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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Reflection - Descriptive Narration - Section 5 - Oct. 14

Discuss your thoughts on today's descriptive narration activities (re: Student Paragraphs and Essay - Yearning for Love by Chantra Shastri, Writing Process Worksheet - The Drag by Mike Kavanagh, etc.)


  1. Today's descriptive narration activities were good exercises to help us prepare for exam number 2. In "Yearning for Love" by Chantra Shastri, I believe that Chantra Shastri needs to weigh her options and see which consequence she can live with; either marry the man her parents want to and try to be happy, or marry the man she wants and live with the fact that her parents have disowned her, despite marrying who she really loves. Also, in "The Drag" by Mike Kavanagh, one can infer that the speaker truly enjoys the thrill of racing on the drag. Both are excellent forms of descriptive narrations and will hopefully help us all with test number 2.

    1. I agree that these two activities will help us with test 2. Shastri has two very difficult choices to make, but I would not want to be disowned by my parents.

  2. I think that the descriptive narration activities we did today were helpful. In the story Yearning For Love, Chantra Shastri has two choices. Her first choice is to have an arranged marriage with a man that she does not love, but a man of their parent's choice. Her second choice could be that she would disobey her parents, but she would no longer be recognized by her parents. If I were her I would choose whatever choice would make me happy. I believe that choice would be to marry the man her parents chose. I don't think I'd be able to live with my parents not recognizing me. In the story The Drag, Mike Kavanagh enjoys going to the drag and racing. He enjoys going fast. Faster than fast, man.

    1. I agree with John. The choices she was given were hard ones to pick, but if I was Chantra Shastri I would choose to be known by my family as well.

    2. I agree with the thoughts of John about Sashtri's choices. I would suggest that she marry the man her parents choose. I love my parents and not being recognized by them would be a devastating thought.

    3. John your thoughts on Sashtri's choice for me were spot on. I agree with the point that you made.

  3. I did enjoy the descriptive narration activities especially Yearning for Love and The Drag. The questions for Yearning for Love opened my eyes to the details of the author's mother. It brought the emotional side of the story which I found interesting. As for The Drag I was able to visualize the scene unfolding from the roar of the engine to the actions off the driver. It really felt like I was a part of it. Lesson learned today: details can help emphasize the writer's story towards the readers.

    1. I agree with Aaron. The lesson learned from both descriptive narration activities is that details are important and serve as a way for writers to emphasize their stories to the readers.

    2. I agree with Aaron that these two narratives did bring out the emotions of the stories. In Sashtri's story, we feel the pain of the daughter and the mother. In the story of the drag, we feel the excitement of actually being in the car.

    3. Good point. Details make the story much more readable.

  4. The two descriptive narration paragraphs we read today were good examples. They were very different in tone but you can still see the authors had strong feelings about their topic sentences. "Yearning for love" by Chantra Shastri gave a good idea of the dilemma she faces and her descriptions allows you to understand more of her struggle with her parents and culture. "The Drag" told a more physical descriptive narration in my opinion. You can see the writer's passion as he describes all the details that he enjoys about racing and he lets you know that nothing compares to it. Both good short reads that we can learn from.

    1. I agree with Andrew. Both of the writers give great descriptions to share their emotions for each of their subject.

    2. I agree with Andrew. We can see the passions and the emotions through the author's writing. The descriptions are heartfelt and vivid.

  5. The activities we went through today helped me understand descriptive narration better. The stories "Yearning for Love" and "The Drag" both had great detail that gave the reader a very vivid visual of what each writer went through. In "Yearning for Love" Chantra Shastri mother's emotions can be felt through her descriptive words. Mike Kavanagh in "The Drag" shared his story through what he saw, heard, felt, and smelled before and during his race. He added this much detail to express his love for the drag. I enjoyed both of the stories. The critical thinking questions helped me understand each passage clearly.

    1. I agree with Cyann. The critical thinking questions helped me understand the passages.

    2. I agree that it helped me understand what a descriptive narration is now. I probably read stories like that before, but never knew what it was called.

    3. I agree that sometimes we need the critical thinking questions to fully understand the purpose and meaning of the story.

    4. I agree. Both stories had great detail and helped the story to have emotion.

  6. Today's activity was definitely interesting and useful. The two stories were great example of descriptive narration. In the " Yearning for Love", Chantra Shastri made me feel as if I were in her situation. I felt sorry for her. Yes, she respects her parents, but the fact that her tradition limits her freedom from loving the person she wants to be with for the rest of her life, is just sad and unfair. Mike Kavanagh in "The Drag" made me experience everything that he was experiencing when he was telling the story. The two author's were really good on explaining their essay. They accomplished to make vivid images by describing emotion, with that I was able to picture what they were illustrating.

    1. I agree with Sheena. Both of the stories made it easy for the reader to visualize what each of the writers went through.

    2. I agree with Sheena that these two author's are good writers. A good writer can make the audience feel what they feel. And that's exactly what they did.

    3. I agree. Both stories were great examples and interesting.

  7. The activities we went through were very helpful on how to write a narrative. I believe that the narratives we read wee equally descriptive too. The two stories were quite interesting. The first was about a girl name Sashtri wanting a marriage of her choice and the second was about drag racing. These two were good examples of narratives. They thoroughly give ideas of why is happening and the details to imagine using your senses. Well, they do give me a good idea of what to write on my narrative essay.

    1. I agree with Andrea. The two stories were good examples of narrative and makes you use your senses. It is as if you are there experiencing what the speakers are.

    2. You make a great point with your view on the narrative essays. They were interesting and they were helpful to me in a way.

    3. I agree. Both stories had good descriptions and visualizing was easier cause of it.

  8. Today's activities were useful & the stories that were used as examples were quite interesting. The first story was "Yearning for love" by Chantra Shastri. Her story made me think that not all of us are free to make our own decisions or to live our own lives to our own content. You can actually feel how she feels about her parents giving her an arranged marriage. The second story was "The Drag" by Mike Kavanagh. In this story, you experience what he experience through his narration. They thoroughly described their experience & were able to make the reader to create vivid images & feel the emotions they were feeling..

    1. I agree with Christine. In "Yearning for Love" Chantra Sharstri's emotions can be felt through her words. It also made me think about if I was in a situation like hers it would be hard for me too.

    2. Yes, the activities were useful to us. The first story felt very depressing now that I think about it, but then she has the choice of whether to make the choice that will make her happy or not.

  9. The stories that we went through today were interesting and I think will be very helpful for the upcoming test. "The Drag" caught my eye the most because it was something I can somewhat relate to. They described the race in a way that it made me feel like I was there racing myself. I hope that when I do my narrative essay for test #2, I can make whoever is reading it feel like they're me in a way.

    1. I agree that the stories were a bit interesting to me and it will be helpful for the test coming up Monday. Yeah it did seem like I was the one racing.

  10. Today's activities were nothing new... I'm quite familiar with descriptive narrative essays. It was nice to go over them for more insight on how to write this type of essay. The descriptions and visuals presented were effective, allowing me to picture the scene being described or feel the emotions.

    1. I agree with Ashley of how the visuals made it an effective way to picture the scene. Also it is nice to go over these types of essay.

    2. I agree that there was nothing new in today's activities. I am still waiting for something exciting to happen for a change.

  11. The narrative essays were vivid. I guess they were helpful, I mean who doesn't know how to write a narrative essay. "The drag" was full of detail, I didn't enjoy it though. It felt bland, like it was missing something. As for the "Yearning for love" essay, it flowed way better than the other one. However, I feel like she should be able to make her own decision. It's her life, she is the one who has to live her decisions regardless of tradition.

    1. Sepe does have a point of the comparison of the two essays. I think there is more emotion put into "Yearning for Love" than "The Drag" because that essay is just describing a significant event.

    2. I agree with Sepe that the essays were somewhat helpful. I like how you share your opinion.

  12. Going over the 2 essays helped me to better understand descriptive narration. "Yearning for Love" gave an emotional feeling for Shastri having to struggle to gain a marriage of her choice. Her mother tuning out her daughters wishes because it was simply better that way made me feel devastated. "The Drag" gives excellent detail of how the author enjoys racing that it actually made me want hop onto a race track. Seeing that these essays showed how they went through the writing process gives a great review for the upcoming test.

  13. Both essays were very good examples for a narrative essay. Although I don't really enjoy cars or racing, I thought the details used in the essay were good. The use of detail was were spot on when describing even the air that he was breathing. Yearning for love was a touching essay. I don't want to get too personal but I do have a good understanding on how she feels.

  14. Both essay I felt were great examples of what a narrative essay is. I did enjoy them however I thought that they were not that interesting. The use of detail though was quite helpful in terms of teaching me how to write a narrative. As the day's activities go, nothing new. Just the same routine thing that we do.
