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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Reflection – Section 5 – Revising and Editing - Dec. 11

Visit this URL: Discuss the importance of revising and editing.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities. (re: handbook, essay brain stretcher, etc.)


  1. I really agree on the URL, I constantly used the revising technique throughout my essays in my classes/homework during this semester. I really looked if I had hit all the subjects the rubric requires me to as well as reading aloud to see if it's an easy read or good flow towards the writing. A good practice is actually outlining it to structure where to put the right paragraphs in the right order. Also the appearance to me is very important to me if it isn't clean then it's hard to read. I constantly check if it has all the requirements for MLA or APA format.
    The handbook reading during my moodle session is very lengthy and there's a lot of parts to understand, but like the moodle session it truly is resourceful in the end. I love how it contains common mistakes that we still do today. Man I'm going to miss the brain stretcher...that sucks!

    1. I agree with Aaron. The URL was very useful, and will definitely help with revising and editing future essays. I also found the handbook lengthy, but useful at the same time.

  2. Revising and editing is a basic key to writing an essay. The link provides a great, short way of explaining the process, adding to the ways provided in our book. I've always used the process when writing my essays to improve them. An essay would not be an essay if it wasn't organized, had many grammar and spelling errors, veered off from the subject, and had a horrible appearance. It would merely be an entry to a personal journal. That is why revising and editing is important.
    Today's activities were quick. The handbook is basically an overview of what we should have already known so we went through it briefly. Although I definitely need to work on selecting pronouns because I am not even sure why I can't figure them out.
    The essay brain stretcher is always fun. Even when certain writings are not so happy, it's sounds funny.

    1. I agree because I also revise and edit my papers before final submission to ensure its quality.

    2. JRose, I enjoyed hearing about me being the maid who badly sings.

  3. Revising and editing is very important in writing an essay. Not only did it help me in this class alone, but it also helped me in my other classes when it comes to writing papers. Writing an outline and organizing my essay structure really helped me in making sure that my essay wasn't crazy or hectic. It was also easier for me in the sense that I don't have to constantly revise sentences. The handbook is very resourceful, and it shows me that there is always room for improvement. There's a lot of techniques I can use and take advantage of in writing an essay.

    1. I agree with Jerlyn. The URL emphasized the importance of revising and editing. I too was able to use the revising and editing process in my other classes, such as BI100.

  4. Revising and editing are key points to writing an essay. For me, I enjoy them both only because I can just free write, and look over what i wrote using revising and editing. Today's class was actually short. I'm glad that we're FINALLY done with the book.

    1. I'm glad that we're done with the book too! I didn't think that we would finish the book.

    2. I agree that today's class was short, but eventful counting the fact that we finished the book.

    3. I agree with Imee. Revising and editing are crucial points to the development of an essay. I am also glad that we finished that textbook.

    4. Revising and editing are definitely key points to writing an essay. I'm very happy that we're done with the book as well.

  5. Without revising and editing, my essays would have been poorly written. Revising and editing is used to improve my first draft into a better final paper. The activities that we did today were indeed quick. In the handbook were things that we supposedly learned in high school, but I don't really remember being taught some of the things that were handbook. The brain stretchers were the same as usual.

    1. I agree. Essays would be poorly written without revising and editing it. There is always room for improvement.

    2. I LOVE the brain stretchers, only because its great to hear what other portray in the images given.

    3. I agree John. If I did not revise and edit my work my essay would be poorly done. It is good to look over your work before turning in anything.

  6. Revising and editing are key processes in the development of a good essay. Revising allows the writer to review and preview your work on behalf of the reader. Revisions can change a mediocre paper into a great one. Overall, I found the URL to be very useful. It addressed several common issues as well as solutions that many writers encounter as well as the importance of revising and editing.
    The handbook at the end of the textbook is also a very useful reference, despite being long and tedious. There are many aspects of writing that the handbook covered that I thought were very resourceful as well. It's amazing how we finished the whole textbook in one semester.

    1. I agree. Revising and editing are essential to the development of a good essay. It definitely makes a difference.

  7. Looking at the URL I thought to myself, "There is no need to open it because I can tell how important this is already." Revising and Editing is important in any type of writing; whether it be writing an story, essay, or even just a paragraph. It is more than just proofreading or even skimming a paper. It helps you reach that final step to your final paper. The handbook was a good refresher for me, and the brain stretcher was another fun activity as well.

    1. I agree with what you thought when looking at the URL Revising and Editing is important in any type of writing, indeed.

    2. I agree Mike. Going over the handbook did really help me out. I was having a difficult time answering a few of the questions, but I am glad we went over it.

    3. You are right, Mike. Revising and editing are important for anything you write. The handbook was a great refresher for the things we learned and didn't learn in high school.

  8. Revising and Editing is, to me, the tool that everyone must use to make their essay, paper, story, or even paragraph close to being perfect or even perfect itself. Its sort of like a game changer to me. For example, if I was to write a story but start to feel as if it was turning out terrible as I was ending it. With a little revising and editing, I could turn something terrible to something beautiful just like that. I'm glad that we are finished with the handbook. And I agree with Mikey, I thought that brain stretcher was pretty fun.

    1. I agree. Everyone should go through the revising and editing stages. It definitely makes a difference.

    2. I agree, Katherine. Everyone should use revising and editing whenever they write. If not things could not make sense when you read whatever the person wrote.

  9. Revising and editing are essential steps in the writing process. It has definitely helped me throughout the years. The link gave a thorough summary on revising and editing. Without revising and editing, an essay would have many errors and would be unorganized.
    Although the handbook was quite long, it was very resourceful and helpful. It covered common mistakes of writing. I actually moodle-ed today, so I was not able to do a brain stretcher.

    1. I agree. My essays I have written over the years would have a number of errors if they were not revised or edited.

  10. Revising and Editing is the last thing done to a paper before it is released for viewing. It's really important to see what you have written and if it is message you wanted to get across in your writing. As for today's lesson, it was a good refresher on the stuff we should have picked up on in high school.

    1. I agree, it is always important to have your purpose across when writing papers.

  11. It is always important to revise and edit a piece of work. Without these steps in the writing process, many papers would have errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, and the like, resulting in a poorly written paper. The act of revising and editing turns a paper into an extraordinary piece of work. Today's activities was a good way to end with the book because it helped refresh the simple lessons we learned in previous grades. The brain stretcher is always something interesting, for the pieces written are quite creative.

  12. Revising and editing your written work is always very important for any writer to do. If you do not revise or edit your work, it may not be comprehended by your audience or understood the way you would want it to be. It also gives you a chance to go back and strengthen or fix any errors you may have committed during your first time writing. Today's activities I felt were somewhat different from previous days. Sure we still did exercises from the book, but it just felt different in some way. It may have felt different because today was the last day and we finished the book. The brain stretchers always entertain me.

  13. Revising & editing after writing your paper is crucial. These steps helped me through out my high school years but, I must say that my writing, revising, & editing skills have improved greatly thanks to this course. The handbook review went by fast, however I honestly didnt know some because I've never learned of them in high school. I'm glad we went over those today to know that such things exist.

    Today's activities were fun as well as the brain stretchers. I'm glad we're done with the book too.

    1. I agree Christine. I consider revising and editing crucial as well. It helps me improve in my writing skills.

  14. Revising and editing your work after you finish is very helpful. This is very important in every essay you write. This helped me in all the essays I did the past years. Our review went very fast, I forgot most of what I learned back in elementary. It was really embarrassing forgetting those things, even though I'm in college. We did activities, it was fun, excellent brain stretchers.

  15. Revising and editing is very important when writing an essay. They help make your paper better by fixing grammatical mistakes that can be found within your paper. Doing these has really helped me when writing. If I did not revise or edit my work my grades would not be where they are now. It also helps having others read and edit my work because I am given different advice from them. The activities we did were fun as always, such as the brain stretchers. Each person's story was interesting.

    1. I agree, Cyann. Revising and editing are important when writing an essay and anything else for that matter. It does also help when someone reviews your own work too.

  16. Revising and editing are important when writing an essay, because it helps you fix the minor and major mistakes that you have when writing an essay. I will definitely use this for my final essay. I did not go to class today, but I went over the book to check our lesson for today.
