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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Post your final goodbye entry.  It has been a pleasure having all of you as students.  I will certainly miss all of you, but I am confident that you will use the writing skills/strategies that you've gained to continue to write effective essays.  Good luck!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera


  1. I would like to say happy Holiday to you all my fellow classmates. I had a wonderful time with you all. This semester is so great. I will see you guys around on the campus and off the campus. Again have a great Holidays, be safe and have a great time.

    1. Same to you man, Be safe and have a great holiday.

    2. Happy holiday bro! Be safe always, and I'll see you around!

    3. Same to you too bro.. Have a great and wonderful holiday and take care and be safe bro, see you around.

    4. Merry Christmas bro! Hope to see you again!

    5. Happy holiday to you too, see you around campus next semester.

    6. Happy Holidays to you too, and i'll see you around classes.

    7. Erwin,

      Thank you for always attending class. You may be a man of few words but there is no doubt that you are a great person. Happy Holidays man. Play it safe. (:

  2. This semester was enjoyable. I have learned so much, met many people and for that I am grateful. Thank you everyone and Dr. Rivera for being a part of this semester. Thanks for teaching me teacher!!! :)

    1. Thank you! You made this ending semester very fun!

    2. Thank you for bringing out your outgoing personality! I'm glad I met you, and I had fun earlier in class. Be safe always!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you for knowing all our names haha
      but real, happy holiday hope to you and hope to see you soon

    5. Again welcome to our class section. I am not going to lie but you are the loudest in our class and I mean it in a good way. Happy holiday.

    6. Dearest Sepe,

      I cannot thank you enough for coming into our class. Your outrageous yet sweet personality definitely kept us all on our toes, especially for me. You gave me life for I saw you as a breath of fresh and new air.

      Stay strong girly. I'll always be here for you. <3

      Sheena :D

    7. You were there for only weeks, but felt like the whole semester! Thanks for being energetic every time your in class. It was great to have.

  3. This semester was great yet challenging, but I have learned so much from each and one of you, especially Dr. Rivera. Hope to see you guys around. Enjoy the holidays and Be safe. Don't Drink and drive, buckle your seatbelt and dont txt while driving, it can wait. be safe all. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

    1. Be safe out there too. And have a great Holiday!

    2. I am glad you learned a lot this semester. Take care, and Happy Holidays! Be safe!

    3. Hey sis, I agree with you. Be safe and take care, happy holidays and hope to see you around.

    4. happy holidays! Enjoy your christmas and Hope to see you soon. be safe!

    5. Safety first. Avoid accident this coming holiday. Happy holiday to you.

    6. Happy holiday to you too. Be safe and enjoy your Christmas.

    7. Even on the blogspot, you still manage to speak like my mother Lexine. But don't take that wrong way for I am truly complimenting you. I would always feel safe whenever you'd attend class; you always calmed me down. In addition, you never failed to put a smile on my face so I truly thank you for that.

      Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.

      Sheena :D

  4. This semester has been a great one. When I first came in i didn't know anyone at all. But as time flew by and we got to know one another I was really happy and excited to come to class each day. I made new friends and had the chance to talk to everyone in class, i had learned many things while doing so. You guys are all pretty awesome and cool. Dr. Rivera, thank you so much for what you've done we all had a blast in the class. I hope you all have a safe Holiday this year.... :)

    1. I too did not know anybody in the beginning of class. It is great to know you have absorbed a lot of information this semester. You're a cool guy bro! Be safe and Happy Holidays!

    2. I agree bro. I as well had a great one, its nice we met a lot of cool friends hope you have a good and happy holiday bro and be safe and take care. hope to see you around.

    3. yeah the semester did go by fast, but it means we can move forward, eventually we will meet again. Anyways Happy holiday! see you soon!

    4. For me, I already knew some people. Anyway I also had a great time in our class. Have a safe and happy holiday.

    5. You right bro.! This semester was so great and full of joy. Happy holiday.!

    6. Lusech,

      Allow this class to be a lesson learned that just because everyone starts out as strangers, does not mean we cannot become friends and like family to one another. Your post was very touching as it allowed to learn your true feelings about our class and I am glad it was a positive one. You will always have us in any case you would need someone to speak to. I will definitely help you out, always.

      Take care man. :D

      Sheena (:

  5. Thank you all for an amazing semester! Thank you Dr. Rivera for your splendid lectures and in class activities. Your positivity along with everyone else's bubbly attitude made this semester a memorable one.

    I am leaving this class with a great deal of knowledge, and of course memories with new friends. :) I am truly blessed and thankful to have met you all. Also to experience it with such wonderful people. May you all have a safe and fantastic Christmas break. Good luck with your future endeavours, strive hard! I believe in all of you. I will miss going in to class with you guys, I will see you around. Again, may you and your families be safe always. God bless!

    1. You be safe too bro!
      HAppy Holiday and see you soon!

    2. Stay safe Bro and happy holidays!

    3. Be safe Bro. Happy holiday and see you around, on campus or off campus.

    4. I will always be sure to keep you in my prayers Kris. It was truly a wonderful experience spending this semester with you. Thank you for all the memories. We'll always be friends and I look forward to the next time we cross paths. Until then, let's be sure to keep in touch. Take care man. May God bless. (:

      Sheena (:

  6. Thank you all for a wonderful semester. I will be sure to carry you all along with the wonderful memories we have made together in my heart. Stay true to yourself and strive for the greater good! Follow your passion and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something.

    Although I have learned various lessons from this class, the one lesson that will always stick to me is the lesson about being kind to others and others will be kind to you. May we all continue to stay as close-knitted as a family.

    Thank you for becoming more that just my classmates you guys. Huge shout out going to Dr. Rivera for also contributing to the excitement and our happiness. Best of luck to you !! (:

    1. Thank you Sheena for your kindness. You had been done an amazing thing for our class. You always sharing your ideas and your time to help us out.

      Thank you very much.

    2. Thank you very much for your kind words Erwin. I will always be here to help you out, and that goes for all of you. (:

  7. This semester was a blast, my classes were all good, especially this one. I really enjoyed the class and my classmates, everyone were all friendly and outgoing. especially the teacher. I really enjoyed our class sessions as well as the class activities, that it seemed that the semester went by really fast. We feel happy that it's finally over yet we feel sad that we're finished this class. So with great love and happiness I humbly wish you all a great and wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.
    And I hope to see you around campus in the future.

    1. Beautiful post Egan. I am glad to hear that you had a wonderful experience in class. I hope a smile comes across your face whenever our class comes to your mind as it definitely does for me when I reminisce of all the wonderful times we've had together. Stay safe man. I hope to see you around campus. (:

      Sheena :D

  8. "Around here, However, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths" - Walt Disney

    To my fellow peers, I'm gladly to be friends with you all. You guys helped me challenge myself to overcome any obstacle that has been thrown to me. Dr Rivera, I thank you for pushing me to meet these obstacles. Without every single one of my peers, I think I would not be here. This is not goodbye, this is the beginning for us all and we will once again cross path.

    1. This was a very touching post Aaron. Continue to strive for the best and don't worry, there will come a time where you will harness and perfect the skills to writing and speaking eloquently. Work hard man and I guarantee you that events will turn into your favor. Stay safe and happy holidays. (:

      - Sheena

  9. This semester in this class had been great. My fellow classmates, I had a great time working with you guys. This is our last day for this class but it is not our last meeting. Hope we all pass this class.

    1. Great job Mel! I am sure you will definitely pass the class! Continue to work hard. (:

  10. This semester was a great semester for me, especially our class. Our class was just amazing all year round. I had great opportunities to spent time with classmates. I also shared many laughter with all of them. When ever I go to this class, I felt very relaxed and overwhelmed by the atmosphere. Coming to class just made it easier for me to come and learn.

    I hate that every class comes to an end, but at least I know that i did my job as a student to do every assignments. To my fellow classmates and especially Dr. Rivera, I thank all of you for making the class so much fun to learn. This may be the end, but it is not the end for all of us to see each other again! Happy Holidays everyone! and A Happy New Year!

    1. Chin up Mark for as you said, "this isn't goodbye". Take care of yourself man. Hope you don't get anymore injuries and good luck on your surgery!

      - Sheena (:

  11. First of all I would like to thank everyone for being my classmate. I thank you Dr. Rivera for being a cool who cares about us. I am sad that this class is coming to an end. Hopefully, we will still talk to each other. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    1. John, nothing is impossible. With that being said, I am sure we will cross paths again someday. Stay happy man.

      - Sheena (:

  12. This Class was amazing, we all got along and felt like one family in class. Section 8 was a great learning experience and I couldn't ask for any other (EN100). Dr. Rivera is a great teacher and made every learning experience fun. Happy Holidays everyone and GOOD LUCK to Yall next semster. lol

    1. I am happy to hear that you had a wonderful experience in class Marv! It was a pleasure being your classmate. I only wish you the very best in life; in your academia, family, and most especially with April. Stay strong. (:

      - Sheena :D
