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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - Test #1 - Oct. 7

Discuss your thoughts on taking Test #1.  Were you prepared for it?  If so, what strategies did you use as part of your preparation?  If you were not prepared for it, what will you do next time to ensure that you do well on the test?


  1. I believe Test #1 was an understandable test because I prepared for it yesterday, cramming all the information I need. I believe I did well on the test. My preparation took on learning each chapter slowly and steadily as well as watching Big Bang Theory along the way. I also thought it would necessary to take little breaks in order the brain to rest then back to studying the material. Lastly a simple review from my brother helped a lot to see if I maintained the knowledge for the test.

    1. I agree with the way you study Aaron. Maybe I should take breaks as well so I will not get so stressed out about the test.

    2. I agree with Aaron's study method as well. Taking little breaks in between long periods of studying helps me retain information and prevents me from getting bored.

    3. I remember hearing that taking short breaks between studying is a good idea. I should probably try that next time.

  2. I was prepared for test one because thanks from the review we had class, I manage to get a hint of what was going to be in the test. For my preparation, I made myself a study guide with the things I know what will be on the test as well as things I found were important enough to know. I also skimmed the book every once in a while as I was reviewing. I did that for about 3 or 4 hours a day & it actually helped me alot.

    1. I agree that we were more prepared thanks to the review we had during class. I don't think I could study for 3 or 4 hours a day. I look up to you!

  3. Test 1 was fairly easy for me. I believe there was ample time to study for the test and prepare our essays as well. I also appreciated the hints and review that Dr. Rivera went over with us, as majority, if not all, were present in the test. I believe that I did fairly well and know what to expect on the next exam. To prepare for the test, I created a study guide with all of the writer's guidelines, the narrative essay exercises, and my essay. I spent majority of my weekend reading and memorizing the terms.

    1. I agree with Eduardo that the review last class was a great help for studying. It gave us the knowledge we needed to study and what to expect on the test. It also served as a reminder for the class that we have a test, so Thank You Dr. Rivera. I love your technique for studying Eduardo. :)

    2. I like your studying method Eduardo. Study guides do help for tests and they can be reused for our final exam as well. I was planning to create one too but I was lazy. I have to be more prepared and serious.

    3. I agree that there was enough time to prepare and study for our essays. The hints and the review that Dr. Rivera gave us were really helpful. All I did to study was just re-read everything I wrote.

    4. I unfortunately was not as prepared and it showed. I did study the writers guidelines and that helped a bit.

  4. I think I was both prepared and not prepared for test 1. I'm not really sure on which one I would pick, but I definitely studied quite a bit. More like I started studying last minute because I procrastinated. I was too lazy to flip the pages to read the writer's guidelines so I copied it on paper and studied through that. All I did to prepare for this test was that I kept reading the things I wrote over and over again until the day of the test which was today.

  5. Honestly, I thought that I wasn't prepared for the test. Although I was studying last night for it. It does serve me right if I didn't get the grade that I wanted, because i didn't study for it longer than i wanted to. Not saying what I wanted my grade to be, but... no not going to say anything. Anyways, what I did to study for the test was concentrating on the guidelines and trying to remember key points within the chapter. I loved my essay, but in the end I rushed because time ran out. Well, hope that everyone did better than me and I wish luck to their grades they will receive.

    1. Hey, don't get too down Kevin. Now that you know how the test will be like it may be easier to study for them :). It was only the first test. There is others to come and you can bring your grade up with them.

    2. Dont bring yourself down too much. There's always next time (:

    3. I feel the same way about my test. The essay I wrote on the test was no where near what I wanted it to be because of the lack of studying and rushing at the end.

  6. I was not prepared for the test. I had a hard time answering the questions. The only easy part in the test was the essay. I did last minute study. Although the last minute study helped me with a few questions. To be honest, I did not know we had a test today.

  7. I believe I did fairly on the first part of test 1. I had studied the writers guidelines the night before and that helped a lot. The second half is different story. I had not reviewed my essay enough to rewrite it. I also wasted a lot of time thinking about it when I got to that part of the test before I decided to just write what I could. This test is a good reality check for me and I won't allow myself to make the same mistake.

    1. I agree with your experience of focusing mainly on the first part of the test, but when it got to the second I was unsure of my essay. I only took a night's worth to remember or get an idea of my essay. I just hope it's good enough to get me a reasonable grade.

  8. I believe I was somewhat prepared for test #1. The way I studied was just bookmarking the writer's guidelines and reading through each of the chapters. The review in class helped me with studying for the test. I studied late last night and a few hours before class cramming, but even though I studied there were still a few questions that caught me off guard. I guess that just means I should study a little more than usual. Now that I know what to expect for future tests, I will try my best to be more prepared.

    1. I agree with Cyann. Whenever I take a test for the first time in a class, I usually do not know what to expect. After taking test 1, I know the way Dr. Rivera constructs our tests and feel a bit more comfortable.

  9. For test #1 I thought I was prepared, until I actually got the test. I had a hard time recalling what I had studied over the weekend, I definitely feel that I need a better strategy when it comes to studying for tests. At least now I know how the tests will be given in this class and maybe I’ll do better next time.

    1. I hate those moments when you study hard and all of a sudden you forget what you study; it's such a pain. To me all that time studying has gone to waste :(. It's ok though, I know you'll do good on the next one and there's always time for improvement. :)

    2. I sometimes have the same problem too Megan. I study for test, then I blank out when I see the questions on the test. Maybe next time we should have a study group. (:

    3. I also had those moments when I forgot some answers to the test. I guess the only strategy is to study more.Well, that is what I would do. I'm sure you will do better next time. I believe in you!

    4. I know what you mean Megan. You know you memorized and understood the material, but when the test sheet comes to you, you suddenly blank out. On the bright side, we all know what to expect on Dr. Rivera's next test.

    5. I agree. Seeing this test and having an idea of how the next one will look will give us a good idea of how to prepare for the next one.

  10. Test #1 was fairly easy for me. I believe I did well on that test. Over the weekend, I had a lot of time to study for it and Dr. Rivera pretty much told us what was all going to be on the test during our class sessions. After each chapter, I always go back to read and take notes on my notebook. Then, I always review the writer's guidelines. Prior to the test, I just went back to my notebook and reviewed all my notes.

    1. This is true how we had an entire weekend to study the material for the test enabling to be responsible for ourselves. I can say I used similar techniques Jerlyn of reviewing the writer's guidelines, so great studying strategy. :)

    2. I prefer your method of studying Jerlyn. For me, reading and also re-writing the material helps me to memorize the terms and information better than just simply re-reading over and over again.

  11. Test #1 was okay for me, even though I blanked out on a couple of occasions :( . I do think that I was not fully prepared for this test. I tried to study, but even when I did, I felt that I was not confident at all of my ability to understand the material. Maybe I just need to review each chapter and everything we go over a little bit more thoroughly. Hopefully I did not get too bad of a grade on this first test.

    1. Test #1 was okay for me too. Sometimes when I study I don't even know what I am reading or if I am even comprehending what I am reading. I hope you didn not get a bad grade for your first test.

  12. Taking test one was okay. The questions were easy to understand. I knew most of the answers to the questions. But I doubted some of my answers. I think it was because I did not study. I am thankful that we had a review the class meeting before. I hope to get a good grade and to prepare to do better next time.

  13. Test #1 was difficult, but fair. I was prepared for the test, but i was not 100% ready. All I did to prepare for this test was go through the writer's guidelines and I mostly focused on my essay. I think I should study more the upcoming test in order for me to do well.

  14. I was prepared for some parts of the test, and unprepared to an extent. I would like to believe I did a satisfactory job, but I may be wrong. As I did a quick scan of the test, I thought it was quite easy (if you studied). In order to be more prepared for the next one, I will dedicate more time for reading and understanding the material instead of just quickly going over it.

  15. I was not prepared for the test at all. The questions were all easy to understand, but my lack of preparation for the test caused me to skip many of the questions. The essay portion was a complete disaster. I didn't prepare for that either so I made it up. I will definitely prepare for the next one. sheesh.

  16. Taking test 1 was much simpler than I thought it would be. I was definitely not ready for the test because I blanked out for most of it. I was able to answer more than I expected even if guessing the answer was the solution. Studying last minute helped a lot, but that will definitely not be done the next time around.

  17. I feel like I was not prepared what this test. I felt like I could've done a lot better on my test but being sick while taking a test is not a good combination. I felt like I did well on my essay though. When I re-read it I felt like it was a lot better than I thought it would be.

  18. Unfortunately I did not take test #1 with everyone else, but it's okay. Test #1 was alright. I don't think I prepared for it as much as I should have. I thought it was easy though, considering I wasn't fully prepared and I did not know what to expect. I could do better. I will definitely be more prepared for the next test by not cramming.
