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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reflection - Section 8 - August 26

Discuss your thoughts about today's activities. re: Underlining, annotating, outlining, summarizing, etc.)


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  2. Today's activities were quite entertaining. I learned important steps on evaluating passages, while at the same time enjoying it with my humorous classmates. I also liked reading aloud and interacting with others. The examples benefited me to complete the exercises at the end. I am looking forward to future discussions.

    1. I definitely agree with you Kris; the energy today in class was great and made the lessons fly by faster.

    2. You got it right Kris. The class is really worthwhile and our classmates are so fun to be around with. I hope we all get closer to our education and each other.

    3. Well said Kris class was really entertaining today.I as well got benefits rom the exercise and I'm pretty sure everyone did. Hope we all get along later.

    4. wassup Kris.. ya bro the today's activities were great. It really helped me in a way that I never thought it would. Now I can do my essays with confidence and being able to do the outline and summary more easy. I totally agree with you.

    5. Yes classmate you said it. It was overall a great day in class were well interacted and participate in the learning process.

    6. I strongly agree Chris. It's a great start to start the class and end the class well. I have a feeling this is a start on a great semester.

  3. Be it learning how to write a proper essay or learning how to read aloud while in the proximity of your classmates, today's activities helped enhance my ability to write an essay in not only a proper format, but in a way that enables me to save up more time to look over my essay and proof read. Today's atmosphere was also a bit livelier, setting the mood to be jolly and ready, as well as willing to learn! Slowly but surely, everyone will come out of their shells and contribute more to the class discussions.

    1. Yes, I too have learned how to review my essay and also my proof reading abilities. I agree with what you're saying, Sheena, we will all soon work together as a team/family in future discussions. :)

    2. I agree with you Sheena that learning how to write properly is really helping everyone to enhance their ability in writing. Now we learned how to take shorter but better notes than before. I really can't wait till we have another class together!

    3. Great job Kris, that's a wonderful attitude you're sporting there. Keep it up! :D

    4. It's true, taking notes that are shorter can be just as effective as taking long ones. You know how that saying goes, "big things come in small packages."

    5. SHEENA! thanks for the help earlier . I agree that this activity enhance our knowledge for a more proper or organize essay.

    6. No problem Marvin! The best part about learning is being able to learn together so whatever's happening, I'll be sure to look out for you.

    7. Ah yes, since am not really good in writing essays it really helped me. Hopefully I will continue to learn more things in class that we'll improve my essay writing.

    8. Well said Sheena. I also believe the lesson is a great skill to help us on our essay writing. And also, agree about the classrooms atmosphere it was great.

  4. I really enjoy the class today! It thought me how to be organize with our note taking technique and to be a better college student. The vibe in the class is really chill and really easy to get along to. Now I'm more prepared for the next activities coming ahead.

    1. Today's class discussion certainly increased my comfortability in the classroom. Yes, it also assisted in my techniques in English. I am too, prepared John. I hope we all are!

    2. Oh yeah John, you got that right. Nowadays, it seems as if 24 hours is just not enough. With that, we need to know how to be able to make the most out of our time, and one great way to start is by learning to stay organized. That way, not a minute is put to waste. Plus, staying organized fills up so much of our time that even procrastination won't get to us. Let's continue to stay focused you guys!

    3. I three have learned a more creative and easy way to take notes and do an outline for an essay more efficient and surely of the outcome. I am ready for the upcoming classes on the future still to come.

    4. RIght! class was more fun today. Everybody wasn't as shy, the vibe was good.

    5. I agree, we are all starting to get more into class. It is good that we are reading out loud in class along with the intro before we read, because that way we will get to know each others name. It's a great class!!

    6. I agree John, I believe the class session would also help me improve on my note taking and be a better college student. Our classmates were just awesome. I have a feeling were all going to bond well.

    7. Staying organized helps to be more focused in what your doing. Yes time is very important, because it does not stop for anything.

  5. On today's lesson, it refreshed my memory on summarizing, outlining, and underlining. Being able to read out loud during class also helped me get out of my shell because I am usually a shy person. Knowing that my classmates are cool and easy to get along with, I can't wait for more activities because my classmates were very funny. The exercise during class really helped me understand what annotating really is because I didn't even know what it was before. Looking forward to learn more yo!!

    1. I truly agree with you Marvin, the activities of today were great, especially the sharing of ideas. I also agree with you about the class, everybody are really cool and helpful. hope through out the class I will know everyone much better..

    2. Today's activities helped us become comfortable with each other and we gave assistance when needed.

    3. Yeah man, lessons in class really refreshed my memory about underlining and outlining. I thought I forgot it, but it all started to come in place as class went on.

    4. I also agree with you Par! the lesson really refreshed my memories as well. I remember doing underlining, outlining, annotating, and summarizing on My Reading Lab.

    5. I look forward to class to get to know all of you guys. :)

  6. The activities that we did today like underlining, annotating, outlining, and summarizing were helpful to us on the course, because we would be able to approach our works and essays more efficient and more easier,and it makes you write more clearly and easy because of the key notes and outlining...

    1. Yes today was really because it helped us a lot. I know the upcoming discussions will be exciting as well.

    2. Yep it was, Underlining. Annotating, and Outlining would help us to understand the material we are reading more efficiently.

    3. The reading techniques are all useful in writing. I look forward to using them in class.

  7. Today's class session was awesome. It gave me ideas on how to improve my note takings and also, helped me understand ideas and details better. Since I did not have a book today, it was nice for Mel to share his book to me, for that I thank him. Now I should be more prepared to be in class next time. Hopefully I could be the one to share the book instead of me asking to share. It feels good to have people share their book with you. i have a great feeling about the next class session.

    1. The class session of the day gave me ideas too on how to improve outlining, note taking, and summarizing, the essays and doing it in details with confidence. Hope everybody felt the same way about the class session that we're taking..

    2. Mark we need to be more prepared next class but thanks to our wonderful classmates. The lesson today was very helpful to because it refresh our mind.

  8. Ah yes, the lesson we have learned that day were very helpful. The lessons on underlining, annotating, and outlining have refreshed my memory on sum of the stuffs i learned in high school. The lessons on Annotating were very helpful to me.

    1. Its very refreshing to go over these techniques we have gone over in high school.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Biba team EN100-08.. The picture was a total Blast, it really makes us a group of friends and classmates, Hope to know you guys better.

  11. Underlining, annotating, outlining, and taking notes are great reading techniques. They also can be used to practice writing. It was a great review for what I have learned in high school. I look forward in using it again.
