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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Common Mistakes and Tricky Choices - Nov. 25

Visit this URL: to review some common mistakes in standard English. Sometimes we misuse words or phrases, but with more review and practice, we can learn to correct this. Did you find this resource to be useful? Why or why not? In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: comparison and contrast, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. The resource was very helpful because I make these mistakes myself. This served as a perfect example of a refresher, and I will be sure to look back at this resource when I am "incredulous" to any word, or phrase.

    Today's in class activities went well. I personally liked the brain stretcher because everyone had their own perspective, and it was quite entertaining. :)

    1. This was a great refresher and I also liked the brain stretcher

    2. Great choice of words Kris! I am glad you were able to gain some more knowledge on the proper uses for terms and phrases. I stumble along those lines too so don't worry.

      Embrace adversity. It's such a beautiful thing! (:

    3. It was a truly good refresher for us to know and learn.

    4. Ya bro, the class activities today was great i totally agree with you.. i too were entertained also. there were some interesting ideas mentioned.

    5. I agree with you chris, the class activities was a very good refresher.

    6. this would be great refresher in the future when we pass English 100.

  2. I found this helpful since I tend to make a lot of mistakes in my English. I will practice more on my words so I can be a better writer.
    Today's was actually fun especially the brain stretcher activity since everyone had a great time writing about their picture. It was also quite funny listening to everyone.

    1. That's the spirit. Keep it up John! I'm sure that in time, you'll get to where you want to be in terms of constructing proper essays and sentences. Don't give up man. I know you can do it. (:

    2. No worries, we all make mistakes. And with a little practice we get better

    3. Ya bro no worries, everybody makes mistakes. Its only natural, now you can learn from it and get better..

    4. I'm glad you're motivated to practice your mistakes.

    5. Nice one John, practice makes perfect! keep doing it until you get it right.

    6. I'm not being mean here, but I'm glad you're making those mistakes. for every mistake that is made, the more we learn from it. I know you can do it bro!

  3. I found this resource to be helpful in may ways. In addition to shedding light to the words that are often used incorrectly, this resource also helped widen my use of vocabulary as I saw a few words that I have not seen nor used before. I am happy to say that I look forward to using them!

    As for today's class activities, I could not have asked for a better session. I had no idea that my classmates had such a creative imagination! I admit, I did not think that doing the brain stretchers would end in positive results but I am sure glad that we were able to laugh together. (:

    1. The resources really did shed light. We can really improve with this, as for class it was pretty good day today.

    2. ya sis i too found the resource very helpful. and the class activities were really great.. hope to see you again in class.

    3. It is always a great time when everybody is enjoying the vibe in class. :)

  4. I too found these resources to helpful. I have seen many of my mistakes, and they would have great improvement if i had seen this before. But now that i have seen it, this is good, i can start from scratch and improve.

    The activities we did in class was great! it was really good hearing people's writing about the pictures, that was awesome.

    1. Ya bro, the class activities today was great i totally agree with you.. i too were entertained also. there were some interesting ideas mentioned.

    2. Great attitude Lusech!

      It never hurts starting from the bottom and working your way back up to the top! Keep it up man! :D

  5. I also found the source very helpful. I have seen most of my common mistakes. By looking through this source, I will definitely have a greater chance in making improvements to my essays.

    The activities we did during class as great. It showed me that pictures sometimes help me brainstorm. Also, it was funny as my classmates share their ideas through the pictures.

    1. the class has spectacular imagination. it makes English fun.

  6. The resource is really good. that is a problem to most people including me, am glad I'm doing a good's class activities were great especially the brain stretcher because we got the time to reflect on something new today, watching a picture and reflect on it, and there were some interesting ideas. as a saying picture is worth a thousand words.

    1. I like that saying too, it really is true.

    2. Beautiful use of a metaphor there bro! I'm glad you were to able to enjoy the class activity. :D

    3. Nice one, i also like the saying!

  7. The URL link is very helpful. When people use those words, they usually mix up with other words most of the time. I find this URL to be useful in writing.

    In today's activity, it is great. We discuss more about subject-by-subject and point-by-point style of writing. We also had another brain stretcher activity which is fun.

    1. It's good that the URL benefited you!

    2. The URL also helped me out. It will benifit us into our writing.

  8. As I was looking through the source i find it very useful and a mind refresher. I'm actually glad that I was able to read through the source because it helps me become a better writer. Reading the url link you gave us could surely help me make improvements and feel more confident about myself taking the test, because i usually get test anxiety.

    In today's activity was great, Dr. Rivera gave us these cards that had picture and during this activity our class bonded well.

    1. Yeah Marv, our class sure is very creative when it comes to thinking of sentences for their pictures. I'm glad you were able to gain more knowledge from today's class activity. You'll get there man! :D

  9. opening the link that Dr.rivera post up, it was useful and it occurred to me that I make a lot of mistake, however this class has helped me.

    the class activity was good. I enjoy brain storming. makes me think a lot and list all idea.
