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Monday, September 16, 2013

Reflection – Expository (Informative) Essay - Section 6 – Sept. 16

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an expository essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which expository topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #3. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. I believe that an expository essay is an essay that provides facts supporting your thesis statement. It is not the type of essay where you give your own opinion, but statistics and information that were proven to be true.
    The topic I would choose is why parents can sometimes be strict. I was raised by my Filipino mother, and as some of you may know, they can be super strict. Every time I plan on going out, my mom would give me a million reasons of why I cannot go. So, I believe that writing about that topic would have more reasons, than writing about consequences of skipping a class.

    1. I agree, your information must be supported by facts. I like your topic because I can relate to it very well.

    2. I also agree that it is same as my definition. I think the ideas should be supported by facts as Ozwald said.

    3. I have Filipino parents too, but they are not that strict to me. I guess not everyone is not the same :)

    4. I can definitely relate to your topic of choice about why parents can be strict. My mother is a strict woman herself, but I know that her main reason is that she cares. It'll be interesting to see how you write this essay.

    5. I can definitely relate to the topic you would like to talk about. Many Filipinos still follow the traditional way of raising their children. It's sometimes annoying but like what other people say, "Mother knows best." :)

    6. I like your definition of expository essay, its simple yet I can totally understand what to do with expository essay. I also like your topic, my parents are also strict, but right they just want the best for us.

    7. Your definition of an expository esssay is really helpful. I agree that an expository is not the type of essay where you could state your own opinion. It has to be facts.

    8. I've been in your position. The only difference is that it was both my mother and father who were really strict, but I learned that it was for my own good. I wonder if our experiences are similar.

  2. To me, an expository essay is basically an essay that involves an idea which is broken down into cohesive parts to achieve a view and/or an understanding. It normally involves research or experience on the idea. Moreover, it is supported by facts. I would choose to write my expository essay on why teens choose to commit suicide. After becoming certified as an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) specialist, I feel I have extensive knowledge of the reasons for why teens commit suicide. On another note, today's class activities were great. Personally, I prefer making outlines over clustering and listing. I find it much more direct and useful.

    1. That's really good that you're certified as an ASIST specialist because not a lot of people have that kind of knowledge. I agree, I prefer making outlines over clustering and listing too.

    2. I am fully agree with your idea and I like your brief way that I can use. You also pointed out that ideas should be supported by facts which I agree.

    3. I'd love to read an expository essay about suicidal teens. I had a friend who committed suicide so it'd be really interesting to know. Like what goes through their minds, what do they feel and why they choose to do that.

    4. I would gladly read your essay once your done. You have a great deal of knowledge about teen suicide, so your essay seems very appealing to readers like me. I also agree that outlines are more direct.

    5. That's a cool skill! You have the knowledge to inform the readers why teens commit suicide. With that information, it will definitely make a change and will enlighten the reader's mind what could be the consequences of committing suicide.

    6. I liked the way you stated your definition of an expository essay. It is clear and understandable. Your topic will have obtain a lot of facts.

    7. Wow. You're topic seems so interesting. I would not mind reading your essay at all. It seems like you know your stuff and I would like to learn a few things from you.

  3. As one of the four traditional types of writing, expository writing may include elements of narration, description, and argumentation, but unlike creative writing or persuasive writing, its primary goal is to deliver information about an issue, subject, method, or idea. Expository writing usually aims to explain, describe, instruct, or inform. The author of an expository essay can not assume that the reader or listener has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the topic that is being discussed. One important point to keep in mind for the author is to try to use words that clearly show what they are talking about rather than vaguely telling the reader what is being discussed. Since clarity requires strong organization, one of the most important mechanisms that can be used to improve our skills in exposition is to provide directions to improve the organization of the text. As for the topic I would like to write about, I choose how music affects your life. I love music because I love the diversity and many types that are uniquely created. For today's class session, outlining has become easier for me to do. I am glad that I am able to improve my skills more and more.

    1. I like your definition of an expository essay. Writing about how music affects your life is a really good topic. I believe that music affects everyone in a certain way.

    2. I agree that it is important to use direct words when writing expository essays. By doing so, readers will immediately identify the subject of the essay. The topic you chose is a great choice because you can really expound on how music impacts your life. I'm sure you will have a great time writing about your topic.

    3. I can't disagree that it is really important to use direct words. The reason why I think this is that I think expository essay is to explain a thing clearly, so if I use vague words the readers would not be able to understand well.

    4. I also agree. I mean, if you want to know something informative, the first thing you need is for it to be clear and direct.

    5. Your definition of the expository essay is very well said! In order to write a good essay, we must follow those criteria because it will give a clear and a smooth flow to the topic being discussed.

    6. I agree that authors should not be vague when it comes to this type of essay. I like all sorts of music depending on my mood. I think music does affect people's lives because it surely has affected me.

  4. I think an expository essay is a writer's explanation of an idea. It involves having a defined thesis statement and evidence to back up arguments with facts. The topic I would choose is how music affects your life. I can't go a day without listening music. Writing about how music affects my life is easy for me because I listen to it everyday. We did outlining during class and it helped me improve my skills on it. Some of us worked on our descriptive essays while a few did peer reviews.

    1. I agree with your idea that it is a writer's explanation. I also think as you do so I wrote down my definition similar to yours. I think your choice of the topic is interesting that intrigues the readers.

    2. That's a great topic to talk about. It will be easier for you to write your essay because listening to music is your daily routine. You will be able to consentrate more and give supporting details to your thesis statement.

    3. I agree with your definition! Ideas need to be explained, because if not, sometimes would not even exist.
      Your topic will be very interesting because music affects people in many ways but mostly emotionally.

    4. The topic you chose is a great topic to write about because many people are influenced by music and it really relates to you. I also agree with your definition about an expository essay.

  5. In my opinion it is a writing that explains author's idea, supporting and providing facts that helps the readers to understand. I chose "Explain how moving from place to place affects teens" as my topic. I think I can fully explain my ideas by using my personal experiences. In class I learned how to outlining, which was really helpful for my English writing.

    1. I'd love to read that. I can also relate because there were times in my life that we moved several times. Goodluck!

    2. That's a good topic to choose because you know how it feels like to move. I can't relate to it, but I know that moving is a challenging experience for teens.

    3. The topic you chose is an excellent one. I think it's a great idea to write about your personal experiences. You'll be able to provide great insight since you have experienced it yourself. I'm sure you'll have an easy time writing your expository essay.

    4. Writing about personal experiences will definitely strengthen your expository essay. It would be an interesting essay to read, because you as the writer feels comfortable enough to share your experiences.

    5. I can relate to your topic because I know how it feels like from moving to one place to another. It was very difficult in the beggining because of the environment and challenges I encountered.

    6. I like the topic that you chose, teens who kept moving round struggles a lot. in my own experience I moved like 4 times in one year. I would be interested in reading your essay.

    7. Writing from personal experience always makes things more interesting. I see that teenagers have different reactions to moving into new places and I would like to read about yours.

    8. I totally agree with your definition of an informative essay. I also think your topic will be very different from most of ours, seeing that you came from somewhere else.

  6. Informative was derived from the word information which means facts provided or learned about something or someone. Same goes for informative/expository essay. This genre focuses more on the facts and how to justify your facts. And just like any other essays, it should have a clear and interesting content. I'd probably choose to write some nonmaterial things that make me happy.

    1. Yes, I agree that an expository essay focuses greatly on facts and how those facts are clearly supported. I also agree that expository essays should be clear and fascinating for readers in order to keep them hooked to your paper. On another note, I'm sure you'll enjoy writing about your essay because it is something personal. I'm sure your essay will be interesting.

    2. If the essay wasn't informative and interesting, I agree I wouldn't finish reading it. Your choice of writing something personal is interesting, because you feel comfortable in sharing something about yourself, making your essay stronger and interesting to read.

  7. Expository means to explain or describe something. This basically means that an expository essay is an informative type of writing. As writers for an expository essay, we must find facts and inform the reader with many examples and descriptions on what our choice of topic was. This is the kind of essays that students are accustomed to, especially when writing an exam essay. To me, this would be the perfect type for a five-paragraph essay. I'm indecisive on what I would like to write about. I'm interested in writing about what the major stressors are for a teen, why brothers and sisters fight, or why teens commit suicide. I prefer to write one of these because I have knowledge and experience in them in some way or another.

    1. As for what we did in class, I'm glad we practiced outlining.

    2. The three possible topics you have chosen are great ones. I think it's clever to choose a topic that you are familiar with and have experience in. It'll make writing the essay enjoyable. Hopefully you decide on a topic soon so you can begin your draft.

    3. The topics you have mentioned are very interesting.I would like to read your supporting details or facts on your expository essay. These topics should be brought up so we can all understand why other teens feel that way.

    4. I think you should write about what are the major stressors there are for teens. that would be really interesting to hear about. I also like your definition of expository essay. yes it really has to be informative and detailed.

    5. I agree that an expository essay is an informative essay. It does help the reader to understand. Also it does help when you find facts to support your topic.

    6. I think the topic you should write about is the major stressors of teens. I have known you for years and all I ever see you do is work hard, especially when it comes to school and your family.

    7. I agree, it is really important to find facts because expository essays cannot be just your interpretation. You must have evidence to support the topic you are writing about.

  8. Expository essay means to explain, inform, and describe the subject to the reader. An author should give detailed information and specific reasons to support the main idea of an expository essay. The topic I would like to talk about is same sex marriage because this issue has not been resolved. It is very intersting and a good topic to discuss about.

    1. I didn't know that same sex marriage was one of the topics we can choose from , but yes that's really true. They are still debating whether to legalize same sex marriage in every country. I think they should because their not doing anything wrong, they're just in love.

    2. I agree. An expository essay explains and informs the reader to help them understand. Also you do need specific reasons to support your main idea.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Expository essay means that you have to investigate an event and support it with facts. It cant just be your own opinion. You have to have evidence for the topic you are trying to explain.
    If I were to write an expository essay I would choose "why some teens commit suicide" now a days I see more teens trying to kill themselves because of bullies and problems at home. that is really sad and I want to talk about the reasons

  11. An expository essay would be used to provide information. Writing an expository essay there should be supporting evidence. The essay should be clear and possess a proper flow. It should also explain your argument and leave the reader with no question to ask. I would choose to do which pet it want, because i would have so many reasons why i would want a pet fish. Today I learned how to revise and edit my essay. In stage three I learned how to improve my writing and grammer.

    1. This type of essay should leave the reader with no question to ask since it is an essay that provides information.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. An expository essay is one that explains a subject or provides information on a topic. It's main purpose it to be informative. This type of essay requires details and facts about something. It should be detailed to the point where you get your point across without forming any confusion from the audience. It must be clear enough to understand. Because the essay is based on facts and evidence, there should be less opinions. I would write about why I enjoyed a particular teacher because I've had a few very helpful ones so far.

  14. An expository essay allows you as a writer to elaborate or explain a topic based on facts. It is crucial to have evidence to support your argument. I would choose to write about why some teens commit suicide because it is a serious issue and can be justified by many facts.
