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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reflection - Section 6 - August 26

Discuss your thoughts about today's activities. re: Underlining, annotating, outlining, summarizing, etc.)


  1. I had already learned these topics previously, but today's lesson was a good refresher and it can only help to strengthen my knowledge in these areas.

    1. That's a good thing that you learned these topics before. I know some of them, but it seems like I either forgot the rest or that they're just new to me. Today's lesson was really good for the both us.

    2. I've actually learned of these methods as well. It has been a while since I've used them and today's lesson was a good way to test what we know.

    3. I'm sure that as time passes, we will know these techniques and be able to use them very well. They're really good methods that can help us understand a reading or write a paper.

    4. It's good that you've learned these topics before. This time these lessons will just refresh and improve your knowledge.

    5. I agree that it was a good refresher to relearn how to annotate and underline what's important in an essay. It really does help, especially in times when we have to read a difficult passage. I would feel really stuck if I didn't know that it is possible to annotate and underline.

  2. In class today, we learned how to do underlining, annotating, outlining, and summarizing. Some of those techniques that were introduced today to me were new. I think those techniques will become very useful for me in the long run. I need to practice more and hopefully I can be good at using those techniques. Some of us also got to review our essays with a partner. Mine needs some minor adjustments and I will fix it.

    1. I assure you the techniques you have learned today in class will be useful. When you utilize these techniques, you'll have an easier time understanding the reading. I advise you to follow through with your plan in familiarizing yourself with the techniques.

    2. Yes, these techniques really do seem to come in handy. Although I am familiar with them it was good to review because it has been a really long time since I've used them. I too need some practicing on it. I did not get to review my partner's essay just yet, but peer editing is a good idea.

    3. Peer evaluation is really important because it is constructive criticism. I agree that those techniques are really helpful, especially since all of our classes are pretty much lectures and we can't write every single word that our professors tell us.

    4. I’m glad you had the opportunity to learn about some of the techniques that were taught today because they are very helpful. If you keep practicing using these techniques, you’ll become very familiar with it. As for the peer review, it is a great idea for someone to go over your work for any errors you might have missed and to give their own opinion about your writing.

    5. Very true. The lessons that we learned were also very new to me but I also believe that those topics are very useful and will help us in the future.

  3. Underling, annotating, outlining, summarizing, etc. are techniques used to achieve a closer reading. I am familiar with these techniques and have used them quite often in the past. I thought today's activities were a great reminder of how handy these techniques can be when applied. It is imperative that everyone familiarizes and uses these techniques in order to fully comprehend a text.

    1. You're right, it will help us all achieve a closer reading. I think I probably just forgot about the rest of the techniques. It will all come back to me with some practice.

    2. These techniques are really helpful. Like everyone so far has been saying, it is a great reminder and review. It is a good way to really get into what we are reading. These techniques are something I would let people know about.

    3. I agree that everyone should become familiar with these techniques. We should have more practices to help us improve and better understand them.

    4. Great insight John! Always remember that in order to move forward, you may be required to take a few steps back every now and then. In fact, I find this step, to go back, to be very essential. You'd be surprised to uncover a few steps that may have been missed back then.

      It's a rule of life. (:

    5. It's not bad to learn something again. We all learn new things each day but learning something again only tests our knowledge and our ability to apply them again.

  4. Today was a very productive day. In a matter of 1 hour and 20 minutes we've already covered the basics in writing which are going to be helpful in the future. Annotating was new to me so I guess I'd use more of that the next time. My questions about 'online stuff' were so also answered. So all in all, today's meeting was great.

    1. I'm glad you thought today was a productive day because it surely was. On another note, keep in mind that annotating is just as important as the other techniques. When annotating, you're simply locating key terms and ideas and combining them to generate a main idea.

    2. I kinda feel the same way about annotating, but I think I just forgot about it. We should keep practicing and familiarizing ourselves with it.

    3. Today's class session was very informative. Getting around our online course and this blogspot was a bit confusing to get into, but meeting as a class helped. The note taking part is as important as the other techniques as well. Although I am familiar with them, I really do need much more practice especially the annotating part.

    4. I agree about how well we used our time so wisely. It was a bit of a refresher and hopefully we will be able to better understand it. I am also grateful that the blog and moodle were explain more clearly, because now I am able to reply.

    5. I am sure that it was a very productive day too. It was informative and helped us to earn skills that we can use in the future.

    6. It sure was a very productive day today. I, to be honest, don't really like the subject English so I don't usually remember any of my past lessons in high school so learning about today's topics really refreshed some of the things I learned from before.

    7. My questions about the online work were answered as well. I accidentally blogged in the wrong section or class. I explained the situation to the teacher, so now I'm more aware of where I need to go to blog.

  5. Today we were taught about different ways to get a better understanding on what we read. Underlining key words, annotating, outlining and summarizing. I actually have used these methods in the past and they really do help, but it has been a while. Learning about them again was a good review. I know for sure that using these tips will help with future readings and papers. It is something that I would advice people to do.

    1. Yes, using these techniques help a lot when trying to understand a text. The use of these techniques will also help get you the most out of your reading. Moreover, it would be a good habit to apply these techniques when reading.

    2. Today was a good review and learning experience. I know that I've used some of these techniques before too. I think we just need to keep reviewing and practicing on it. I agree that these techniques will help us with future readings and papers.

    3. I have used these methods before, but I never knew it. During note taking, I only took what was mostly emphasized in a paragraph and I thought I was just being lazy, but today, I learned that it is actually a technique. So, today's discussion was really a good review.

    4. I'd advice people to do it too! I mean, it saves time and it's not even that hard. Just keep on practicing until it becomes a habit!

    5. It sure has been a while since I did some annotating on a passage. I am happy to say that this review was good for many of us. I would also like to thank you for peer reviewing my essay. I am also glad to have read and reviewed yours as well.

    6. Because of this class, I specifically know about useful skills for my writing. I really want to develop these skills so that I can be a good writer in the future :).

  6. I found today’s lesson quite interesting. I had learned about underlining and outlining, but I was unfamiliar with annotating. The first exercise was great because it helped me to comprehend the concept of annotating, although I still need more practice with it. However, the second exercise was a bit challenging because I was unsure about which rule applied to the sentence. Overall, today's class was great.

    1. I agree about how it helped and that the second exercise was a bit of a challenge. The rules for writing effective summaries was something new to me, and seeing how much we guessed, I think that it is also new for most. It was a great discussion, but we need more exercises to better understand.

    2. That's great that the first exercise helped you comprehend more about annotating. You'll eventually be good at it. Just keep practicing because practice makes everything perfect. I also agree on how the second exercise was a bit challenging. It sort of confused me too. I need practice on that

    3. I wasn't used in using anotating too. But John was right. It is as important as the other techniques so we should just keep on doing it until we get there.

    4. I think it was really fun and helpful for students. I also believe that it's as important as the other techniques as Camille said. It has a strong and clear point.

  7. I believe that today's discussion will not only be helpful for english, but also for our other classes, especially during note taking. Annotating and underlining would really help us indicate the main idea of the paragraph. I also liked how in our exercises, it gives us helpful tips on creating professional e-mails. Though we mostly guessed on choosing the correct rule in writing effective summaries, I believe that as we discuss it more, we will be able to answer more confidently.

    1. Yes, applying these techniques in other classes other than English will truly be beneficial, especially during note taking. You'll have notes that are short and straight forward. The techniques introduced to us today will definitely help in future readings when looking out for the thesis.

    2. I agree with your opinion that these skills will be helpful in other classes and the future. I believe as long as we don't forget, we will apply the skills to almost everywhere.

    3. For sure that the lesson about annotating, underlining and outlining would be helpful with other classes too. Like what you said especially note taking from a book or something. Everyone uses these techniques.

    4. These techniques will be useful for other classes as well. I'm sure that our skills in writing papers will improve and we'll have no difficulty in completing a good paper in the future.

  8. Today we learned about annotating, underlining, summarizing and outlining. It's not really new to me because i've used it for a couple of times. it is true that it makes reading easier because it helps you out with understanding the passage you are reading. I still need to practice on it because i am not very good at it yet. Today was still a chill day. Great class

    1. Practice makes perfect! I am pretty sure that your skills will improve. Because I am similar to you. I've been taught these techniques quite a number of times over the years of high school. The more we practice the methods, the better we will get!

  9. Today's lesson about underlining, annotating and summarizing refreshed my mind about what I have already learned about these methods in the past. These writing techniques can really help with improving the quality of many future readings and papers of mine. The first exercise was a breeze, but the second exercise about identifying which rule was used for summarizing was a bit challenging. It really does take a lot of critical thinking about which rule is being used. I'm sure this class will help me improve my writing skills. Overall, today's session was productive and fun!

    1. I agree with you that the second exercise was a bit hard. I kinda got lost of what to do there during class time. I also think that these lesson we had will really help you with improving your skills

  10. The lesson about annotating, underlining, summarizing and outlining was really helpful for me to have a clear idea of how to read efficiently to write. I think underlining is the most difficult part because I have to find out what is really important to underline. I am sure that in this class there are many things to study for my English. This lesson was great!

    1. YEs, for sure that in this class there will be many things to study about English. For underlining, you will just have to underline the key words that will help you remember what's the story or passage was about.

    2. Yes, me too! Sometimes I find it hard to choose what lines to underline because it seems like every line is important! But I guess this is where our criticism skills will come in handy.

    3. This lesson also helped me have a clear idea on how really understand a passage, and even an essay. With a bit more practice, I'm sure we will all get the hang of this. I tend to underline a lot of phrases, so hopefully I'll be able to learn how to really pick out the important parts of a passage.

    4. Underlining could be confusing because to some points may be or may not be the same to others. Others could underline more than what you think is an important point.
