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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Test #1 - Oct. 7

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #1.  Were you prepared for it?  If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation?  If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. The test was not easy but not hard either. I tried hard to write down what I knew, remembering what Dr.Rivera and the textbook said. I think I should prepare more for the upcoming test in order to do well. I hope that everyone, including me, did great on this test.

    1. I think I also should prepare more before a test. The test was not easy, but it wasn't hard if you studied.

    2. You're right, studying will help you prepare. If you study hard, for sure you will get a good grade.

    3. I agree the test was fair. The content of the exam consisted most of the readings. So if you read the assigned readings, you are likely to get a good grade.

    4. I agree the test was not easy but it was fair. Studying hard would definitely give you the grade you rightfully deserve.

    5. Hopefully we all did a great job on the test. I felt the same way as well. We need to study harder in order to finish the exam on time and to verify all our answers

    6. I agree. For the next test I will study the book more. The essay i was okay with, but the other questions I had a problem with.

  2. Better preparation next time for me.

    1. Same here, better preparation will help us in the next test.

    2. We are not used to this kind of test format so that's okay. I am sure it won't pull your grade down.

    3. Same here! Study longer and harder.

  3. My thoughts are that the test was hard, but not too difficult if you studied. I think it was challenging because you have write down the answer instead of choosing it from a multiple choice. I think I'm so used to having multiple choice on my tests. I answered almost all of the questions to the best of my knowledge. I wished that I had studied more and made my notes better. If I did, maybe I would have felt more confident in taking the test. I hope that everyone did good on the test.

    1. I agree with you. I am also used to multiple choice. It's harder to take a test that requires answering the question from your knowledge. But studying will definitely help prepare for upcoming tests.

    2. It's okay though, it's the first test. At least next time we know what to expect or what it's like.

    3. Studying would have definitely helped to prepare for the test. If you studied enough, the questions on the test would be much easier to answer. Do not be too hard on yourself though, there is always next time to redeem yourself.

    4. Having these kinds of tests will prepare and train us for the future. This is just test #1 there are 3 more so study hard next time.

    5. I really like multiple choice tests because at least we know the answer is written down for us. The test was fair, but I wish I studied more as well.

    6. I agree with you. WE all should prepare well for upcoming tests!!

    7. I agree that it is hard because we had no choices and that studying would have made all of us feel confident.

    8. The test could have been easier if it was multiple choice. But this is a good way to practice so we can get used in restating all the terms we have learned. Goodluck to all of us!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would say the test was pretty easy. I knew majority of what it consisted of, but I am glad that I took time to study. Studying gives me more confidence in taking a test (of course). But I really hope we all did good. Other than that, I'm glad we got it over and done with.

    1. Yes, I agree that studying builds confidence whenever you are taking a test. If you studied long enough, I assure you will get the results you wanted.

    2. That's good that you took time to study and knew a majority of what the test consisted of. I'm sure you really felt confident when you were answering the questions.

    3. I am glad too that the test is over!

    4. I am glad too. Since we all know what tests will be, we should study hard!

    5. I wish I took the time to study more and I hope you get the grade you wished to get. I am also glad that we got it over with.

    6. I agree. I really took time to study for our test that's why I think I failed my Math quiz. aha. But it's alright, atleast we did our best in answering all the questions.

  6. I believe the test was easy, although there were a few questions I struggled with. Also, time went by really fast, especially when I got to the essay. But I know everyone tried their best and I hope we all did great on the test.

    1. I agree that time went by quickly while taking the test. There was no time to go over a question I was not too sure of.

    2. I hope so, too. I was one of the last ones to leave the classroom. I really don't like working under time pressure.

    3. I guess time really goes by fast when you're concentrating and focusing on a test.

    4. The time did go by fast. It was pretty shocking every time she warned us about how much time we had left.

    5. I struggled over a few questions too. I agree that I needed more time to go back and double-check my answers. I hope to be more aware of the time during the next tests. Hope everyone did well.

    6. I agree that time went by so fast. We had 45 minutes left, then the next thing I knew, we only had 27 more minutes left.

    7. There were a few questions i struggled with too. I wish i studied more. I did fine on the essay it was just the the beginning sections.

    8. I can say the same thing too. Although I studied, there were a few questions I struggled with. I will also agree with you about the time too. Time flies when you really need it. But other than that, I am pretty sure we all did good.

  7. To be honest, the test was not what i expected. Everything sounded so similar and answering the question got difficult at some point, but questions being asked aren't new to me. I feel as if i just didn't prepare myself enough.

    1. I agree, all the questions on the test were based on what we learned from the book. Make sure to prepare yourself for the next test as much as you can, but I'm sure you did well on the test.

    2. You just need to take time to study so you can get better. I agree. All the things we learned from Dr. Rivera and the book were there.

    3. I could agree with you on how some questions sounded similar. I got confused at one point, but I managed to get through it. Hopefully, we both did well.

  8. Personally, the test today was quite easy. I was able to answer majority of the questions with confidence. However I did miss some questions because I did not go over those parts while studying. All I did to prepare for the test was go through the writer's guidelines for the assigned sections. In future tests, I will be sure to pay attention to every detail including the minutiae. I will not take future tests lightly, because I want to be able to show my mastery in subject.

    1. I also went to writer's guidelines and studied everything that was in there. I thought all the important parts was in there but I was wrong. Thank goodness I remembered what we have studied before.

    2. I also read over the writer's guidelines as a way to study for this test. It helped me a lot, but I needed to read every chapter just to make sure. I blanked out on some questions, which really frustrated me.

    3. I thought that the guidelines were very helpful.

    4. I thought that the first part was easier because like you, I also took my time in memorizing all the definitions.

  9. At first I was intimidated by how much paper the test had. But as I was working on the test, I knew that it wasn't that hard. Everything we covered was on the test and the only problem was I had a little hard time remembering some of them. To be honest, I feel like I should have studied more. I missed out the little details that was included on the test. Now that I now how Dr. Rivera gives a test, I surely will be careful the next time. Also, I panicked on the essay part. The time pressure got me so I had to cut some parts. I hope it does not affect much on the whole essay.

    1. I was intimidated as well but it wasn't so hard. I blanked out on a few questions and shortened my essay as well, but I'm sure we will all be prepared for the next test.

    2. It wasn't so hard. I think if we study, the tests will not be hard.

  10. In my opinion it was easy, however I did not study the book. I forgot that we also need to study the book, I just kept studying and memorizing my essay. I was not that prepared for this test. I missed at least five questions and with my essay, even if I did write five paragraph its hard to read because I was panicking and hurrying up. In the next test I will for sure come prepared and study the book.

    1. At least you were able to study your essay. I mostly read the book and my notes. I barely glanced at my original essay, so I ended up creating another one. I had enough time to complete it and I'm glad. Good luck on the next test!

    2. We were probably going through the same thing. I don't usually panic, but I did. That's what I get for not studying as much as I should have.

    3. Yes, make sure you study the book for the next test. And even though you missed five questions, at least you were able to answer majority of the questions. I'm sure you'll do even better on the next test.

    4. I think you've prepared well!! I hope you keep doing that!

  11. The essay part of the test was easy for me. I remembered word to word what i previously wrote. During the test i realized I focused too much on the essay and barely studied the writers guideline. Next time I will put even effort on both the test.

    1. As I said to Juleen, at least you took the time to study your essay. I need to study my essay more, so that I don't have to create a new one during the test. Good luck on the next test!

    2. I agree with you Kreeshia. We should study both the chapters and our essays because they both are half of the test.

    3. I did the same thing as you, since I did not study the book I just mainly focused on my essay. i will next time study on both test as well.

  12. With better preparation, I would have done better. I do feel confident that I did well. There were a few questions that caused me to overthink because I tried clustering all that information in my head with a short amount of time

    1. I agree, I was struggling with a few questions and I think it took up some of my time when I could have been writing my essay. I believe you'll do better on the next test.

    2. Confident always helps. Dont put yourself down. I got stuck on a few questions too.

  13. For me, this test was not overwhelming, mainly because I took some time to study the material. There weren't any trick questions to this test, only questions that makes sure you know the answers well. I know I did not get a perfect test score, but I think I did alright. I hope everyone did well. Now I know that I should take better and detailed notes during class discussions, so that I don't have to work so hard to restudy everything again.

    1. That's true. Taking notes is really helpful when studying.

    2. I agree, now I know too how the test would be like the next time. Ill be taking more detailed notes too so that I can study that.

  14. I think that the test itself was generated properly, but I thought it was challenging. I know now that I really have to set aside more time to study. I looked over my notes after the test and I realize that the answers were easier. Honestly, I panicked after thinking that the test was not multiple choice and it threw me off. I hope to do a lot better next time.

    1. Same here, I panicked at first that our test wouldn't be multiple choice but then I realize everything that was there is something that Dr. Rivera taught us and it was all in the book. Too bad I forgot to study the book. Youll definitely do better next time.

  15. The test was pretty challenging because it was not multiple choice like how my other classes have it. I was not prepared for the test because I had some problems writing my descriptive essay in advance, so all my thoughts were going mad, especially because it was timed. Having said that, I will work on my essays way ahead of time and I will studying the chapter guides because they seem to help a lot.

    1. That's true. The essay part took me a long time to finish. I was rushing because the time went by so fast which really made me confused.

  16. I was prepared for the explanation part but during the essay part, I kinda took awhile because I didn't have the chance to memorize it. I just thought that the time alotted for us wasn't enough because we had to explain our answers but at the same time write a descriptive essay.

    1. We were both the last students to get out of the class, I saw your paper and I really think you were prepared! you answered everything I think cause I saw your paper, its really covered with your writings. That's good that you answered everything.
