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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Common Mistakes in Writing - Nov. 13

Visit this URL: to review some common mistakes of English grammar, mechanics, and punctuation.  Did you find this resource to be useful?  Why or why not?  In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities (re:  classification).


  1. I found this source to be very useful because it helped me with my techniques to using grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. It showed me the common mistakes that were made, and the right way of doing it. Classification was a great topic in terms of putting certain things together by groups. Classification is easy to use when you are trying to talk about a broad topic and make it more detailed.

    1. Jerlyn being the first, I have to reply to her's and yes I agree that it helped a lot. I made most of those mistakes in my days, so it's always good to recognize in order to change. Classification was a great topic to talk about as well.

    2. I agree that the source was very helpful. When it comes to writing I tend to make a lot of these errors. Now that I have a guide it might be a bit easier for me to write essays.

    3. I agree with Jerlyn. The resource showed me techniques and guidelines to remember when writing.

  2. This resource was very informative and helpful because I admit in committing some of those errors in my writing. It teaches how much detail goes within the idea of writing that is why it is important to understand COPS and CGPS, so we can find those common mistakes when we write. Classification really made me think about how different it is compared to analysis by division because of classification is a plural concept as for analysis by division being singular. Also the idea of "principle" mixed me up because it talks about ONE concern/controlling idea and isn't that similar to analysis by division talking about ONE unit. It was sort of confusing, but I was able to understand.

    1. I agree with you Aaron. I tend to make these errors in my writing without knowing. If I use this resource I may be able to prevent most of the mistakes.

    2. I agree with Aaron. I too commit those errors numerous times, and usually disregard them. The resource definitely helped to address the reality of the mistakes that I commit.

    3. I agree with Aaron. I make many of these mistakes and this resource would be helpful when writing.

    4. I agree with Aaron. I also make a lot of mistakes but maybe this resource will help lessen them.

  3. I found this resource to be very informative and very useful because it addressed numerous problems that I have encountered when writing and when peer reviewing works of other peers. This resource also taught me to be more aware of my writing. most of the problems he resource addressed occur frequently, so referring to it every now and then will definitely help me to avoid them. Today's activity on classification was interesting. Classification helps to make a broad and general topic more interesting through the different groups involved which add details to the topic. It is also not to be confused with analysis by division. Once you have your principle to guide you and your different groups organized, then you can proceed to the actual writing stages.

    1. I should do that practice as well Ed of referring toward that link, it'll better our writing as well as helping us for future papers.

    2. Eduardo's take on this is pretty interesting. I also agree that this resource has taught me a number of things.

  4. I found this resource to be resourceful to me. It shows the common mistakes people and myself make in writing. I tend to use commas a lot and I think I might have been using them wrong for quite awhile. Classification is when you put a certain thing into a group. This could be used to make your essay more detailed in many ways. Although classification was kind of confusing to me. I may have to reread the chapter on it.

    1. I agree with you John. Using commas is something I need to practice more too. Most of the time I do not put enough commas in my essays, and when I do it would be in the wrong place. This link will really help me on that.

    2. I too have problems using commas. I sometimes have doubts when writing. This link was useful.

    3. John, I feel that everyone has problem with using commas. At one point in everyone's writing career, I am sure that we have all been guilty of comma splices once. You are not alone bro.

  5. This source on common mistakes is very useful because I was never sure on what and what not to use when it comes to writing. Especially when I would write about something referring to anyone in general where I didn't know whether to use his or her. I never thought of using both like the example provided. Also, when using apostrophe's as ownership to a plural noun after the "s" was something I've always used but was never sure if it was even the correct way to use it. This source is basically a reassurance for me that the skills we use in writing are correct. Todays's activities on classification were interesting because I admit, when I write, i'm all over the place. Classifying what to write about will surely help on writing a better paper.

    1. I agree Jhenirose. Some of the common mistakes that were found in the link I was not really sure about. Now I know what to do and what not to do in writing.

    2. I was never sure if I was wrong or right when it came to my writing. I always found out until my paper is corrected to see what I did wrong.

  6. The link provided is very useful. It will come in handy for future writing assignments. I know I have made these mistakes and having this link to refer to will clarify things when I'm not sure of how it should be properly written. Today's lesson was good. Classification lets us group similar things together and it is useful for writing by keeping us on track with our writing. It's a way of organizing that we can use in life and not just in writing.

    1. I agree Andrew. I would be reviewing this link while writing future essays or papers. It is very helpful and handy.

    2. I agree that this link will be very useful for future assignments. It is a good resource to use while writing and watching out for these common mistakes.

  7. I found that this link that was provided to us was pretty useful. I will definitely use this whenever we have writing assignments. I really do feel that writing is not my strong suit, and I do not think it will ever be. I just have to keep working at it, keep trying, and hope for the best. I felt today's lesson was okay. It felt like there was non stop activities today, not something that I expected but I felt it was okay.

    1. I love that point Cameron, I can relate writing isn't my strong suit as well, but practice will make perfect practice.

  8. The source that we were given was really helpful and informative. I can use this as a guide when I have essays or papers to write. I still need practice when it comes to writing, but this will help me improve in many ways. The activities we did today about classification was useful and informative as well. Classification can be used to organize a writer's idea by grouping them by their similarities. In a way it is almost like listing the ideas for an essay. This technique will also be useful in writing.

    1. I agree that the source was helpful, Cyann. I will definitely be using this guide for any paper that I write unless I completely forget about it. I also need to practice writing more.

    2. I agree with Cyann. I will surely use this resource as a guide when writing my future essays and papers.

  9. The source that was given I and everyone else blogging about this, thought that it was very useful. For me it was almost like a guide to find the common mistakes made in writing. This will help me improve my writing skills, or at least I hope it will. The activities that we did today were good. Classification is a good technique to use in writing.

  10. The source that was given was very informative. Like everyone else, I look at it as a sort of guide, a very helpful one. I hope that it will help me improve my writing skills even more. Today's activities were different today. It seemed more fun than usual. Hopefully that the next activities that we have and the up coming days we have are more like today.

    1. I agree with you, Katherine. The source was helpful and it will help with improving our writing skills more.

    2. Like katherine and John said, I too find this source helpful. and I know that it will help me in future assignments.

  11. The source given above is very informative and useful. It helped me clarify mistakes Ive made in my writing. These mistakes are common and I get mixed up myself. So I found this very helpful. The activity on classifying was good. It is a useful way to get organized in writing.

    1. I agree with Andrea that this source was very useful. It helped me see the mistakes I usually make as a writer

  12. This is a good resource for writers when he or she is in doubt of grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. Not only does it explain how to fix common errors, it gives readers examples to learn from. As for the lesson on classification, it's not new information as usual, but it was nice to go over the activities even if we practiced on a handful.

  13. I find the source really helpful. I tend to get confused a lot of things, but reading this made me realize how to really use it and understand it more. On another note, did an online forum for the activity, I think the activity really helped me alot.
