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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reflection - Descriptive Essay – Section 5 - Sept. 4

Visit URL:  In your own words, discuss what a descriptive essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which descriptive topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #1. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A descriptive essay is an essay that requires you to describe something. It allows you to be creative and artistic with the topic. It also allows you to free your mind and think outside the box rather than just using the ordinary. A descriptive topic I would use would be a descriptive essay topic relating to feelings - happy moments. I would choose this descriptive topic because there are a lot of things I could describe about happy moments. I can describe different kinds of happiness and excitement. I would be able to state happy moments of my own and describe emotions and feelings that I have felt with moments I have experienced.

    1. I agree with Jerlyn. The descriptive essay allows the reader to show an artistic side to his/her writing. I'm also glad that you have many happy moments in your life, and I wish that they continue to come to your life.

    2. I agree too! It's like a basic conversation you can have with your friends, because you can go on and on. It's more like a conversational story on paper.

    3. "It allows you to be creative and artistic" is a good way of putting it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I agree with Jerlyn and the explanation of a descriptive essay allowing a mind to be free. I also love how we both agreed about happy moments being a choice for a descriptive essay. I believe happy thoughts is a great topic because you can know the person better in so many ways as well as the writer welcoming the reader.

    6. I agree. Descriptive essay will allow the reader to be artistic and creative with the experience or topic the writer would write about.

    7. I agree with Jerlyn that the descriptive essay allows the writer to get creative. When describing things, writers want their readers to feel know where they are coming from. So they create a vivid imagery for their readers.

    8. I agree. The writer has the opportunity to be creative and think outside the box. Great topic choice! It's good that you have many experiences that you can refer to.

  2. A descriptive essay is a type of essay which allows the reader to experience what the writer has through the use of vivid, colourful, and powerful words. This type of writing is an "artistic style of writing." It allows the writer to write from his/her personal experience. It's almost as if the reader can taste what the writer has simply by using words to produce imagery and stimulate the senses. I would choose the topic of events relating to an accident that I experienced over the summer. For me, experiencing a near catastrophic event in my life is simply unforgettable. I cannot move on with my life without thinking about an accident, and would constantly be reminded of it. I would describe the feeling using words like heart-pounding, adrenaline rush, disbelieved, astonished, panic and pain.

    1. It really does allow the reader to use vivid, colorful and powerful words. I've never really thought about it like that! I am glad weren't hurt from that accident, Eduardo! I like your choice of words describing the way you felt! Job well done.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. A very eloquent way of putting it. Your topic also sounds very interesting and that you'll have a lot of descriptive motivation to tell it with.

    4. Interesting way of putting it. Your topic, as well, sounds interesting & very unique.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I agree with you, Eduardo. When you said its almost as if the reader can taste what the writer has simply by using words was such a good way of putting it.

    7. I agree with Eduardo's interpretation of what a descriptive essay is. I feel that everyone in this class has a pretty good understanding of this topic.

    8. Eduardo steals the cake with his description! I would have never thought of readers being able to "taste" the words of the writer.

  3. In addition to my original post, I also would like to add that today's activities on Moodle were beneficial to me. I never used the stage one strategies and after learning about them, I now know to use them to my advantage.

    1. Next time we should switch. Everybody who went to class today should go on Moodle, and vise versa!

    2. Agreed. Using all the strategies we've learned so far will make us better readers and writers and will also make essays a more organized easier process.

    3. I agree with imee but if you think about it, face-to-face activities are always fun to do in class.

    4. I agree. It was the first time I ever used those strategies to sort out ideas for an essay. I would always start with just an outline when I write essays.

    5. I agree. the strategies we learned about freee writing, brainstorming, listing, and clustering is really going to help with all of the up coming essays we are going to have to write.

  4. A descriptive essay is a good way to express previous experiences or to relate to topics. It's also a fun, creative way to use good choice of words so the reader can give a little play-by-play, like scenes in a movie in their minds with every sentence they come across. A descriptive topic I would write about would be about my current job. I figure this topic would be easy because I enjoy it. I can write about the environment on how it gets crowded from time to time to the point where it would get really loud that i constantly have to repeat things in a louder but non-yelling tone, or how the guests approach me, maybe even the scent of clean fresh tables after they have been cleared and sanitized, or the strong burning smell of the croutons being made in the kitchen by the chefs, or i can write about "making magic" and the Great feeling that runs through my body being around such a fun, friendly, environment.

    1. "The reader can give a little play-by-play" - great way to explain it! Its amazing how you can make any descriptive topic come to life! It really allows the reader to imagine the scene in their head. A descriptive essay might just be one of the essays that would be fun to do. Job well done, Imee.

    2. I agree with Imee. Her relation of a descriptive essay to a play-by-play or scene in a movie is also very playful. Your description of your job also sounds very familiar. It reminds me of the mall or an amusement park.

    3. Great examples Imee. Another interesting way of describing descriptive essays.

    4. I agree with how you compared a descriptive essay with a movie in the reader's mind Imee. It is a interesting way of describing it.

    5. I didn't think of a descriptive essay being like scenes in a movie. That was such a cool way to put it.

    6. great way of explaining descriptive essay. it is definetly like watching a movie but through reading.

    7. Relating a topic is something I believe strongly with Imee's description of a descriptive essay. The writer will gain readers by relating their lives to others, which is an effective way of writing. Also sharing experiences is a helpful way to express yourself.

    8. I agree with Imee. Reading a descriptive essay and watching a movie are similar. With descriptive essays, the writer allows the reader to create an image in their minds, otherwise known as imagery.

    9. I agree! Descriptive essays really do help to provide readers a mental image of events.

  5. Descriptive essays are a way for writers to attempt to reach the readers imagination and have them experience it as the writer has. It's also a great way to improve our descriptive vocabulary. The topic relating to feelings: A sad day in life, would probably be the topic I would choose. My grandfather past away in January this year due to a heart attack and because it's a fairly recent event that I can recall having a deep emotional tie to, it would make for a good descriptive essay in my opinion.

    1. "A way for writers to attempt to reach the readers imagination." It's like bringing the story to life! I've never thought about it as improving our descriptive vocabulary. That is a great way to put it. Descriptive essays are becoming to sound like movies to me. It brings out life, emotion and energy.

    2. I agree with Andrew. It does help improve a person's descriptive vocabulary. Having different descriptive words within the essay would make it interesting and give the reader a vivid visual of the writer's experience.

    3. I agree with Andrew. This will definetly help broaden my descriptive vocabulary and become more aware of not repeating the same words to describe an experience.

    4. I agree with Andrew. Descriptive essays are meant for the reader to understand and experince what the writers want them to experience.

  6. I agree with Andrew. His definition of a descriptive essay is simple, yet effective. I also experienced a recent loss like you did around December of 2012 when my grandfather passed from a severe stroke, and I agree that kind of feeling is very hard to forget and hits your emotions hard.

  7. A descriptive essay is an essay where the writer describes something with great detail. It is a creative way of writing and the type of essay that should grab people's attention. Writers can share their experiences by making the reader visualize those certain experiences through the writer's words. It would put the reader in the writer's shoes making them feel, hear, see, or taste what the writer did which makes them use their imagination. The topic I would use would be a descriptive topic relating to events which would be a wedding ceremony. My auntie recently got married during the summer and it is a moment that I fully remember. I could describe the scenery, the music, and the emotions that were present on the wedding day. The activities we did about freewriting, brainstorming, and clustering can also help me with writing my descriptive essay. It would help me sort out my ideas properly and narrow them down to certain topics.

    1. I agree. This definition was all that I would need to know to understand what a descriptive essay is. I also experienced a wedding this year, my cousin's wedding. It wasn't what I expected, but it was something I won't forget.

    2. I agree with Cyann. When writing a descritpive essay we should be able to make the reader feel as if they are there experiencing it all.

    3. I agree. Descriptive essay would give the writer an opportunity to share his/her experience.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A descriptive essay is an essay where the reader can get a vivid image of whatever topic the writer is writing about. Usually descriptive essays are written from personal experience but in some cases, it can be fictional. A descriptive essay I would write about varies. I, like many people, have many personal experiences but I think I would write something fictional because ideas flow out easier for me. But then again, like I said, it varies. The activities we did in class were fun. We had many laughs & saving people (more like person actually).

    1. I agree. Descriptive essays can also be fictional. It would make both the writer and the reader of the essay use their imaginations. It would also make the essay very interesting.

    2. I agree too! It can be fictional. The writers can write a topic using their imaginations.

  10. A descriptive essay gives the writer the opportunity to focus their idea on one topic. Writers focusing on one topic allows them to elaborate more about that idea using the basis of experience and careful, but clear wordings. The idea of descriptive essay being influenced by experience and clear wording to me helps readers become interested. The descriptive essay I would have chosen is the happy thoughts. I believe happy thoughts is a broad topic, but you can expand on it in so many ways. Happy thoughts also can support both the organizational aspect and the relationship between writer and reader.

    1. I agree that writers focusing on one topic makes them more careful using clear wordings when writing a descriptive essay. I agree with also how happy thoughts is a broad topic.

    2. I agree with you Aaron. A descriptive essay gives the writer the opportunity to focus on one topic and write particularly well on it. If the reader and the writer share a connection between each other, then the descriptive essay has done its job. It is also good to use clear and concise language so that the reader can comprehend the essay. I also agree that happy thoughts is a broad topic and is fairly easy to write about.

    3. I feel Aaron's definition of a descriptive is pretty much dead on. I like how you would use happy thoughts as a topic for your descriptive essay.

    4. I feel the same way with Aaron where readers become more interested when clear wording are involved. Being an eloquent writer draws the readers attention, peaking into their curiosity.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A descriptive essay is basically an essay that is used to describe any one thing. It is used to explain an experience that you have experience. If the writer uses the guidelines it will definitely make the readers become interested in the essay. Also using your senses while writing a descriptive essay is a good idea, so that the reader would probably think about it the same way. If I had to choose a topic, I would choose food. I mean who doesn't like food? There is so much to describe about any kind of food. I think that is why I would choose that topic. The things we learned today will definitely help me with writing an essay. I have never done any of these steps before writing my essay. Freewriting would help me get an idea of what to write about and then using brainstorming and clustering to help organize what I will be writing about.

    2. I agree with John's definition of a descriptive essay. I feel that it is all about using your senses and i'm glad most have said that.

  12. A descriptive essay describes an object or event that took place, explaining our senses and feelings we felt in a broad prospect. This type of essay allows us to be creative almost limitless with ideas on describing either a person we are writing about, or a place we have visited, etc. We are basically making the reader feel as if they were there experiencing what we, as the writer, have witnessed with our senses.
    There are two topics that I am debating to select for my descriptive essay, and they are both relating to feelings. The Falling in love topic is one of them and the other is about my Happy moments. In the Falling in love topic I will explain about our, my husband and I, journey to the church alter. And for the Happy moments I would describe about my nights as a cultural dancer at P.I.C. and how much performing made me happy.

    1. I agree. It allows the writers to be creative with the experiences that they witnessed. I would also write about my happy moments as my topic.

    2. I agree. Using creativity to appeal to the reader's senses will make the reader feel as if he or she was with the writer. Great topic choice by the way!

  13. A descriptive essay clearly describes a place, event, something, or someone by appealing to the reader's senses of touch, taste, sound, smell and sight. Descriptive essays are very detailed, it uses literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, figurative language, sensory details, and colorful diction. Without these devices, the descriptive essay's purpose is lost. An effective descriptive essay allows the reader to "see" the image the author tries to "paint" in the reader's mind. As I know from prior knowledge, descriptive essays can be written in two ways, spatially (meaning from top to bottom) or chronologically (what is sensed first). That way, it is organized in a certain way to help the reader place the puzzle pieces of a masterpiece together.

    A descriptive topic I would write about would be visiting a new place for the first time because I believe the senses are heightened. There would be a multitude of things to describe, from the smell of the room, to the layout, the noise level, and etc., in my opinion.

    As for the day's activities, I feel that learning one on one with a teacher is more effective than sitting in front of a computer screen.

    1. I agree with everything you said. It seems you have a clear understanding of this particular topic and have a broader range of knowledge in linguistics than I do. I could learn a thing or two from you, and I also agree that a classroom setting with a teacher is better suited for learning than some online session. :)

    2. I definitely agree with Ashley. Descriptive essays do provide readers imagery, symbolism, sensory details, and colorful language tying to "painting" the readers' minds.

  14. A descriptive essay describes some sort of event, place, person, or something by appealing to the five senses of every human being. They use various literary devices such as imagery,and diction, which sets the tone, which then sets the mood. They try to appeal to the audience by enticing them with words that they can relate to, to make them feel like they are actually there seeing such event occur, at a certain place, or see a certain individual. All descriptive essays must have a dominant impression for it gives purpose to the essay. It creates the overall mood or atmosphere and if this is established then the essay's purpose is laid out. If a descriptive essay does not have a dominant impression then it is devoid of effectiveness

    A descriptive topic I would write about would be a personal goal that I have achieved, or a special moment in my life, something in that nature. I would use this because there are so much emotion to that event and there are so many things I could describe to an audience that could make them feel that moment as well.

    Today's activities I feel were great. It is always nice to sit down in a classroom and learn than it is to sit at home and learn from an online session.

    1. I agree with Cameron how a descriptive essay should involve the person's five senses. To me it adds a feel towards the writing. Also expanding the writing by using many literary devices to help strengthen and support the writers thoughts.

    2. I agree. It is important to use sensory details. It gives the reader a better feel of the essay. It also helps the reader understand what the writer intended.

  15. Descriptive essay is an essay that describes something, or defines something. there is a thesis but it isn't necessarily argumentative.It allows for the write to explain how one felt during a significant experience. A descriptive topic I would write about would be my first day in college, because I think it would be interesting topic to write about your experience.

  16. A descriptive essay is an essay that describes a person, place or thing. It is the way you can explain something with the your 5 senses. You describe every facet of a thing or a person and make the reader want to see the person, the thing or taste the food you describe. The topic I chose to write about was happy moments but I might just change it to food.

  17. A descriptive essay describes the emotion, experiences. Actually I think that its as long as it is used to give the readers a more detailed idea. I am betting that other people on the lower (if this is going to show on the top) is the same, or at least something similar. anyways just like Jericha Lynn has said above me,(if this appears on the bottom) they are also used to explain something with your own 5 senses. Small note by the way. I just notice that this is going to appear on the bottom because I saw the date right next to the name. Thanks for Reading if you did.

  18. A descriptive essay is and type of essay that is used to describe something, whether it be a person, place, experience, etc.. Like everyone else is saying, a descriptive essay gives you the chance to 5 sense. It gives you the freedom to say almost anything you want about what you are going to describe but if it is about a person, I would keep in mind about the persons' feelings, if possible. When I write my descriptive essay, I will be writing about either sad moments or falling in love. I will try my best to be as descriptive as possible so that I will succeed in giving you the idea of how I feel.

  19. A descriptive essay is an essay that describes a place, experience, a thought, and sometimes something as simple as food. Writing a descriptive essay gives you the freedom to be as creative as possible. It gives you the chance to put you're heart and soul into what your describing. You have almost no limits on how much emotion you can put so it is a good essay to use if you want to talk about something like happy or sad moments.

    1. I agree with Katherine. In writing you dont have limits. And thats great with descriptive essays. You could give as much of a description as long as its clear and vivid. You want your readers to understand and experience.

  20. A descriptive essay is an essay that gives specific and vivid details to enhance and appeal to the readers senses. These descriptions can be about anything, whether your describing a person, a place, an object or even how you feel. The topic I choose to use for my descriptive essay will be happy moments. We all have our happy moments. And some of these momens we can remember clearly like they happened yesterday.

    1. I agree with your definition of a descriptive essay. I see you have also picked a happy moment to write about.

  21. A descriptive essay is an essay that uses the senses. It is used to describe things from an object to an event. The reader is able to see or feel as if they are part of the event. I choose to write my essay on my home. It is the place where most of my time is spent and writing about my home while at home gives many advantages to a better descriptive essay.

    1. Good topic choice! I think that it's good to write about something you know.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. A descriptive essay is an essay that utilizes sensory details to appeal to the reader's senses. By appealing to the reader's senses, he or she can experience what the writer has experienced. For my topic I originally chose the topic relating to food, but I decided to write about a happy moment instead. I think that it is easier to write something from experience.
