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Friday, November 1, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Test #3 - Nov. 4

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #3. Were you prepared for it? If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation? If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. Test #3 was ohkae. It was kinda easy compared to the other tests since the format of the test changed. We didnt have to study & review other information, just the essay part. I just hope my essay is good enough & I get a good grade.

    1. Yeah Christine I agree it was sort of easy to accomplish cause we had little to study on. All we had to focus was the essay itself. Ditto about getting a good grade.

    2. Yeah, I believe it was easier to do since we didn't have to study the writer's guidelines. I hope you get a good grade!

  2. Stupid sneaky test number three. I wasn't prepared for it, I never am. compared to the other tests that we've taken it was considerably the easiest, even if I totally bombed that test. Sigh I wish I had a time machine, so I can go back in time and slap myself. sheesh. Next time though, I am totes going to keep up with my calendar of events...and throw my phone away.

  3. When I was studying throughout my weekend, I thought this test was going to be hard, but as I was studying we only really have to know was the three stages, so the test was pretty "understandable." I believe I did well in my first two stages, I am always worried about my essay, but I have confidence I did good. My study session consist of writing my stage one and two only to strengthen my stage three (I just kept repeating the process). Like Christine I hope I did enough to get a good grade.

    1. I should have realized sooner that the test would have been easier if I studied the three stages for my essay. I think I may try out your way of studying. Anyways, I hope you got a good grade!

    2. I agree with Aaron. I know I also did well on the first two stages. Hopefully we get good grades on this test.

  4. Test #3 was definitely much easier than the previous ones. I believe that I was prepared for it and studied this past weekend for it. To prepare for test #3, I kept on re-writing my essay over and over again until I memorized the key points of each paragraph. Hopefully the studying payed off, and I get a good grade on this test.

    1. I should do that too next time constantly re-reading my essay to get the essay in my head. Great way to study Ed!

    2. I should get into the habit of doing that as well. haha

  5. I considered test #3 pretty easy. It was easier to study for because I did not have to remember any writer's guideline and other questions for the test. The way I studied was by reading my essay over again so I can memorize what I wrote. When I forgot a sentence within a paragraph I would start the paragraph all over again. I feel confident about my essay, but at the same time I am a little nervous about what my grade will be. I hope it helped me get a good grade.

    1. I think test #3 was sort of easy if you studied for it, but sadly I didn't. Not studying for the writer's guideline definitely made it much much easier to study for. I hope that you did well on the test!

    2. I agree with Cyann. The test was much easier without the writer's guidelines. I also used the same method of studying as well. Hopefully all the studying paid off and you get a good grade on the test.

  6. Test #3 in my opinion was difficult for me. I didn't really prepare for this test, but all I did to prepare for it was to make sure the outline I wrote was perfect. I doubt that it was perfect, but that was all I did to study for test #3. I guess you could say I winged this test because I was lazy to study. Next time I will study and actually write the essay. I hope I didn't do too bad on this test.

  7. I felt like the essay portion of Test#3 was okay. I already had my essay in my head so it just came to me as I was writing. Although, I did not feel the need to use all 4 pages that were given to us. I personally am a conservative and I felt bad using all those papers that I didn't need. I hope I'm not offending anyone but I'm just speaking my mind.

    1. I agree on how you feel about the test. I did my essay before hand, so it was easier for me to do the test itself.

  8. Test #3 wasn't very hard but I feel I didn't prepare as well as I could have because of how busy my weekend was. I should have made a little more time to study. I think I also forgot to complete all parts of stage two as well because I took my time writing my essay part. I don't think I did horrible but again I could have done a lot better had I been more prepared. For the next test I really need to have my essay ready sooner and set more time to study.

    1. I agree with you Andrew. The test was not that hard, but I feel like I missed some parts on the first two stages. I guess I will have to try and remember them next time.

  9. Test #3 was easy but I did not prepare for it as much as I should have. I don't think I did bad but I know I could have done much better. Next time I will definitely take more time to study and know my paper well.

  10. I should have studied more for Test#3.I needed to make more time to study. I felt like i stopped too much when I took the test. I ended up rushing at the end. I think i just choked. Next time I will manage my time more wisely.

    1. I kind of rushed at the end of my test as well. The remaining time that we were given kind of threw me off, so I had to rush. At least we have more time for the next test!

  11. I definitely was not prepared for Test #3. I barely had anytime to review my paper over the weekend, going to school and working really sucks. Next time, I will make sure to request a few days off before the test to review.

    1. Hey Megan, don't get too down! We have more time to write the next essay for the next test. I know you will do fine!

    2. I feel you girl! Amen, but like I'm sure you'll be fine.

  12. I felt that test #3 wasn't as hard as test #1. I felt I could have better prepared but when I took it I felt that I was well prepared if that makes any sense. I still feel I did fine as compared to the first test but not as well as the second. I will just keep trying to continue to do my best at bettering my study habits. I think that if I do that, I will develop a better understanding of the material we will be tested on.

  13. I was not fully prepared to take Test #3. I felt that I could have done better. I also feel that it was not as difficult as Test 1. I should have practiced writing my essay more to improve my understanding of the topic for this test. I will make sure that this does not happen again and I will work on bettering my study habits, as well as my preparation for the tests to come.

  14. Test #3 was okay for me. It was okay for me, because I did not have to memorize anything from the writer's guideline. I was prepared for it, but somehow I had problems coming up with ideas. I don't know what the outcome would, but I hope i get a good a grade.

  15. Test #3 I felt prepared for. I took time to do all the steps prior to the test. I did not have to study anything else but my essay. It was easier to study what you know or wrote. I hope I got a good grade.

    1. Like Eduardo's method of studying great strategy of constantly working on all the steps towards making a good essay. Your strategy basically followed, "Practice makes Perfect Practice."

  16. Test#3 was an okay test for me. I was some what prepared and thought that I did pretty good. I didn't know that I needed to write the stages on separate sheets of paper though. I hope that I don't get a bunch of points taken off..

    1. I agree that it was an okay test, Mike. I didn't know that we had to write the three stages as well. I'm sure you did fine! No need to worry.

  17. I was not prepared for test #3. I felt like I needed to do more research on my topic. I also felt that I needed to have credible sources for the information. I had trouble not only stating sources, but also outlining. I need to put more effort and hopefully score better on the next test.

    1. I agree with Andrea. Citing my sources and finding credible ones was difficult to do for the test, especially wording them properly on the test. Like everyone, I hope you get good results back for test #3.

  18. I was definitely not ready to take Test #3. Although we were only left to do the essay thinking it would be easier, not writing the essay ahead of time definitely made it much more difficult. I had research on hands giving me an idea of how to write my essay which helped, but it ended up being a mess.
