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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reflection – Descriptive Essay - Section 8 – Sept. 4

Visit URL:  In your own words, discuss what a descriptive essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which descriptive topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #1. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A descriptive essay uses the five senses, which are taste, smell, see, touch, and hear to provide the reader an image of what the writer wrote. In the topic list, i would choose to vividly describe in my essay would be place, personality, and event because I can write about my surroundings and they way things are around me.

    1. Yes, it definitely makes you think about the five senses. Good choice of topic, Lexine. (:

    2. I definitely agree with you about the five senses :) The reader really feels with all descriptive essays!

    3. Well, it seems you know what you will do. Good luck in your essay.

    4. I totally agree with you Lexine. Descriptive essays are all about the five sense on how you describe your topic in your own words or information.

    5. Yes, the five senses are important since it gives you a better sense in writing. Good Topic!

    6. Well said, with these five senses the reader will have a picture of mind on what the environment of the story feel.

    7. Great interpretation Lexine! In addition, I also believe that a essay that describes your surroundings is a great way to keep in touch with your five senses! Keep up the good work! I hope you can come to class tomorrow; it'd be great to see you!

    8. Descriptive essay brings your writing to life.

    9. With the senses the story will be interesting leading the reader to be interested.

  2. A descriptive essay is a type of essay that deals with explaining a certain topic. In other words, you are describing something/one in writing. You jot down everything you know about that topic, then you organize it into your essay. Among the topics listed, I would choose sports at school. I myself love the sport of basketball, so that topic is one that I would have a lot to write about. Descriptive essays really make you think hard about something.

    1. Well, descriptive essay really makes you think. It is also difficult to choose words to describe. There are so many words to choose from.

    2. I agree with your topic since it is something you are passionate and it shows you really know about it. Keep up with basketball! Jotting really helps when writing about an descriptive essay.

    3. i agree with you Kris. organization is important in an essay in order to have an easy transition while reading.

    4. i really agree on your topic about sport Kris, because its something your good at and that makes it a lot more easy to describe it on a descriptive essay or even explaining it.

    5. I Agree. That's what descriptive essay is about, writing to describe. It really does make me think hard sometimes man.

    6. Great insight Kris! Nothing beats passion! Although writing a descriptive essay may be a difficult task, it helps writing about a passion of yours. That way, the words just flow like butter.

  3. Descriptive essay consist of five senses. they are taste, smell, see, touch, and hear. This helps the reader picture the image with details. I've had some difficult times with descriptive essays.

    1. Descriptive essays are really fun to construct. You'll be fine, man.

    2. Same here, it is really difficult to find words to describe. Anyway good luck in your essay.

    3. Don't worry about it and if you do need help we are always here for you! Descriptive essays really make the readers imagine things. Never give up and keep on persevering!

    4. Aaron, writing a descriptive essay can be hard for some people, you just have to search for the right words to use while using your 5 senses. creating an image for your reader for example, i can say its shape as a triangle and can multiple to various pieces. you can choose to have it filled with vegetable or with the smothering taste of cheese. can you guess what i am?

    5. Don' worry man, I have a hard time writing these kind of essays too. But with a little practice, we can get better....

    6. I definitely agree with all the comments stated above; practice definitely makes perfect and it'll come to you once you find a topic you're really interested in writing about. You got this man! We'll always be here to help anyway so there's nothing to worry about.

  4. Descriptive essay is an essay which uses the five sense to describe an object or place and to help readers visualize the essay.
    For the topic i chose "Your first day at a new school or college", because i thought i would fun to write an essay about my experience going to new school.

    1. Great topic choice, and descriptive essays are very informative.

    2. I like how your topic matches you and how you already have experience. It seems really fun to write about it and I might also consider during an essay about it.

    3. Great choice for a topic. your descriptive essay might consist of a lot of words to describe a scenery and surrounding of your topic. overall, great choice

    4. Nice one man, great topic of choice.

    5. The best part about writing descriptive essays would be the visuals that come along with it. It's a great way to relate to your experiences.

  5. A descriptive essay is an essay that everyone really enjoy! Its easy and not that hard and everyone can relate with it. A Descriptive essay is an essay that makes the writer write about anything and just basically describe it. It shows the relation with the item, place or thing they are describing. I would definitely choose to write on an item or a place around me. Those are really fun to write and is easily to describe it.

    1. Good choice for the essay. I think you need to choose the essay from the list. Anyway, some of topic deals experience. For me, it is always fun to write about experiences.

    2. nice one John about the descriptive essay. Yes, everyone really enjoys the descriptive essay because writing a descriptive essay is basically just describing your choice of topic, and relating the five senses to it.

    3. Yeah, am sure everyone will learn to enjoy writing in time. It can be fun sometimes, especially when it is something interesting.

    4. Writing a descriptive essay about a place or item can definitely bring back many wonderful memories. Great choice of topic John!

  6. A Descriptive essay is an essay that allows the writer to really go into detail about a story or event. The essay is usually written about something they have experienced. In an essay like this it is actually good to start going into detail about every little thing so that the reader will be able to feel what the writer is feeling or felt. A descriptive essay topic I would write about is probably about my stay in the hospital. Mostly because the way I experienced it I loved it and it taught me a bunch of things about life.

    1. Details are very crutial in creating a descriptive essay. Interesting topic!

    2. What an interesting topic Joseph! The best part about details is that it has the power to possibly captivate and move the reader so by all means, be sure to pour your heart out. I'm sure I'd cry and laugh with you!

    3. Great, looking forward to what your experience was.

  7. Descriptive essay is when you write your own essay based on your five senses which are smell, taste, sight, hear, and touch to provide information to the reader on the opposite end with a mental image or feeling about the subject that you are describing. In other words, while reading he/she could imagine the picture in his/her head what it really looks like. My choice of topic would be my hometown because I could describe it in a more descriptive form of what it really looks like in a picture or vision.

    1. Yeah man, I agree with you. Great topic, ain't nothing like home sweet home.

    2. I agree Egan descriptions are important to create an image mentally. great topic choice. i could not agree more, If i did have the chance i would also talk about my hometown and surrounding.

    3. Talking about your hometown really shows how deep your roots truly are. Great topic Egan. :D

    4. I agree man, descriptive essays shows images in the readers head while reading the story.

  8. Descriptive essay consist on using the senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. It also helps the reader imagine what is happening on the story. It helps me imagine what is really happening on the story. I learn better when I visualize. If I can't get a right though about the story then I would keep trying and feel like I'm in the story. Also among the topics, I choose sports at school. I love playing basketball, it has changed my life in so many ways. I can relate to this topic a lot.

    1. Great topic! When writing about an experience, you usually have a lot to talk about, making it easier! I'm sure you'll be able to capture your readers a lot!

    2. Way to get active! Sports uses so many senses, great for a descriptive essay.

  9. Descriptive essay is when you write to describe something using your five senses. Using your senses allows you to create a better description. For me, I would write about my experience so far here in Guam.

    1. Nice choice of topic you chose there Lusech. I would agree with that topic because its better and a lot more easy to write a descriptive essay about, since its our first semester here in Guam.

    2. I'm sure that writing about your experience so far on Guam would be a great topic to write about Lusech! You have more to uncover about our beautiful island and I'm sure you'll love it!

    3. Awesome! Theirs are lot of things you could write about, since Guam is a tropical island.

  10. In a descriptive essay, every detail counts. You then begin your journey to the past, trying to remember as much as you can to bring your essay to life through the eyes of the reader. You basically pour your heart out and are not limited as to what you can say, other than content obviously. You embark on a wonderful journey of a possible self-discovery. In my essay, I will be describing the feeling of falling in love, along with the power it has to possibly change a person based on their experience.

  11. Writing can be very boring without description. Descriptive essay writing is a way to bring writing alive. It uses the five senses to make the reader understand what the story is about. For me descriptive essay writing is very fun. I cant wait to start!

  12. Well said, it is very important having important details on a descriptive essay. One missed detail can lead to confusion.
