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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reflection - Section 5 - August 26

Discuss your thoughts about today's activities.  (re:  Underlining, annotating, outlining, summarizing, etc.)


  1. It was great learning these topics, however, we (meaning I) needed a little bit more time to do the activities.

    1. I agree. Even if I was introduced with most of the the techniques we learned in class. I still need a little bit more time to do the activities. Especially with the annotating part.

    2. I agree. I didn't know what to do during the activities until 10 minutes after she said we had to do the exercise. I needed a bit more time as well.

  2. Annotating was a new skill to writing introduced to me. It was very helpful along with the other activities to refresh and improve my writing skills. Learning more about underlining and annotating made outlining much easier.

    1. I agree. All the reading techniques ties together! It would help the reader become a better writer.

    2. I like your POV, and I highly agree with it. The way these 3 topics were introduced, made me understand it much easier than I did in High school. Thanks for helping me, and sharing your book!

    3. I agree with Jhenirose. Outlining was once a task that I dreaded when reading for writing. But in class, I learned to use each technique in succession in order to write outlines more efficiently and effectively.

    4. I agree with Jhenirose. Annotating was a new skill introduced to me. All the techniques that we learned in class helped me do outlining much more easier.

    5. "Learning more about underlining and annotating made outlining much easier" is something I agree upon because in the end the different strategies all do connect to one another. From getting key words in a section, a person is able to make a summarized sentence, and so forth as getting that sentence and making a summary leading to an outline. Using all these different strategies a reader understands the writer in many ways.

    6. I agree with you. Annotating was definitely a new skill introduced to me as well. It really helped with outlining.

  3. Today was a very productive day. It was a great refresher course on pre-writing skills focusing on underlining, annotating, and outlining. A very helpful skill would be the use of capital letters as emphasis on your piece. Summarizing helps students present their ideas in a shortened paragraph. It was a great benefit towards my education.

    1. I agree. Not very often do we get the chance to refresh back to techniques that we were taught before and now we can finally make use of them. As a student fresh out of high school, we weren't always encouraged to use these techniques often because we didn't necessarily need to.

    2. I agree with Aaron. Monday's activities in class helped refresh myself with the concepts I learned throughout high school. The lesson on the proper use of capitalization also was an interesting matter to discuss.

    3. I agree with Aaron. Some of the skills I learned today - I completely forgot about! Now I have these techniques to look into when reading passages or essays to help me have a better understanding. I would like to use them more in my future readings.

    4. I agree. I am glad that we reviewed over these basic skills. I honestly forgot about them. These skills were very beneficial towards my education before and will be beneficial to my education now.

  4. Some techniques that we talked about today were really helpful for me to get general ideas of writing. I knew what summarizing was but didn't know what is annotating. I am glad that I have inquired a new skill for my writing and today was a huge benefit for my English.

    1. I agree. Annotating helps extend the readers involvement in the passage. Annotating helps turn the reader into a writer.

    2. I agree. The techniques we learned helps us understand what we are reading and gives us ideas on how our writing should be.

    3. Just like Hanmin, I didn't know what is annotating until that day.The techniques we learned today will help understand what we are reading.

    4. Agreed. These skills are going to benefit all of us in English and many classes to come.

  5. The information I have consumed today has helped me improve my writing skills. Now I won't be too messy with my writing. I knew what summarizing was but I did not know about the annotating.

  6. Today, the techniques we learned on underlining, annotating, outlining and summarizing were very useful. It will become very helpful in the near future. It helped in such a way that I can have better understanding when reading passages. The outlining techniques will help me get better understanding of the main ideas of the passage. It was a great exercise and it helped me prepare for upcoming activities in class.

    1. I agree with Jerlyn. The techniques we learned in class were useful and can be used throughout the duration of the course.

    2. I agree. These techniques will be useful throughout the class. They are also useful for taking notes within other classes.

    3. I agree that the different techniques are helpful and is a great opening lesson for us. It shows us that we should practice these techniques always in any book or work that we would like to understand. In the end, the techniques are simply made to do that summarizing a section for our understanding.

  7. I got a lot out of the topics today. I learned a few new things. Didn't know flaming was an official word to be honest. Though I knew about summarization and reaction, it was a good refresh for me since summer pretty much drained me of anything I learned out of high school.

  8. I enjoyed practicing annotating and underlining skills today. I was able to make new friends with the people beside me, because we assisted each other on what should be underlined and annotated on the essay provided. Reading out loud to the class isn't something I do often, so I'll be sure to speak loud and clear next time. I created a Gmail account right after class, and I'll be rereading my About Me essay soon. Hope everyone else enjoyed annotating, underlining, outlining, and summarizing.

  9. Today's activities helped to refresh my memory on reading techniques that I learned in high school. The subject matter was not new to me, as my AP English 12 instructor encouraged us to underline, annotate, outline, as well as summarize whenever we would read our novels. Many of these techniques were lost during my transition from high school to college, so it was good that we went over the material today during class. The in-class assignment from the textbook was also helpful in restarting my practice of underlining, annotating, outlining, and summarizing whenever I read new material.

    1. "Many of these techniques were lost during my transition from high school to college.." amen! I couldn't agree with you more Ed! I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels this way in class.

    2. I had British Literature during my last year of high school. It was very helpful indeed to have learned the techniques once again because of the fact that I didn't use those techniques much in that class. The in- class assignment really helped! Back to stage one!

    3. I agree with you Eduardo. I learned about these techniques in high school as well and I am glad we went over them again, especially annotating. I still need to get use to using that technique.

    4. The AP English teacher Eduardo talked about using the different techniques we learned during class he would call it "making the paper bleed". Expanding on that, using the techniques allows the reader to fully understand the work by making it the reader's own. It becomes the readers by "making the paper bleed" for them to summarize the section they're reading.

    5. I agree. My english teachers in high school always stressed the importance of these basic techniques. They really helped in understanding and analyzing literary works.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. As a student, the techniques we've discussed are effective ways to retain long information. Underlining and annotating makes it easier to understand the piece that you're reading as well as writing a response to it. With that said, you can always refer back to the notes you've taken without having to read the whole passage again.

  12. Today's activities helped me in some of my problems in taking notes. I learned an effective ways and easy way to take notes. I also had to share my book to my classmate. We helped each other with the activities.

  13. Today we refreshed our memory of the underlining technique and writing an organized outline from the passage from the book. We also learned new things from the passage such as effective email practices and how to send an e-mail in a more professional way.

  14. Underlining was introduced in a completely new way to me today. I feel like I can take notes more effectively now. Annotating was something I always did but I never used both underlining and annotations at the same time. I am also really bad at summarizing but reading those 9 rules on writing an effective summary helped me see it in a different way. The only problem I had with today was that I didn't have enough time to finish the activity on time.

    1. Yeah I agree. I wasn't really a good at making summaries, as well, but the 9 rules on writing will make me better at it in the future.

    2. I agree with Joseph that reading the rules of writing a summary helped me. I am bad at writing summaries too. And it was an eye opener.

  15. Today, we learned about underlining, annotating, outlining, and summarizing. Almost all of these things were new to me except for outlining, but I still don't really know how to outline. So, I was glad that we were able to go over these things today and that I learned about them.

    1. I too am glad we went over everything again. Some of the things that were introduced were new to me too.

  16. The lesson we went over today helped refresh my memory about underlining, annotating, outlining, and summarizing. The exercises we went over also helped me understand how to use the techniques correctly and more effectively. These techniques can also be used for other subjects as well.

    1. I agree, I have already started using these techniques to take notes in my other classes. It really does make it much easier to understand the material when we use these techniques.

    2. Yeah I agree. I used these techniques before, but annotating was something new to me and the way I learned these techniques before was really different. These techniques really helped me understand how to use them correctly.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I agree. The exercises also helped me understand and remember how to use the techniques correctly. These techniques are definitely useful for other subjects.

  17. Today was a good review and learning experience. I had learned some the techniques that we learned today, but I was unfamiliar with annotating. I think that these techniques will be useful for me in the long run.

    1. Like Sheena, I too am unfamiliar with annotating. And I also agree that these techniques will not only benefit us in our English class, but also the vast amount of classes we will be taking throughout our college years.

    2. I agree with Sheena in the way that these techniques will benefit us in the long run. Although the techniques are not practiced or perfected, we will most definitely see the changes later on.

    3. It was a good review and learning experience. I never knew what annotating was until that day. I am sure these techniques will help us with note taking.

    4. I agree with Sheena that these techniques could benefit me in the future. I think it will come in handy to use in other classes, especially in classes that have lots of readings.

  18. Today activities was a good review as far as underlining and outlining. I was introduced to annotating before, but was never influenced or focused to use it. It is a helpful technique though. I will be practicing the techniques of underlining, annotating, and outlining in future readings.

    1. "I was introduced to annotating before, but was never influenced or focused to use it." This! To be frankly honestly, I was never interested & focused on using annotating before this lesson. Somehow, Dr. Rivera makes it more beneficial to use it than how my other English teachers did.

    2. I agree, even in my previous English classes, the teachers never suggested or pushed me to use these techniques. It is definetly a refresher to my memory .

    3. I agree that annotating was never a focus. The way it was introduced in class made me realize that it can help in some way or form.

  19. Today's lesson definitely refreshed my memory. I'm glad that we took the time to review basic techniques for effective writing because I forgot some of them during my transition into college.

    1. I agree with Kristin. The lesson refreshed my memory as well and I am relieved that we did go over these things again or else I would have been lost.

    2. I agree with Kristin. Many of the techniques I learned in high school were lost during my transits from high school to college. It was great that we went over these topics in class, as it will prepare us for future English courses at the university.

    3. Yes I agree with this. Over the years of high school, my techniques in writing slowly faded until it was barely even there. I'm glad we went over these topics

    4. I highly agree with Kristin. It was a great way of refreshing the mind about effective writing. It feels like going back to stage one and learning everything again. It will surely help in the future english courses and essays I would have to review or write in the future.

    5. I agree. It's been awhile since I have been in the classroom. Writing and taking notes isn't something I did much since high school so it's always good to get a refresher on the basics.

    6. Annotating is going to be a helpful tool in the future me as well.

    7. I agree with Kristin that this lesson did refresh my memory. I have learned these writing techniques in high school, but it faded over time. This lesson definitely helped remember.

  20. Today was a great learning experience for me. I wasn't really taught how to annotate properly back in high school so this lesson was very beneficial. It was also a great refresher for underlining and outlining.

    1. I definetly agree with you. I too, was not taught these techniques in high school. It was new to me, but now I understand these techniques better now.

    2. Although I thought annotating was not helpful before this class, I now agree that it is of value when it comes to English and every other course in college. Also, underlining and outlining was a great refresher for it help place me back on track on how to approach pre-written and written work.

    3. I agree with you, Cameron. I haven't learn any of this in my English classes in high school except for outlining. It's great that we had a refresher for outlining and the other things we learned.

    4. I agree with Cameron that the technique of annotating is clearer now. I didn't really know how to annotate passages properly before, but now I do.

  21. Today's lesson was indeed a great mind refresher and starter for the class. I do not consider the techniques "brand new information" because of my middle and high school background, for they were practiced techniques that helped better writing skills. I believe that the various paragraph readings and oral and written exercises will help prepare us with our All About Me Essay assignment and the upcoming writing assignments that will come our way throughout the semester. Most importantly, constant communication with the instructor and students is a great facet in an English class. The dynamic movement and transferring of information constitutes a positive atmosphere and brilliant learning environment. In terms of the method on how we learn and attain new or old information, I think we should consider going more into detail of the topics (if needed) instead of simply reading off of the text.

    1. I agree with everything you just stated. It would help and make the class more interesting if we kept constant communication. I also believe that we shouldn't just read off the text because it makes class less interesting if we do that.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The lesson and activities on annotating, underling, outlining, and summarizing really helped. I have learned these techniques in high school. So the exercises given refreshed my memory. I am glad that we have gone over these techniques in the beginning of the semester because I will definitely use them for the classes I have now.

    1. I will also be using these techniques in class now. I would still have to think twice on how to use them properly, but still I will be doing the same thing you plan to do.

    2. Indeed, the lesson as an introduction to our class was of great assistance. These techniques do not necessarily apply for an English class alone. Therefore, it will most definitely guide us with the writings and readings in other classes.

    3. I agree. The lesson and activity we did in class refreshed my memory. Now that my memory is refreshed, I will definitely apply these techniques to my other classes.

  24. The lesson we had about annotating, underling, outlining & summarizing was a great memory refresher. Like what the others had stated, it's a good thing that we're going over the basics of writing & it can also help me review for other subjects besides English.

    1. I agree. These techniques can be used for other subjects, especially those that require a large amount of reading.

    2. That's a good point that we can use these strategies for other subjects. I can see these techniques used for many other classes in the future.

  25. What's great about these strategies is it'll make us into better readers, writers, and note-takers. Underlining and annotating is a great way to organize notes close to the source material and in our own words for less confusion. Outlining is also a good technique for keeping ideas in a structured form and making summarizing an easier process. Summarizing makes for a quick reference with all the key ideas written into a shorter version to save time. All good techniques for us to use to become more proficient students.

  26. Underlining, annotating, outlining, and summarizing are all great strategies that are very useful to readers and writers. It helps to be more organized when trying to refresh you're memory on s specific thing. I think that underlining is a good way to take notes if you're in a situation where you're being rushed. I haven't really used these strategies before but now I will.
