" A lot of people celebrate Christmas but they don't actually know why they are celebrating it.
    I didnt go to class because I did the moodle thing.
