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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - Test #2 - Oct. 21

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #2. Were you prepared for it? If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation? If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. Test # 2 was equally challenging, just like any other test. Yes, I was prepared. My strategy was just to read the chapters, study the Reader's Guideline, and to constantly refresh and test myself.

    1. I would like to add that I was greatly benefited by not only Dr. Rivera, but also my fellow classmates. :)

    2. Hope we did good on the test. I think we really needed that.

    3. I am sure that you did well Kris. Being just a seat away from you, I could tell by the expression on your face that you were really focused on doing well. I was glad to see that look of determination to ace the test run across your face. I am sure that your essay turned out great. (:

    4. I believe you did good Kris. Well I also believe that everyone did the test with the greatest of their ability.

    5. that's a good idea bro. Its also one of the best way of studying because you get to understand rather then just memorize. I agree with you about this test #2, it was a little easy than the first one because we studied longer, "the longer the better".

    6. That's a great way to study. I also did study each chapters guide lines.

  2. Test #2 was easy, except for the essay portion. This time I was prepared for the test. I made and study my own notes and Sheena gave me a study guide for the test. I kept studying before the test.

    1. Great job Mel! You really have great timing, running into me at the Computer Center. I am glad to have been of help to you. I only hope to help everyone else next time, especially seeing as how only a few were able to receive a study guide from me.

    2. That's good you were prepared for the test. Good job Mel!

    3. that's nice bro. Its really good you studied for the test #2 for that you''ll probably receive a good score for studying. As for the test it was a little easy then the test #1 because everyone studied. So congratulations to everyone, you guys did a good job.

    4. good job! way to study! keep it up

    5. I know you did good bro! While we were both refreshing our minds before class started, you looked determined!

    6. Great job! I by the looks of it you were the first one to finish. By then, I knew you studied well for the test.

  3. Test #2 was alright, I'm just not a fan of short answers mann! lol'. This time i was actually took time and studied . The preparation I did for the test was I reread the chapters and made my own notes, except for chapter 7. =[

    1. It is okay Marvin. I am sure that you will get it right the next time around. I noticed that you have yet to state anything about your essay so I am hoping you did well! :D

    2. Same here man I don't really like short answers. We have the same preparations for this test.

    3. that's a good idea bro. Its also one of the best way of studying because you get to understand rather then just memorize. I agree with you about this test #2, it was a little easy than the first one because we studied longer, "the longer the better".

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Marvin, Great to know that you made your own notes shows how although you read the book you also took notes for your own purpose

    6. Well, hopefully, you did better than the last test. Don't worry there still two more test to go.

    7. Don't worry Marv, I'm sure you did good, especially on your essay. :)

    8. No need to worry my friend, I know you did better than last time. We studied together. Next time again.

  4. Here is what I did not do:
    I did not part the waves like Moses did long ago. Nor did I walk on water. I have not seen pigs fly. Nor have I touched or seen a dragon.

    However, allow me to list down a few things I CAN do:
    I can clap using my two feet. I love anything and everything that is sweet, and I don't have to worry about getting any cavities. Also, I can eat as much as I want, whenever I want, without having to worry where all the food will end up.

    Now, allow me to list down a few things I have YET to do:
    I have yet to catch and properly preserve a dragonfly. I have yet to fit my fist into my mouth.

    As for the things I have already done, only one accomplishment is worth listing:

    I believe that I did very well on the test the second time around. Seeing as how there were only two chapters to study for - chapters for which I studied long since the first test - I felt that it was easier to retain whatever information I would put into my head. What I am most especially proud of however, is my essay. I had approximately 45 minutes left after completing the question and answer portion of the test so I had a swell time in constructing my essay! I hope to recite it to the class one day. I know I may seem a bit arrogant but I really am proud of myself for I never thought I would be able to enjoy studying this much, let alone taking a test. I hope everyone was able to do well, or at the very least, improve their scores from our last test.

    P.S. I hope you all enjoyed my attempt at being humorous. (:

    1. Whoa! This look like an essay. No wonder why you have an essay time in English. Anyway, your method for studying is very effective. Studying after the first time until the next test. I could do that, but it seems like a lot of work.

    2. Thanks for the support Mel. Really, studying like that is no easy task. It actually gets tiring. However, I do like English so that is what I don't find studying that hard. (:

    3. Hard work pays off to those who don't give in to pressure. I'm glad you are confident about your test, Sheena! You serve as a great role model, even everyone else in our class!

  5. The test was pretty easy this time. I actually had the time to study for this test instead of slacking off. I made my own reviewer and I just read the chapters to help me remember. I also studied before the test to refresh my memory so I won't forget. The essay part was challenging but I hope I did well.

    1. nice one john, am glad you felt like that bro. I agree with you bro, its really good when you have enough time to study for the test so that you could easily pass the test and feel comfortable doing it.

    2. Same here, I hope I did well at the essay. I also did the same review you did, reread and studies before the test.

    3. Great job John! I'm glad to hear that you put more time into studying for the test. How did you do? I'm sure you did better. (: I hope studying in the future will get easier and grow to become a more natural process to you.

    4. I agree with you john. This test I also had more time to study. Hopefully we both did well.

  6. The test was pretty alright this time. I had a lot of time to study. I even I had my some of my friends if they could test me on it. It is easier if you have a lot of time to study. Also, I made sure that I did not rush during the test. Last time I rushed and had plenty mistakes. However, I still had difficulties on some of the questions, but to be honest I did ok on the test.

  7. Test #2 was a little easy this time because I studied enough to take the test. At first I studied a different chapter because I got mixed up on the book editions but I managed to study the right chapters on the 12 edition for the test. My strategy was simple, I just read the chapters recursively and listed the bold words as vocabularies and on the day of the test I just browsed through the chapters before taking the test.

  8. Test #2, well I don't really know but I just hope I did well. I wish we could've had our study group on Friday but it was inevitable. next time for sure we will have that study group. even though studied I just felt like I didn't do well. but its ok, try and try harder next time.

    1. Lusech, you are not alone. I too hope I did well. I agree if we were not put in condition 1( which was no typhoon that occurred), I believe that we could have had a study group. So that we not only have one input but more of our peers having an input for further notes

  9. Test #2 was a bit tricky, especially that I was late. I studied over the weekend, but I feel as if it was not enough. There are ways an individual can pass. 1). is take notes and make your own notes so in that case if the professor missed anything, you are able to catch it. 2). read the chapter the night before the test 3) continue reviewing before going to class.

    1. I like your study habits, Lexine. Keep up the hard work!
