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Friday, November 1, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Test #3 - Nov. 4

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #3. Were you prepared for it? If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation? If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. When I was taking test #3, I felt a lot of pressure. I was feeling that if I do not do good on my essay, then that is my whole grade. There were no questions there to be a saving grace if I did not do so well. I would not say I was prepared for this essay and I will write my final essay ahead of time so that I do not stress on it during the test.

    1. I am sure you still did fine on the essay because there was plenty of time to construct it. If you felt like time was too limited, preparing for the test by going over your essay will help greatly. By doing so, I ensure you will have an easier time on the upcoming test.

    2. I felt a lot of pressure while writing my essay too.

    3. I agree that I prefer some direct questions with right or wrong answers to study and memorize. This exam may seem more easy and quick to do, but I was not entirely confident. I'm glad I'm done with it.

    4. I think you did well even though you felt a lot of pressure. I think you don't have to worry.

    5. yup, writing an essay can be overwhelming too. I agree that there will be no other questions to save our grades if we get a low grade. I do hope that we all did good .

  2. Test number three was good. For me my main problem on the previous tests is running out of time. On my test today I felt relaxed and all my thoughts came together. I like the way we did test number three. I also kind of doubt on myself if I did good or not. I just hope we all passed.

    1. I am glad you like the structure of Test #3, because I do as well. The way the test is structured ensures that we have more than enough time to finish the essay.

    2. It's a good thing that we have more time to work on our essays.

    3. That's good that you felt more relaxed and that all your thoughts easily flowed. I am pretty sure you did great. Stay confident!

    4. I feel the same way you feel. It is like we know we did okay because we didn't rush, but at the same time it may not be as great as we expect. I'm sure you did better than me though. Just stay relax and confident that you completed your essay.

    5. I also liked test#3, I think we all did well!

    6. I guess that was her point of just making the tests about the essays. She didn't want us to be worrying about questions when the essays are more important.

  3. I felt confident about Test #3. It was quite easy and I even had plenty of time to spare. To prepare for Test #3, I went over all the stages of the writing process. However, I focused most of my attention on my essay. Personally, I felt I prepared myself well for this test.

    1. That's great that you felt confident and that you prepared yourself for this test.

    2. I'm glad you felt confident about the test, it really does help. It's also very good that you went over all the stages of the writing process to help prepare yourself. Keep up the good work!

    3. I'm happy for you. With your confidence, I'm sure you did really great on this exam. For you to take your time and still have time to spare says a lot about how prepared you were for this exam. Good job!

    4. That is really great that you are confident about test #3!

    5. That's good. I also had time to review what I wrote on my essay. I hope we all did a good job. Goodluck guys!

    6. It is good that you feel confident. I'm sure you worked hard to feel that way.

    7. im glad that you were confident with the test. I bet you really studied your essay and you will get a good grade .

  4. I think that I wasn't prepared for the test. Making the outline took most out of my time and I didn't feel comfortable writing my expository essay. I'll make sure that I have more time to work on my essay on the next test. I hope that everyone did good on test #3.

    1. There is always room for improvement! Just study and I am sure taking a test would become easier for you. Being prepared always helps. (of course) Other than that, I hope you did well.

    2. I felt unsure about my outline too. I think you need to take a deep breath and let your essay flow with your ideas. Finishing your essay is better than giving up before you even finished up your first paragraph. At least you tried your best, and that you know you will be more prepared next time.

    3. Preparing yourself before a test goes a long way. Do not get discouraged if you think you did not do so well. There is still one last test to redeem yourself.

    4. You just need to study harder and make some research to strengthen your essay. Isalyn is right. Just keep practicing til you get used to it.

    5. I struggled a bit too. At least you know what to do next time. I actually spent a lot of time on my essay and I think i could have done better.

    6. We have til' December to prepare for our next test. Keep that in mind that so that you don't procrastinate on planning your essay. I'm sure you did find though.

  5. I really like how the test is strictly focused on essay writing.

    1. That's good that you like how the test was structured. I am pretty sure it was easy for you.

    2. I did too. It let us focus on what we needed to remember.

    3. Me too, I surely agree with your idea.

    4. So do I. It was easier compared to memorizing the writer's guidelines plus writing an essay.

    5. I did too. I liked it but my hand started cramping when i did the essay. Hope we all did good.

  6. For Test #3, I think I was well-prepared. I can say that majority of the test was easy except for the outlining. I am not really fond with how Test #3 is mainly because when I write an essay, I usually don't do Stages One and Two. I usually just go straight into the essay. The first stages seem easy, but they would be harder for a person who isn't used to the steps. But other than that, I hope we all did good.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sometimes, its easier for me to work backwards. I start with the essay first because of my flow then i go into the beginning stages since i already started talking about stuff and i could point out my focus.

    3. Stages one and two are helpful when tasked to write an organized essay. It is a good habit to follow all three stages of the writing process when writing an essay. I, myself, however, do not do stages one and two as well. I feel like it is unnecessary when I clearly know what to write about and focus my attention on.

    4. The first two are stages are very helpful in organizing our final draft. I follow Stage One and Two because it's easier for me to give specific reasonings for my thesis.

    5. I did not need to do stages 1 and 2 before. I learned that it is helpful, but sometimes my ideas just comes out more when I go straight to the essay.

    6. I agree that most of us don't use the first two stages, so we don't really know how to generate our initial ideas into an outline.

    7. I also think that outlining is the difficult one. the first and third stage was easier.

  7. I enjoy writing essays, but if that is what the whole test is about, then it becomes pretty stressful. I think I did okay, but it is not up to me to decide if it is a good one. I chose the topic about major stressors for teens, and at that point, I felt stress. I did a bit of research, but I mostly wrote from experience. I hope everyone passed this exam.

    1. That's true. Atleast test#3 was better because we didn't have to go through and memorize the writer's guidelines. Like you, I also did some research to include factual information on my essay.

    2. I felt the same way too, I was stressed.

  8. Test #3 was so much easier considering we didnt have to answer other questions and all we focused on were our essays. I felt at ease and less pressure. I feel much more confident about this test more than the last two we just took.

    1. Good for you Sharmaine! I agree that test #3 was easier and not as stressful. I'm sure you did great on the test :)

  9. I felt I could've done better on my essay. I tried my best & I hope I get a good grade. Better preparation!

  10. I think I did well, at least okay, on the test. I was prepared for the test and I mostly remembered what I practiced, so I can say I did well on the test.

    1. That's good Han! Keep on studying and I'm sure you'll do great on the next test.

  11. I think test #3 was pretty easy. For tests # 1 and 2 I mostly worried about the writers guidelines, but this time I didn't need to. Hopefully everyone did great!

    1. yes, I agree with the test 1 and 2 I worried about the writers guidelines a lot but with this test all I need to do was memorize my essay.

  12. Test number three was a bit difficult for me. I realize i need more practice on writing expository essays. To be prepared, I will practice more.

  13. I was happy with test #3 because I didn't have to go over writer's guidelines. Memorizing the outline and listing was a big help.

    1. Me too! Studying the writer's guidelines was more stressful than the essay.

  14. I felt confident doing my essay for test#3 because I have practiced several times to put as much facts on it. I also did a research to support my major topics. Hopefully, I get an A.

    1. It's good that you did some research. You have solid facts which probably means you'll get a really good grade.

  15. The third test isn't that difficult, it was just the stages. I felt that I did great, I hope I atleast get a "B" for this test. I think my facts were enough to support my topic.

    1. I agree that the stages were a bit difficult, but I admire your confidence! I'm sure you did good :)

  16. I was honestly put under so much pressure, but i completed it. i am not sure if i was really prepared or not, but i took some time to work on it, i liked that we did not really have to memorize or study writer's guidelines. My hand cramped by the end of my essay.
