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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reflection - Descriptive Essay – Section 6 - Sept. 4

Visit URL:  In your own words, discuss what a descriptive essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which descriptive topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #1. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. a writing used to explain something in detail, i.e person,place,thing, or idea.

    1. In detail or not, descriptive essays also allow the reader to comprehend to the descriptions given and figure out what exactly the writer's trying to say, like a hidden message or idea.

    2. I agree. Describing something in detail is a big chunch in writing a descriptive essay.

  2. Descriptive essay for me is basically telling your readers a particular topic in a blunt, witty and detailed way. The criterion is to get your readers to be familiar with the topic you have chosen. Whether it is about an object, person, place, experience, or just literally anything, it is acceptable as long as you are comfortable with what you are writing. This is a great way to practice your writing skills because you are expected to get your readers feel or at least imagine what you are talking about. Writing a descriptive essay is not that easy, you’d have to think and gather information. Every detail counts, whether it is big or small. If I were to choose a topic, I'd probably choose to describe a friend, specifically my best friend. I mean, I think that will be the easiest essay that I'd write because I know her so well.

    1. i guess writing a descriptive essay about a friend would be the easiest, only cause knowing that person inside and out makes the process a bit easier.

    2. Writing about a friend to me is easier than writing about anything else besides food.

    3. I like how how describe what a descriptive essay is.I agree that it isn't easy to write one at times, because like what you said, it means you got to really think and gather what you want to say. Details are the very key to writing this type of essay.

    4. I think that writing about a friend would be a good choice. You basically know everything about that person so you'd probably have a lot to write about.

    5. I agree that every detail counts when writing a descriptive essay. Everything you include in your essay must be well thought out to ensure a great outcome. If someone were to just write without the subject in mind, the readers might have trouble finding out the main idea of the essay.

    6. I agree. If you were to write about your best friend there probably is no need to brainstorm.

    7. I agree, when you allow the reader to become familiar with the topic, the more they would want to read it. Also, remember that it is important to stay on topic and not off it because it can confuse the reader about what you're actually trying to describe.

    8. I agree. Writing a descriptive essay really takes time. Every detail or reason the author writes must be broad and related to the main idea given on the first paragraph of your essay.

  3. It allows people to know what kind of emotion or pain the writer would be feeling. The writer may be writing something self experienced or just a story they once heard and just write and describe how they felt when being told. No matter if it were a book you were reading or sitting in a lecture, seeing and hearing how a persons reaction is a way of being descriptive.

    1. I agree with your meaning for what a descriptive essay is. Its like your trying to say that a descriptive essay is like writing a personal journal or diary. You feel free to write whatever you please, because you're describing a topic the way you see it.

    2. I agree with you, it's a way for people to understand how the writer feels. I get what you're saying that it can be self experienced or a story.

    3. That's true. They're a reflection of someone's life. That way, the reader feels the way the writer does.

    4. I totally understand. With the description of the writer's emotions, you could already put yourself or picture yourself in their shoes. Or at least that's how i think of it.

    5. I agree with your idea for what descriptive essay is. In my opinion, descriptive essay is aimed to write author's own experience. In this regard, the author should feel free about what they are writing.

    6. I think the best way to write a descriptive essay is through your experiences. The reader will be interested why you're feeling that way.

  4. I attended class today, because I feel like I would learn better in a classroom with the teacher present. So, today we went in depth with stage one of the writing process. There were only nine students that attended, so we all read more than once today. We all did three exercises on the book based on: free writing, brainstorming, and clustering. We ended on the last approach called gathering information. To me, a descriptive essay means describing in depth about a certain topic. It ranges from a variety of topics. I enjoyed free writing in today's class. It seems more'clear'to me now on how to start my essays.

    1. I agree with Kreeshia on her meaning of a descriptive essay. It's all about describing in depth about a certain topic.

    2. I agree as well. The free writing process really did help. I might just do so the next time I need to write an essay.

    3. I agree too. Descriptive essays is about focusing on a topic and making sure the reader understands too.

  5. A descriptive essay is one of the many ways a writer is allowed to connect with their readers. Using this genre allows for the writer to explain how they feel, what they do, or what they see. Describing the emotion that comes up when a certain event happens or what they do in their everyday job or morning routine, or even what they've seen in any adventure or recent moment they had experienced. The descriptive essay allows for the creative mind of the writer to explore and thoroughly explain how one felt during a significant experience.

    1. i can relate to what your definition of a descriptive essay is.

    2. What you say is true about how a descriptive essay can be use to explain to readers how the writer felt during a certain event. It is like looking through the writer's eyes and experiencing what he or she went through. As for the writer, he or she must be able to write a well detailed and clear essay in order for the readers to understand exactly what is being said.

    3. I like your definition of a descriptive essay. I think you can have a sense of what the writer is trying to express in a descriptive essay.

    4. I like how you mentioned that descriptive essay shows one's creative writing skills. I really like reading these kind of essays because it really gives you that scary, happy, sad, even geedy feeling. Those kind of essays where it'll leave you speechless after reading because it gave you so much "feels". I salute writers who are able to showcase that.

    5. I like your definition of a descriptive essay because it does in fact allow the writer to be more creative and it also gives them to opportunity to connect with the reader. Great explanation!

    6. the way you describe descriptive essay is great. I can tell that your descriptive essay would be really detailed and it would be interesting to read.

    7. I agree with what you said about allowing the writer to connect with their readers. They are allowing the readers to visualize what they see and create a better understanding of how the writer feels.

    8. We make use of our five senses in writing a descriptive essay. Writing what you feel and see can boost the reader's imagination. With that, you will be able to interpret what you're referring to.

  6. A descriptive essay is used to describe something or someone in detail. By clearly explaining and defining exactly what the topic is about. The topic I would choose would have to be about food, or my friend. I love to eat food and I like to describe how my food taste. Writing about any of my friends would be easy for me because I know a lot about them. I didn't go class today so I went home early.

    1. I understand why you prefer to write about food and your friends. Writing about food is a broad topic that we are all familiar with. Not only are we familiar with this topic, but we enjoy food in general. As with the topic of describing friends, it would be easy as well to describe each individual. It does require some practice to write down a very descriptive essay by using all of our senses and our view on something.

    2. Food and friends are the easiest to write, in my opinion. We know these things very well so describing them is definitely a piece of cake. I think descriptive essay is meant, or at least works best when you know what you are talking about really well. And actually, speaking of food. I love (sometimes hate) reading those kind of essays where it'll leave me starving or craving for that food after reading it! I love food too, it's not even funny.

    3. Food and friends would be an easy topic to write about, but the thing about writing a descriptive essay is that you have to consider all five senses. Writing about food would be easier than writiing one about a friend. I think it would be difficult to explain how a person tastes don't you think? Whereas, being descriptive about food would knock out most or all five senses.

    4. I agree with your definition of a descriptive essay. Although, I have to also agree with Isa about using the five senses to describe someone. Try writing a descriptive essay about an event or a certain place you enjoy going to.

    5. As you said, I also think descriptive essay is to illustrate something in detail. I think the best definition for descriptive is the one that you wrote.

    6. Those are good topics to write. Writing a descriptive essay about what you like or who you know is a great choice because you will not have a hard time describing and giving details to your topics.

  7. A descriptive essay is like creating a vivid image in your reader's mind using the five senses. It describes a specific idea in detail. Descriptive essays are fun to write. It brings out the imagination and creativity of the author. Descriptive essays are also fun to read. It can tell or show what the writer feels, thinks, or sees in what they are writing about.

    1. i totally agree with the use of all 5 senses.

    2. I agree, i think i'd have more fun writing descriptive essays because you instantly have to put yourself in the position to describe something genuinely with your own words, otherwise it won't make sense.

    3. Descriptive essays do open doors to being creative. In fact, the more creative you are with your essay, the better. Reading descriptive essays for you is probably fun to read because it is something personal. You enjoy learning things about the writer through their writing.

    4. Using the five senses are really important when it comes to writing this type of essay. Yes, i agree that it is fun. Describing something specific is fun especially if you're really into the topic. Reading and picturing what is being described puts us in the scene of what is happening in the story or essay.

    5. Thanks guys for agreeing! I'm glad you see where I'm coming from. I would be happy to read a descriptive essay from each and every one of you. I enjoy getting the chance to explore the different personalities a descriptive essay could reveal.

  8. Descriptive essays help the reader feel the way the writer feels. It puts them in a position outside of reader whereas they're actually living the story written. These types of essays are fun to read as you get into them.

    1. I agree that the reader could have their own little image that could make them visualize themselves as if they're a part of the story they're reading. It is fun to read these type of essays because it's like one creates a little mini movie in their head.

  9. Descriptive essays are meant to describe an object. A pencil in your hand, for example. How it looks, how it feels in your hand, the sound of sending the tip across paper, generating countless words with every stroke. The sudden, random thought that crosses your mind, "I've been using this same pencil for months now." The taste of it as you subconsciously bite on it in deep thought, and the smell of graphite on your fingers as you accidentally smudge a few words.

    I would write about a historical figure, because I love history. I would go into detail of what this figure has accomplished and how it affects us long after he has passed. I would try to imagine what went through the mind of the figure as he crossed this ocean or invented that thing, and I would laugh as I realize how seriously I would take this essay.

    1. Very well said. It is important to describe the topic in all aspects and senses. And wow, history? Darn, you must be really smart.

    2. I agree with your definition of a descriptive essay and I like how you provided an example. A descriptive essay is not just about describing how an object looks, but also using your other four senses to describe it as well.

  10. A descriptive essay would be an essay that has specific details or basically gives a description of what the writer wants you to see, feel or hear. It opens up a readers imagination making them picture what is written in the essay. In a descriptive essay the topic would be described in great detail or enough for the reader to see and understand what is being explained.

    1. What you are trying to say is that the readers will be able to step into the writer's shoes while reading the essay, and I agree.

  11. The denotation of a descriptive essay is "a genre of essay that asks a person to describe something." In my own words, it is the practice of using illustrative and coherent words to generate small images that when combined, create one unified vision or idea. A descriptive essay involves critical thinking in order to fully express one's subject. It permits writers to "run" with their words to leave a lasting impression for the readers to ponder on. I've done a few descriptive essays in the past and it definitely requires much thought. On another note, today's activity which involved freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, and gathering information was another great review. These tools help keep your essay organized, keep ideas flowing, or simply, to begin your essay.

    1. (I forgot to include the topic I would write about).

      I would probably write about the advantages of staying active because I am well aware of all the positive things that come along with it. When you stay active, you increase your stamina, improve your health, and lower your risks to sickness and diseases.

    2. Your definition of a descriptive essay is well written. Freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, and gathering informations are very helpful in starting an essay. With these, we are able to arrange all our ideas and thoughts properly about the topic we are writing.

  12. A descriptive essay is a way of writing which describes a detailed subject such as a personal experience, personal characteristics, and observations around our environment. If I were to choose a topic, I would like to write about my internship at Outrigger because it was the reason why I have a job and was one of my memorable moments in life.

    English is really my weakness and that is the reason why I tend to have a hard time writing essays. I would really like to learn and practice my writing and reading skills. Today's lesson was very helpful and made it easier when I write my paragraphs. I really enjoy our class! :P

    1. Writing about memorable experiences is a great topic to write about because you are completely familiar with the topic. There are countless things you can talk about including, what you felt, what you were thinking at the moment, etc. Since you are the person who experienced the event, writing about it would come naturally because you are simply recalling what happened.

    2. Writing an experience like that will surely be a huge help for those who would like to know how it feels like to be employed. Just like me. Personally, I'd love to read that because I have never had a job before. I would love to read all that I need to know when it comes to being employed. And don't be scared! English is my weakness too but I realized that we are in college now and we should never let a single weakness be a hindrance in achieving our goals. Goodluck!

    3. Writing important events from our lives catches the readers attention because they are able to get to know us better. I agree to all the comments you guys have inputted. I need to practice more in writing essays. Hopefully, I will get better.

  13. Today we basically talked about what we read as a class. We discussed about free writing which basically means to just write freely without minding any grammatical errors. Then gather what is important. Brainstorming and clustering was discussed as well. I would choose either a friend or falling in love as my descriptive topic, not that I had a romeo and Juliet kind of love story.

    1. The topics you chose would both make a good main idea for an essay because there are many things you can write about. Writing about a friend or falling in love would be simple to write about because it is absolutely your personal knowledge of the topic; it's what you think, feel, etc. I encourage you to stick with your topic and to further look into it.

    2. I agree. On shouldnt change their story. They should stick with one topic and describe it to its fullest.

    3. yup, we shouldn't mind about any grammatical errors and just keep writing. just edit it after your done and collect the important parts.

    4. I agree with you and John about how talking about love is a good choice for an essay. We have all felt something that we thought of as love, so it is something we can write about easily. We also do have knowledge of how it works because of the romantic movies and I am sure that we have all watched at least one.

  14. Descriptive essays helps the reader try to understand what the writer is trying to describe. The writer could try to describe a person, place, or an image and would like the reader to get the picture.

    1. yes, I agree with you that a descriptive essay helps the reader understand what the writer is trying to say. I also think that the reason why the writer describes the subject in depth is for the reader to understand or get the whole picture of it.

    2. *I choose to write a descriptive essay about my apartment.Since i am always home and surrounded by my apt. i believe i am capable of writing a descriptive essay.

  15. After learning these very helpful techniques in class today, I now have a better understanding on how to make my descriptive essay more in tune. The section i enjoyed the most was the free writing part. There's no such thing as a mistake or messing up while free writing. It allows us to gather our thoughts and write it down without worrying. A descriptive essay for me is a specific topic you talk about. It takes a lot of thinking & using the underlining,annotating & outlining techniques will be very handy while doing this. If I were to pick a topic to write about, it would be my best friend because I know him more than most people, & there's a lot to talk about

    1. I'm glad you have a better understanding on the descriptive essay. With the techniques you learned today, they are helpful when you're going to write a descriptive essay. Try to use emotions or the five senses because it can have the reader become familiar with whatever it is you're trying to describe.

    2. As Melanie said, I am also glad that you have such a clear understanding. By using some techniques that we have learned during the lecture, you can write really well.

  16. A Descriptive essay is an essay that goes more into detail with whatever the subject the writer is trying to talk about. The writer gives out senses and hints for the reader to get a picture in their head making their imagination to try to put all the clues together for the essay.

    Free writing has to be one of my favorite ways to brain storm. Even if i put down "blah blah blah" it helps ease my mind and helps me focus on what i want to write in my essay and not have to worry about all my grammatical errors.

    1. I couldn't agree more with how free writing would ease the mind. It does help the mind think and let the thoughts or ideas flow.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A descriptive essay is describing something using the five senses and emotions. With these two components, you can captivate the reader’s attention if they can familiarize themselves with what you are writing. The descriptive topic I would use is topics relating to things because I can describe an inanimate object using the five senses, which is what I enjoy doing. Some people choose to use emotions in a descriptive essay because it may sometimes relate to the reader on a deeper level. Aside from using senses and emotions, the key is to stay on track with your topic and be organized.

  19. Descriptive essay is when you have to describe an object, a person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. Everything has to be detailed and described in depth. How it feels, how it looks or how it sounds or how it taste like. When writing a descriptive essay you will have to just keep talking about your subject. It’s like a nonstop talk and just letting the words flow through. Not really caring about how long the essay is already. It’s like explaining something to a person who doesn’t know anything about it. If I were to write a descriptive essay then I would like to talk about food because food is easy to talk about and is fun to talk about. Today in class we talked about brainstorming, clustering and free writing. It was a very helpful exercise to practice for the descriptive essay. Now it’s easy to write my descriptive essay because of the activities we did in class.

    1. I agree with your idea. What you've explained above is almost same definition that I think.

  20. I think the definition of descriptive essay is a writing to describe or illustrate something in detail. As far as I concerned and looked other's definition, this is the most accurate definition.

  21. I think a descriptive essay is an essay that describes something, allowing the reader to feel as if they are watching or feeling a certain something. The topic I would choose is falling in love. I don't know if I've ever fallen in love, but it is my perspective on what love is and having felt that, it would be easier to describe.

  22. I apologize that I forgot to mention which specific topic I would write about. I would enjoy writing a descriptive essay about love. Love can be described any many ways and it is a very strong emotion people fee. I think that being able to describe something so complex in detail using the five senses is fun and enjoyable. It can be challenging, but the essay shows creativity and thought that is put into it. That's the fun about it. It's unlike any ordinary essay. As the author, you get to create an image in the reader's head using imagination.

  23. A Descriptive Essay requires the author to use his/her five senses to be able to describe what he/she feels toward the particular subject or topic. Making the topic alive helps readers to fully understand what is being discussed. I chose to write about the saddest day in my life. I can really still feel everything right now and I am ready to write it down.
