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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - Test #2 - Oct. 21

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #2. Were you prepared for it? If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation? If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. I can say that I felt more prepared for this exam than the last time. Now I had a better idea of how the exam is structured, so I carefully jotted down notes from chapters 4,5, and 7. I gave myself more time to study. I guess all I really need to focus more on, is the essay. Hopefully I did not have careless mistakes.

    1. I feel the same way, knowing how the exam is structured gives you a better idea of how you can prepare yourself.

    2. I am glad you feel you were well prepared for this test. A positive attitude helps when taking tests. As long as you study and prepare yourself before taking any test, you cannot go wrong.

    3. I same here, i learned from the first test on how the test would be like so i studied 4, 5, 6, 7. i really prepared myself this time from the first test because i really got a low grade. hopefully i didn't make that much mistakes from my essay too.

    4. I am glad you felt more confident about this exam. Last exam you were telling me how you felt like you did not do too well.

  2. Test #2 was okay. There were no questions that asked for information that we did not discuss in class and on Moodle. I will admit that I did not spend as much time as I should have on studying for this test, but I believe that the grade I get is the grade I deserve. Strategies I used as part of my preparation was copying down the guidelines at the end of the chapter. I was also a bit unprepared because I did not work on my essay ahead of time. So next time, I will put more time into studying the chapters and preparing my essay.

    1. Same here, I did not spend a good amount of studying

    2. Preparation is key to doing good on tests and exams. I am sure you will do better next time when you prepare yourself before a test. Make sure you work on your essays ahead of time so you have time to get it proofread. The essay is definitely a big chunk of the test.

    3. I learned from the last exam, that putting off study time for an exam like this can be a bad idea. I believe that the grade I receive for this test is the grade I deserve as well. It is good that you are aware of your actions and what you can improve for the next exam.

  3. I felt like i was a bit better prepared this time around but I still have a lot more room for improvement.

    1. I also felt better prepared, but I know that I can still improve my preparation for the test and there is always room for improvement.

    2. Studying really helps. I felt the same way on test one. Just study the writers guideline and you'll do better next time around. Good luck!

    3. Test 1 taught me a lesson. I was prepared for this test. I also need room for improvement.

    4. I believe a lot of us were a little prepared for this test, since we got a little taste from the first test of how the others may be like,

  4. I think that I did good on test #2. I was better prepared this time and I felt confident answering most of the questions on the test. I used a couple of strategies as part of my preparation. I went to review day, I paid attention and wrote down some notes. I also made a study guide for the test which had all the information I needed for preparing myself. I also made sure I had a good amount of sleep and I ate lunch before coming to class. For me, I can't focus on a test when I'm sleepy or when I have an empty stomach. I think that I could have put more time into studying, but I will make sure that I do that for the next test.

    1. The strategies you used to prepare for the Test #2 are great. Taking down notes, making a study guide, and preparing yourself physically are excellent things to do before taking a test. I am sure you did better this time.

    2. Those were really good strategies. Going in to class on the review day was the most helpful because we knew exactly what the coverage of our test was. Getting enough sleep will totally relax your mind and will make you think properly.

    3. I think that you will have a higher score on this exam, based on you study strategies. I need to study more for the next exam too. I really need to get into the habit of taking some time to try out the essay questions.

  5. I thought test #2 was easier than test #1 because I knew what I had to study. There were a few questions I was stuck on, but I answered majority of the questions with confidence. As for the essay, I would say it was quite difficult because I had a lengthy story compared to the essay on test #1. Hopefully my score for test #2 is greater than test #1.

    1. I agree that Test #2 was easier than Test #1. Knowing what to study for the exam has been beneficial to all of us. Hopefully we all did well on this test.

    2. I agree. I had extra time in reviewing my answers. Test #1 was alot to remember and explanations. Congrats!

    3. Oh, for me test #1 was easier than this test. However, I am glad that you answered most of questions!

    4. I studied hard for this test and did get stuck on a few questions as well. Studying really helped. Keep on the good work!

    5. I agree that this test was easier than the first. I believe so because there were only two chapters, so there was not a lot of information to remember.

    6. I definitely agree, test #2 felt easier than test #1 because we knew what to study on and how the test is structured.

  6. Test #2 was definitely much easier than Test #1. I studied a bit more this time around. The strategy I used for preparing for the exam was going over the "Writer's Guidelines." I went over the guidelines Sunday afternoon and before going to bed that night. I would say I did great on this exam but I could have definitely done an even better job if I spent a little more time studying. During the test, I was unsure about a few questions but I answered them to the best of my knowledge. Hopefully, I have answered them correctly. For the upcoming tests, I will be sure to spend much more time studying.

    1. The writer's guidelines made it easier for us. Most of the answers from our exam was from the guidelines. Reading your notes in the afternoon and before going to bed was very helpful because you took time memorizing the definitions.

  7. To be honest, I did not know that today was a test day. But I did a little review on the test. The only easy part on the test is the essay. If I did more studying, I would've done better. I think I did better in the first test. I'm not sure about this one.

    1. Don't worry. We still have two more exams. Just prepare for our upcoming test so you can be more confident.

    2. Like what Ivym said, make sure you're prepared for the next test and take a look at the syllabus because it tells you when our next test is.

    3. I think I was not really prepared like you. I hope we can do it better later!

    4. It helps to look over the calendar of our daily agendas. It's good that you had at least a little review before taking the test. Study more next time and I'm sure that it will do you good!

  8. I can say I was better prepared even though it took me a while to finish. Thank you for the extra time to finish up my test. I noticed the more time I had the better concentrated I was on it and almost everything came back to me.

    1. That's good. You had to check your answers for the test. You really took time to study so goodluck! Hopefully you pass!

    2. It is really good that you were prepared. I hope you get good mark

    3. Glad you were better prepared this time. I am sure you did well. That's good that you gained focus to recall your answers.

  9. I really reviewed for out test today but there were three items that I was unsure of the answers. I had more time to verify all my answers for the narrative essay test. Hopefully, I did good.

    1. I'm glad you had time to verify your answers. Studying and being prepared for the test can really make a difference. I'm sure you did great!

    2. You did very well! I think you've prepared well as you wrote.

    3. I am sure you did pretty good if you reviewed and studied. I was unsure of my answers a few times too, but it's okay, at least we got through it. That's good that you also had a lot of time to verify your answers before submitting it.

    4. You probably did pretty good. Most likely you'll end up with a passing grade. Good job!

    5. You seemed prepared that day. If only I was prepared like you were on the first day. I bet you did good.

    6. i bet you did great. You got a "B" the last time and i know you were prepared for this one too.

  10. This test was hard for me because I didn't have enough time to prepare it. Although I was not well prepared, I did what I could do. I think I didn't do well on this test but I will try hard in this course later.

    1. That's good that you did what you could do instead of just leaving your test answers blank. Study next time and I'm sure you will be well prepared for it.

    2. I am glad you did not give up. Just as long as you know what to do from now on. I learned my lesson the first time we took the test and my mistake of not studying hard enough motivated me to do so for this test. you'll be okay.

    3. Even if you did not have enough time to study atleast you did all your best to answer most of it. that's really good that you didn't give up on answering the questions and just passed it blank. you should be fine and still get good grades .

    4. It's good that you did what you could. There are more tests to come and lessons are learned from this one.

  11. Out of total honesty, I can say that I was prepared. Since I did pretty good on Test #1, I just did the same to prepare myself for the test, which was study. I was confident throughout the test, but a few questions in the end got me confused. Other than that, I think it was easy. I hope we all did good!

    1. That is great that you were confident. I got confused as well. Lets hope we all did good.

    2. The last few questions made me confused a bit too. I am just happy that it is over with. Studying helped a lot, and for sure i'll be rereading the whole chapter instead of trying to memorize the guidelines. That's probably a reason why i got confused on those question.

    3. I give you props for studying for this test. I also recall you mentioning how hard you studied for the first test. I think you are on a great path.

  12. I was honestly prepared this time for the test. I studied hard. I believe this time i did better. I was sort of stuck on the analysis and division section, but other than that i believe I did good.

    1. It's good that you were prepared for the test. I'm sure you did good!

  13. I think I did better than the last test. I was more prepared this time. I hope everyone learned from the last test and prepared by studying harder. The questions were familiar to me. The essay part of the test was what took most of my time. Overall i think i did better.

    1. I really think that everyone learned from the first test. we all now remember to study both the book and essay. the essay part too was the one that took most of my time. it was hard writing the essay .

    2. I agree, majority of us learned from the previous test. I think the essay is the one part that everyone spends most of their time on, but it's good that you think you did better and I'm sure you did.

    3. I think we are all aware of how these exams work now. It is basically a straightforward test on whether or not one studied and paid attention during class discussions.

  14. I honestly think that I was more prepared with this test than I was on the first test. I studied really hard for this one, both the book and the essay. I took down notes from the book and from the writers guidelines. though i didn't fully answered every question i hope that i did good. i missed a couple but mostly i answered everything. Im really glad i studied this time. i gave all my best and i hope ill get atleast a "B"

    1. I am happy for you that you feel more confident in this test. I'm sure you worked harder than last time to study. With your attendance and participation in class, I'm sure you did not fail the exam.
